Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru!

4 Absolute Refusal Between Glances

When the other world summons, to the appearance of the princess, it is a request for world salvation. I can't help but have a confusion that resembles giving up, both on the surface and on the inside, to a development that is too template.

In that way, Titania asks, somewhat bewildered, as she holds her head in the shock she knew in a way.

"And I apologize for the suddenness, but who is the brave one?



To inquire, Trinity and Mizuki face each other like they were in trouble. There's no way I know I'm a brave man. What else? He was originally just an ordinary person. If asked if he was a brave man, it would be inevitable that he would get the answer that he was definitely not a brave man. Therefore, there is no point in asking - so I don't know or have trouble knowing.

Drafted that I want information from someone who called a little here. Shuiming asks.

"May I?

"Yes, go ahead"

"That's where you recognize the subject of the summons as a brave man - right, is there something like a sign that should also be called a sign of bravery?

"Of the brave... is that a sign"


Thereafter, Titania looked to look at Fermenia, who had refrained next door, and nodded down at it, and Fermenia turned to this side and answered.

"That's the case. The brave man called in the rite of summoning Yingjie is given the protection of Yingjie by the elements as he crosses the world, and resides in mighty power. Does any of you meet that condition?

"Then I think I am. When I came here, I felt an incredible increase in power from before."

Trinity answers. Oh, and the soldiers around you. Yes, he's the only one who's had the power to show up on this occasion. Water trees were the same as water mingles, and there was no expression of power.

That's for sure.

(From the element, hey...)

Shuiming squeaks, yes, in a heartbeat. Elements are the words that describe elements in that world, mainly the four elements and the five elements. Land, water, fire, wind. Or the conceptual elements to which the sky applies, which are words that also show an important role for magic.

But in the current Fermenian tone, it should have been as if it showed something alive. Magic under spiritual faith. Even if it deals with spiritual witchcraft on a foundation, it's slightly strange.

Or is that what magic is all about here...

"You are the brave one..."

"Uh... Ah, yes"

When Shuiming was thinking, he was looking at Titania like she was intoxicated toward Trinity II when he noticed. He may have had some kind of vision for the brave. It would be all the more so if the eyebrows were brilliant on top of it. Trinity against seemed somewhat bewildered.

And Titania abruptly takes Trinity's hand.

"Dear brave man. Sincerely, please, thank you."

"Yeah, yeah!?

"Hi, Your Highness."

Did Fermenia, Robe's girlfriend, suddenly surprise you too? If you are too acute, speak to Titania like you are in a hurry.

Titania then let go of her hand with a slight red tide on her face, as she had once noticed.

"Oh, no, I'm sorry, brave man. What I did precedes me...... In the meantime, my father will explain the answer to you."

"Wow, I get it"

"Okay, here you go. I'll show you."

When Titania spoke, the soldiers lined up neatly again, paving the way for the Mizumins.

Walk the unfamiliar aisle as you follow the soldiers. As Titania said between the sights, I guess it's close. Then this is somewhere inside the castle.

Walking up to them, he went out of a dim stone aisle into a bright marble aisle, illuminated by a candlestick on the wall.

Unlike any place I have ever been, it is also beautifully decorated. Depicted paintings of organisms that have never even seen artefacts arranged everywhere, or even armor of species that you see for the first time. Again, this is a different world. Sounds like a fantasy world of swords and magic. Now, the feeling of looking at the surrounding objects in terms of that, on the other hand, when it comes to people, it varies, albeit reasonably little.

Soldiers positioned to protect the front and rear, walking at stunning feet. Are they well trained, they don't speak any private language, and they don't even talk to me.

Is it those who are called Kingsguards to say that they are attached to the princess? Every appearance reminds me of the word "sardine".

And Titania, speaking, walks next to him and talks to him hiccups, either because he had a good impression of Trinity earlier. It starts with what the world was like with the brave man, how old is he, what is his specialty, etc. The shaking was like a girl her age walking with a boy she liked. I envy Trinity.

But to it, a water tree walking next to Trinity, she won't be at peace in her heart. Not that I'm Trinity's lover, but the closest thing to it. I'm definitely aiming for that position right now, that's the water tree.

Then what do you think if a beautiful, and identifiable girl sticks around? I don't give it much on my expression, but it seems grumpy.

And the other, speaking of the court magician Fermenia......

"... what am I?

"... no"

I couldn't set my gaze on it, which had been pointed at me a few times earlier, and I threw in a slightly risky question. But Fermenia turned forward, as if nothing had happened, and stayed put.

Inside, groaning.

(... Was waiting for magic a failure? That way, you can probably see that you can use magic)

It is a lapse following a lapse. For now, if I had a hole, I'd be in the mood to go in, but there's no reason for that now.

The existence of sorcery and sorcerers should be kept secret. That is common sense in the late modern era, where magic is considered heretical and sealed, but what is happening in this world? I guess there is also a social advantage if there is one with the princess that will guide the court demon, but that is a royal level story, which we have yet to know for sure at the general level.

It would be foolish to reveal it easily, and first of all, Trinity II, I can't get my people to find out who live across the water tree.

- If so, the prerequisite is how to block that mouth or shut it. This will only require measures to be worked out.

"- Here we are. This is where your father looked at you. Well, let's come."

As the word goes, at the border between the aisle and the room. Titania urged it that way when it arrived in front of a door that was big enough for even the giants to pass, but also gorgeous and luxurious.

And as soon as one of the soldiers spoke to the keeper of the door, the keeper of the door muttered something.

Eventually, its lavish doors slowly open.



Trinity and Mizuki raise a surprise to Russia. I guess it was surprising that the door suddenly opened without any act.

The watchman hasn't even touched the door, and naturally he doesn't see a mechanism for opening and closing it automatically. They have no idea what happened entirely.

As a surprise, hurry. Ask Titania, Trinity.

"Duh, how did you open it?

"... magical? Was it so unexpected?

"Ah... my little world didn't have the power of magic."

"Really? So that was the first time you saw it."

It was good to hear the brave man's grateful voice, Teatania smiles with a smile.

On the other hand,

This is also a water tree that shines your eyes as you look at the big, high door.

"... wow. I knew there was, magic."

He's interested in magic. She's a girl who likes that novel. Should I say, after all?

- And Mizumi, this one, naturally, was aware of the exercise of magic. I have not listened to the watchman's whining spell (spelling), but firmly until the composition of the technique, the unfolding of the formula, the granting or not, the effect, and the activation.

(Wind, right)

It was simple magic that opened the door. The amount of spell was three verses, wind attributes, and magic that could only be physically pushed away. But...

(... sober, why do you have to go through more trouble like attributes when you just open the door? Whatever it takes, chanting to that degree of witchcraft is too practical to ignore...)

Shuiming, yes, was just one person stunned by the number of holes that could be described as excessive magic nowadays.

The point is, it's a simple sorcery that just opens the door to nothing. If you optimize your magic and build and activate a mobile surgical formula, that's it.

Yeah, that's all, but I didn't know what it meant to be forced to grant even the wind attribute. Enchants have more spells and more magic.

In other words, less time and less magic, full of disadvantages. In fact, chanting would not even be necessary, such as for such sorcery if I were to be clear. It is also possible for you to simply ring your fingers and move the door without moving to the open state.

How much in the hell do we waste on the exercise of magic that just opens such a door? To be honest, it was incomprehensible to Shuiming.

(Well, is that the doorkeeper's hobby?

So I ended up settling into that feeling. He said the Keeper simply wanted to do the wind attribute to the magic of opening and closing.

When Shuiming thinks about it, he can inadvertently talk to Titania.

"Master Suimei, you're not surprised by magic."

- Shit.

"Huh? Oh, I was so freaked out and hardened. I don't know what happened... haha"

"Oh, really? But to this extent, you might lose your hips when you see the training of court magicians, right?

"Is it that amazing? No, you're here."


And, frankly, but ladylikely teatania laughs. I wouldn't be able to say this, such as I was surprised in a different way.

Probably because I was taking time in front of an open door. Fermenia speaks to Titania.

"Your Highness, it's time"

"Yes, then, brave man, Mizuki, Suimei, after me"

Encouraged by the words, he knocks at the door following Titania, who came out in the lead.

Then there was a huge hall there.

The rectangular giant hall is pierced by several thick stone columns, drawing a line with the room in the passage that came through. Is this where you see it?




All three of us had to roar for this. That's all, because it was majestically built during the sight. Mizumi, who had been thinking about magic until earlier, can be seen no matter what happens to this.

But there was a bright throne in the central back between the sights, where one man sat down. Perhaps that's the king, Armadiyaus Route Astel, the man. Beside it stood an old man, seen as a belly heart, and there were several great men lined up around him to form a line.

Without glancing at the people around you, Titania looks only at those who just sit in front of herself and pushes forward.

And a step higher than the others - kneel before the king. Then it is Fermenia who kneels. Mizumi and the others rush to imitate them, wondering if they must do what they did because of Fu.

Anticipating everyone kneeling in front of the king, Titania uttered.

"Titania Route Astel, summoned and brought brave men"

"Good, you took care of me, Titania. but... but why are there three brave men?

When the king asks in surprise, Fermenia answers instead.

"Ha. The two of you are friends of Lord Brave, apparently caught up in the summons."

"Holy shit!? You think I got caught up in this?

"Yes. Unfortunately,"

When she says so, the king puts a surprise look on its stern face. Subsequently, "What's the matter?" and "I've never heard anything like that."

"But is that really happening? Yingjie has been summoned in various countries before, but you've never heard such a story before?

"It's... I don't know because I'm too young to know, but, in fact, there are those involved here. So"

"What got me involved is the fact. You mean..."

In his interactions with Fermenia, the king's expression changes in a rugged way.

I guess he's confused by unexpected events, too.

Then the water tree whispers.

(He said it varied, but did any of us have other people called in different places?

(That's what I said, so I guess so. So how many demon kings are there in this world...)

Asking about the water tree, Shuiming answers that it is easy. I am also sorry for the people who have suddenly been summoned to become refugees from different worlds, but it is also a hell of a story that the existence that is said to destroy the world comes out so many times that we have to call the brave.

(And in our case, it's like our first case.)

(I feel sorry for us more...)

With such a whispering exchange, the king seems to have finished his conversation with Fermenia. Who is the brave one? Were there any protectors other than the brave, etc.

And now turn away from the rugged look, perseverance. Put it back in the king's face and start talking.

"- Lord Brave, I'm sorry to call you to such a place all of a sudden. My name is Armadiyaus Lut Astel, the thirteenth king of the Kingdom of Astel. And this is my castle, Royal Castle Camelia. I know there's no way to climb the castle or get nervous without any news, but please make it easier."

When the king spoke with such labor, Titania whispered something to Trinity.

Perhaps you instructed something. Trinity immediately rose.

(Ah -?)

Perplexing watering and ambient stirring. Clearly, it's impossible. It is an unthinkable story in modern times, but in such a medieval state, kings are assumed to have kings, so they are also assumed to be equal to God. It may be disrespectful to someone like that to face each other in public.

(It's okay. Lady Reggie, the brave man who was called to save the world. This one will be the one you must give way to. So there's nothing wrong with being talked to on par with your father on this occasion)

(Oh really...)

Teatania, who reads the danger of Mizumina, whispers it. Apparently, there's no problem. I was anxious about what would happen for a while, but I am relieved.

Then Trinity pays tribute to the king and opens her mouth.

"My name is Reggie Shana, Your Majesty. It's an honor to keep you company."

"Are you a brave man?


When Reggie agreed to the king's inquiry, his surroundings swung. And he was drooling over words like, "Is that more of a brave man," or "It's a divine honor face," which he had spoken of as fascinating to Trinity II.

In anticipation of such a calming surrounding voice, the king now calls out here.

"So the two of you behind us are friends of Lord Brave?

"Yes, this is my friend Mizuki Anow."

"I'm Suimei Yaki."

Water Tree and Water Ming answering with their faces up while on their knees. Since I am not a brave man, I did not stand up to say that there would be just as many problems as Trinity did.

"Uhm. I sincerely apologize to the two of you who were called together. Because of this deficiency, I'm on my own, but I need you to forgive me."



A short response to a king who hangs those words while sitting on the throne.

I'm sure the king can apologize for this, but it doesn't sound like an apology.

It was also out of step with the words that came up in Trinity, such as "such words, such a waste" and "an extraordinary mercy", which were heard from all around us.

"Oh hon. - There are many stories I'd like to talk to Lord Brave, but I'm going to do it so far today. It's a sudden summons. Lord Brave will still be confused."

"Eh -"

"Lord Brave and his friends. After this, a night club is set up in the Great Hall of Camelia. Attend as soon as you're ready, and we'll see you tomorrow on the subject."

Hospitality and an extra night. This would be the king's special concern. Against the sudden summons, he may still care about a few too.

In the words of the banquet seat, the atmosphere of the venue soothes. But there was one who waited for it.

"No, Your Majesty. If I may, I'd like you to talk to me about the subject right now."

"Lord Brave, are you sure? Lord Brave just got here, and we're still ready for our hearts, right?

"Yes, but in the end, that's what we face. I'd like to ask you as soon as possible."

"... ok. If that's what Lord Brave wants, let's talk."

In response to Trinity II's request, the King, once deeply conceived, gives his consent.

But it's unfolding too fast. Sufficiently sudden to say. Naturally, the three of us haven't discussed the matter yet.

Driven by agony, the water clogs up in a whisper at Trinity II.

(Oh, hey, Trinity! What are you gonna do! If I hear this, I'm gonna have to answer it, okay? Of course...)

(Shuiming. Fine, I'll take care of it)

(No, I'll take care of it. Whatever. - Trinity, no!

Shuiming shouts a chasing scream at Trinity II, who steps out before discussing it. For once, whisper.

This is a story I would never want to take on as Mizumi. What the hell kind of dream stories, such as the Demon King Crusade in different worlds? It's not a sane shakedown, such as going to a fight with an opponent who doesn't know how to fight or fight, and there's no reason we have to do that first and foremost.

Plus, there's a reason I want to get back to Mizuki himself. Yes, I still have the sorcery proposition that I firmly promised my late master - my father. Risking your life can be described as fate to a sorcerer, but that's why you're not willing to throw your life out on anything.

Under that thought, I anxiously look out for Trinity's back. There's no reason to take it seriously, but it's about the hobbyist who deviated from the usual interrogation. I can't even deny snorting.

In Trinity II, the king asks.

"How far have you been listening?

"Earlier, Her Royal Highness asked me to take the Demon King. Other than that, nothing"

"Right. Then - Gres."

The king glances lightly at the old man who was holding back next door when he nodded. That's the signal, Gres - the man called came forward.

"My name is Gres Dilles, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Astel. Let's start with the current situation."


"Further north than here in Astel, about three places separated the country, there was a nosias called the country of extreme cold. The northern Norsius is situated on the border between the demonic and human territories, and has long prevented the demonic invasion and has been called the northernmost fortress of mankind, about six months ago. After an electric attack by the Demons, the king's capital fell, and Norsius perished."

Prime Minister Gress keeps talking as he seeps the dangers into his face.

"Despite its extreme climate, the people of Nausias boasted a strength that was not inferior to that of the flat, and the National Army was known for its strength, but it seemed to have no teeth in the raids of more than a million demonic armies, and it did not last a month until its demise," he said.

Then, the water tree seems difficult to ask, but asks for the details.

"Um, annihilation is, you know, the people of Nosias..."

"The Demons do not need human prisoners. Most of the Nausias people were killed by the Demons at the time of the raid, and those who survived at that time were also hunted by the Demons, and the few who survived were lucky. The Norsians will have to count."

"People hunting, no..."

"That's the devil. Demonic nature that overlooks humans everywhere and treats them like bugs, only with power can we apply superiority or inferiority to others. These are the kind of people who use this concession to hit the other way, rather than the dialogue table."

The water tree I heard about Gres is blue-faced. Maybe she didn't think it was that bad of a story. The demons appearing in the novel she showed me were creatures with salvation, like some of them becoming common companions and some bottomless outer roads.

Currently, the development is going on like a novel. Including myself, but there was still some inner optimism that there was salvation, as in the novel.

But the demons in this world seem completely separate from what appears in such a novel.

You can't peddle everything you talk about, but you must be the ones who never cross paths, no matter how far you go, beyond the fact that you've done things up to genocide and extermination.

"... then the Saviour Church's divine commission found that the demon king who had ruled the demonic realm until now had been replaced, that his demon king's name was Nakshatra, and that if he had let the demon king go wild, mankind would soon be destroyed"

"And the nations that weighed heavily on the proclamation of the annihilation of humanity discussed measures against the demonic invasion. However, due to the torn nosias and the size of the supposed demonic army, many of the proposed openings disappeared. That's all we humans didn't have the skill to confront the Demonic Army, which has the power to go far beyond us."

So, once separated, Gres turns his eyes to Trinity.

"So the nations decided to be better at summoning the brave than the other worlds, which has been told to this world since ancient times. Originally, referring to the rite of summoning Yingjie was conveyed only to the Wizard Guild and the Salvation Church, and with their agreement there were strict commandments that allowed mankind to carry out that rite for the first time when it was in crisis. Because if each country prioritizes its own national interests and carries out the ritual of summoning Yingjie without sight, people from all over the world will be confused."

"There are so many crises in this world..."

Trinity wrinkles between her brows. Maybe he wants to scream too much demon king surge, too.

"Yes, as far as it's told, twice when giants show up eating every creature. Three times when a tyrant appeared who tried to get everything in the world. Once, like this time, when you fight for the Demon King, six times in total. And this time, in order to avoid this crisis, four countries, including the Kingdom of Astel, carried out the ritual of summoning Yingjie."

"Four countries......"

To the unexpected fact, Shuiming leaks a grunt. I don't know if there are any other pathetic people besides ourselves who have been pushed to do a ridiculous favor called the Demon King Crusade, etc. It seems to be a safety measure when they say no, but then we don't have to take it on ourselves.

"And we were called, weren't we?

Gres meditated and agreed when Trinity spoke the core of what she understood.


And then Gres turns his rugged face into something even more rugged.

"At present, the invasion of the Demon Army has slowed down, but in the near future, the human country in this world will be ravaged by the Demon Army as well. That's what it is, like a nosias."

The color will be lost from Gres' face and his voice will be severely painful. Did you even weave it in a sympathetic act? It seems cunning and unpleasant, but if we consider the summons to be decided between nations, then failure would involve Heiko and hence lead to Astel's loss of credibility. I suppose it is also a measure that we can say that we cannot do as prime ministers who have to worry about the state, but nevertheless we cannot contain frustrating buds in our hearts.

The king opens his mouth when he sees fit when he finishes talking about such grease.

"Hall of the Brave. This matter has nothing to do with your lord living in another world, but to save the people of this world, will you please take it on?


The king asked Trinity 2, who leaned down as he thought.

(You've decided that, Trinity. Of course I'm begging you...)

Naturally, Shuiming, who never wants to be involved in such a thing, prays to Trinity Unknowingly. Because I am a magician, I am equipped with combat skills to protect myself and my research, but I do not want to go to too unscrupulous a battle. Naturally, but I don't want to die.

Shuiming even prays to the Great Ming God of Shining Trinity so as not to scratch off such a glimmer of anxiety.

And as everyone waited in solitary sigh for the brave man's answer, after a brief silence, Trinity looked up resolutely.


"I'll take that story,"

(Right. You won't. Take it. - Yes?

- Accepted. I did. Shuiming once doubted and rebuked the word because of her concern, but it was still the same with consent.

"Right! It's..."

"Wait a minute. Yeah!!

That's why I can't forgive that. As he scratched the king's delightful voice off, the scream of Mizuming rang during his gaze.

Mizumi herself was able to make such a voice, and the voice was amazingly loud in her heart, together with a look that frightened her. There was some disrespect in the voice of the king, but no one blamed him for the abrupt and unexpected overlap.

And on the other hand, speaking of favorites who have accepted, in the face that I have no idea.

"Kyu, what's the sudden matter, Mizumi? I can't believe you shout out loud."

"It's not sudden, it's loud. This Notarine! You're taking it on, you're brain miso rotten. Ha! If you destroy the world now, they're telling you to kill the very dangerous guy who's itching!? You have to fight the big army that says millions of his men!? It's weirder if you don't shout by taking that on without consulting me!

Yes, Mizumi rolled up in Trinity at once. Ha ha and my breath is rough, I can ask him how he is fierce, but that's what Trinity does to him. He carries his straight eyes everywhere and mouths.

"But all sorts of people are in trouble because of that demon king, and we might be. So the people of this world made the brave one last favor, and they called me. So I think we have to do everything we can."

"How does that happen?!? We wouldn't have any brother-in-law!

"Yeah. Sure, we're new to this world today. There's no way Mizuming's right. But I have an edge. People's raw is on edge. People live on edge, don't they? Besides, isn't my brother-in-law from the beginning, something I make?

Trinity II with philosophical and slightly more admirable rhetoric. I'd like to ask Mizumi why this man would turn his mouth if he did it on such an important occasion...

"Well, sure it is... but it doesn't matter now! As a big premise, you can't do it alone!?

I almost admitted it in admiration of a legitimate statement, but I stomped on it with an inch to stick to the obvious. Trinity is a student. Unlike himself in his case, he must only have had a bad fight about the rough stuff. I can't say I can't fight, but I don't see a win over anything at all.

But still, Trinity shook her head to the side.

"I don't know that. I have a lot of power right now. Maybe with this power, we can defeat the Demon King."

So I want to end up with this nonsense.

"Oh, my God, that's so powerful. Bogus! Maybe we can take him down! You don't know the great word" battle is number, brother! "I don't know how strong you've become, but normally, you can beat millions of military opponents!

"No, I have to try. The people who have been summoned so far can save this world."

Sure, if you say so. But in the end, that may just be conveyed as a story by the only person who wins.


"Mm-hmm. It's the result."

"The result is an unshakeable fact. Besides, I honestly don't want to abandon someone in need. I may not be smart, but I want to help people in this world."

"Trinity. You again..."

Shuiming speaks a little less to Trinity's sincere words. And then maybe pity. This is Trinity's disease. He's a man who shouldn't throw out if he sees someone in trouble. It has been for a long time. Ever since the day Mizumi got to know Trinity, yes.

Run to help someone, get guys like yourself involved, but we all end up helping. A strong man with a weakness that cannot truncate weakness. That's Shining Trinity II.

Mizumi, who has been attached to it, knew exactly what this man's character was.

"... Shuiming. If you don't like Mizumi, you don't have to. Honestly, I'd be comfortable with Mizumi, but I'm the only brave man who's got the power. You don't have to follow me."

"You..., I certainly don't want to go to the big premise, but that's not all...!

"Yeah. I know. You must be worried about me. When I don't have enough ideas, it's always Mizumi who follows me."

Yes, it was a bad idea to be kind. That's why he couldn't let go and ended up dating what Trinity did when he realized.

But still, all this time...

"... because I'm never going. I don't want to get caught up in this story, and I don't want to die yet"

Again, no. I don't have a choice to follow. I don't care what you think. It's too reckless.

"Yeah. Sorry, Mizumi"

"If you want to apologize, don't take it."

To Trinity, who apologizes as if he were sorry, Shuiming returns a voice that has become a crossroads that he has never given up.

And Trinity now heads over to the water tree.

"I'm going to defeat the Demon King. That's why I want the water tree to stay with Mizumi."

Before Trinity, who showed determination, the water tree was leaning, trembling. What the hell does she think like that?

Without a reply for a moment, Mizuki, who eventually stopped trembling, seemingly afraid of something, looked up resolutely and told Trinity.

"... yeah, I'm going with Triju-kun too"


"You too, Mizuki..."

Shuiming speaks confusion. I didn't expect you to say such unrealistic things even to another friend.

And that's the same for Trinity.

"Mizuki, no. What I'm about to take is life-threatening. That's why I shouldn't take you. I don't want to put you in danger."

When Trinity refused to ask for Mizuki, she shook her neck flat to the side.

"If you don't defeat the Demon King, you'll end up being a jerk wherever you are. That's why I want to be of some use to you. I don't know what I can do, and I don't know if you want to help people in this world like Trinity, but I still want to follow Trinity."

"... it's dangerous. I may not be able to protect Mizuki."

"Yeah. I don't mind you abandoning me if I have to. So..."

You wouldn't want it to be. Trinity opened her mouth after a few thoughts when Mizuki looked fake and spicy to follow her loved ones.

"... ok. If the water tree says so much, let's go together. But I would never abandon a water tree, no matter what."


A water tree that takes the lead. Was it because it was recognized as good for Trinity II? She seemed happy somewhere, but there were tears in her eyes squeezing her courage.

"Your Majesty. I'll take care of the demon king crusade. It's me and Mizuki heading for the Demon King's Crusade."

"Aye, okay. Lord Mizuki, are you sure?


Sending a delightful gaze at the water tree, who responded well, the king then leans over to Shuiming.

"Lord Swimei, after all..."

"I can't fight such a ridiculous amount of troops. So I'm not following you two."


Too bad, sounds more like a sorry tone voice than that. I guess he's still sick of me before I call him in.

Behind such a king's reaction, but the surrounding reaction was cold against Mizumi. I can hear voices like "I decided a girl would follow me, but when I was that boy..." or "It's like I'm unwilling".

(I'll do whatever I want to keep them from moving from the safe place. Well, I'm not in a position to say that I'm not going to follow you... but there's something more important than that.)

Shuiming speaks of what he really has to ask the king to do while he also exhales his sick sigh inside.

"Your Majesty. One thing from me, would you do me a favor?

From the surrounding "What thickness!" or "You are not in a position to ask His Majesty the King!" "and so forth, but silently killed.

The king also responds without particularly absurd voices.

"Tell me."

"Yes, I'm not going on a demon king crusade, so I want it back to the world I was in."

Yes, I'm not heading into battle. Then you don't have to stop in this world. I wanted Yingjie to return it quickly, using the summoning ritual and dowry again.

But for some reason, he won't reply from the king.

It was a painful silence that swept the field instead. When you look around you, you don't know what to do. Trinity with a confused face and a water tree with a face that looks like you've reached your senses. As far as Titania and Fermenia are concerned, they have a less fragrant complexion than they have chewed up bitters.

The source of the bloodstain is nothing short of something bad. I asked you to let me go earlier. That's where they make faces like this, I mean.

A certain hypothesis comes to mind in such a fact.

"Hey, no kidding. No way......"

No longer could Shuiming afford to use a salutation. Naturally. Because if you get that guess, it's not the other way around.

Eventually, he opens his mouth as the king has decided.

"I'm sorry, but I can't go back to the world I was in. I don't want to put that back. There's no way to get that back here."

"Hey, that's a joke. Awwwwww!!

The second time on this day, the scream of Shuiming echoed during the sight.

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