Is It Bad That the Main Character’s a Roleplayer?

Chapter 420

Episode 420 So (3)


Crusher was the first to lower his body and trip over his feet. However, that attempt was ruined by Berserk, who stuck the ax blade facing downward into the ground. Crusher’s legs powerfully kicked the ax blade, and as soon as he realized his failure, he jumped back with the agility of a cat.


Of course, this was not Berserk, which would just let Crusher go as he retreated.

She easily lifted the ax from the ground and swung it. I must have still remembered the rule, so I held the bar with the side facing my shoulder, not the blade side.

It was fortunate that it was a weapon that did not have another blade on the other side of the ax blade. The plain part, which was only surrounded by iron, was swung at high speed.


In the end, Crusher must have decided that he had no choice but to get hit, so he blocked it with his gauntleted hand. Lee, who was flat on the floor with his legs bent and his back tilted backwards, blocked the ax with his crossed arms and eventually threw it away.

The person who instantly rolled his back with his core strength jumped up like a frog and swung his fist. phut! Berserk stretched out his hand and gently grabbed it, gradually stopping it to prevent the shock from coming to him.


Although their strength was similar, Crusher’s body flew far away due to the difference in overall strength coming from their physiques.


Crusher’s body, which was piercing the air, spun and spun again, slowing down and planting its feet on the ground. Jijijijik! The person who stopped, leaving behind skid marks, raised one foot.

bang! The trampled ground shattered and some fragments flew upward. Tap, tap, tap. And as Berserk was running towards her from the other side, Crusher kicked several stone fragments that floated upward.

As the stones were fired sequentially, Berserk’s steps suddenly stopped and he swung his ax like a baton. Ride it! The stones that bounced off the pole were scattered in all directions.


Meanwhile, Crusher quickly approached and took a deep breath and swung his legs. The body, which started spinning even before it touched, receives the centrifugal force, wrapping its legs in white wind.

thud! However, that powerful attack was blocked by Berserk’s guard raised with one arm while holding his breath. Wood clatter. The arm protecting the head was pushed to the side little by little, but in the end it was Berserk who won.

Berserk threw the ax with his other sinewy arm. Crusher retreated backwards, leaving behind a remnant. Sigh! The ax hit the ground just barely.


However, even though the ax did damage, it was impossible to avoid the Berserk that popped out at the same time as the ax was thrown. As if his arm wasn’t broken even after being hit by the terrifying leg power, Berserk grabbed Crusher’s neck with the arm that had been hit and pinned him to the floor. Quaaaang! The ground was slightly cracked, like a broken window.


However, Crusher was not an easy person. The moment her neck was grabbed and she was thrown to the ground, instead of exhaling, she lifted her legs with her waist and quickly wrapped around Berserk’s neck.


Berserk presses down on the Crusher, and the Crusher wraps around Berserk’s neck and tightens it. And at that moment, Crusher’s legs twisted as he found an opening, and Berserk’s body fell to the side. The body that rose up from the recoil hit Berserk’s face with its fist.


His nose bleeds, but Berserk does not let Crusher go. On the contrary, her hand tried to throw the crusher to the side again, as if to change the previous composition.

However, as soon as Crusher sensed the scent, Crusher’s hand grabbed the wrist that was holding my neck and struck my forearm with his fist with the other hand. Of course, it was not hit in the direction where the elbow was bent, that is, on the inside of the forearm.


As if he sensed that his arm would break, Berserk let go of Crusher’s neck, bent his knees, planted his feet on the ground, and raised his upper body. Crusher, who looked like he was being pushed away, hurriedly kicked Berserk’s belly and stepped back.

Her horns rising from the top of her head barely scratched the ground, then followed her spinning body and headed towards the sky again.


However, by the time she landed on the ground, Berserk’s hand had grabbed her axe.

Berserk laughed like a beast, his forearms gradually turning purple. His nose is bleeding, but the heat in his golden eyes never fades.

Well, well, well, well.

It was also similar to Crusher. She wiped the nape of her neck where the handprint remained and then adjusted the gauntlets she was wearing. As I adjusted something, the gauntlets tightened around my hand.

“You’re not going to finish it already, are you?”

“No way.”

Berserk laughed brightly and ran away like crazy. Then Crusher also moved in step. They began to feel an unusual force in their bodies, as if they had raised each other’s magical power.

As if the fight up until now wasn’t even a fight.

“Wait a minute, what’s happening now?”

“Before, I couldn’t see much, but now it’s even worse.”

Oh, I guess there’s nothing to see from those two. Still, I’m like, ‘I can’t see it, what’s going on?’ It was like that, but now it has even properly strengthened its body with magic power.

“Hey, what do you see?”

“I can see it… but it seems difficult to explain.”

The speed of movement must be very fast. At that level, the commentary can’t even keep up. I have no idea how to explain that.

“You can tell me which side has the upper hand.”

“Well… they are so close that it is hard to pinpoint which side is superior…”

Still, if I had to choose—

“I think Berserk is at a disadvantage.”


“…is it real?”

“I heard that Hoo Crusher is a mercenary who is famous around here. It seems to be true.”

“There is no way the Great Warrior will lose!”

Deathbringer and Daniel, who knew what kind of person Berserk was, expressed their doubts. On the other hand, Windson, who does not know Berserk, seems to be satisfied with the superiority of Crusher, who he has a closer relationship with. His lips drew a smooth line. The piper was just the opposite.

“The warrior Nari is also a person who has made a name for himself?”

“Lord Berserk wasn’t an ordinary person either… but is Lord Crusher that strong?”

“…There’s really no way the Great Warrior will lose.”

“No, the disadvantage I mentioned did not mean a unit of skill…”

I said, looking at the ax in Berserk’s hand.

“It’s because I feel like that ax will break.”

In fact, not long after I spoke, the ax was truly broken. Wow!

“Oh sorry.”

During the sparring, the ax that was hit by Crusher’s kick was scattered into fragments.

If a tooth was knocked out or a corner came off, the two would have fought without paying attention, but since it shattered like a glass window, they had no choice but to stop fighting.

It was a rare case for a weapon to break like this, so it was pointless.

“…There is no need to apologize. “It happened during sparring.”

Berserk somehow breaks his weapon every time we spar. If things continue like this, it might become a jinx.

With that in mind, I approached them. Others tried to follow me, but I didn’t think there was any reason to do so, so I signaled with my hand that they should not do so.

“Are you hurt?”

“…Are you seriously asking this?”

“I was asking if you were cut by a piece of debris… but now that I think about it, I guess it wasn’t a good question.”

One of my arms was swollen and swollen, and the other had a bruise on the nape of my neck that looked like a handprint, so it’s a bit strange that I even asked this question.

I acknowledged my mistake and looked at my broken weapon.

“Are you sure you’ll be okay?”

“Just get a new one and that’s it.”

It would be true to say that Berserk is okay because he is not limited by the type or type of weapon… but it would still be more convenient to have a dedicated weapon.

“I’m glad.”


“There is no way a weapon that can be shattered in a sparring match can withstand a fight in a demonic area.”


If that’s the reason, it’s definitely not a bad thing. Even though this is just practice, if you fail in real life, you’ll be in real trouble.

“At a glance, it looks like a magic tower. Anyway, magic towers make strange weapons.”


“okay. “I’m giving you a reason for casting magic, so it’s hard to say anything here, but…”

Coughing softly between words—it seemed like he was coughing because his throat was sore rather than because he was cold—Crusher crossed his arms.

“From now on, if you’re going to buy a magic tower product, buy something that can be attached to the weapon rather than the weapon itself. “There are pommel and handles.”

She advised that although the given magic might be small or less effective, it would be better than breaking the weapon during a fight. I happened to listen to it along with Berserk and was impressed. Are you a genius?

“I don’t know if I’ll ever buy a magic tower weapon, but if I do, I’ll keep this in mind.”

Meanwhile, Berserk threw the remaining handle on the floor and stomped on it. Crack. The handle was crushed in an instant.

“If you were going to throw it away, shouldn’t you have handed it over to me?”

I concentrated my magic power and burned them all. I couldn’t even restore the ground that was shattered during the fight, but I was able to clean up the trash.


“It’s nothing special. So, have you confirmed each other’s skills?”

“This is definitely acceptable.”

“I didn’t care from the beginning.”

Oh, fortunately, we were able to fight this much. It seems like they recognized each other’s skills. I told them to go get treatment and led them towards the Inquisitor. “Daejeonsa!!” Isarncol cried and ran over to the Daejeonsa’s arms.

“So are you joining?”

“yet. “You didn’t look over there.”

However, the intention to join was not confirmed. While the two followed me to the outskirts, Hawkeye and Commandment, who noticed the end of this area, entered the stage again.

“Wow, this is the first time I’ve seen someone fight on equal footing with that Crusher. “I guess entering the demon station wasn’t an unnecessary bravado.”

Their moods were truly conflicting, but Hawkeye was similar as always. Compared to his tall and well-trained body, the atmosphere feels like flowers floating around.

“Is this really the only answer you have?”

On the other hand, the commandment walking next to Hawkeye had many similarities with the current air. So, it is very cold and chilly.

“Then are you going to save me?”

But what can you do about it? They say they are the strongest in town. How can we change that? Nope.


Anyway, this is something I always think about. It’s true that this guy is smart and helpful, but he really hates people who are the opposite of him.

In particular, if you put it next to kids with sunny and lively traits, they show expressionless disgust and keep their distance… It was a bit funny to watch. Are you saying you hate it that much?

“Now then, shall we have a game?”

“…There is no option to refuse.”

“Well, if you really don’t want to do it, you don’t have to!”


Wouldn’t it be fun to team up with Hawkeye and Kye Myung when we enter the demon area? Of course, Hawkeye would prefer Crusher since he has been with him for a long time… but I think it would be fun to have the two of them together.

“There’s no need for that kind of consideration.”

“Uh… okay. “So what are the rules?”

“Same as before.”

“Mmmmm good. “Everything is allowed except for the one-shot killer!”

I imagined that and listened to the conversation that followed before the sparring. It wasn’t because their conversation was particularly fruitless, but because the Inquisitor had just started treating Berserk and Crusher.

“Okay, I’m Heretic Hunter Hawkeye! “Even though it’s a sparring match, please take care of me.”

“…Let’s get started quickly.”

“Ah, please introduce me! “I also have a dream of having a fight while introducing each other!”

Although the divine power is unpleasant, it is surprising to see it healed so quickly. I turned my head again, relieved to see both of their wounds healing in an instant.


Commandment, which dismissed all of Hawkeye’s whining, urged the Archmage.

“Then it will blow.”

Beep. At the urging of the commandment, the Archmage blew his whistle. Sarah. The blade of a sword protruded from between the hem of Commandment’s cloak.


Hawkeye also grabbed the weapon strapped to his back.


“It was a romance.”

The bow and the blade, of which I don’t know what they were made of, collided and created sparks. All the flowers floating in the air were destroyed by the sparks.

The bright purple eyes began to shine like cross sections of broken ice.

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