Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 159: Clone Warriors

Chapter 159: Clone Warriors

"There is no need to hide them. In fact, yesterday was the first time I saw them," replied Wind Spirit, further confusing me.

"Only yesterday? What do you mean?" I asked.

"We learned of Gunda's plan yesterday morning. Maley has several undercover agents in Gunda's army. Also yesterday, several haulers came here while carrying these warriors from outer space," said Wind Spirit.

"What? Kenante was unaware of the arrival of such a large army from outer space? This country's military defense is truly terrible," muttered Old Du.

"That's not surprising. When we arrived, we saw how there was not a single spaceship or satellite outside the planet. How would they be capable of detecting visitors?" said Baron Sisse.

"Wind Spirit, which kingdom did the army come from? Are they here to help Maley?" I asked.

"I saw the reinforcements. They are all barbarians. The pilots did not leave the ships, but the crest of the Sacred Wing race could be seen on them," said Wind Spirit.

"Sacred Wing race? It's really them?" exclaimed Master Crystal in shock.

"Yes, old man. It's the Sacred Wing race's crest. I saw this crest frequently when I was growing up. I won't be wrong about this," said Wind Spirit confidently.

"In other words, the Sacred Wing race is secretly helping the barbarians train their young into warriors. It is quite a large investment to train tens of thousands of soldiers for them. It must be a costly endeavor," said Domo.

"These barbarians also have surprisingly good reproductive capability to be able to give birth to tens of thousands of children before smuggling them out," said Zhang Bao'er.

"No, these soldiers were not born by the barbarians. They are all clones," said Wind Spirit, finally unveiling the crucial information.

A realization dawned on me. The Sacred Wing race has been helping the barbarians through cloning technology, producing an army that could be used to destroy the Wargods.

"With the emperor's strength, he can easily destroy Kenante. What's the point of making this convoluted plan?" I asked doubtfully.

"Brother Canyue, you don't understand. From what I know about the emperor, there is a reason for every action he takes. Perhaps he wants a private Wargod army for himself, or perhaps he wants the two forces to restrict each other, ensuring that neither will gain the upper hand. That way, his continued rule will be ensured," said Baron Sisse.

I had to admit that Baron Sisse made a lot of sense. I had long realized that politics was not something the son of a dock worker like me could understand. While everyone was talking about the mysterious barbarian army, a shriek came from the sky. The mechanical birds had returned.

Lin Feixue ordered the soldiers to take a short rest. Meanwhile, Anxashe summoned his birds back and plucked out their eyeballs. With a transmitter, he projected the scenes from the barbarians' base.

It was clear that these recordings had been taken from afar. We could see the sky filled with thousands of mechanical birds. The barbarians' base was completely encircled. However, Gunda's army was not the ones doing the encirclement but a layer upon layer of barbarians. Nearly 50,000 barbarians had tightly surrounded Gunda's army. From afar, it could be seen that Gunda's army had assumed a defensive formation. However, the army of 30,000 was completely trapped within the base.

"Looks like the little female cat is right. Gunda was completely surrounded," said Zhang Bao'er angrily.

"I did not expect Maley to be so ambitious. I had thought that he only wanted to destroy a few groups from among the reinforcements, not the entire army," I said as I looked at the projection.

"Anxashe, how many soldiers does Kenante still have? Can you ask for reinforcements from the king? With the mere 600 soldiers we have here, we won't be able to defeat an army so big," said Baron Sisse.

"Kenante has a total of 100,000 soldiers, but they are scattered in various locations to avoid barbarian ambushes. It will take quite a while to gather them. They won't make it in time," said Anxashe.

"Even if they can't make it, they have to try to make it. We need to send a message to the king immediately. I believe he won't stay still as 30,000 of his soldiers are wiped out," said Baron Sisse.

Following Baron Sisse's order, Coco picked two soldiers from his Youth Guards to be messengers while Anxashe delivered the news back to Gero City using his mechanical bird.

"Canyue, we have an update from the base. The barbarians have stopped their assault and are instead maintaining an encirclement around the base," said Kelly after receiving the latest news from Zhang Xingxing.

"Alright. I'm not too worried about the base yet. Even if they can't keep it, Zhang Xingxing and the others will be able to easily retreat with the ship. The enemy probably halted their attack to wait for Gunda's destruction. That way, they will be able to take the base effortlessly," I said.

Suddenly, the sound of concentrated explosions came from afar.

"That's the sound of the barbarian army's explosive arrows. Looks like the attack is starting," said Wind Spirit.

"What should we do now? Do we keep going, or do we wait for reinforcements?" asked Kelly.

Everyone looked at me.

"Keep going. We'll make a decision after taking a look at the battlefield," I decided.

With the order given, the group continued onward. As we advanced, the sounds of explosion became louder and louder. We could also hear the sounds of people roaring while fighting. We hid on a mountain near the barbarians' base. A slaughter was unfolding before our eyes.

The terrain of the barbarians' base was similar to Gero City and was built in a basin to avoid the rumbling sound from the planet's core. However, this basin wasn't as deep. Thus, they did not need elevators to enter and leave the basin. Instead, they utilized the two roads leading into the basin to move in and out.

The barbarians had sealed the two roads. Their archers and a large number of offensive equipment were lined around the edge as they madly fired into the basin. They held the complete upper hand while the Wargod army that had been lured into the basin was being slaughtered helplessly.

I could see numerous corpses of the Wargod soldiers piled on the road directly in front of us. While we watched, around 200 Wargod soldiers were assembled into a suicide squad to attack the blockade. They were all killed in only a few minutes.

"Sigh. This is not how war should be fought. What a complete waste. This is too hurtful to watch." I was extremely vexed by what I saw.

"What are you being so stressed about?" asked Zhang Bao'er in astonishment.

"That's my army! That's my army! How can I not feel distressed? We still need them to help us with the beast army!" I replied.

"If this continues, it is only a matter of time before the army is wiped out. Canyue, you need to think of something," said Baron Sisse.

"It won't be easy. Maley does not intend to capture them. He only wants to kill them all to scare the other Kenante armies," said Wind Spirit.

"Canyue, I'll go with my Youth Guards and ambush the blockade on the road from behind them to help open a path for the trapped soldiers," volunteered Coco when he saw so many of his comrades dying.

"No. There are three blockade layers. At a glance, there are roughly 5,000 barbarians. Your team of only 500 people won't be able to break through," Old Du objected.

"From how this looks, Gunda's army won't be able to last long. Anxashe, can you send a message to Gunda? Let him know that we're here and are trying to help them out," I said.

"As long as they have a surviving mechanical bird, they will be able to receive my message. I'll try to establish communication," said Anxashe.

"Canyue, I have an idea," said Zhang Bao'er.

"We don't have time to waste. If you have an idea, say it," I urged him.

He gave a bad idea, "We can try to blast a way open with our nuclear warheads."

"No. What are you thinking? Nuclear warheads will also kill the Wargod soldiers in the basin. The two armies are in close proximity. It will only work if you can get me one of those contained explosion warheads we saw on Eternal. Too bad we don't have any here," said Domo.

"Not even the contained explosion warhead will work. It will cause too many casualties," I said.

"Canyue, you're being too conservative. People will die in war. Furthermore, we are just watching as Gunda's soldiers are being slaughtered. There are 30,000 lives there. What will you do if all of them are killed?" objected Zhang Bao'er loudly.

His words stunned me. However, I still did not wish to use any weapons of mass destruction.

"Canyue, I can't contact Gunda's army," Anxashe returned with yet another piece of bad news.

"I have an idea. It is risky, but it might reduce the number of casualties," I finally said.

"What is it? Say it!" urged Zhang Bao'er.

While everyone was anxiously waiting for me to speak, I suggested, "I'll pay the barbarians' command center a visit and personally meet Maley. I hope that Wind Spirit can go with me as well."

"Are you mad? You must have gone crazy! Who do you think you are? You just defeated him. How do you think you're going to convince him to let go of this victory? That will be suicide! He will just kill you to further raise the morale of his army!" Zhang Bao'er objected.

"At this point, we have no other options. We are lucky to be alive until this point. Also, I believe Nommo's predictions are still guiding me forward. I believe this is not where my journey ends," I said.

"It's true that we don't have a better alternative. With the 600 soldiers on our side, it is impossible for us to break through the encirclement. I'm willing to go with Canyue," said Baron Sisse.

"I'm willing to go with Canyue as well," said Old Du.

Everyone started offering to go with me. Zhang Bao'er stopped arguing when he saw that everyone else was supportive of my plan. He even offered to go with me as well. One would never be able to doubt his loyalty as a friend.

"No, we don't need so many of you to go. I already have a team in mind," I said.

Everyone focused on me. At this moment, nobody was afraid of death. Rather, everyone was valiantly offering themselves to achieve a merit that would undoubtedly be grand.

"Baron Sisse, Wind Spirit, and Master Crystal will go with me. Everyone else, remain hidden. Do not do anything without my order," I gave my final command.

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