Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 149: Invisible Scout

Chapter 149: Invisible Scout

Fortunately, Dodo was an android. They were merely stunned after being struck, but the attack wasn't actually fatal for them. The three of us immediately jumped to the ground and looked at where the arrow came from, attempting to locate the attacker.

With yet another "whoosh," a second arrow struck Dodo's body. However, the archer was very well hidden. Even after using our laser probes, we weren't able to detect the attacker. Next, the third arrow embedded itself into Dodo's thigh. Even someone as patient as Dodo was getting tired of such treatment.

Thus, Dodo pulled out the three arrows, brandished their four limbs, and roared, "If you have what it takes, show yourself! What kind of a hero can you be if you're hiding around like a coward?"

Next, silence descended, leaving only the gentle sound of the breeze in the air. The three of us were still laying on the ground, observing our surroundings. The short grass around us did not look tall enough to hide anyone.

"Weird. Where is that fellow hiding? From the strength behind those arrows, the attacker shouldn't be too far away. But there is no one on the ground," said Old Du doubtfully.

"Bao'er, try the smoke grenade," I commanded after a thought came to me.

Zhang Bao'er tossed out a smoke grenade, immediately covering us in white smoke.

"Sprinkle some white powder on the ground covered by the smoke," I gave a new order.

The three of us took out our white powder and sprinkled a thin layer on the ground. Due to the cover of the smoke, Dodo did not receive any new attacks.

"Canyue, were you ambushed by archers?" Zhang Xingxing asked anxiously through the communicator.

"Yes. The archer is hidden really well. We can't detect the attacker even now," I replied. I was quite impressed by the concealment skill displayed by the attacker.

"Canyue, the Wargods are extremely powerful at attacking. Avoid conflict at all costs," reminded Principal Sosse.

Zhang Bao'er, Old Du, and I continued to toss smoke grenades in the direction the arrows came from. Borrowing the cover of the smoke, we sprinkled more white powder on the ground. In a short while, we covered an area of hundreds of square meters around us. With the help of my laser probe, I finally discovered traces of the hidden archer.

"Old Du, right side ahead of us," I whispered.

"I see it. I have been paying attention there. There are several footprints on the white powder. That fellow entered the smoke to look for us," said Old Du.

"We'll contain the archer with steel wires. Focus on the footprints. When the attacker is five meters from us, we make our move," I said.

We stared at the footprints while Dodo continued shouting five meters away from us. We could see the footprints slowly approaching Dodo.

"Eight meters, seven meters, six meters, five meters, move!" I said.

Three steel nets shot out of the secondary muzzles of our laser guns. The three nets combined into a massive net and descended upon the newest footprints. The attacker seemed to have detected danger as the footprints turned around. However, the steel net covered a wide area, so the attacker wasn't able to escape. As the net dropped, an invisible outline appeared under the net.

"Yes! Looks like this fellow is invisible," said Zhang Bao'er in excitement.

"Keep your distance. We don't know if the attacker has other secret weapons," reminded Old Du.

The invisible figure struggled frantically, but the steel worked like a spiderweb. The more one struggled, the tighter the net would be. As the figure struggled, the net tightened, eventually forming an outline that looked like a club as the figure dropped onto the ground.

"This fellow is probably fully bound now. Let's go," I said.

At that point, the smoke was slowly dispersing, allowing us to observe the attacker with our naked eyes.

"Canyue, you caught the attacker?" Zhang Xingxing's concerned voice came.

"Reporting to the captain, the attacker has been captured," said Old Du.

"Don't harm the attacker. We need to avoid unnecessary conflict," reminded Principal Sosse.

We slowly approached our captive. Perhaps the figure had noticed our approach. It started struggling again.

"Don't be afraid. We are not here to harm you. We are friends of King Carter of Kenante," I placated our captive loudly.

However, the figure on the ground continued struggling.

"Adoka, Violent Steel," Zhang Bao'er suddenly spoke the two Wargod names we knew.

Surprisingly, the figure stopped struggling the moment it heard the two names. Perhaps it recognized the two names.

'What kind of creature is this? Don't tell me it's also an invisible life form like Bulu,' I thought inwardly. Suddenly, I noticed that I had forgotten to take Bulu with me. Otherwise, we would have been able to communicate with this creature through our thoughts.

Old Du continued to patiently tell the creature our purpose here. Perhaps it was affected by our sincerity; the transparent figure covered by our net suddenly flickered with some sort of ripple. Shortly after, a fully armed ox-headed warrior with a quiver and a bow on his back appeared before our eyes.

"The Wargod race is actually capable of invisibility!" exclaimed Zhang Bao'er.

The ox-headed warrior was observing us cautiously. Despite being trapped in a net, we could still feel the murderous intent it harbored.

"Warrior, we are friends of King Carter. We are not your enemies. I'll release you. Can you take us to the king?" I tried asking while taking a step closer to our captive.

The ox-headed warrior looked at me and blinked. That looked like an agreement to me.

"Bao'er, withdraw the net," I said.

"We can't easily remove the net. Look at the holes in my body. This fellow is extremely powerful. If we let him hide again, we won't be able to catch him a second time," objected Dodo, who had walked up behind me. I had not noticed their arrival.

"You dumb iron head. I had been lenient by not attacking the others earlier. The warriors of the Wargod race never go back on their words! I won't stand for this insult of my honor!" The ox-headed warrior suddenly raged after being provoked by Dodo's words.

I grew excited when I heard the warrior speaking. I also decided to take a gamble.

"Withdraw the net," I ignored Dodo and ordered.

The three of us worked together to remove the net and withdraw it back into our suits with the net recycling system. Halfway through the process, one of the warrior's hands was freed. We only saw a flash as the fellow rapidly drew a blade and sliced through the net. Next, it stood up with a flip of its body.

The five of us stood facing each other in deafening silence. I tightened my grip on my gun. If this ox-headed warrior decided to go back on his words, I would open fire without any hesitation to protect the safety of my companions.

"Are you the envoy of Akko? Why are you asking for King Carter?" asked the ox-headed warrior.

A chance to talk finally appeared. I would not let go of the chance. I promptly told him the purpose of our trip.

"In other words, the interstellar war has begun?" asked the warrior, excitement plastered all over his face.

"Yes, it has." I nodded. "The casualties have been disastrous. We urgently need the help of the Wargod race."

"I am a ranger from Kenante. My name is Anxashe. Adoka is the most valiant warrior in the history of our race. He might have gone missing, but his glorious feats have been immortalized in our hearts. Violent Steel is also a warrior, but unfortunately, he had been banished by the king. Sigh, it's a long story," the warrior introduced himself.

"Warrior Anxashe, pleased to meet you. I am Second Lieutenant Li Canyue from the 7th Armored Division of the Interstellar League's B Army. They are Second Lieutenant Zhang Bao'er and Second Lieutenant Old Du. Dodo is our android advisor. We are here for interstellar peace," I introduced the team politely.

"Your ships should stop moving. We will be heading to Gero City on foot. Any weapon that poses a threat will be destroyed upon approaching the city," reminded Anxashe.

I immediately provided a report to Captain Zhang Xingxing. After a short while, the door of the ship opened and several individuals walked out. Prince Arude, Prince Toruse, Principal Sosse, Baron Sisse, Master Crystal, Domo, Sarje, Titan, and Dondon walked out. It was obvious Sarje and Titan were in charge of watching over the two princes.

"Canyue, Zhang Xingxing will stay with the 7th Armored Division. She ordered us to accompany the two princes and visit King Carter to establish a working relationship," said Master Crystal.

I nodded at everyone. We all started preparing for the journey to Gero City. Titan suddenly approached me and handed me a familiar backpack. I took the backpack and saw that Bulu was sleeping soundly inside. I carried the backpack on my back. With Bulu by my side, I felt much safer.

With Anxashe's lead, the group slowly advanced. The scenery of Planet Rumble was extremely beautiful. With the ox-headed warrior acting as a guide, I could see that some of the team members had removed their shields, greedily breathing in the planet's fresh air. I also slowly removed the shield covering my face.

The sweet fresh air was brought to my face by the gentle breeze. The high oxygen level instantly caused me to be intoxicated. The planet's environment and humidity level were extremely comfortable. Apart from the rumble every 15 minutes, this was a planet we could easily adapt to.

Anxashe walked at the very front of the group with a big banner on his shoulder. Along the way, we encountered many rangers who removed their invisibility to greet Anxashe. Fortunately, we had the banner serving as a signal that we were friendly. Otherwise, I couldn't even imagine how many arrows we would meet on our way to the city. We walked in the flat prairie with not even a tiny hill in sight. The grassland seemed to stretch on indefinitely.

"We can't even see the end of this grassland. How long will we take to reach Gero City?" Zhang Bao'er started complaining again.

"If I had known that the trip would be this far, I wouldn't have joined. Look at the desolate lands around us. It doesn't look like we will be able to encounter anything valuable on our way either," Domo also complained.

We continued walking in an unhurried manner. After around two hours, a loud shriek sounded from the horizon. We looked up and saw a massive bird soaring through the sky.

"Good lord. Are all the birds here this big? It's as big as Blueflash and Nyx!" exclaimed Zhang Bao'er.

"That is the totem of the Wargod race. It is a massive mechanical bird that will soar in the skies above Gero City forever. The moment it stops flying is the moment the Wargod race will face the threat of extinction," explained Principal Sosse.

We looked at the giant bird in astonishment. It was rather hard to imagine how a bird had become the totem of an entire race.

"Canyue, I have an odd question," Old Du whispered to me.

"What is it? Tell me," I urged Old Du.

"Principal Sosse said that the bird is flying above Gero City, but look ahead of us. The grassland is still endless. Is the city perhaps invisible as well?" asked Old Du doubtfully.

That reminded me. I instantly shifted my gaze from the bird. Sure enough, apart from an empty grassland, I saw no sign that there was a city here.

"Principal, do you know where Gero City is? I don't see any city below the bird," I asked.

"The divine mechanical bird will not leave Gero City. So long as it exists, Gero City will persist," said Principal Sosse confidently.

"But I'm not seeing anything," I repeated.

"You'll naturally see it after entering," said Principal Sosse firmly.

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