Invincible! This person has lived for a billion years

Chapter 213 I’m afraid this is hard to explain.

Chapter 213 I'm afraid this is hard to explain.


Upon arriving at the hotel's entrance, Alice immediately approached the reception desk to inquire once more about the availability of any spare rooms. The receptionist confirmed that there were no additional rooms available.

"Zoey, let's just share a room," Alice reluctantly proposed, thinking that sharing a room with Zoey would be better than letting William and Zoey share one.

Zoey retorted, "Didn't you say you can't sleep in the same room with a stranger?"

"Well, you're a woman, after all," Alice earnestly replied. "It just... doesn't seem appropriate for you and William to share a room."

Zoey dismissively responded, "What's the harm? Sharing a room with William will allow me to teach him some technique training."

"Technique training?" Alice looked perplexed.

Given William's skills, did he really need Zoey's training?

There had to be some other implication here.

As for which of the two might have ulterior motives, Alice was uncertain. What concerned her most was if they both harbored the same intentions.

"So, I'll room with him."

William chimed in, "Alice, it's okay. I'll share the room with Zoey."

Alice made a face, thinking, 'Of course you're fine with it, you old lecher! You probably had this planned from the start.'

In the end, Alice couldn't sway their decision and had to watch, frustrated, as William and Zoey entered the room she had originally reserved for herself and William.

Once inside, Zoey asked, "Are you taking a shower?"

"Yes, I'll take one," William replied. It had indeed been a while since he had bathed. After all, not even dust settled on him, and he hadn't changed his clothes since putting them on.

If Alice had heard their conversation upon entering the room, she would've probably scolded them both for being so brazen.

"You shower first; I'll change my clothes."

The room in the five-star hotel was quite spacious, especially the one Alice had booked. A large waterbed was adorned with heart-shaped rose petals, and the living room area featured red wine and an assortment of snacks.

As William entered the bathroom, he found a beautifully packaged box of condoms. It appeared the hotel staff was indeed very attentive.

The two rooms they had, William's was clearly designed as a romantic suite for couples.

Upon noticing the intricately packaged box, his curiosity led him to pick it up and inspect its contents. After a little exploration, he deduced its purpose. After all, such items weren't exclusive to modern times, and he could recognize the descriptions on the box.

However, this mere item wasn't enough to unsettle William's composure.

He tossed the box into the trash bin.

After some trial and error, William managed to figure out how to use the shower facilities. After a quick wash, he dressed and exited the bathroom.

Upon entering the room, Zoey had immediately changed into more comfortable loungewear. It was only now that William realized the distinct difference in the contour of her chest. She must have been wearing some kind of binding garment earlier.

While her figure was different from Bella's, when compared to Alice's, Zoey was in a league of her own.

"Do you bind yourself regularly?" William remarked, imagining it must be uncomfortable.

Zoey nodded. "It's more convenient for fighting."

"Oh," William replied, then took a seat on the couch, engrossed in his phone.

When Zoey emerged from her shower, William was genuinely taken aback by her stunning beauty. Her cleansed face radiated natural elegance, and her eyes seemed to conceal a mysterious power, exuding an aura of serenity.

Unexpectedly, Zoey grabbed William's wrist, causing a momentary spike in his tension.

"Let's see how much progress you've made recently." It appeared she was assessing his physical condition. After her examination, she commented, "Very good. You've learned to channel your internal energy. I can teach you a unique meditation technique."

Teaching unique meditation techniques...

Previously, it had always been William instructing others. Now, it seemed he was to be guided by Zoey.

William pondered for a moment. His original plan was to coast through his days while collecting his salary. As for the "meditation" training, he had no intention of participating.

"Come, to the bed," Zoey instructed, moving to sit on it. Shortly after, she furrowed her brows, "This bed feels a bit odd."

And for good reason. It was a special waterbed, designed specifically for couples. Lying on it felt incredibly comfortable, but sitting caused a slight wobble.

Without hesitation, William took a seat and immediately noticed the bed's uniqueness. And not to mention the flower petals scattered all over it...

While Zoey might not grasp their significance, William understood the implications and chuckled internally at how modern folks really knew how to indulge.

Any sane person would likely suggest they find another location for their practice, but Zoey, clearly not one for convention, said, "Sit properly. Focus on regulating your breathing, and leave the rest to me."

It was evident that Zoey intended to assist William in his meditation training.

Typically, meditation practitioners have their own mentors. At certain crucial junctures in the internal energy circulation training, these mentors assist their pupils. They serve both as a protector and as a guide to help adjust the internal energy balance, as this is a pivotal step.

William complied, allowing his body to relax fully, entrusting himself to Zoey's guidance.

It had to be said that the energy within Zoey was truly profound. Forcing someone into a meditative state to circulate their internal energy was entirely within her capabilities.

However, William wasn't interested in reaching that level.

From the time they entered the room until? the next morning, it had been several hours.

Zoey had attempted more than twenty times, but none had succeeded.

Each time, just as William was about to enter a meditative state, the energy within him would dissipate.

"This isn't right!" Zoey was exhausted to the point of weariness, her body drenched in sweat. Yet William showed no sign of progress. She felt something was amiss but couldn't pinpoint what it was.

"Maybe we should postpone the next phase of the training," William suggested, feeling increasingly embarrassed. He had suggested this seven or eight times already, but Zoey was adamant.

"One more try!" she insisted.

Just as Zoey was about to continue, there was a knock on the door.

William quickly got out of bed, saying, "I'll get it."

Taking a moment to catch her breath, Zoey collapsed onto the bed from sheer exhaustion.

Opening the door, William was met by Alice, who briskly walked in, stating, "It's time for lunch!"

"Lunch? What time is it?" William had lost track of time. Given he could survive without eating, he often didn't notice how time passed.

Alice approached the bed and, upon seeing the sweat-soaked Zoey, puffed up her cheeks in indignation. She pointed first at Zoey, then at William, and exclaimed tearfully, "You... you two..."

William quickly tried to clarify, "It's not what you think!"

"I don't believe you! You old lecher!" Alice, clearly jealous and upset, seemed to forget for a moment that William was her mentor.

Hearing the commotion, Zoey sat up and, looking at Alice, remarked, "It's time for a meal, right? We've been at it all night, and I'm exhausted."

"..." Both Alice and William's faces turned dark.

What did she mean by "been at it all night"?

Despairing, William realized that explaining this situation was going to be a challenge. His esteemed reputation as a mentor was surely tarnished now.

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