Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1062 - Huai Hongxiu

Chapter 1062: Huai Hongxiu

The Purple and Black Sorcerers could not cry no matter how much they wanted to. Not only did they not catch the Huai Clan second young mistress, but they had also lost the Muhong City Mayor’s Crimson Blood Demonic Flag. Most importantly of all, they had faced the danger of being suspected.

“Lord Mayor, if what the Purple and Black Sorcerers said is true, then the person’s power is probably infinitely close to the Supreme Profundity Realm. Perhaps he’s already there, but he’s intentionally concealing his cultivation. Besides, he’s returning with the Huai Clan second young mistress. Do you think that person is reinforcement from Yingyun City?” someone from the Sorcerer Clan said.

The person had the head of an eagle but the body of a human. He was a cultivator with great attainment of the Tide Changing Realm and one of the higher-ups of Muhong City, so he held an important position, one that was far higher than that of the Purple and Black Sorcerers.

“We can’t be sure as of now, but we might actually run into him since he’s with the Huai Clan second young mistress, and we might not have to wait long.”

The Muhong City Mayor squinted, his eyes glinting with a cold light. Maybe no one else knew, but he knew very well that the Huai Clan second young mistress did not use the long-distance teleporting stratagem in the Sorcerer God Temple in Yunhong City, which necessarily meant that she would return to Yingyun City.

He had received a secret report earlier that all teleporting stratagems heading towards Yingyun city would be destroyed. The entire city was burning its boats in preparation for this war.

Huai Hongxiu was a vicious and decisive woman indeed. This one move, burning all her boats, was exceptionally ingenious. Morale for the entire Yingyun City had concentrated within the city and their will to fight was unprecedentedly strong, because it was either they fight or they die. Initially, the most ideal outcome would have been to subdue this Huai Hongxiu. However, judging by the current situation, the odds seemed rather bleak.

Since the teleportation stratagems had already been destroyed, the Huai Clan second young mistress could only barge through the front gates if she wanted to return to Yingyun City.

At the thought of this, the Muhong City Mayor’s lips lifted into a cold smile.

“All of you come with me. You’re all curious about the new guy, right? Maybe we’ll see him soon.”

After those words, the Muhong City Mayor left the palace that had been built at the last minute. He stood at a tall point and looked towards the lofty Yingyun City.

All of the people from Muhong City were confused and wondered why their Lord Mayor would say something like this, but since he said it, there was no reason for them to disagree. All of them followed him and stepped out.

Then, just as the crowd had walked out of the main hall and barely had the time to take in a breath of the fresh outside air, they saw a beam of light flying over from the far distance. The light was flying over quickly, at a terrifyingly high speed.

“Huh, that is...”

“Who’s that with the flowing light? He’s moving so quickly, and he’s probably headed towards Yingyun City.”

“Who’s that? My cultivation is already at the great attainment of the Tide Changing Realm, and yet my release speed is still not half as quick as his.”

Shock flashed in the eyes of all the Muhong City cultivators. That flowing light was moving too quickly, quick like thunder as it sped by.

“Hm, it’s a lot faster than I had anticipated. What a shame...”

The Muhong City Mayor looked at the flowing light that was approaching closer and closer, and he huffed. Originally, he had thought of lying in ambush beneath Yingyun City and then wait for them to approach, taking them out in one go after they moved within their perimeter. However, it was already too late for that now.


Mo Wen no longer had to stay in hiding since they were storming Yingyun City now, so he went as fast as he could. His figure was fleeting as he made his journey and he crossed hundreds and thousands of miles in an instant.

Within the amount of time needed to brew a pot of tea, Yingyun City appeared in front of their eyes.

Yingyun City had also been built on an island, and the island was similarly named Yingyun Island, and it was like the numerous islands within Ruyun Territorial Waters. After all, Wise Man Huai Guang had been a Supreme Profundity Realm cultivator back then and he had been the most elite presence within the entire Ruyun Territorial Waters.

Even while they were still thousands of miles away, he could feel the looming presence of Yingyun City, and that it had a strange aura. For a large city for immortal cultivators, it barely had any cultivators passing by in a 10 000 mile radius, much less cultivators who were going in and out of the city. The atmosphere was tense and serious.

Mo Wen brought the Huai Clan second young mistress, moving forth without stopping. The flowing light was like a rainbow, thunder rumbled and lightning flashed as they flew towards Yingyun City.

“Who’s there? Halt.”

An angry voice rang out very soon. After that, streaks of figures took to the skies, trying to stop that beam of flowing light.

Mo Wen’s gaze swept over those cultivators and a hint of joy flashed across his eyes. Those cultivators did not have low-level cultivation, and even the lowest of them was at the Tide Changing Realm. All of them had swarmed out the moment Mo Wen first appeared as if they had been waiting beneath Yingyun City.

“It’s more likely than not that the Purple and Black Sorcerers have seen the Muhong City Mayor,” Mo Wen thought.

The Huai Clan second young mistress, who had been brought along by Mo Wen, blanched. She knew all those people. They were higher-level cultivators of Muhong City and each one of them had extraordinary cultivation. They had only just come close to Yingyun City, so how was it that they had appeared all of a sudden. Their reaction was just too quick, no? It was as if they had already known the two of them would be coming.


All of those cultivators pulled forth as much strength as they could, and their remarkable power poured forth ceaselessly in an attempt to stop Mo Wen’s flowing light.

There were dozens of Tide Changing Realm cultivators who banded together and it made for quite the spectacular sight. All the power in the entire heavens and earth was thrown into disarray and all sorts of remarkable power covered half of the sky.

Mo Wen smiled mildly and twisted his body a little. In the next moment, everyone realized that the rays of light in front of their eyes seemed to have warped a little. After that, the flowing light split into two, then the two lights split into four... In an instant, the copies had covered the entire space with no end in sight.

All of the illusory flowing lights headed towards Yingyun City at the same time, making it difficult to guess which one was real and which ones were not.

“To think I can’t detect which one the real one is. How could this be?! My Demon’s Eye remarkable power is actually failing me.”

“That person must have triggered some secret technique to evade the detection of our deified souls while deceiving all of us. What a terrifying trick.”

“What do we do? We can only attack those illusory flowing lights indiscriminately for now. Every dog has its day, right?”

“You really think you’ll get lucky? You’re more likely to fail if anything.”


The results proved that no matter how many of them there were, there was no way they could stop that flowing right. After all the illusory flowing lights had disappeared, a single flowing light had already appeared right in from of them, heading straight towards Yingyun City and leaving them far, far behind.

“It’s not appropriate for you to involve yourself in the situation with Yingyun City, is it, friend?”

Just as the flowing light had evaded the layers of obstruction and was about to barge into Yingyun City, a low voice called out. At the same time, an equally swift-flowing light shot into the sky to block their path.

“Lord Mayor.”

“That’s Lord Mayor.”


Upon seeing this, joy filled the eyes of the Muhong City Cultivators. Now that Lord Mayor had personally stepped forward, they would be able to intercept that beam of flowing light.

At this moment, the cultivators guarding Yingyun City picked up on what was going on outside. Every one of the patrolling cultivators who were standing on the city walls looked out into the distance, trying to figure out what was going on there.

“Oh no, that’s the second young mistress. Why is the second young mistress in that flowing light? Didn’t she escape earlier?”

A few people with better eyesight immediately noticed that there was a familiar figure in the flowing light. That was the second young mistress of Yingyun City, no? How could the second young mistress appear here? How could this be?!

On the city wall, all the cultivators of Yingyun City were at a loss for words. The Huai Clan had pinned their hopes on her and she was someone they had managed to send out after going through innumerable hardships and paying a heavy price, so none of them wanted to see her here now.

But things had a tendency to be dramatic. The more impossible something was, the more likely it would manifest.

“Is that lady really the second young mistress?” asked a patrolling cultivator whose eyes were wide with shock. That flowing light was so quick that they could only vaguely make out who the figure was.

“Absolutely, without a doubt. I was once in charge of her security, so I can recognize her no matter the distance,” another patrolling cultivator said with certainty.

“But why is the second young mistress back now? Is she courting death?” All of the patrolling cultivators were growing anxious.

“What are you guys doing just standing there? Hurry up and report to the first young mistress, something big has happened. Hurry, go immediately.” A commander’s face paled beyond compare. The second young mistress was back now!

Huai Hongxiu was the first young mistress of Yingyun City. Although she was already the city mayor, a lot of people were still used to calling her first young mistress.

“What did you say?”

Huai Hongxiu looked towards the patrolling cultivator who had come to report to her, her eyes glinting. She had originally been inspecting the defense preparation in Yingyun City and had been prepared to welcome the final battle, but the subordinate cultivator’s report had almost caused her to collapse.

“First young mistress, the second young mistress is just outside the city, and she’s surrounded by a bunch of cultivators from Muhong City. Even the Muhong City Mayor has stepped forth himself,” the patrolling cultivator said, his face pale.


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