Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 79: Pain of Loss

Chapter 79: Pain of Loss

The group started advancing toward the upper path as per my suggestion. As usual, Barak left a mark indicating our choice at the fork.

"Old Du, do you really think all this is some sort of image? How do we explain that creature and black smoke? Their existences are real," Zhang Xingxing asked.

"It's probably similar to a movie, or perhaps it's similar to the five-dimensional alternate realities Canyue saw on Jupiter II, with the reality being presented in a three-dimensional form," said Old Du.

"I still don't understand. How can a three-dimensional projection feel so real?" muttered Zhang Xingxing.

The upper path was rugged. Some of the steps were as tall as two meters, forcing us to climb with all four of our limbs. Slowly, the group spread into a long line. Just like that, we advanced for about half an hour. We were approaching the floating star at the end of the path.

The star before us was shining with a gentle radiance. Instead of a churning surface caused by the constant nuclear fusion within the star like a regular star, we were only faced with a bright red ball that was calm and serene.

"Canyue, something feels wrong. This is too calm," said Zhang Bao'er.

"Why? Are extreme dangers supposed to be normal? You're too nervous. Don't worry, trust me," I consoled Zhang Bao'er.

Zhang Bao'er seemed to still have something to say, but he held his tongue. We tried our best to climb up before we finally reached the star. The platform before the star was the very peak of this upward path we had been climbing. A massive red chest was there. Behind the platform was a ropeway connecting to the inside of the star. A cable car was hanging from the ropeway.

"Look, there's a cable car here. My guess was right," I said.

"Look at that chest. There are probably treasures there. Or perhaps the chest is a switch for some device," said Domo.

Everyone stepped forth and studied the red chest. It was sealed shut with no words on it. Instead, something like a star chart was carved on it.

"Xingxing, does this look familiar to you?" I asked.

"Yes. This seems to be the Horsehead Nebula of the Orion Constellation," said Zhang Xingxing.

That reminded me. Yes, this was a chart of the Horsehead Nebula.

"Do you see the cable car? This chest is probably the switch to turn it on," I said.

"Canyue, look under the Horsehead Nebula. There seem to be more diagrams," said Zhang Bao'er.

I used the light of my suit to check the side of the chest and saw that below the Horsehead Nebula was a diagram depicting the full process of the explosion of a star.

"The explosion of a star is depicted here. It seems to be related to the recording left by Nommo," I said.

"I remember that the recording only shows the attack on the dust clouds and the explosion caused by the energy-harnessing devices. I don't recall seeing the explosion of a star," said Zhang Bao'er.

"What do you think this diagram represents?" I asked.

"There is a star before us. Don't you think that the diagram would be related to the star before us?" said Zhang Bao'er, displaying a level of calm uncharacteristic of him.

"Don't listen to the fatty's bullshit. We will know if it's related to the star by opening the chest," said Domo. He urged us, "Let's leave this place already. I feel very uneasy staying here."

"Should we open the chest first, then?" asked Zhang Xingxing.

"The chest might also be the fuse that will detonate this place," warned Zhang Bao'er.

"Bao'er, you feel weird today. This doesn't feel like you at all," I said.

"Bao'er makes sense. We should be safe," said Zhang Xingxing.

"I also want to be safe, but only if there are other choices. Look at the path we came from. Do you think we can still return?" I said as I pointed at the abyss of immeasurable depth behind us.

"Check the cable car. See if it can be started from the car itself," suggested Old Du.

Zhang Bao'er and Domo immediately stepped forth and studied the cable car.

"We can't even open the door. The car is locked. There is no way to turn it on," Domo returned with their findings.

"Then we'll have to open the chest," said Old Du.

With the majority agreeing to take the risk and open the chest, Zhang Bao'er stopped objecting. Zhang Xingxing stepped forth and opened the chest. Within the chest was a silvery white pedestal. A purple gem sat atop it, flickering from the reflection of the starlight. Nothing else happened, and everyone heaved a breath of relief.

We observed the purple gem. The gem was placed atop the pedestal, seemingly placed there to maintain some sort of balance. The surface of the gem was sleek, looking like a delicate art piece. Suddenly, a tiny hand reached into the chest and picked the gem up. I turned back and saw Domo holding the gem in his hands with the expression of someone staring at the most precious thing ever.

"Dwarf, have you gone mad from greed? How can you touch the gem without making sure it's safe? What if you ruin the balance?" scolded Zhang Bao'er.

Our surroundings were still completely calm, but cracking sounds started coming from the cable car. The vehicle trembled before the door by its side opened.

"Haha, what were you saying, fatty? I am the actual genius here," said Domo smugly.

Everyone was relieved to see the cable car opening its door.

"Everyone, enter the cable car immediately. We need to leave this place," commanded Zhang Xingxing.

My heart was no longer beating rapidly. I stepped forth and supported Old Du alongside Bao'er. Abruptly, the world around us shook. The star in front of us swelled rapidly, and before I could react, the ground beneath me vanished as the path we stood on collapsed. The three of us fell.

We were in a state of freefall. The three of us held onto each other tightly as we dropped. As we were about to continue dropping into the abyss, I tossed my rope toward one of the pillars supporting the pathway. The hooked end of the rope coiled around the pillar, and the momentum swung us around the pillar.

All around us, one pillar collapsed after another, followed by the platforms they supported. Everything was falling into the dark abyss below us. A screaming figure dropped down beside us. I could clearly see that the dropping figure was Barak. My right hand was clutching Old Du and Zhang Bao'er. With the help of our shields, the three of us remained hanging below the path.

"Canyue, are you all fine?" Zhang Xingxing's anxious call sounded from above.

"We're fine. Barak fell down. How about the others?" I asked.

At this time, the intense shaking stopped as abruptly as it came. I saw that a gap of over 100 meters had formed between the pathway Zhang Xingxing was on and the pathway above us. Zhang Bao'er shot another rope with a hook at its end toward the pathway above us. Balancing ourselves with the two ropes, we slowly climbed back up.

As we climbed, I could see the star at the end of the path grow larger and larger, looking like it was going to blow apart soon. The star's previously calm surface was now churning and boiling from the fierce nuclear fusion occurring within it. The molten lava spraying from its surface burned through the ropeway. With a loud creak, the cable car dropped into the bottomless abyss.

"Xingxing, don't worry. I'll save you," I shouted at Zhang Xingxing.

There was a gap of over a hundred meters between us. I immediately shot another rope toward her. The rope coiled itself around the platform before fastening itself.

"Use a pulley and slide down the rope. The star is going to explode soon," I shouted.

Domo was the first to slide down the rope. In less than a minute, he reached our side of the pathway.

"It works. Come on, everyone," I shouted.

I saw the prince getting ready to slide down the rope. Even now, Zhang Xingxing insisted on being the last to escape. A deafening explosion erupted as tens of red chunks spurted from the star. The star was finally going to explode. The terrifying power creation had granted a star was something beyond current technology. The temperature of the red substance was as high as 5,000 degrees Celsius. Instantly, the red substance swallowed Zhang Xingxing, Titan, the prince, and Amethyst. Before my eyes, all of them vanished.

"Ahhhh!" We wailed in despair, unable to accept what was happening.

"Canyue, team leader and the others...are gone just like that," said Zhang Bao'er in between sobs.

"It's my fault. I should've listened to you. This wouldn't have happened if I did," I said in despair, deeply blaming myself.

The intense explosion created more shaking. The pillars supporting the pathway trembled violently.

"Bosses, focus on running. We can't afford to grieve here," said Domo anxiously before running down the pathway.

With a boom, more detonations erupted from the star. It grew larger and larger, looking like a ball of destruction that was going to swallow everything in its wake. We could not afford to delay. Zhang Bao'er and I helped Old Du as we quickly ran down the pathway.

Suddenly, a scream came from ahead of us as Domo fell down on the pathway. We saw that the intense shaking had caused the pillars to collide before collapsing. Our way back had been destroyed as well.

"There is no way out, Canyue," said Zhang Bao'er helplessly.

"It's my fault. I was the one who brought this disaster to everyone. The universe can actually be such a scary place. I did not expect that I would bring everyone to such a disastrous situation with no hope of escape," I said, tortured by guilt.

In the massive empty space, only the pillar we stood on remained. No other path was available for us.

"Canyue, it's not your fault. If this is the end, I have no regrets because I got to walk toward the very end with my brothers," said Old Du.

"Same here. Life or death, advance or retreat, we'll face it together. Remember our oath," said Zhang Bao'er as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

The three of us huddled together tightly. The star was still expanding, and it was on the verge of swallowing the three of us.

"Bring it on. We don't fear you," I roared defiantly.

My vision was completely dominated by the massive red ball of flame. As the burning sensation enveloped my face, I shut my eyes.

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