Is It Bad That the Main Character’s a Roleplayer?

Chapter 451

Episode 451: We will be blessed (8)

“I will take Nari Windhand with me.”


If you do, I will be grateful. I waved my hand, pretending not to notice the young man’s red eyes.

“Oh what. “If this were the case, you wouldn’t have had to rush to get it.”

It was the same with Wind Hand. He deliberately didn’t look at the Deathbringer and said, “Ha!” and laughed.

“I’m sorry.”

“it’s okay. “You know I didn’t ask for an apology.”

The wind hand said that and held out something to me. It’s an ornament that looks like it could be hung somewhere.

“It’s a gift given in advance.”

The wood that forms the frame is roughly as thick as the palm of your hand, so it doesn’t feel that big. Additionally, threads hang like spiderwebs between the frames, and a jewel hangs in the middle.

Overall, I had the impression that it was similar to something I knew.

“…It’s a pumpkin.”

At that time, the boy who had never opened his mouth suddenly blurted out. It seemed like it was probably referring to the type of mineral embedded in the center.


“Oh, you recognize me?”

I stared down at the smooth stone. The dark orange-colored gem has an inner pattern that looks like a wave or a flame.

If the boy hadn’t said it was a pumpkin, I, who have no knowledge, would have been confused for a long time.

“Well… what is this for? “It looks like an ornament, but…”

“It’s a dream catcher. “It’s a masterpiece for superstitious sea bastards.”

Anyway, Windson chuckled at my question. At the same time, she tapped the earrings hanging in her ears with her hand, and only then did the detailed shape come into view. I didn’t even notice because it was small and long enough to fit on my ear, but his earrings were also in a similar shape to this without knowing it.

“If you have it, it will filter out bad luck. Well, there is no actual blessing or magic, so it is literally just a superstition.”

“…Even without blessings or magic, there is sincerity. “I don’t know if I can accept this.”

I couldn’t believe it, but it turned out to be a dream catcher. Well, the concept of filtering something out with a net is a fairly easy idea to come up with. Even though the large frame is the same, all the details are different, so they look like different objects.

“If you take out the jewel in the middle, it’s not that expensive. “To begin with, amber is not that expensive among jewelry.”

“But considering your financial situation, isn’t this also a burden?”

“Oh, not really.”

Windson grinned, showing his teeth. The inside of the hair that is gently pulled away is full of braided hair and something hanging from it. They’re all wrapped in fabric so you can’t tell what they are.

“I made it as an emergency fund to use in times of real emergency.”

“…Is that how you store your jewels? “No, did you give me the jewel you kept with that smelly head before that?”

“What what? Smelly hair? You bastard! I was so considerate to you, but you repay the favor with vengeance?! hey!!”

But I don’t think there’s any need to look into it. I looked at the dream catcher’s pumpkin with a strange gaze, and before I knew it, I turned my head back to the two people playing tag.

If it’s for an emergency fund, shouldn’t you spend more… But it’s also against etiquette to turn down a gift you’ve already received…

“For now, thank you.”

“first? Ildaaan? Hey, you don’t think I stink either, do you?”

Well… that’s a bit hard to answer.

“…I guess that’s true.”

“What is that silence in front of you! “What is that silence?”

“Hey, Windhand Nari. Adventurer Nari is a person who washes at least once a day, if not twice. Do you have a conscience?”

“No, that’s possible because it’s that guy!! “I’m pretty good at hygiene, right?!”

“Uh, so how many times a week do you wash?”

“Yumma! Do you think I have money to buy fresh water once a day?! And water is precious on a ship!!”

“Is that so? But I don’t think it’s any of my business.”

“This damn thief?!!”

If that happens, there’s going to be a real fight. I smiled awkwardly and tried to stop the rampaging Wind Hand. They were both shorter than me, so there was no difficulty.

“I really appreciate the gift. And make sure you come on time in the evening.”

“Okay. “Damn it, I will definitely wash away this insult.”

“There is no need to overdo it.”

Of course, it would be nice if you wash up and come back. I knew that people here don’t wash often and I got used to it, but it’s clean so there’s nothing wrong with it.


“What is this?”

“It’s bathing fee.”

“No shit, did you really think I smelled?”

“I guess that’s true.”

“Don’t give me the same answer as before! And deny it! Deny it properly! “Don’t lump it together!”

I laughed quietly and waved my hands. It is the Deathbringer who is dragged along by the wind hand that roars at the right time.

“now. “Let’s go.”

“No, let go of this! “I need to get an answer from that bastard!!”

“Uh huh, let’s go. “I still have some research left to do.”

“Oh really!!”

Anyway, I hung the dream catcher I received as a gift on my belt. Because the size was just right, it didn’t bother me too much, and even the feeling of shaking didn’t feel bad thanks to the popular belief that it wards off bad luck.

It was a gift I really liked.

“Now only Berserk and Crusher remain.”

If you have time, you should have a proper conversation with the Archmage.

I thought that and turned away. If we wanted to return to the second expansion Earth before the sun set, we had to hurry.

My steps gradually became faster.

* * *

“In the end, I came….”

“That’s right. “I also went on an unplanned business trip because of someone else.”

“If you’re going to be kind, why don’t you do it to the end?”

“That’s because you’ve been hanging out in front of me for an hour!”

Pavlichenko yelled at Skylar and immediately regretted it. The senior may have been anxious as he had reached the stage of trauma, but he could not endure it again. Pavlichenko’s ears heated up slightly.

“Oh anyway. Let’s hurry and find the kid, right? Either that or find an inn.”

“That’s right… But the atmosphere is quite scary. “Is it because it’s been a while since I’ve been on the front lines that I feel this way?”

“well. Considering that the quarantine was particularly strict, it doesn’t seem like that…”

Normally, I would have talked to the soldiers at the initiation center to get information, but the soldiers this time were so strict that there was no way they would talk to me other than asking the necessary questions. Thanks to this, they didn’t even know what the situation was in this city.

“Seeing as there were a lot of eyes asking why I came at this time… I guess the advance is about to begin in a few days?”

“I guess so…”

Of course, just because there wasn’t that conversation didn’t mean there was no opportunity to find out information.

They inferred the current situation of the city from the fact that the flow of letters had completely stopped ten days ago, that censorship had become very tight, and that almost no one tried to enter the gate they arrived at.

“Then it would be better to see the little boy first.”

However, I don’t know if this is the right answer.

Perhaps to prevent information from leaking to the devil, that city also controls information in other cities. So, if you want to check the answer sheet, you should go find someone who knows the answer rather than staying here.

“let’s go. “Because it’s nearby.”


And whoever knew the answer happened to be their target. Skylar adjusted her thick cloak once again and went with Pavlichenko.

Her white hair swayed gently like a cloud.

“But what is it? “If it’s just before the real advance, aren’t we screwed?”

“I already prepared for this, so why not do this again?”

“No. What I thought could happen and what actually happened are a bit different. “How did you become the branch leader?”

“Don’t worry. “If you die, I will die with you.”

“This is no consolation at all.”

Pavlichenko responded, fluttering his round ears and sweet tail. Skylar chuckled at the emotions she was showing even though she could hide them.

“Do you still have a crush on me?”

“Uh-huh! “It is prohibited to ask questions outright.”

“What’s so good about an old, curly woman?”

“Such lines are also prohibited. And what is it that makes you so old and twisted? “Even though we are a Slander people who are already aging very late.”

“Hey, I’m already sixty years old. “Even if aging is delayed, you should be called old by this age.”

“…What do you need to know?”

Isn’t it actually better? What if a kid in his sixties and half of his sixties follows you around?

Pavlichenko thought so and followed Skyla. Inevitably, they are walking towards a back alley rather than the main street.

“Is it far?”

“No, it’s around here—”

After saying that, Skyla roughly stopped at the corner. Beyond that, two low-pitched voices can be heard.

“Hey, is this right here?”

“I don’t know. “I’m just rummaging around.”

“You’re looking for clues so ignorantly?”

It wasn’t long before two people suddenly jumped out from behind the corner. It was a young man wearing an old but suitable cape for cold weather, and a Slandic man who appeared to be from the South.


Among them, the faces I haven’t seen in a long time haven’t changed. Skylar’s eyes narrowed.

“It’s been a while, kid.”

“No really?!”

Deathbringer’s voice resonated inside the alley.

* * *

When we reached the second expansion area, we saw wizards. I wasn’t even aiming for it, but there were just three archmages huddled together.

So, I put Berserk and Crusher aside for a moment and approached there at a brisk pace. The more I walked, the more I could see their actions, which seemed to be just muttering.

“No, this is it.”

“Doing so reduces stability.”

“Is stability an issue? “I’m going to use it once anyway.”

“If that firepower is directed inward…”

“…I don’t think just directing inward is the problem.”

But how does that work seem like the type I know?

I was silent for a moment as I looked at the magic for our smooth departure and the device to blow us all the way to the devil’s castle.

We were talking about this and that to find useful ideas, and it was really fun until we talked about a game where you shoot birds with a slingshot… How did it come to this?

I frowned, thinking about Angry Bird Games, Gluttonous Pink Devil, etc. Although the idea of the game was unique and fun, I never wanted to become a real human cannon. I really didn’t know what the world was like.

There is also Suzaku, so why do we have to become human cannonballs and get shot out?

“Arch Mage.”

Still, this is already the case. I have a cannonball… a sleigh… a car… I don’t know what to call it. Anyway, I walked slowly while looking at it.

I heard that they put the utmost care into safety, but honestly, it didn’t seem that way from the outside.

“Ah, are you here?”

“Hey, are you here? Prospective official.”

“Fairy, he is not your prospective employee.”

“Both of you stop. “He feels burdened.”

I paused at the prospective priest’s remarks and was relieved to see the Archmage protecting me. My only friend is Archmage. My steps went next to her.

Of course, in return, the eyes of the fairy and the purple snake grew hot. One was okay. It may be hard to say this, but Archmage’s size was perfect for use as a wall.

“So is something going on?”


“Ah, I already heard about the party.”

I chose to speak while covering half of my body with the Archmage’s back so that the two people’s gaze would escape.

“That’s part of the business, but there’s something else I want to say.”

“is it?”


Rather, did that party thing go well? I’ve already heard about it. Seeing as you’re saying this, it looks like you’ve decided on all the internal details.

“Where should the party go?”

“I thought there was no need to go far, so I decided to use the restaurant near the Magic Tower.”

eatery? It certainly wouldn’t be bad there, but… how should other people eat?

“You know the nature of the Magic Tower guys. “They’ll like it better if you bring the meal to their room.”

The Archmage must have intuitively read my question and gave me the answer before I could even ask. It was an answer that made sense before even refuting it.

“…Then I’m glad.”

However, if you agree here, you will be acknowledging wizards as reclusive evildoers. I turned my horse around for my social skills.

“That’s right.”

The Archmage also smiled and blurted out his words. It was a sad truth that they both knew but implicitly pretended not to know.

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