Invincible! This person has lived for a billion years

Chapter 423 When Shapeshifters Leaders Pick Up the Weapon of Law

Chapter 423 When Shapeshifters Leaders Pick Up the Weapon of Law

The Shapeshifters leaders were almost going insane.

Smashing a corpse and getting such benefits?

They had signed such harsh contracts and only managed to stimulate their potential.

But the Flameheart Vine in Oxys's hand wasn't just about stimulating potential,it was like a leap to the heavens.

"You guys aren't thinking of robbing me, are you?" Oxys, seeing all the Shapeshifters leaders eyeing him, glared warningly, "This was a reward from Mr. Johnson, and the law teacher just said that robbery is a serious crime, possibly facing years of imprisonment."

The Shapeshifters leaders were stunned.

Naturally, they wouldn't dare to rob something given by William, but this guy seemed to have learned too quickly!

A mighty Shapeshifters leader actually lecturing them about the law?

Steven, having noted down these Shapeshifters leaders' names, chuckled at Oxys's words.

"You don't have to be like this, guys. If Oxys can get these rewards, so can you." Steven seized the moment to influence them, "In the future, if you encounter bullying, you can also protect your rights through legal means, like resorting to the law."

The Shapeshifters leaders fell silent, not ready to accept these new rules immediately.

In the Abyssal Void of the Underworld, if Oxys appeared in front of many Shapeshifters leaders with a Flameheart Vine, it would unquestionably lead to a bloody battle, where only the last survivor could claim the vine.

But now, they dared not rob it!

They really didn't dare!

Yet, Oxys suddenly felt that if all the Shapeshifters leaders obeyed the law, it might not be so bad.

After all, he was the beneficiary.

Coming in directly with the Flameheart Vine was William's instruction.

Having been told so by William, he naturally carried it boldly.

He even thought, if these Shapeshifters leaders really tried to rob him, would William just slap them into mincemeat?

Inwardly, he even harbored some small expectations for such an outcome.

William's approach was merely a tentative first step to let the Shapeshifters leaders feel the benefits brought by the law.

If they only sensed the constraints of the law, discontent would grow in their hearts. Only by experiencing its benefits would they truly abide by it.

This method was applicable not just to the Shapeshifters leaders but also to other powerful beings who might arrive in the future.

Whether it would ultimately be successful remained to be seen.

Regardless of whether these Shapeshifters leaders believed in the law or not, once they learned that Oxys had not only broken the contract without weakening, they all thought about having William annul their contracts too.

"Oxys, what exactly did you fight?" one of the Shapeshifters leaders couldn't help but ask.

Oxys scratched his head, saying, "Just a corpse, nothing special. I smashed it to pieces with one punch."

Hearing this, all the Shapeshifters leaders became excited. Just by smashing an ordinary corpse, Oxys received such generous rewards. They thought about what could happen if they stayed close to William...

"Aren't Luna and Erebus always by the master's side?" one of the Shapeshifters leaders said with a sly smile, "We could go to them."

Steven, listening to the Shapeshifters leaders' conversation, waited for them to finish before gesturing for silence. "Gentlemen, please quiet down for a moment, and hear me out."

If it weren't for their fear of William, these Shapeshifters leaders wouldn't even spare Steven a glance.

To them, a mid-level Soulmancer was just a commoner, easily crushed with a flick of a finger. But now, with just a gesture from Steven, they all fell silent and looked at him.

"I suggest that you all spend this time here learning about the law and some life skills, because our society does not advocate violence. If you're going out to have fun, please don't act together," Steven said with a smile. "I believe the Shapeshifter lords are aware that you are very powerful. If you go out together, it would be bad if you accidentally stepped on and killed a regular person."

Ever since they descended from the void of the underworld, they have been living in constant fear,

First, it was Lernaeus, and now it's William.

It's rare for someone to say they are strong, and only then did the Shapeshifter lords realize that they were indeed powerful!

"Shapeshifters leaders, I have recorded the damages you caused earlier. You can work here to offset your debts, and your job is to learn. Do you understand?" Steven said as he started to arrange their holiday schedule, allowing them two days off per month, with only two individuals permitted to go out at a time.

In fact, this work arrangement was even more stringent than many high-intensity work regimes in American companies. The only difference was that they weren't required to engage in actual labor.


Three days quickly passed.

During these days, besides having the staff teach them some modern life knowledge, Steven also hired Professor Kingsfield from Harvard Law School to give them a crash course in law.

Hearing this information for the first time, the Shapeshifters leaders were surprisingly engrossed.

Having lived for so many years, the Shapeshifters leaders' intelligence was far superior to that of ordinary humans, and they learned incredibly fast.

In just three days, they were already able to recite "A Short & Happy Guide to American Law" and "Law 101: Everything You Need to Know About American Law" cover to cover, leaving Steven in utter amazement.

Even the slowest among them, Oxys, learned the language of this world in less than half a day.

Steven had previously thought these beings were somewhat simple-minded.

Then, under William's guidance, these Shapeshifters leaders actually fell in love with reading.


They fell in love with reading!

"Hamlet," "The Great Gatsby," "To Kill a Mockingbird," "The Declaration of Independence," "The Iliad," "The Edda"...

These were all within their range of reading.

Then, there was a significant shift in the scenario.

"Steven! I realized something. The last time you sold us those phones, it was coercive selling!" A particularly burly Shapeshifter leader, his eyes gleaming red, stared at Steven.

Steven's mouth twitched as he responded, "How is that coercive selling? Didn't you agree to it voluntarily?"

"According to Professor Kingsfield, coercive selling is defined as using violence, threats, or other improper methods in commercial transactions to force someone to buy or provide goods or services. Such behavior is illegal," the Shapeshifter leader continued, his eyes still flashing red. "You used Mr. Johnson's threat of force to make us buy those phones, so your actions constitute coercive selling."


Steven was internally shocked. What was going on?

A group of Shapeshifters, who knew nothing before, had learned so much in just three days and even understood what coercive selling meant.

The Shapeshifter continued, "In the United States, according to federal laws such as Extortion and Blackmail Laws, Commercial Fraud Laws, RICO, engaging in commercial transactions or providing services using violence, threats, or other coercive means is considered coercive selling or transaction. Depending on the severity of the case, this kind of behavior might constitute a crime and can lead to fines or imprisonment."

"..." Steven was dumbfounded. Were these Shapeshifters now wielding the weapon of law?

The Shapeshifter leader went on, "However, since we're all so familiar with each other, just treat us to a BBQ and we'll call it even."


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