Is It Bad That the Main Character’s a Roleplayer?

Chapter 412

Episode 412: I’m Here (7)

“I see.”

I fiddled with the stirrup strap that came into my hand and then expressed my gratitude. When he was rude to me, he was rude, and what he got for free was because he accepted it.

“So this is just a decorative item?”

“Oh, that’s not it.”

Timanyuk, who happened to be having dinner with us, waved his hand. It just so happened that there was enough food in front of him to feed the entire group. These were all foods that Daniel and I ended up buying without thinking while thinking, ‘This was delicious’ or ‘That was delicious.’

For reference, the food that tastes good only when warm is transported through inventory, so there is almost no cold food.

“There is a shield spell that can be used up to 3 times. “I heard about your inaction, so I took measures to protect the horse rather than the rider…”

“I am grateful beyond words.”

what? A shield magic item that protects horses? Can I use that up to 3 times? Give it to me for free?

I felt my first impression of him being rude disappear like snow melting away. Anyway, the gift he gave me was too big to keep that impression.

“It’s too good to get for free. “Is there anything you wish for?”

“I hope… then can we see that wonderful riding skill again next time?”

“However much.”

“what. “Nari has now been taken over by capital.”

“I know that portable protective items are very expensive… but you willingly provide them. “You are an amazing person.”

“I’m Suzaku’s tailor, so money must be a problem.”

“Wow, you are such an amazing person.”

Ah, if I can get a god item like this with just one ride, I have to show it as much as I can.

I fiddled with the stirrup strap, willingly accepting an item that was too good to refuse. The stirrup strap is not dull black, but luxurious black leather like ebony and has an embroidered pattern on it. At a glance, it looks frugal, but upon closer inspection, it is downright extravagant. Surprisingly, it was my taste.

“I hope Frederick likes it too…”

“If the performance is that good, I don’t think preference for appearance is a problem…”

“This would be absolutely correct in a general situation, but Frederick was forced to fill in things he didn’t like. “Isn’t this the guy who will kick you with your back kick?”


Daniel couldn’t bear to refute my words. The others who were watching did the same.

Do you see Frederick? Your temperament is recognized by everyone. It was a moment when something became bitter.

“How long are we going to keep having useless conversations like this?”

Then, while eating the pancakes I bought, the commandment said something. There was no great discomfort. Even though the Archmage said there was an important story, it was my fault that the story was leaked.

However, I was truly amazed by Keimyung’s skill in eating the contents of the pancake without spilling any of it. How do you eat like that? It was truly a skill I wanted to learn.

“What a useless conversation, let’s talk about it first—”

“I certainly had a very personal conversation in front of everyone. “I apologize.”

I expressed my gratitude to the Deathbringer who was angry on my behalf, then turned my attention to the Archmage.

“You said you had something to say when everyone was there. “Can I hear what it is?”

“Oh, of course.”

Archmage, who was eating stewed meat as if it was to his liking, put down the meat. Oh, maybe I should have asked after eating everything. While I was momentarily regretting it, she wiped the seasoning off my fur.

“It’s nothing special, we were just discussing how to enter the demon area.”

“It’s definitely an important issue.”

Since our goal is Satan, we must go to the demon realm whether we want to or not. Since Satan’s location was in the very center of the demonic area, it was inevitable.

“But the Demon Station….”

“Yes. “It is an extreme land where demonization is progressing, demons appear all the time, and in severe places, poison is spewing out.”

The Archmage swallowed the barley tea as if trying to rinse his mouth. You can eat and talk. I thought as I handed the spoon to the girl who was fighting with the corn kernels and the fork.

“Of course, for most of these people, those things won’t be a big problem… but food is a bit different.”

“Well, even at first glance, the land was completely dry. As for the horse station. “It would be hard to find anything to eat there.”

“I learned that eating something born and grown in the demon realm is the same as injecting demonic energy directly into the body. In fact, it can be seen that there is no way to procure food immediately after entering the Demon Station.”

“Is that that much….”

The Inquisitor, who had some knowledge of demonic powers, added an explanation. Deathbringer, who knew a lot about the world but had no interest in things like demons or demons, hardened his face.

“Then I guess I should prepare everything in advance like I did when I went up there.”

“I guess I’ll have to do that.”

“More than that, what should I do with the road if it’s like this? When we went north, Suzaku was there, but that wouldn’t be possible in the Demon Region. All we have to do is go all the way south, right?”

“Is that possible?”

The Archmage shrugged his shoulders in denial and pointed to the commandments with his hand.

“She will be your guide at the Demon Station.”

As I was eating it, someone who often ate particularly spicy soup glanced at me, as if the spiciness suited my taste.

“Oman is also located in the very center of the Demon Region, in the place you call the Demon King’s Castle. So, don’t make the mistake of only thinking about and preparing for Satan.”

The presence of arrogance that I wanted to forget but must not forget came painfully to me once again. Is it true that the last battle is two boss battles in a row?

I grabbed the forehead of the girl who stole the meat from Berserk’s fork and fed her new meat. Berserk, who was suddenly deprived of meat, dips into the new sausage and eats it with a shocked expression.

“So, as soon as we deal with Oman, we also have to deal with Satan?”

“I think that might be the case.”

“I will do my best to make sure we can achieve it!”

“One great devil and one devil lord. “That sounds fun.”

“Wow, that really sucks.”

“Fuck you!”

The girl who was eating meat followed the meister’s words. As soon as I touched my forehead, a shock hit my head like a gong was ringing.

“That’s not a good thing to say. “Something like Meister… is a word only used by very mean and nasty people.”

It’s two boss battles in a row, and if you keep sleeping like this, your child’s mouth will get worse. That really doesn’t work.

“is it so?”

“What are you doing?”

“okay. So please don’t use it anymore. And Meister, shut your mouth. “Don’t you know that you shouldn’t drink cold water in front of children?”

“No, it’s really ridiculous. “I should shut up about what I did wrong…!”

“I think it’s true that the Great Master did something wrong.”


I covered Isarncol’s ears from the swear words the Meister was pouring out in anger. You can’t learn words like that. no way.

“The child of adventurer Norda is not that weak.”

“A person’s character and personality are sometimes revealed through the language he uses. And it’s very easy to be affected by bad words. “It is wise to remove the root of the problem from the beginning.”

“Are you going to blame me? And what kind of character are you being overprotective—”

“I guess Hwageun didn’t say it was you, but you were stabbed? And isn’t the intellect unable to understand that language reflects one’s character? “It would be a good idea to correct your speaking habits before you start yelling at me.”

“Did you get stabbed? “Then, please change your speaking habits.”

“This dog—”


Just as the meister was about to continue swearing, the clear sound of a spoon being struck on a teacup rang out. It was an added bonus that the Meister’s voice suddenly cut off, as if that had been the trigger.

“…! Is this a noise barrier created using sound as a magical medium? Although it has been applied on a local scale, this is the first application of this type—”


Timanyuk, who was excited by seeing this, was also sentenced to mute. The magic manifester, Gye-myeong, put down his spoon with a displeased expression. Meister, who belatedly realized that his voice was blocked, hit the table with his fork.

“Originally, I would not have recommended advancing to the Demon Station. “Now that most of the great devils have died, it’s the devils that are in urgent need, not the humans.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“Because Arrogance completed the magic circle.”

Ah… I see. I thought that magic circle would probably become more dangerous the more blood it sheds.

“If one side offers excessive sacrifices, causing an imbalance in the offerings, the human sacrifice is as bad as not doing it at all. So, the magic circle would be rotating toward the west, where relatively the least blood flowed.”

The west refers to Daesinjeon, where the recent disaster occurred. Even though he was hearing the commandment once again, the Inquisitor clenched his fist tightly in front of the words.

“However, there is also an expedient way to balance the situation by sharing the blood flowing from two adjacent areas to the lacking area. Considering him, delaying Oman’s kill would only increase his power. “If you really want to win, you will have to take this gamble.”

“Well… that’s a new thing to say. “They are people who always throw gambling numbers.”

“I have never done such a profane act!”

“The representative. The gamblers mentioned there are different from the gambles mentioned in the scriptures…”

“The fight against the strong is always like that. So what we’re talking about is the unit price?”

“Daejeon Temple will definitely win!”

Is it because there are ten people? Even though Meister and Timanuk are muted, they are still making a lot of noise. I took the noise in stride and scooped out the tomatoes in the soup.

“But even if Satan and arrogance are one thing, what about sloth and lust? In the process of catching them, if they hit you from behind…”

“Oh, that’s it.”

During the boiling process, tomatoes whose skin peeled off and became a little more moist came along with spicy peppers.

“At this point, we decided to expand the wall.”

Tuk. I found the pepper and turned the spoon over. Even though I’m good at eating spicy food, I can’t get enough of that pepper. It was a decision I made after experiencing it once.

“We will advance with the whole city.”


Tomatoes and peppers fell back into the bowl.

* * *

“Hey spearman. “Is it still far away?”

Meanwhile, in a forest some distance away from Lineiro. The person who was sitting in the carriage and shaking his feet opened his mouth.

“Oh my gosh, you’re a very patient employer.”

The person who answered was a man with dirty blond hair. The spear in his hand spun around and smashed the devil’s skull.

“It’s almost done, so just hold on a little longer.”

“Do you know how many times that damn ‘almost’ has happened now?”

“haha! “Time is relative to everyone.”

“Don’t make philosophical comments on the subject of mercenaries.”

“Why? “Don’t wizards like this kind of thing?”

A pleasant and sly voice. With that voice, the man moved the window again, trying to get rid of his employer’s nerves. The grate, which had never stopped, received the centrifugal force and shattered another head. Scattering pieces of flesh and bone smeared the cheeks of the smiling man.

“But this one is real. “Because this is the last time.”


The heavy power coming from a metal of unknown material shattered the enemy’s body in two with something that was not even a blade. In the process, blood splattered again, but the man didn’t care. His body was already filthy with the blood and flesh of demons.

“Now then, shall we keep going?”

He gave priority to wiping off the things on the window instead of the things on his body. The same was true for those around him. The mercenaries, led by men, prioritized posture over their own cleanliness.

“Everyone is quiet and doesn’t react.”

“I guess we’re like the boss.”

“You may have plenty of time to complete the feat, but we don’t have a hard time.”

“Don’t be so weak. “You say that all the time, so it doesn’t work.”

“If that’s not an old guy, then what…”

“Who’s fussing now?”

The man looked back at his grumbling subordinates and then made a gesture. At the hand signal to pack up the wagon and move forward, the crew in charge moved quickly. The march, which had been stopped for a while due to the demons’ attack, resumed.

“So, wouldn’t there be a reason for my employer to move from city to city after being attacked by these scum?”

“Ha, do you know what I’m trying to do? Mercenaries who are crazy about money.”

“Don’t be so mean. That cargo information is very important for making money. “It would be especially cheap if the information came from someone who was a magic tower lord.”

The man leaned his spear against his shoulder and curled his other hand. The person riding the carriage frowned at the hand gesture that explicitly expressed money.

“I really like things like you… ha. “What are you going to do by telling the mercenary?”

However, he soon relaxed his expression and gathered magical energy into his hands. Sigh. The magical power that created the sphere in the shape of letters soon expanded its radius and spread to include all people.

“The battle lines will be reversed.”

And the moment those letters condensed in the air, a transparent film spread and enveloped the group. A mobile barrier that moves around the caster. The dirty blonde man, who knew the value of that skill, frowned. Maybe it was because I understood the wizard’s words too late.

“Why is the wire down for a moment?”

“I don’t know if this will really be the end or not. But… at least we will step up.”

As if anticipating that reaction, the wizard continued talking.

“The die has already been cast. “The line that was drawn hundreds of years ago is now being drawn again in the south.”

bang! A crow that had turned into a demon crashed into the created barrier. It was time for battle again.

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