Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 152: Barbaric War

Chapter 152: Barbaric War

"Audacious! Even when two countries are at war, envoys are not to be killed, let alone a prince of the Kingdom of Akko! As a mere official, how dare you act so arrogantly?" countered Baron Sisse.

The situation turned awkward when we reached an impasse in the talk.

"Dulite, the princes are still young. Allow them to finish their words," said King Carter with a wave of his hand, stopping Dulite from continuing to shout.

"King Carter, the Interstellar League has already surrounded Lidu. The empire's Northstar Army is on the verge of destruction. Emperor Fille is starting to lose the war. At this time, even if you have to weigh the pros and cons before acting, it will still make sense for you to stand with us and obtain more benefits for the people of Kenante," said Prince Arude.

"Lidu and the Northstar Army is nothing for the empire. Furthermore, the league fleet has also suffered heavy losses at Akko. I'm not seeing a clearly losing side at all," said King Carter.

'Looks like this King Carter is truly as conservative as Sosse had said. He is a perfect example of someone who only cares about maximizing benefits,' I thought to myself.

"Esteemed king, I believe everything is clear enough. I'll let you in on a secret. The Interstellar League is preparing to deploy the A Army that was stationed at Gliese to the Orion Constellation. An assault is going to be launched on the imperial capital, Planet Eternal," said Principal Sosse.

"That's right. The empire's Northstar Army is surrounded. The Southstar Army is busy at Canis Major, while the Midstar Army is busy defending their source of energy at the Horsehead Nebula. Planet Eternal is essentially empty right now. This is the best opportunity to defeat Emperor Fille's main base of operations. A feat to be proud of for ages to come is right before us, waiting for us to grab it," said Prince Toruse with fervor.

King Carter appeared slightly moved by the persuasion.

"Thus, our current priority is to delay the army nearest to Rumble, the Central Army, and buy time for the A Army to achieve military superiority at Eternal," said Prince Toruse as he tried to seal the deal while the king was tempted.

"Your Majesty, this plan is completely unreliable. The Central Army is Emperor Fille's elite army. They will have our warriors delay this powerful army while the Interstellar League takes Planet Eternal and reaps the fruits of our labor. No matter how I look at it, we're at the losing end of this deal," said Official Dulite.

That argument was reasonable and King Carter started hesitating again.

"Your Majesty, the battle at the imperial capital won't be an easy one. I can promise you that after we take Eternal, Kenante can have half our spoils of war," suggested Prince Toruse.

"Hahaha, you're only a little prince. You're not King Xido. How can you make such a decision? Ridiculous!" said Dulite. He did not believe a single word of Prince Toruse.

"If his words don't count, my words will certainly count," said Prince Arude.

King Carter and Dulite looked at Arude doubtfully.

"According to the laws of Akko, during wartime, a member of the royal family who stays on Akko to fight has the right to inherit the throne and exercise the powers of the king. Additionally, according to the royal edict, I am the heir apparent, making me the throne's rightful inheritor. Thus, I am qualified to make this promise," said Prince Arude as he made his status clear.

His words stunned King Carter. He had not expected that his old pal King Xido would lose his throne to his son by simply leaving the planet. Every single member of the Akko royal family seemed terrifyingly capable.

Not even Prince Toruse objected to Prince Arude's words.

"No, that's not right. You're not on Akko either! You can't inherit the throne legally!" Dulite suddenly said.

"You're right. Thus, before my departure, I had appointed my uncle, Prince Gede, who is still fighting on Akko even now, as the heir apparent to the throne," said Prince Arude confidently.

With that, there was no questioning Prince Arude's legitimacy. Even if the throne fell to Prince Gede's hands, Prince Gede was still Prince Arude's uncle, someone in his political camp.

"Kenante is lacking in resources. We do not have enough soldiers to contend against the empire," said King Carter. Instead of outright refusing, he started telling us of his difficulties.

"Your Majesty, I heard that each Wargod warrior is good enough to face a hundred warriors. Ten thousand of your warriors is the equivalent of an army of a million soldiers," praised Principal Sosse.

"We only have tens of thousands of people in our army, and a large number of them are required to defend against the barbarians to the west. We truly can't spare too much manpower. But if you can help us destroy the barbarians, I can lend you the 30,000 soldiers that are facing off against the barbarians," said King Carter. After wasting so much time, he finally revealed his goal.

"Barbarians? What race is that? There actually exists an enemy you Wargods can't defeat?" asked Domo in astonishment.

"There are no enemies that we can't defeat, except for our own people," said Dulite.

We became even more confused.

"The barbarians are the members of the Wargod race who were exiled. Two hundred years ago, a group of royal guards defected, supporting the younger brother of the king as the new king. The coup failed, but instead of following the convention and executing his younger brother, the king showed mercy and exiled his younger brother to the barren lands to the west of the kingdom. The exiles were able to reproduce and live there until today. Despite losing the spark of civilization, they gained a brutish strength from living in such a harsh place. Recently, they had gained a new chief. Since then, they had been raiding Kenante frequently," said Dulite.

"New chief? How capable is that person?" Domo asked a foolish question.

"The chief's name is Maley. He is said to be not only strong and vigorous but also exceptionally cunning. He has been able to launch frequent ambushes against our holdings and kill many of our soldiers," replied Dulite.

"Canyue, everything is clear now. The old king wishes to use our strength to eliminate his own enemy. What a venomous trick," whispered Zhang Bao'er.

"But do we have a better option? To attack the imperial army at the Horsehead Nebula, we need this army of 30,000 Wargods," I said.

With the current strength of the two princes, it was basically impossible for them to defeat the barbarians. Thus, they could only rely on us, the 7th Armored Division. The two princes and Baron Sisse looked at me at the same time, hoping to obtain my help.

I sank into deep thought instead of giving an answer immediately.

"Canyue, should we give it a try and see what we can do?" suggested Old Du.

"Dondon, contact Captain Zhang Xingxing and get her opinion on this," I said.

Dondon immediately sent the latest update to Spacetime. Shortly after, the captain replied with her latest order: permission granted to establish contact with the barbarians.

"Dondon, have Zhang Xingxing send a team of 100 soldiers to help us," I said.

"Your Majesty, can you have your guards take 100 of our soldiers to Gero City?" I requested.

King Carter ordered Dulite to make the arrangements. Ranger Anxashe was sent to bring our reinforcements here.

Worried that the king wouldn't keep to his words, Prince Arude said, "Esteemed king, I hope that you will really lend us the 30,000 soldiers after we fulfill our end of the bargain. This concerns the future of both our kingdoms. The moment you make a decision, there will be no turning back."

"The people of Kenante never go back on our words. In any case, is there any turning back after offending the emperor? Take a rest. You may leave after your forces are gathered," said King Carter before leaving with his guards.

We followed the attendant supervisor to the palace lounge to rest and wait. We all gathered in the same big room. Inside the room, numerous mats and chairs could be found. Both Zhang Bao'er and Domo each climbed onto a bed to rest while everyone else sat down around a table.

"I wonder if the barbarians are difficult opponents. And how many of them are there if Kenante needs to use 30,000 Wargod soldiers against them? We only have 100 soldiers," I said in a worried manner.

"I don't know about the barbarians, but the Wargods have impressive combat strength. During the feast, I had talked to Anxashe and learned a little about the Wargods," said Master Crystal.

We were all tired, but we still paid full attention to Master Crystal.

"The Wargods have improved their defensive system. Their shield system is capable of invisibility and concealment from numerous ray-based scanners. With that shield, they can easily approach their enemies. At close range, each Wargod warrior is strong enough to face a hundred enemies," said Master Crystal.

"In that case, can't we defeat them easily with long-range weaponry?" asked Old Du.

"Do you remember Anxashe's bow and arrows? They can shoot their arrows from a kilometer away. Coupled with their unique wind detectors, their offensive strength won't be any weaker than ours," said Master Crystal.

"That means it won't be beneficial for us to face them soldier to soldier. But what about tanks? What can those arrows do to tanks?" I asked.

"Their arrows can also be installed with explosive arrowheads. Combined with their invisibility, the Wargods can also deal great damage to tanks," said Master Crystal.

"Do they have any heavy weaponry or spaceships?" asked Dondon.

"They only have android combat assistants, but they do not have offensive vessels. Even their spaceships are only used for the purpose of transportation, not war. All their spaceships are imported because they do not produce any themselves," said Master Crystal.

"What do you mean by android combat assistants?" asked Dodo curiously.

"Mechanical dogs, mechanical birds, and other mechanical creatures," said Master Crystal.

"Androids," Dodo appeared rather pleased to hear about the existence of other androids.

"Big head, those are combat androids. They are different from a logistic android like you," I said with a smile.

"Who told you I'm only capable of logistics? Give me a gun, and I can also fight on the battlefield! Sigh. What a pity that my programming forbids me from using a gun," said Dodo as they hugged their head in a vexed manner.

"Don't worry. You will get your chance in the future," I comforted Dodo as I patted their head.

We continued chatting for a while before everyone dozed off one after another. It would seem like after the short burst of energy from the green gold, one would feel tired. About two hours later, I heard some noise coming outside the room. Shortly after, a female voice rang out.

"Where is Li Canyue? Your reinforcements are here!" Kelly's loud voice rang out.

"The deputy commander is here. Enter if you have anything to report," I said.

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