Is It Bad That the Main Character’s a Roleplayer?

Chapter 454

Episode 454: We will be blessed (11)

Frankenstein chuckled as he looked at Elizabeth with a pale complexion.

Because I saw an unexpected face, I completely forgot how to act… but this wasn’t a bad thing. This was quite a price to pay for seeing a face I thought I would never see again.

“I was locked up….”

“Ah, it’s been a while since I escaped.”

Rather, how on earth did Elizabeth recognize him? Even if things change like this, even if the behavior itself is twisted, if there is a connection, will people somehow recognize each other?

“It’s more surprising Ellie. That you are here. “I thought you would never set foot on northern soil again.”

After all, the world is fun. Frankenstein was once again intrigued by a phenomenon that could not be explained scientifically, and patted the hem of his clothes.

“…Skylar what is it?”


“Oh, client. know each other?

I guess I’ll have to run away separately.

He checked the face of one of the warriors who had captured him and patted the other hem of his clothes. Only then did Elizabeth, who looked gaunt, suddenly come to her senses.



“I don’t know what it is, but…”

“Oh, please explain!”

One person is taken aback by her cries, and the two rush in to catch him without the slightest hesitation.

“You have a faithful dog.”

But it was late. The trigger has already been pulled.

“Hello, Ellie.”

His body was instantly consumed by flames and his soul flew through the air.

* * *

I sat down on the tallest building, watching the people slowly gathering. The sky, which is slowly turning scarlet, is very beautiful if it is not for the terrible Demon Star in the distance.

“Still, I’m glad that it’s the last time and nothing bad happens…”

Well, although it will be extremely tiring starting tomorrow… but there isn’t much left.

I made up my mind for the last time and quietly lay down on the dryer.


Soon, the ground began to rumble as if the flag I had selected was being retrieved.

* * *

“What is it?”

The Deathbringer was surprised to see the person burned with only his clothes remaining. The branch manager seemed to feel the same way, as he showed his agitation by wagging his eyebrows.

“Sir, this is it.”

“…still alive.”

Still alive? My body is on fire like this?

“This way.”

But Skylar said. Deathbringer turned away, completely trusting her words. Skylar’s feet were so fast that I had to almost run to keep up with them.

“…over there over there. “I don’t know anything about the current situation?”

Then wait a moment. Suddenly, Baramson, who was running with them, asked.

I run with you because you guys run, but I really don’t know what’s going on. His facial expression clearly reveals his feelings.

“That goes for me too. “What on earth is this, Skylar?”

“Sir, that bastard from earlier….”

“It’s a white crow.”

One word from Skyla put an end to all their doubts. Why does Skylar know White Crow? Although I may have such doubts, I immediately understood the reason why I had to run like this.

“…Who is that white crow?”


Well, there might be someone involved.

“I am a former archmage and now a traitor. They conspired with the devil and put him in prison, but he escaped again. Do you remember the Inquisitors making a fuss a few weeks ago? “It happened back then.”

“Ah… was that because of that?”

Baramson was quickly convinced by Deathbringer’s explanation. Also, as he was persuaded, he started playing with his feet a little harder.

“We can never tolerate traitors.”

Perhaps the record of almost destroying his hometown at the hands of a traitor fuels his passion even more.

Deathbringer shut his mouth when he heard Windhand’s muttering. The image of Zakrati being rampaged by demons briefly flashed through my memory.

“Oh wait, you guys! “I can’t climb over the fence!”

“Oh, wait a moment. Because I will extend my hand.

“…Ha, why don’t you just leave it and go?”

Separately, he extended his hand to the wind hand.

Unlike those who were skilled at climbing over walls, walls, and roofs, Baramson was no different from a civilian in that field and was therefore useless.

“No, take it. “I’ll have someone come in as soon as the location is confirmed.”

“I can… no, I can do that.”

“We don’t know what kind of trap Frankenstein may have prepared, so why not take out the confirmed weapon called Deathbringer? Fabi, I think you just said that as a joke.”

“…all right.”

However, while he was holding Windson’s hand and pulling him up, Skyla and the branch leader were talking.

To be honest, Deathbringer was also of the opinion that there was a need to bring Windson with him, but thanks to the Q&A exchanged behind the scenes, the doubts were resolved. Although I was still curious about how Skyla and the White Crow knew each other.

“Okay. “I’ve done a few chases around the city, but I don’t think you guys can keep up.”

Anyway, Baramson also succeeded in getting up to the roof. He shook the snow off his knees and straightened his bent back.

“what? Why do you look at me like that?”

“…No. “Let’s go.”

“For your information, don’t tell me I’m slow. “I am a seal, not a land dog.”

“No one said anything, so don’t worry.”

He seems to be aware that he is being delayed. Nevertheless, “Should I fall first?” Seeing as he doesn’t say anything like that… he seems to be guessing that he will be used somewhere.

Otherwise, there’s no way he would have such a confident face.

“But his face has changed a lot… Do you think that’s possible if we join hands with the devil?”

That was done, and Deathbringer changed the topic to ease Baramson’s guilt.


Skylar, with a slightly stiff face, answered vaguely, as if she was muttering.

“Even if the devil is not the cause, he is a renowned wizard in the life field. Changing his face might be something he can do.”

Also, the branch manager suggested a new perspective. Even though I knew he was an authority on life magic, I never thought that life magic could do something like that, so it was a helpful comment.

“…Oh, it’s sick.”

But the more you imagine about that white crow, the more he looks like a beggar.

Deathbringer thought about various things about his changed appearance and cursed for no reason. It wasn’t an insult with any special meaning. Just because a new perspective was presented, it was already expected that the appearance would change.

“under. “Maybe you didn’t even consider the fact that your face would change?”

“…What are you talking about? Of course I considered it. “Do you think I’m a fool?”

It doesn’t matter if it’s by borrowing the power of the devil, by using human technology, or by using magic. From the White Crow’s point of view, wouldn’t he be able to try anything if he changed his appearance after the wanted order was issued?

This was an obvious fact that did not need to be thought about.

“Then that’s a relief.”


But what is this branch manager?

There’s no way he’s a branch leader who takes jokes seriously. Do you really think he doesn’t know this? He is a hero’s companion in his own right? He has a place in the information guild??

Or are you just talking about having a fight?

“Uh… you two don’t get along?”

“We don’t get along well, and this is the first time I saw Deb show today.”

It seems like Baramson also felt something from what the branch manager was saying.

The Deathbringer responded in the same way to the Wind Hand, who tactfully whispered to him while running. Due to the nature of the information guild, where only people with good ears gather, whispers from this distance are not whispers, even if the other person is the branch leader… but that’s okay.

If you’re going to start a fight from the first moment, listen to me.

“okay? But why do I feel emotions?”

“I don’t know. Now that I’m the branch manager, I guess my paranoia has grown.”

Skylar, who would normally mediate between them, said nothing right now. Maybe it’s because all the attention is focused on the white crow.

Deathbringer’s eyebrows furrowed.




“Senpai, don’t disturb me, you bastard.”

“hmm? uh?”

The branch manager’s subtle threat and Skylar’s clueless answer overlapped. Then, the branch manager’s face instantly returned to a gloomy expression as if nothing had happened. It was a very disgusting sight.

The corners of the Deathbringer’s eyes rose and the wind hand whistled.

“What did you say just now?”

“The branch manager who has been following you around is a bit mean-spirited. Do you mind if I scratch his head after work is over?”


“…Huh? Fabi?”

You probably didn’t expect this either. Deathbringer thought so and suddenly told Skylar.

As expected, this was quite embarrassing, so the branch manager’s eyebrows twitched.

“…Let’s talk about it later. “We’re almost there.”

However, unfortunately for the Deathbringer and fortunately for him, the White Crow’s location was getting closer. They suddenly closed their mouths and slowed down their steps and stood silently at the edge of the roof.

“You, the wind hand. “You can inform the security guard here, right?”

“Memorizing the way to the ground is rat poison. Okay, I’ll try my best.”

“It doesn’t matter if you can’t memorize it properly. “As soon as we enter, we will raise a signal flare, so please contact the guards and convey the meaning of the signal signal.”

Skyla, who indicated the target building with a hand gesture, spoke softly to Baramson. The voice was as small as a breath, but the wind hand managed to understand it and pursed its lips. I could feel the belief in their eyes that they would understand even if there was no voice.

“…Let’s meet again with a normal face.”

He ran all the way there and then crept towards the main street. Now it was their time. A time of beings that do not need sound, but rather eat up sound and seep into the shadows.


Signaling with a hand gesture, Skylar swallowed her saliva and slowly lowered herself to the bottom of the roof. The same was true for the branch leader and the Deathbringer.

They landed in the alley with perfect movements, with no landing sound or dust spreading.

‘6m. 3m.’

The person who told us how far away the door was in a straight line and how far it was vertical dropped his finger for the last time.


After sending the confirmation mark, the Deathbringer and the branch leader each attached themselves to the wall. He had one window, and the branch manager was standing next to the door with Skylar.

‘The opponent is a wizard. ‘Give up concealment and rush in.’

Skylar gave a hand signal, which would be her final command, and then took out a flare.

‘3 2 1.’


At the branch leader’s signal, Skylar slammed down the flare and at the same time, the branch manager broke down the door and entered. The same was true for Deathbringer. Kwazijic! He smashed the window and fell inside.

Crack! He didn’t know if there was some kind of trap, so he took it off again as soon as he felt his feet touch the ground. Yikes! I felt tremendous resistance.

“Sticky trap!”

My ankle was caught. Deathbringer, who figured it out in a split second, completely took off the cloak that had been left untied before rushing in, leaving only one string. Even at that moment, his eyes are quickly assessing the surrounding scenery and determining the path to take.



Meanwhile, the spider hit the cloak in the air and bounced to the other side. It was a spider the size of an adult male.

“Check two enemies!”

In that state, Deathbringer swung his cloak again. The spider running from the other side bounced away and the cloak fell to the floor. In an instant, Deathbringer’s feet took off one layer of his shoes, stepped on his cloak, and pulled out his unclean sword.


“Kill one!”

His specialty is killing people, but there’s nothing he can’t kill, not even spiders. After killing two spiders on his cloak, he quickly brought out the fire and pulled it out.

Not only was the created object huge, but the spider web itself seemed to have been added with some special ingredient, and the spider web burned up in an instant.

“The ship was completely destroyed.”


It took just 2 minutes to get there. Deathbringer left the room in that state. There must have been spiders in the living room where the branch manager and Skyla entered, and dismembered corpses and sparks were seen here and there.


But the main point is still there.

Skylar quickly burned away the cobwebs and lifted the hidden entrance to the basement. The branch leader, who was holding a dagger for throwing just in case, looked at the empty stairs and gestured. It was a signal that he was going to take the lead.

His body slowly walked down the stairs.

“…Ah, I should have scolded Master Na-ri and received a gun.”

If only there were a long-distance shooting weapon like a bow that doesn’t require as much space or moves magic power…

Deathbringer swallowed his regret and followed the branch leader. Skylar, who is relatively weak, decided to stay above in case something unexpected happened.



However, despite my nervousness, the stairs were very short and there were no traps. If I bent my back and came down the stairs, I could clearly see the inside of the basement.

The two people’s expressions hardened at the entrance, which was easier than expected, and at the sight of the basement being empty except for one person.

“White crow.”

“hmm. According to predictions, it should have taken a minute longer, but the ability is good.”

“I won’t miss this time you bitch.”

The shadows have already been split and pasted together. Even if we miss it now, we can now track the White Crow, not just Skylar, but him as well.

“Well, what would you expect from a time-buying dragon made by combining rats, bugs, and spiders?”

So don’t miss out this time. The gift that Nari will bring to the last banquet she will prepare will be this baby mogaji.

“But didn’t Elizabeth come down?”

“Why are you looking for that person? “It sucks.”

“Oh, I didn’t find anything in particular, but I have something to ask.”

No matter how I look at it, there doesn’t seem to be anything in this basement that could be called a trap. If you do this, there will be no need to respond to this conversation, which seems like a waste of time.

The branch leader, who agreed with the Deathbringer, ran first, holding a scythe-like sword.

“It seems like he was sick of soul experiments, but I can’t help but wonder why he taught the soul-splitting technique to someone else.”

Deathbringer, who set off half a beat later than the branch leader in preparation for an unexpected trap, suddenly saw something strange.


“Anyway, it’s okay. “Because the most important riddle has been solved.”

The white crow’s head was cut off by the branch leader’s sword without any resistance… and the severed head fell off and laughed. Like a person still alive even if their head falls off.



At the same time, the ground trembled so clearly that the extent of the tremors was visible to the eye.

The gazes of the Deathbringer and the branch leader became intertwined for a moment.


This is not a trap or anything like that.

It’s an earthquake.

“He’s coming himself.”

The fallen neck grinned.

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