Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 142: Lightning Wall

Chapter 142: Lightning Wall

I followed Lin Feixue to Spacetime's exit. There, Captain Zhang Xingxing and the others were already waiting.

"Canyue, Wuzhou made a custom morph-capable shield device for Nyx. The shield will protect Nyx from the rain and help it reach its lair. Do you think you still need to go personally?" asked Zhang Xingxing, trying to offer a safer option.

"I think I still need to take a trip. What if we lose track of Nyx? We will lose our only shot at finding Prince Arude," I said firmly.

"Fine. We will install laser trackers and gamma transmitters on you and Nyx. Spacetime will track your movement the entire time. Please maintain communication with us and report the moment you discover something new. If the communication signals are blocked, turn the gamma transmitter on and off three times. We will take that as a sign to go to your coordinates," said Zhang Xingxing solemnly.

And when everything was ready, it was time for me to go get Nyx from the storeroom it was kept in. I arrived before the room with Lin Feixue. Ever since I tamed it, Nyx had remained relatively calm. It had stopped ramming the wall, but when I was away, it still wouldn't allow anyone to approach it. The soldier opened the door, and I walked in. Nyx stood up the moment it saw me.

I patted Nyx's neck and said, "Partner, give me a lift later. I'll take you home."

Nyx flapped its wings in reply, indicating that it understood me. A soldier came with a pair of custom-made reins with the special morph-capable shield device installed on it. I attached the reins to Nyx's neck. The moment the reins were put on, Nyx displayed clear signs of uneasiness. After all, having the reins on signified the loss of freedom. Any animal would instinctively resist it, but as I comforted it softly, it slowly calmed down.

And with all preparations done, I led Nyx toward the exit. Soon, I arrived before the exit. Lin Feixue ordered the soldier to open the door to the airlock.

"Canyue, the environment outside is extremely vile. If you can't find the entrance, return as fast as you can," reminded Zhang Bao'er.

I nodded at everyone, raised my right fist, looked at Zhang Xingxing, and said, "Wait for my good news!"

I then led Nyx into the airlock with Bulu in my backpack. The door closed behind me, and the exit opened in front of me. A blinding streak of lightning flickered across the sky the moment the exit opened. At such altitude, the torrential rain was even more concentrated. The violent gale carried the raindrops and assaulted the airlock, instantly drenching us and the room.

The wind was powerful enough that Nyx and I couldn't maintain stable footing. I hurriedly turned on Nyx's shield while doing so for myself. Thanks to the power of technology, we no longer lost our balance to the raging storm.

I then climbed onto Nyx's back and rubbed its head as I said, "Partner, time to look for your home."

Looking at the torrential rain outside and the lightning flashes, Nyx appeared slightly timid and refused to go forward.

I pulled the reins back and squeezed my legs together. I repeated the action several times and finally, the mount deep within Nyx's genes woke up. It raised its head, shrieked, spread its wings, and leaped into the dark world of rain.

Outside the spaceship, we could feel the prowess of the storm even better. The wind was fast enough to reach the level of a level-18 typhoon. No lights worked in such terrible weather, and I could only use my laser probe for navigation.

A massive streak of lightning flashed across the sky. This artificial storm's lightning was unlike anything we had seen before. The lightning here almost felt like a screen each time a bolt appeared, covering the entire sky with its radiance. A bolt of lightning suddenly struck our shield, creating green sparks.

'Without the shield, we would have been burned to a crisp by that lightning bolt,' I thought.

"Canyue, is everything fine there?" asked Old Du through the communicator.

"Everything is normal. But the environment is even harsher than we had expected, especially the lightning. I need to find the entrance as quickly as possible and get away from this storm," I said.

Carrying me, Nyx painstakingly flew amid the storm. The dark silhouette of the massive Mount Maiden seemed to have become one with the dark environment. However, Nyx was able to see through the darkness with its bright purple eyes, allowing it to accurately fly toward Mount Maiden.

'This was a good planet, but the emperor ruined it with his weapons. War and imperial ambitions are truly disgusting things,' I couldn't help but curse inwardly.

Nyx flew around the peak of Mount Maiden in a well-practiced manner and headed toward a series of mountain peaks that looked like a bucket. In between the steep peaks was a massive dark space.

The storm was even more fierce in the middle of the peaks. The rain was barely falling as droplets and seemed like a waterfall from the sky. Even with its shield, Nyx was still having great difficulty staying in the air with the heavy rainwater falling on its body.

Our progress slowed to a crawl as Nyx flew as if it were carrying a whale on its back. After roughly 30 minutes, I could feel that Nyx was breathing heavily, and Nyx looked like it was on the verge of being fully out of stamina.

"Old Du, we have entered an area amid the mountains, but the storm here is even more intense. It doesn't look like Nyx can continue flying any farther," I said to the communicator.

"Roger. We have been following your progress. You have entered a circular space surrounded by the mountain peaks near Mount Maiden. If our predictions are right, you will start gliding down soon. That will be much easier on Nyx's stamina," said Old Du, updating me on the surrounding terrain.

About one minute after the conversation, Nyx suddenly dove down at a rapid speed, gliding toward the middle part of the mountains. The pressure of the rain caused the speed of our drop to be even faster. In a short while, we arrived near the middle of a mountain. Through my laser probe, I could see numerous stone spikes that made the mountain look like a hedgehog. One could hardly find a suitable spot to land.

"What weird terrain is this? This is the first time I've seen something like this," I muttered to myself.

But even when flying toward the spikes, Nyx showed no sign that it was going to slow down. It continued flying straight toward the spiky mountain.

I hurriedly pulled the reins back and shouted, "Nyx, there's a wall ahead! We're going to hit it!"

My voice was certainly lost to the howling wind around us. Even when I pulled the reins back, Nyx did not show any indication that it was going to slow down. Everything happened in a flash, but I actually phased through the mountain and entered a cave.

I rubbed my head and my body to make sure that I was still in a good condition. After entering the cave, Nyx landed on the ground and gasped for breath. That was understandable as flying through the hellish storm outside was most certainly a demanding feat. I turned on my searchlight, revealing the massive cavern I had entered. As I shone my searchlight around, I spotted over a hundred pairs of shining eyes.

"I have arrived at the interstellar creatures' lair. Old Du, can you guys hear me?" I spoke to the communicator.

Only static came from the communicator. Our signals had been jammed. I leaped off Nyx's back and rubbed the wall behind me. I confirmed that the wall was formed of hard rock, and I couldn't understand how Nyx had brought me through it.

"Perhaps this rock is composed of some unique materials that can be phased through when moving at a certain speed," I convinced myself.

Since I had managed to enter the cavern, I prepared to find a path down as quickly as possible. It would be for the best if I could locate the upper levels of Milk City. Suddenly, numerous shrieks came from the depths of the cave. The shrieks became more and more concentrated as time passed. It would seem like my intrusion had disturbed the rest of these interstellar creatures.

"I can't worry too much. After spending so much effort to reach this place, nothing can stop my path forward," I told myself.

I switched my gun to tranquilizing mode just in case I needed it against these creatures. The massive cavern was rather empty. Drops of water could be seen on the rocky walls. The rain was heavy enough that the entire mountain was slowly becoming drenched. I headed deeper into the cave. As I walked, Nyx also stood up and followed.

The shining eyes of the creatures in the cave started moving the moment I started walking. They looked ready to attack me. Suddenly, a pair of red eyes charged toward me. Then, a gigantic interstellar creature appeared before me.

It was obviously an adult interstellar creature. It was about three times bigger than Nyx. It furiously roared at me; its sharp mouth was akin to a sharp sword pointing my way. I looked at Nyx behind me. The little fellow did not seem to care about the big fellow in front of us.

'Looks like they don't know each other,' I thought to myself. I stopped hesitating and fired several bullets at the creature.

The creature was further infuriated after being struck. It raised its claws and pounced at me. I retreated while shooting. No matter how powerful its body was, it couldn't resist my intense firing. Eventually, it dropped and fell unconscious in front of me.

"Hmph. You think your claws are better than my gun?" I said smugly.

The other interstellar creatures roared loudly when they saw that I had struck down their companion. It was as though they were shouting at me in protest. I did not have the time to be bothered by them. I had an even more important mission.

Nyx followed me as I walked deeper into the cave. The shining eyes of different colors in the darkness started retreating as I advanced. Not one of them decided to attack me. I could see that the tunnel I followed was inclined downward, proving that I was heading in the correct direction.

A few minutes later, I seemed to have entered an even larger cavern. Even more shining eyes appeared all around me. It was obvious I had appeared in the midst of interstellar creatures.

Their roars filled the cavern, the noise building up and reaching a level that made it uncomfortable to be in the cave. I could no longer stand it and was about to activate my sound-blocker to block the noise.

Suddenly, the roars gradually stopped, and the shining eyes pulled away from me. Nyx, who was behind me, had lowered its body to the ground, not daring to make any movement. I had seen enough to realize that a super beast was about to appear.

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