Journey Towards Dao

Chapter 20: Vincent

Chapter 20: Vincent

The first rays of morning sunlight were peaking just over the horizon, illuminating the innumerable multicolored leaves that covered the palace lawn.

Within the leafy field, Auslen was once again balancing upside-down upon his shaft. However, this time, his entire body was suspended with only the help of his slightly trembling index finger!

Additionally, he was no longer using his White Ashwood shaft but a newer, completely metallic shaft, crafted entirely out of silver.

His eyes were closed tightly as he concentrated intensively on the vibrations that were traveling throughout the silver shaft, sensing the differences in the way the vibrations traveled between wood and metal.

Over time, Auslen would alternate his fingers and hands as he focused on building strength within each in equal amounts.

Eventually, Auslens slightly sweaty figure fell forwards before gently landing on the ground, causing his black robes to flutter outwards and the leaves beneath his feet to scatter.

He breathed deep, long breaths to relax his taut muscles that had been constantly contracting since a few hours earlier.

After taking some time to attach a sharp, matching silver spearhead onto the top of the shaft, Auslen carried the heavy, 1.25 meter-tall spear and walked towards a nearby Aspen tree, looking up as if to admire the autumn scenery.

Abruptly, his left leg whipped forwards, landing harshly on the trunk of the tree. The entire tree instantly began vigorously shaking, causing large amounts of colorful leaves to rain down from above.

Auslen slowly lowered the spear to a horizontal position, his right hand holding the base while his left supported the middle.

Nine strands of Profound Qi split into three equal groups and burst into action, speeding through his mid back and arms as they quickly completed their circulation routes. The muscles in his arms and back bulged and trembled slightly before the spear in his hands was sent flying forwards.

Pu! Pu!

Inexplicably, two separate silver spears shot outwards simultaneously, piercing through two of the falling leaves like arrows.


Auslen turned as he continued to unleash his Martial Technique towards the surrounding leaves, the spears tearing through the air repeatedly as he tried his best to target as many leaves as possible, altering the angles of each thrust as he played with his positioning.

After an entire minute of continuous spear thrusts, the butt of the spear hit the leaf littered ground heavily as Auslen struggled to catch his breath.

The Martial Technique Auslen was training was the Six Directions Spear that his father had given him previously.

During his short period of time of practicing the Technique, he was able to reach the Minor Success Stage relatively quickly, allowing each application of the Martial Technique to seemingly produce two simultaneous spear strikes.

Of course, the spear wasnt truly multiplying into two separate spears at this moment.

As the Profound Qi circulated throughout the body and stimulated certain meridians, sharp and powerful vibrations would be produced within the arms and spinal area, jerking his muscles in forceful motions.

Upon successful application at the Minor Success Stage, the spear user would manipulate this tremor-filled force to allow the spear to bounce between two specific points, making it seem to the opponent that there were two spears attacking from two directions.

Of course, this feat could only affect the perception of an opponent around the same strength as the user.

If the opponents strength far eclipsed the Martial Technique users, the 6 Directions Spear would become little more than a joke in their eyes.

Looking around himself at the hundreds of pierced and torn autumn leaves, Auslen smiled happily to himself before picking up his unadorned spear and depositing it into his spatial ring.

He turned away from the somewhat bare Aspen tree and began strolling along a nearby stone path towards his personal garden.

Once he made it to his beloved Peach Blossom tree, he threw himself onto his favorite wooden recliner and closed his eyes to take a well-deserved nap.

The somewhat cool autumn air woke Auslen up from his peaceful nap.

As he stretched lazily on his recliner, the scent of sweetness tickled his nose, drawing his gaze towards a large plate of glistening fruits sitting beside him upon a small wooden table.

Smiling in appreciation, Auslen looked up to see Vincent leaning on the Peach Blossom tree, staring off into space in a day-dream. He obviously failed to notice his earlier awakening.

Auslens soft chuckles finally caught the boy's attention, causing Vincent to quickly rotate his head towards Auslen in embarrassment.

He hurriedly bowed to Auslen in greeting: Good morning, Your Highness!

As Auslen picked up a slightly moist slice of an orange, he replied good-naturedly, Good morning, Vincent!

While munching on his orange, Auslen continued to observe Vincent openly, which seemed to make the boy somewhat nervous.

After finally making a decision, Auslen threw the rest of the orange into his mouth and stood up from his seat.

He picked up the plate of fruit and began walking off in laughter as he called, Follow me!

Vincent picked up the table in haste before jogging to catch up with the Second Prince, falling behind him to match his stride in their normal routine.

They entered the palace doors together, passing by the group of servants assigned to the side palace who were busily cleaning the entryway. Auslen paused his steps as he swallowed the fruit he was chewing.

Auslen looked smilingly at the servant in charge and said in a bright, childish tone, You guys can stop cleaning and take a rest outside! Its a nice day today!

Without waiting for her reply, he continued walking down the hallway with Vincent, who sported a slightly confused expression as he glanced at the other servants.

The side palaces head servant was not a new addition to the Royal Palace Grounds. Although the child in front of her was only six years old, none of the Royal Familys words were to be taken lightly.

She had seen too many of her fellow servants injured or even killed due to improper judgment, and she valued her life greatly.

Bowing silently towards their departing figures, she raised her head to command the rest of the servants to immediately cease their work and vacate the palace interior.

After quickly ensuring that no one was left inside, she anxiously followed the others outside the palace.

Auslen led Vincent into his bedroom, placing the plate of fruit down before pulling the puzzled older boy to sit onto the couch. Auslen chose to remain standing before him.

Once he noticed that he was sitting down instead of his master, Vincent quickly tried to stand but fell into stillness as he heard Auslens commanding voice.

Do not move, Vincent.

Vincent looked up in bewilderment at the vague unfamiliarity he had just perceived from Auslens tone.

As he looked at the second princes young face, he could see the familiar soft smile sitting on his lips.

However, he quickly noticed that the Second Princes eyes were disturbingly alien and unfamiliar, causing Vincent to uncontrollably shiver in his seat.

Auslens penetrating golden eyes were far too calm in comparison to his usual self, carrying vast depths that caused Vincent to feel as if his body was being seen clean through.

Auslen opened his curved mouth to slowly speak, Vincent, what are your goals in this life of yours? Why did you choose to work for the Royal Palace?

Very worried and increasingly nervous from witnessing his master's stark personality shift, Vincent shakingly answered, Well, Your Highness I The orphanage sent me to the Royal Palace because I

I know all of that Vincent, and that is not what I am asking you. Why are you here, working so obediently for me today? This is your last chance to answer, as I will not ask you again.

Vincent was really scared by this point, but he didnt dare to not answer the Second Princes question.

After silently considering his answer for a few uncomfortably long moments, he finally opened his mouth to speak, still refusing to lift his silver eyes to meet Auslens.

He nearly whispered, I wish to cultivate, Your Highness

Is that it? There are a plethora of servants in the Palace Grounds that wish to cultivate, and they are all too satisfied with merely reaching the Foundation Establishment realm successfully.

Ive seen the yearning in your eyes whenever you watch me practice my Martial Techniques, so I have long known that cultivation and extraordinary strength are what you want. Even your lamentable talent cannot seem to deter your aspirations.

But what I truly wish to know is: How strong is that desire of yours to cultivate? When will you be satisfied?

Vincent's boyish body shook and lifted his eyes, staring right into Auslens knowing gaze with slight feelings of shame from being seen through by a child half his age.

But, as he continued to stare, he grew more and more sure that his master was far more frightening than he had ever anticipated.

Suddenly remembering Auslens question, Vincent quickly lowered his view down to his lap once more as he tried his best to come up with a satisfactory answer.

Minutes ticked by in silence, but Auslen did not say a word as he patiently waited for Vincents response.

Eventually, Vincents nervous voice sounded once more, I dont I dont know, Your Highness. I just know that I want to cultivate.

Vincent fisted his hands as he lifted his head to peek at Auslens expression, afraid that his answer wouldnt satisfy his master.

However, what was reflected in his relieved pupils was Auslens glowing smile.

Auslen was indeed very satisfied with Vincents answer, however they were not finished here.

He spoke with a pleasant tone, I understand, Vincent! If that's the case, would you like to follow me to the Five Profound Elements Sect? If you continue to work for me as faithfully as you have been, I can even help you become a disciple of the Sect yourself one day. The choice is up to you.

Vincent's nervousness cracked as shock slithered into his heart at Auslens question. His face then bloomed in uncontrollable excitement as he opened his mouth wide to agree, but he was decisively interrupted by Auslen.

However, if you wish to follow me to the Five Profound Elements Sect, I require your absolute loyalty. Therefore, you will have to make a Heavenly Oath for me. Are you aware of what that is?

Auslen extended his small, delicate fingers and a small slip of paper appeared within his grasp. He placed the slip of paper that was filled with writing into Vincents hands before stepping back to smilingly gaze at Vincents astonished face once more.

I truly hope you make the correct choice, Vincent, as I have already revealed too much to you. The Heavenly Oath currently within your hands is now your only way out.

After months of consistent visits to the Royal Library, Auslen had finally managed to find this obscure, yet sure-fire method that he could use to prevent the disclosure of his most important secrets.

A Heavenly Oath was a sacred and unbreakable vow, and this vow was strictly monitored by the World itself! Heavenly Oaths were the truest form of oaths and could not be forced onto an unwilling participant, requiring absolute conviction and belief in one's own words. Otherwise, the ritual would surely fail. However, if the individual who made the Heavenly Oath went back on their words, they would face Heavenly Calamity, and endless amounts of Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi would be mobilized to deal punishment upon the Oath breaker.

The Heavenly Calamity would not cease until that person was no longer living, or had somehow managed to escape from the planet entirely, which was very unlikely.

Any normal person would have to think long and hard before making such an Oath, but surprisingly, Vincent stood from his seat before kneeling in front of the gaze of Auslens widened eyes.

Auslen did not even get a chance to explain the process before Vincent expeditiously began reciting the words written on the slip aloud.

I, Vincent Mathias, swear the unbreakable Heavenly Oath with the entirety of my heart. I will never intentionally reveal any of Auslens secrets to a single other living being, unless given express permission by Auslen himself.

"Those secrets are defined as anything Auslen deems as a secret, include subjects relating to cultivation, Soul Force, or other auxiliary matters. This Oath shall last for 500 years. If I break this Heavenly Oath, may I be erased from existence within Heaven and Earth!

Suddenly, the air within the room began to subtly shift.

Cedrick and Amabella were walking down a grand colonnade lined with decorative columns before both of their heads whipped towards the sky solemnly.

With their enhanced perception, they could easily perceive ripples within the Primordial Qi of Heaven and Earth. It did not take long for them to realize the source of those ripples originated from Auslens palace!

Amabella did not say a word, and, like a bolt of lightning, slashed through the air in a beam of bright light, instantly arriving above the palace ceiling. Immediately after, Cedricks body stepped beside her, white and black robes undulating together in the wind as the pair levitated in place.

Amabellas eyes glowed as she looked into the palace in scrutiny before a perplexed expression overtook her face.

She transmitted her thoughts to Cedrick: Is that servant making a Heavenly Oath to Auslen? What would make a young boy like him do such a thing? Could it be that Auslen was responsible for teaching the boy such a dangerous ritual?

Without answering Amabella's questions, Cedrick quickly sent out voice transmissions around the Palace Grounds to keep the other high level cultivators from arriving. Then, he lowered his head to observe the events below in silence.

Although the movements within the Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi were not clear to Auslen, he could vaguely sense the subtle fluctuations in the air surrounding the kneeling Vincent.

Vincent himself could feel the fluctuations most clearly.

He felt as if burning hot chains had suddenly materialized within his chest before wrapping securely around his heart, fastening tightly into an uncomfortably restrictive bind.

His face turned beet red as he bore the strange sensation occurring inside his body.

Auslen was slightly worried about the situation as he gazed at Vincents complexion, wondering if the words he wrote contained some sort of issue, leading to a mishap in the Oath.

Fortunately, the fluctuations quickly began to die down, and Vincent's expression returned to normal.

Auslen smiled as he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

He nodded to the distracted Vincent as he explained, As stated in the Oath, you shall follow me obediently for 500 years time. During this period of time, I will also do my best in providing for your cultivation in order to make up for your lacking innate talents.

And after the time-frame agreed upon has elapsed, you will be free to go wherever you may please, and you will no longer be beholden to me, or anyone else in the Royal Palace.

As long as you continue to work hard for me and for yourself, I promise that Foundation Establishment will not be the end of your cultivation journey.

At the assuring words, Vincents focus returned to Auslen.

Gradually, a wide smile overtook his face, and he couldnt stop himself from hugging Auslen tightly as he began to cry.

Thank you, Your Highness! Thank[sniffle]

Feeling the boy's tears soaking through his robes, Auslen patted his back and internally groaned.

Goodness, why does every child around me cry so damned much?

At the sight of this touching scene, Amabella teared up before dabbing her eyes with her sleeve. She even started floating downwards as if she wanted to participate in the emotional embrace herself.

Cedrick sighed and grabbed Amabellas arm, dragging her unwilling form back towards the Royal Palace in the distance.

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