Is it Wrong to Copy Abilities in Apocalypse?

Chapter 6: CHAPTER 5 – First tutorial 1.

Alex had been silent as things went on.

He was never the best talker, he liked to stay silent. He is someone who talks only when he thinks it's needed.

And right now, he knew that all he had to do was remain quiet.

Alex knew from the start, the gamer system was hiding something.

It was his instincts which had been honed for years, those instincts told him to stay silent right now.

Just like other villagers, he didn't know anything about this system, but from what he could tell, the system was anything but merciful.

The system was sly, and it knew how to manipulate humans.

'He will die.'

This was Alex's thought the moment Mr. Pandey tried to speak up again.

The tactic system used was not something new, he used to make use of that tactic as well.

Showing the enemy that you're losing, inflating their confidence, and when they think they've won, you flip the tables.

However, unlike the life and death situation, where this tactic could help avoid an imminent death, here, the system did it just for enjoyment.


The villagers were still shocked by the scene of Mr. Pandey's death.

But the first one to break out of the shock was the son of Mr. Pandey, Prateek Pandey.

Everyone could tell that Mr. Pandey was dead.

His eyes were blank, his chest was not heaving, his body was stiff, and his fingers were turning white.

But the boy still ran toward his father.

His father was the only family left to him by the god, he had no one else to live for in this world.

"Father! Say something!"

The boy, who seemed to be no older than Alex, who was 18 years old, violently shook the body of now-dead Mr. Pandey.

"You wanted me to become the chief, right?!

I'll do it, just get up for now!"

The boy continued to scream this and that, trying his best to coerce his father to wake up.

The boy knew that his father was dead, it was clear as day, but he didn't want to believe that.


Just then, the system window in front of everyone shone with a bright blue color before it dimmed down.

Everyone rubbed their eyes, trying to get used to normal light again, but Alex who had closed his eyes the moment he saw the screen brightening was fine.

However, unlike everyone, who was still looking at the screen, trying to make out what happened just now, Alex was looking up in the air.

His gaze was fixed right above Prateek's head.

Prateek, who had stopped screaming because of being stunned by the light was also unaware of Alex's gaze just like every other villager.

But as if the thing Alex was looking at couldn't stay still without gathering attention, a voice was heard.

[That pig is dead, you know?

Roasted from the inside. The best way to cook a piggy.]

A haughty and sharp voice that belonged to the system was heard, however, unlike before, this time, it was not inside their brain.

All of their heads turned toward the source of the voice in a funny way.

It was like a machine that was not oiled for a while and was now moving slowly.

However, when they looked at the source of the voice, their eyes grew wide, but not in fear, they widened in awe, surprise, wonder, adoration, etc.

All of the fear they were feeling was washed away.

They could see a 13-year-old girl wearing a white dress filled with multicolored jewels. Her hair, reaching just below her shoulder was golden in color, but unlike normal hair, her hair seemed to be made of stars.

They were shining with different colors and there were many shining lights among them, like the stars in the night sky.

Her face was like that of a doll made with the best care, sweet and innocent.

She had a crown atop her head. That crown seemed to be made of gold but it was light-colored, matching her hair.

And just like her hair, it was shining with multicolored light as well.

There was a light blue sapphire-colored gem in the center of the crown, and it looked really beautiful because it matched her emotionless eyes.

Her eyes just like the gem were shining with light blue color, however, unlike that gem, her eyes had a regal sheen to them, and if one looked into those eyes, they would be able to see a whole universe inside of them.

Her beauty was world-shattering, and it mesmerized everyone in the surroundings. (Image here ->)

Alex was momentarily stunned as well, but he was quick to come out of that state.

The gamer system, who had revealed herself was floating up above Prateek with a smug look on her face as if she was saying, 'Yes, that's how it should be!', 'Praise me, mortals!'.

The system then turned her eyes down toward Prateek and started speaking.

[If you're thinking about taking revenge, then you shoul-]

However, her words paused, her face froze, no, her whole body froze before her face scrunched up in disgust.

[You filthy pig!]

She waved her hand and the next second, a thunderbolt fell from the sky.


Prateek, just like his father was now lying dead like his father.

But unlike his father, his body was charred and he died in an instant.

Why did she kill him?

[You dare to have such filthy thoughts about me….]

The system huffed agility as she looked at the charred corpse of Prateek.

The moment she materialized, she was wearing a gown, and she was up in the air right above Prateek. When Prateek, a young teenager, with his hormones working fine, looked up, he saw something he would never forget.

Unlike others, he didn't even see how the system looked, his gaze was focused on something else.


That was the only thing he muttered inwardly, and unknowingly, his little brother stood up.

When the system saw this, she couldn't contain her fury. She killed the poor guy in rage, and the boy, Prateek, died with a smile on his face.

But then the system's eyes widened.

Alex who saw that minute change in her expression sharpened his eyes, but her next words made him shake his head in disappointment.

[Shit! I should've tortured him more!]

Alex thought that maybe the system did something wrong, something she wasn't supposed to do, but….


Alex just sighed inwardly.

The villagers, however, were not as calm as him.

They were trembling in fear, some even pissed their pants.

All of them were mesmerized by her looks, after all.

And who knows who she'll kill next?

The Game System didn't look like a divine deity to them anymore, right now, she looked more like a devil who had taken the form of something divine.

[Gahhhh! You mortals are just so annoying!]

The system gritted her teeth as she glared at everyone in the area.

Whoever her cold blue eyes passed over would tremble in fright.


But the system raised a brow when her eyes landed on Alex.

[A mortal who is about to break the physical limits…..]

She spoke with interest.

Alex frowned his brows.

Although her words were complimentary and he understood the meaning behind them, he didn't want to get under the spotlight.

He didn't want to be treated as something special, at least not by her.

[Whatever, you all die the same, and you all scream the same, so it doesn't matter.]

As if gods were listening to his wishes, the system soon lost interest, and her eyes dimmed before she waved her hand.

[Now then…]

The system levitated higher in the sky, her expression becoming serious.

[Since you guys know the consequences of going against me, I believe you won't interrupt me again.]

The system spoke as she observed the expression of each and every person in the village.

She was looking for any sign of protest or resistance in anyone's face, and after not finding it, she smiled gracefully.

[Then let the first tutorial begin!]

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