Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 93: Lowest Temperature in the Universe

Chapter 93: Lowest Temperature in the Universe

Our surroundings were still silent and calm as we started climbing up the steep slope. The higher we went, the lower the temperature was. The temperature had been negative 200 degrees on the plains. Now that we had reached an altitude of 1,000 meters, the temperature had dropped by about one degree.

"If the temperature continues declining at this rate, when we reach the peak, the temperature would surpass the absolute lowest temperature possible," said Dodo.

"If it gets lower than negative 273 degrees, it will be beyond our suit's ability to withstand," said Zhang Bao'er.

"That's not possible. Lower than that and all particles will stop moving altogether. Nothing can be colder than that. Our mere appearance has changed the activity level on this planet, so that will never happen," said Old Du.

We continued climbing up the slope. As the journey dragged on, it felt like we were climbing a mountain without end. After about three more hours, I heard an odd sound coming from the vehicles. A few minutes later, a series of zapping sounds rang out as the vehicles stopped moving.

"The off-road vehicles can't go further. It's negative 250 degrees here. The vehicle has been damaged by the cold," said Snow.

"We're currently at an altitude of 25,000 meters. We still have a journey of 300 kilometers to reach the peak. We will have to go on foot from here on out," said Dodo.

"Everyone get off the vehicles and carry any equipment you can. We'll be walking," I said.

"Canyue, there is no turning back anymore, right? If there is no exit at the peak, that might be where it ends for us," said Old Du softly.

"I know, but don't say it. That will affect morale. We still can't contact Fearless either. I wonder how Xingxing and the others are doing," I said.

Lifu had everyone put on the unique temperature-regulating outfits he brought in his chests.

"We might be facing the lowest temperature in the universe soon. Everyone, be ready," said Lifu.

"I did not expect to experience the textbook coldest possible temperature so soon," said Old Du with a sigh.

"If we can discover a temperature below negative 273.15 degrees Celsius, we will leave our names in the history books throughout the universe," said Dodo.

"Our names? No, no, Zhang Bao'er and Li Canyue are enough. Why does a machine like you need your name in history books?" Zhang Bao'er teased.

"Why do you keep calling me a machine?" Dodo complained.

The group prepared to proceed on foot. Suddenly, I noticed Snow and Adelan carrying the chest with the liquid bomb Zhang Xingxing had warned me about behind the group.

"Canyue, look at this," Old Du called out to me from behind the off-road vehicle.

I walked toward him and saw a clear imprint on a seat at the back of the vehicle. The imprint had a clearly different temperature than its surroundings, and it looked like the imprint was left by the weight of something that was there previously.

"Bulu. It has been hitching a ride with us all this while," I said.

"This creature's temperature is clearly different from its surroundings, but our infrared temperature probe can't detect it," said Old Du.

"Maybe the body heat of these creatures is entirely different from the concept of heat we understand. It is probably right beside us right now," I said.

Both Old Du and I looked around us. But apart from the freezing terrain, our probes did not pick anything up.

"Bulu is definitely a life form with a molecular and atomic makeup we are completely unaware of. That's why all our devices can't detect it. We can only rely on our naked eyes to see it," said Old Du.

"Just ignore it for now. Let's get going. It does not seem to harbor any malice toward us anyway," I said.

The team set off with all sorts of equipment and started the difficult climb. The final leg of the journey was extremely steep. The higher we were, the steeper it was, giving us the sensation that we were actually climbing a pathway to the heavens.

At such an altitude, the air composition was also very different from below. According to our data, nitrogen made up 70 percent of the air up here, while oxygen had dropped to about 10 percent.

We continued climbing while carrying our various equipment. The higher we went, the more we gasped for breath. Suddenly, the alarm light on the vibration detector carried by Titan and Dodo blazed. When Lifu saw it, he rushed forward to get a better look at what the detector had picked up.

"About 250 kilometers above us, an area is shaking violently. As per the system, the shaking area is over 10 square kilometers in size. The air flow up there also varies," Lifu said.

"Canyue, looks like you're right," said Zhang Bao'er.

I raised my head and saw that the mountain peak we were heading to was still shrouded in darkness. Something told me that a difficult trial was waiting for us there.

"Approach the peak slowly. Lifu, keep your eyes on the data picked up by the detector. We need to gather as much information as possible before making our plan," said Master Crystal.

Everyone continued the slow climb. I turned off my gun's safety in preparation for anything unexpected. The temperature around us kept dropping, eventually reaching negative 270 degrees. At an altitude of 38,000 meters, the system indicated that we were only 100 kilometers away from the peak.

"Master Crystal, the low temperature is draining our energy too fast. We won't be able to continue moving with so much equipment. Old Du and I will go light and scout ahead. You guys wait here," I said.

Master Crystal gave it some thought and agreed.

"Do not be rash. We will draw up a plan together after gathering enough information," reminded Master Crystal.

Old Du and I then started running up the slope. We ran as fast as we could with our suits running at maximum capacity. Gradually, the ground around us turned from black to white. The temperature kept dropping, and the environment around us looked like it had remained the same for millions of years.

Our suits' warning alarm rang non-stop. I could see that the temperature had reached negative 273 degrees Celsius. At this absolute lowest limit of temperature, our energy was being drained rapidly.

"Canyue, if the temperature really goes lower, we will freeze to death," Old Du said.

"That shouldn't be possible theoretically. If we're really breaching the limit, we'll burn something," I said.

"The oxygen level is too low at this altitude. We will have to waste more of our energy to produce energy for burning. That will only accelerate the drain," said Old Du.

Instantly, the system warned us that the temperature had reached negative 273.15 degrees. Both of us slowed down and stared with bated eyes at our system. Our surroundings were so silent it was scary. It almost felt as if everything was still here. Abruptly, the system erupted with an even louder alarm. The temperature had reached negative 273.16 degrees. Our defensive system was on the verge of collapse.

"Burn," I roared.

Old Du immediately turned on his flamethrower, increasing the temperature around us.

"The energy is draining rapidly. Let's advance as quickly as we can," said Old Du.

We ran madly forward, falling over and over on the hard ground only to climb back to our feet before continuing to run. About 10 minutes later, I noticed that the ground around us had changed from white to light red.

"Wait. The ground coloration seems to be different here. Old Du, slowly turn your flamethrower off," I said.

As Old Du slowly turned his flamethrower off, the temperature stabilized at negative 272 degrees. We heaved a breath of relief before collapsing onto the ground.

"I did not expect the two of us to experience a temperature below the absolute limit. This is a discovery that will shake the existing knowledge of physics," said Old Du.

"That area does not look special. Why is the temperature there so low? It's too odd. Nevertheless, our system has successfully recorded our experience," I said in excitement.

"I only have 21 hours' worth of energy left. The cold area drained too much of my energy," said Old Du.

I started calling for Zhang Bao'er through the communicator.

"Bao'er, Bao'er, can you hear me?" I called.

"Can-Canyue, ye-yes I-I can," Bao'er's reply came, but it was unclear and kept cutting off.

"The absolute cold zone has probably interrupted our signals due to the stagnation of the particles there. However, we still need to update them on our discovery," said Old Du.

I tried to tell Bao'er as much as I could through the problematic communication channel before turning to face Old Du again.

"Come on. Let's continue," said Old Du.

I was about to step forward when I felt someone knock against my back. I turned around and saw a transparent copy of me with red ripples around its body standing behind me. I was startled, but I quickly calmed down when I recalled that the doppelganger was most likely Bulu.

"This is Bulu. Look at the red ripples. It probably failed to stay hidden due to the increased temperature," I said as I stopped Old Du, who had quickly drawn his gun.

"It has been following us all this while. Why is it showing itself now? Canyue, try removing the shield protection around your head," Old Du said.

"I wonder how it went through the absolute cold zone," I muttered.

I walked over and tried to have Bulu form a connection with my mind. I reached out with one hand, trying to have Bulu shake my hand. However, Bulu moved aside and avoided my outstretched hand. It walked around the two of us and then walked farther ahead.

"It must be trying to show us the way. Old Du, follow it," I said when I realized what Bulu was doing.

And thus, on the final leg of the journey, we followed Bulu. We were only two kilometers away from our destination. The peak was a world of darkness. When I used my laser probe to scan the ground, I detected a tunnel with a higher temperature somewhere below us. Suddenly, Bulu stopped. Only then did I notice that a massive black cave had appeared before me.

"We're here. This might be the tunnel connecting the planet's inner and outer layers," said Old Du.

Bulu gave me a look before turning to enter the cave.

"Leave a signal here before following Bulu. Keep the probe on," I said.

Old Du left a signal behind and turned on his laser probe. Then, we followed Bulu into the cave. There was a clear increase in temperature in the cave. Our system indicated that the temperature inside the cave was negative 250 degrees. The cave was expansive, and the tube-like tunnel stretched farther ahead. Bulu was standing silently, waiting for us. When it saw us enter, it continued walking.

"This might be their lair," Old Du said.

"It has been trying to direct us here. There must be a reason. Old Du, keep your guard up," I said.

We walked silently behind Bulu in the seemingly endless tunnel. As time passed, Bulu's translucent silhouette slowly faded.

'I wonder if this fellow will turn completely invisible again later,' I wondered.

We walked for over one hour before fierce hissing winds sounded ahead of us. It seemed like a perpendicular tunnel lay ahead of us. In front of us, Bulu stood before an opening. I walked forward and saw a perpendicular black tunnel beyond the opening. It was several kilometers wide and led deep down and high up. Within the tunnel, the wind was fierce, forming a great contrast to the still environment outside the tunnel.

I tried scanning the perpendicular tunnel with my laser probe, but I found nothing. When I looked at Bulu's fading body, an idea rose in my mind. I turned on my searchlight, and an inconceivable sight unfolded before me.

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