Is It Bad That the Main Character’s a Roleplayer?

Chapter 423

Episode 423 So (6)

“Wow, this guy’s escort is so hard. No matter how I look at this, I don’t think I’ll have to pay extra for it.”

“Are you saying that after already charging three times the normal cost? “You bastard miser.”

“But I’ll see if you get better. There is no one among our sons who hasn’t been hurt. “Even if I do this, you won’t pay extra?”

The magician’s atonement fairy frowned at the sight of the man smiling heartily. This is because, apart from the fact that the man’s intentions were clearly visible, it was also true that the mercenaries had caused great damage.

“The additional fee will be paid as soon as you arrive at the Magic Tower. “No more than that.”

“Oh my, thank you. “Please call me again when you return.”

“go away.”

The fairy was the first to enter the city, showing off her nervousness through her expression and voice. The soldiers guarding the entrance approached to check his identity, but stopped in front of the card he threw first.

“Oh, look at the streets that haven’t been maintained. “How are you going to unfold the barrier like this?”

He took in the view of the city from the entrance while the soldiers carefully checked their cards. Every time, the flowers blooming between the hairs swayed gently.

“I finished checking…”

“Then give it to me quickly. “Why is work done so slowly?”

“Is this the same as your city, where you have nothing to worry about thanks to the barrier between you and your employer?”

“I didn’t ask you, you mercenary.”

The fairy said so and waited for all the escorts he had brought with him to pass. To be exact, the ingredients in the carriage he brought over his disciples.

“Stop being lazy and get started quickly. “You don’t think that just arriving in the city is the end, do you?”

“Wow, you have a temper tantrum.”

“What did you say?”

“I said you have a really cool temperament. “Can I send my son who is more injured to the temple separately first?”

“doesn’t care.”

“Thank you.”

In the process, the man laughed heartily. I’ve been seeing this face a lot lately, but the moment I see it, it’s an unfortunate face.

“Where is the temple that is opening?”

“I’ll even allow you to leave the kids out, but keep your destination straight. “Before canceling the surcharge.”

“You’re so picky. Okay, okay.”

That lackadaisical attitude of seeking out one’s own interests at every opportunity will also have an impact. The fairy waited for the carriage to move with a look of frustration on her face. Soon, mercenaries who had guessed the location of the Magic Tower began to move around the carriage.


“What is it, Senior Geumpung?”

Then, when the fairy, led by mercenaries, approached the magic tower. He found his old friend.

“It’s been a while, Lily.”

“Really. But none of my seniors have changed.”

“How can I change anything?”

Meanwhile, the Archmage stroked his staff as he watched the fairy coming down from the carriage. I was so happy to see him in person after decades.

“You… your style has changed a lot.”

“Ah, there are so many cases where I get mistaken for a woman. “I’m lucky if I’m just mistaken, but some bastards are making a fuss about it.”

The fairy seemed to feel the same way and complained to her like she did long ago. However, to put it nicely, it was just a complaint, but judging by the expression on his face, the degree of his suffering seemed to be more serious. I’ve said all this because someone who doesn’t change their style is on the verge of changing their tastes.

“You had a lot of trouble.”

“It’s okay. I cut off everything from their crotches.”


“yes. “I confessed faithfully to the priest, so don’t worry.”

“No, I’m not worried about that.”

The person who confesses and prays so faithfully that the word ‘atonement’ is added to her name is the fairy Lily. The only problem is that they don’t think about preventing accidents from the beginning, and then they suddenly cause accidents and then go to confession.

“So where are you going, senior?”

“Oh, I was out of my mind. “Everyone come out.”

I was so happy that I even forgot to introduce myself to my companions. The Archmage hurriedly gave a wave to those who had overlooked it.

“This is the Inquisitor. Inquisitor: This is the fairy making atonement. “I am the magic tower lord of Pasarel.”

“hello! Please take care of me, Magic Tower Lord!”

“Please take care of me too. “Call me Fairy or Lily.”

“Yes Lily!”

The Fairy and Inquisitor who were the first to atone lightly exchanged greetings. Next are the other people next to me.

Baramson, who suddenly introduced himself, scratched his head in confusion.

“As I live, I live and see the Lord of the Magic Tower.”

“Arch Mage, you are also the former Magic Tower lord, right?”

“That’s true, but there’s something different between your current job and your previous job.”

The rustling of the Deathbringer and the Wind Hand penetrated my ears.

“If you do it, Lily. That one…”

“This one is a mercenary I hired.”

“Hey guys. “If you have any requests, please feel free to contact us.”

“He’s a miser, he’s not very helpful, and he’s a bit of a nuisance, but his skills themselves aren’t bad.”

“If you say so, it seems like your skills are really good.”

“Ah, Gorum. “It’s a bit expensive, but our Rakai is worth the money.”

If you don’t like a person’s personality, a fairy will not give you a high evaluation no matter how good their skills are. But such a fairy belittles one’s personality and at the same time acknowledges it…

The Archmage asked the dirty blond man who seemed to be the representative of the force.

“May I ask your name and what the group you lead is called? “I might find something later.”

“Oh, of course not.”

Then the man responded by rubbing his hands together slyly.

“You just need to find Mystiltein or the Trickster mercenaries.”

Of course, bring money.

The man curled his fingers and laughed heartily. I thought I knew where the reputation of fairies as being flimsy came from.

* * *

I stopped listening to the commandments and Meister Timanuk’s tutoring and called out time. I felt like my head was going to explode.

“Hey, have you memorized three now?”

“…I hope you can understand that I am not as bright as you.”

If you can remember something after seeing it once, is that a person? Monsters like you.

“It is difficult to memorize the magic circle only through pictures. If you understand the formula and know why it takes the form it does…”

“If someone who doesn’t even know the basics of magic has to learn it now, it will only take longer. “Know that it is best to hit him on the head like he is doing now.”

“But I think you’ll learn it quickly…”

Oh, I’m dizzy from looking at the magic circle all the time.

I leaned back in my chair and tilted my head back, trying not to forget the three magic circles I had engraved on my head. I felt a little hot, perhaps because I was using my head too much. I envy Daniel who fell asleep next to me while listening to the explanation of the magic circle.

“Okay, so what exactly is the purpose of what I’m memorizing? “I heard that it is calculated backwards and destroys the position, but… I guess the times when each magic circle is used are different.”

Or should I write them all in order? I don’t think it will have that much horsepower.

“That’s not it.”


“Oman’s camp can be broadly divided into three areas.”

Keimyung thought about my question for a moment and then picked up a pen and paper.

“A sky that is blocked, a land where a line is drawn, and a sea that becomes a lake.”

“…Classification is so poetic.”

“Wrong. This is not a parable, but a most straightforward statement.”

Commande moved his pen and drew a circle that filled most of the page.

“This is the land where the lines are drawn. The Eye of Arrogance can see everything that enters the demon realm and can give commands to the demons in the demon realm to make their movements.”

That’s it. One more circle was drawn one after another. It looked exactly like a fried egg. Although the yolk was a little big.

“This is the palace of arrogance in the closed sky. “Oman can see when he enters the palace, can move the demons within the palace, and can even directly manipulate the palace.”

Finally, the smallest circle was drawn.

“And the sea, which became the innermost lake. “It is located in the heart of the palace, is where the throne of Oman is located, and is where everything about Oman is concentrated.”

“What you mean is… Oman will be there and you have to get there to kill him?”

“It’s clear.”

“It’s a mess.”

“It’s so far away…”

To put it simply, the land with the lines is the field map, the blocked sky is the name of the dungeon, and the sea that became a lake is the boss room.

In the meantime, the boss will recognize us even if we just step on the field map, so a mob rush will inevitably occur. Once you enter the palace, a trap gimmick will be added. It was a mess.

“So what is the use of the magic circle?”

“I will start by telling you that there is no need to memorize it. “They will be used first.”

As I was sighing inwardly, the commandment moved the booklet to the last page. This was because things that did not need to be memorized were put aside for ease of classification.

“First, this magic circle is used to conceal our location.”

“…For entrance to Demon Station. yes?”

“Accurate. “They will also be mobilizing patrol demons, so it won’t mean much, but that doesn’t mean it will be useless.”

I’m sure so. If you are discovered or killed by a patrol demon, Oman will notice it from then on… Still, it is attractive to be able to save stamina until then, or to be able to keep the entry point unknown.

“The second to fourteenth steps are to break through the barrier surrounding the palace. “Oman has created several layers of barriers to confine the sky, and if we cannot destroy them all, we will not even be able to set foot in the palace.”

“What, there are twelve barriers?”

“These magic circles… some of them are connected and work organically. Perhaps those barriers…”

“This is also the minimum number. “If you are arrogant, it will be possible to create a new barrier on the spot.”

“…Isn’t that a bit of a problem?”

“But I expect he won’t create any more barriers than this.”

Keimyung exhaled and fluttered his eyelashes.

“For them, the twelve barriers are nothing more than a ticket that determines their qualifications to enter the palace. “They will at least look at the faces of those who have proven their qualifications.”

Because that is arrogance. The commandment decided with distant eyes. Although there was no evidence at all, it was a confidence that I had no choice but to believe.

“Let’s go back to the front again. Half of this magic circle is used to avoid the traps of the palace, half is used to move around the palace, and the last half is a means to counter the magic of arrogance.”

“…That’s why I told you to memorize everything.”

“okay. If you are lucky, you will be able to open the book, but if not, you will have to rely on your memory.”

Ha really. I expected from the beginning that I would have to memorize everything except a few, but all I can say is that they are important and there is no need to skip anything. What should I do with this?

“No, damn it. “If breaking the twelve barriers is proof of qualifications, shouldn’t we just let them through the palace?”

While I was holding my head, Meister grumbled. It was a very perfect statement. That’s exactly how I felt. If you break the twelve barriers, let me high-pass to the boss room.

“…It’s unreasonable and not even worth responding to.”

“No, was I wrong? “Are you wrong?”

“More than that, why is this magical place connected like this? And this magic…”

Meanwhile, the clueless Timanuk was engrossed in magic.

Yes, where can even one person be happy? I stared at the head of the flower garden with an indescribable feeling and then picked up a new piece of paper. It was time to test whether the three magic circles I had memorized earlier were still firmly embedded in my head.

Square Square.

“Oh, that’s right.”

Then wait a moment. As I listened to all the explanations and was about to draw the second magic circle for practice, a favor to ask the meister came to mind.

“Is it possible to request a Meister?”


“I need shoes and weapons to give to Berserk—”

“Okay. Just prepare the cost of materials.”

…The answer came too quickly. Did you know that the weapon was broken?

“There is one more.”

Well, it’s not that important. At least I’m not the type to say something like this.


“This is closer to asking about possibility rather than a request…”

“So, whatever.”

“Is it possible to modify the magical battery you made so that people can use it?”


“So… when I, Gye Myung, or others run out of mana, we can use the battery to replenish our mana…”

Since there is no such thing as a mana potion here, wouldn’t it be nice to have something like this? If possible, it would be especially helpful for Gye Myeong, who has knowledge but cannot use large-scale magic due to lack of mana. I’m also a person who has some spare magic power, so there’s nothing wrong with that.

“Is it really that difficult?”

But it won’t be that easy. No, if he was a meister in the first place, he might have already thought of this idea? Just because I knew it wouldn’t work—

“Are you a genius?”

“The magical energy stored in objects and transferred to people… It’s quite an interesting study.”

“…It’s not an impossible idea.”

Oh, isn’t that it?

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