Isekai Majutsushi wa Mahou wo Tonaenai

Volume 1 - Ch 7.2

When I got home, I found an invitation in the mail. The sender was Simon Ray Burkfield, the head of the Burkfield family, that is, Thomas' father.

I wondered if he was angry about my duel with his son? I don't want to go, because I can't think of anything else, and the only thing I can think of is a duel, but unfortunately, refusing an invitation from a person with a higher rank is considered bad manners and will get you kicked out.

I had no choice but to tell Tia that I didn't want dinner, so I rode my horse to the Barkfield residence in the west district.

I entered the west district and found the Count's mansion a little further on. As expected, the Count's mansion was completely different in size from mine. First of all, the mansion alone was more than twice the size of mine. If I include the garden, it might be even bigger.

As I stood at the gate admiring the mansion, a man who looked like a servant came over to me.

The Count of Berkefield was already sitting at the table where the meal had been prepared. He seemed to be a former knight, so he had a pretty good body.

Oooh, I'm glad you've come. Please, take a seat.

As I took my seat, the food was brought to me. The food looked more expensive than what I was used to at home, but as I wasn't really interested in eating, I kept my attention on the Count who had suddenly invited me.

After enjoying the entire meal, the Count spoke to me with a satisfied look on his face.

I'm sorry about what happened today. My son, Thomas, has always been crazy about Her Highness Princess Sophia.

No, I think it was my fault as well. I was going to withdraw my promise after a while.

I see. No, no, I'm glad. I was also worried that something like this would put a damper on the relationship between Thomas and Her Highness Princess Sophia. They've both always seemed to be on good terms with each other.

Fumu, so those two were that close.

I'm returning flattery as appropriate, but he's being a little too parental. If I said they were close, stalker victims all over the world would be protesting.

I'm more concerned about the fact that Thomas hasn't shown up at all. I thought he was going to secretly poison my food, so I took the trouble to prepare an antidote for me.

Or would he attack me on the way home? Since I don't know what the other party is going to do, I decide to try to find out what the situation is.

Speaking of which, what happened to Thomas-dono? I haven't seen him since a while ago.

Oh, he has some business to attend to, so he's not at home at the moment.

What kind of business is it?

Well, I hadn't heard that much about from him. ......

This guy is suspicious too. It's impossible for him to disappear at dinner time. In this world where there are no electric lights, it gets really dark at night. The only things that need to be done in this situation are things that are really urgent or things that you want to keep secret.

Finally, I understood the situation. The reason he invited me to dinner was to stop me. So, Thomas is after Sophie, right?

(I hope you're doing well now, Thomas, after your absurd suggestion of stopping this creepy guy. ......)

When I invoked the on the Count, it seems that I was right. The mansion is warded, so there is no problem even if they are attacked. It's Sophie, huh

I'm sorry, Count, but I've remembered something urgent, so I have to leave.

It would be fine if you took your time. Is your urgent business that important?

Yes, it's more than that.

While I was talking, I activated the magic circle that I had completed. While looking across at the Count's face, which was startled by the light emitted by the magic circle, the Fourth Type of Space Jumping magic, , was activated, and I transferred to the specified coordinates, that's Sophie's room.

When I was transferred to the other side, I saw Thomas sitting on the bed and Sophie in his arms.

Thomas is startled by my sudden appearance, but quickly regains his composure at the advantageous situation he is in, and smiles wryly at me.

Well, well, well, Associate Baron Werner. How dare you invade the princess's room at this time of night with so much disrespect?

That's my line, Thomas. You are either a daredevil fool or else just plain stupid to be in a royal room at this hour. How on earth did you manage to sneak into this room?

It's out of my mind to sneak in. Of course the maids and soldiers were happy to let me through.

...... This is the worst security system in the country, to be bought off by someone like this.

I have no idead what you're saying. I'm here because Sophia invited me. Isn't that right, Sophia?

Ah ...... ah, nn ...... yeshh, ah nn ......

Sophie, who was being talked to, looked at me with unfocused eyes. She was already naked, and her crotch was dripping with love juice.

Whenever he ran his fingers over her breasts or clitoris, she made a pleasurable sound. He seems to have drugged her or something.

Look, she's also accepting my caresses and moaning with pleasure! I hadn't expected this intrusion, but now I'm going to show you how it's done! Oi, Sophia, I know you want it here!

Oh ...... I-I want ......

Oh, I see. This is how angry I get, being disrespected by a fool.

It doesn't help that Sophie was drugged and is at his mercy. It's still a problem that can be forgiven with an apology. But to be outsmarted and insulted by such a low-life is unforgivable.

Unaware of my anger, he was rubbing his cock against her crotch as if to show off his superiority. I can't sense any affection in his behavior. It seems that he just wanted something that would give him status as a princess.

There was no need to show mercy to this guy. I'm going to kill him socially, along with his father who helped him.

......It seems that you've not kept your promise of a duel.

Hah, I'll break any number of promises I make to someone like you. You're only a Associate-baron, so your words are just insignificant nonsense!

Thomas is cursing me to vent his frustration, but it's an act that will mean his own downfall. He doesn't understand the significance of making a pact with a magician.

A promise that a magician makes in his own name is now a kind of magic. The person who breaks the promise is no longer able to resist the magic of the other person who broke it. If you have no knowledge of magic, you may think it is easy, but if you have studied even a little bit of magic, you can easily understand the consequences of it.

I see, it can't be helped. Why don't you take this instead?

I threw a coin at him and he dutifully accepted it. He flipped the coin over to check it, but when he saw that it was a plain coin, he turned his head and smiled at me.

What's this? If it's a parting gift, I'll accept it.

If you hate me, hate your own stupidity for breaking your promise to me.

Hmm? What are you talking about?

He frowned at my words, but before he could discard the coin from his hand, I activated the . He instantly had a soulless expression on his face, but he quickly returned to his normal face and turned his gaze to me.

...... Hmm? Why am I in this place?

Don't worry about it. Just let her go. She won't be able to rest calmly if you're holding her.

Hmm? Oh, I'm sorry.

Gently laying her down on the bed, he stood up, completely naked. To be honest, I don't even want to see him naked, but at least I'll try not to look down.

Okay, you can go home now. You have more important things to do than to worry about her, don't you?

Ah, yes, I do! Wait for me, I'm coming!

Thomas runs out of the room screaming, completely naked. He must be a popular figure in the castle tomorrow morning. Of course, it would be best not to say where he went.

It's Sophie. I approached her to check on her, but she had started masturbating on her own, as if the tingling in her body had not subsided. She was smiling with vacant eyes while touching her breasts and crotch.

I don't know whether I'm lucky or unlucky to see my little sister's ghostly expression after her.

I activate the that I had prepared but never used, but it seemed that the drug used on her was unexpectedly strong and did not completely stop the tingling in her body, but it worked well enough to bring her back to consciousness, so that was good.

A little while later, Sophie woke up. She seemed to be half-asleep and was looking around with a cute little yawn.

.......Fuehh? Yard-sama........?

Good evening, Sophie.

Good evening, ......

When she realized that I was there, she bowed and looked at me blankly, but eventually she woke up, she realized the situation she was in.

She hurriedly hid her body with the sheet and only showed the top of her eyes to look at me. The fact that she didn't scream made me think that she was also royalty.

Ah, um, why is Yard-sama in my room ......?

Oh, I was invited to the Count of Berkeley's mansion, but Thomas wasn't there, so I thought Sophie's safety might be in danger.

Thomas-sama, is it?...... ah ......!?

Perhaps remembering her earlier lasciviousness, she turns her back to me and pulls the sheet over her head. As I was wondering what to say to her, I heard her sobbing.

I'm not very good at this kind of situation. From my life experience, I think it would be better to just shut up and listen to what she has to say, but I'm not sure if that's really the right thing to do.

Yard-sama, I don't have the face to match you anymore. ...... I felt like I was being played by someone, and I said the words that I wanted to ......

It was still painful that I didn't make it time. I thought she was still okay because she hadn't been raped, but her heart seemed to be hurting a lot.

I'd better reassure her for now. I know that I shouldn't simply agree with her words. All I can say is that I believe in her no matter what happens.

I don't want her heart to be broken at this point, in more ways than one.

Sophie, look at me.

I don't want to. ...... Please. ......


She jumped at the sound of my voice and turned around fearfully. I grabbed her by the chin and forcefully kissed her on the mouth. She froze in surprise, but soon understood the situation and began to flail.

At first she resisted to leave me, but I held her body and continued to kiss her, until she finally broke down and extended her tongue. We continued our tongue action until she felt safe enough to put her body against mine.

Yard-sama ......

Sophie, I'll tell you this. No matter what happens, I will always love you.

Ahh ......! I-I love you too! No matter what happens, I will always love you, Yard-sama!

She is so emotional that she hugs me. The sheet falls off, exposing her naked body, but she doesn't care and rubs her skin against mine. When I calm down and take a closer look, I can see that her skin is red and the effects of the medicine are still lingering.

She seems to be aware of this, and she squeezes my leg between her thighs and rubs it between her legs. The way she stares at me with a hot sigh, she's different from her usual innocent self.

But she's still a virgin, and if I end up with her here, I won't be able to physically cheat her.

I had two choices: I could go straight to marriage with Sophie, or I could be caught for impiety. In either case, it would take me away from the life I wanted, so I tried to avoid her temptation, and then a thought occurred to me.

Why not in the front, but in the back?

When I thought about it, I felt like I didn't have to reject her asking me out right in front of me. In fact, I would welcome it. Once I decided that, I had to act.

Sophie, let's forget about what happened earlier. First, let's go to my mansion to clean up your body.

Yard-sama's mansion? But we can't go out at this hour, right?

It's all right.

I draw up a magic circle in an instant. I activated the Type 4 Tactical Class Magic, , and returned to my house.

When I transferred to my room, I found Tia in the room, blinking her eyes at our sudden appearance. Even so, she quickly came to her senses and was able to deal with the situation, which is a testament to her calmness.

Welcome back, Master. And you must be ...... Sophia-sama. What's going on here?

She seemed to have understood the situation instantly when she saw Sophie, who was only covering her body with a sheet. She didn't mention anything about her outfit and looked at me.

No explanation. For now, just get her some clothes to wear and boil a bath for her.

All right, sir.

I make sure that Tia leaves, and look at Sophie. She was used to having her body looked at by maids, and she didn't react to Tia looking at her, but when she noticed my gaze, she covered her body with the sheet. I felt bad somehow, so I hung up my robe on her shoulders.

After a while, Tia brought her a spare maid's uniform, so she changed into it and headed for the bath with Sophie.

Yard-sama, what kind of place is a bath?

Do you know what a hot spring is?

No, I don't know.

Well, a bath is a very nice thing. Simply put, it is a room with a container filled with water that is slightly warmer than human skin. It's good for resting and cleansing the body.

My vague explanation didn't seem to make sense to her at all, and she looked at me with a strange look on her face. Well, it was quicker to see it than to explain it, so I headed for the bath, though I was in a bit of a hurry to avoid being seen by the others.

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