Kidnapped Dragons (KR Web Novel)

Chapter 253: Who is at the Lead (3)

It was like a droplet of water dripping on the calm surface of a lake. That was Kaeul’s expression in a nutshell.

But Yeorum especially was all the more surprised. If Lair was a slightly big well, the world was like the ocean and right now, Yu Jitae’s car was moving towards the sea.

“Uh, uh…”

“There’s no way…”

They weren’t expecting to stay inside Lair the whole time. However, since they had already become used to life at Lair, the fact that they were now advancing to the wider world came as a fairly big shock to them.

Until now, Yeorum had only been running forward with her eyes on what was beneath her, but she now had to look up to the skies.

And Kaeul, who had only been the target of protection till now as the ward, would now have to protect others.

“B, but ahjussi. I, don’t really need rankings though…”

“Alright. Then what do you think it is that you really need.”

“Uum, uum… getting love and attention from other people?”


In all the previous iterations, Kaeul had thought the same thing and until recently, Yu Jitae had also been thinking the same thing.

“From now, your thoughts will change.”

In the 4th iteration, Baby Yellow committed suicide by slitting her own wrist.

Back then, Yu Jitae thought to himself. Earth just happened to have the monster called ‘media’ that vomited out excessive attention. He thought it was a world too poisonous for the young and fragile gold hatchling to achieve its dream.

However, living through daily life together with Kaeul and watching over her take care of the baby chicken, and observing the deepening connection between the child and the baby chicken, his thoughts started to change.

“You know what you yourself really need, don’t you.”

He had come the long way around, but was now certain. Kaeul had already found a path that suited herself, and that was in alignment with the identity of the gold dragons.

“What is it…?”

Although she couldn’t become a singer or an actress, there was something Yu Kaeul could become.

“You don’t know?”


“You really don’t know?”

“Nope! I really really don’t know…!”


“You’re not going to tell me? You’re making me curious…!”

In the end, the Regressor didn’t tell her, because there will come a time when she realises it herself.

Soon, his gaze landed on Yeorum through the rear mirror. She appeared even more shocked about this situation than Kaeul.


Escaping the children’s playground, and going into the world.

What would be on her mind right now? He guessed that she would probably be thinking about that one specific superhuman.

The strongest powerhouse of South African Nations united (SAN).

Rank 8, Javier Karma.

Back then, Yeorum had fought and destroyed things to her heart’s content after coming here for her Amusement. Although she had a destined end, it was still far off and she probably enjoyed the Amusement that was right in front of her.

Javier Karma was the one that showed her the ‘reality’.

Reality was sometimes cruel and Yeorum’s reality was one of them. When her death that had seemed so distant came across as something visibly close, Yeorum had silently let out tears from the sense of defeat and powerlessness.

“You know what,”

After some thought, Yeorum opened her mouth with a mutter.

“The, umm, isn’t it, too soon?”

“For what.”

“I don’t think I’m like, prepared for it yet.”

Now, it was time for her to stand on the same world as Javier Karma, receiving the same numbers called ranks as him.

“You scared?”

“No. What would I be scared of? Who do you think I am.”

“Then what’s the problem.”

“But like, I’m still only in my 3rd grade. I haven’t graduated yet and there are things I haven’t learned… Didn’t you say the same thing? That there was still a lot I had to learn?”

“I did.”

“So me going out like this without even being prepared, is too early is what I’m saying. To be frank, if I fought against that African ranker right now, I’d just be smashed right?”

“You have to look at the long-term for that as well.”


“What you have to prepare for in the end is how you will do after returning home is it not?”

“Well yeah.”

“Then even things like this will be a part of the preparation for that day.”


“You don’t have to be stressed about it. Don’t think too much about the world simply becoming broader and there’s no need to do well either.”

Yeorum was silent. However, thinking that this too was just a part of the preparation lessened the burden she was feeling about the idea.

“But I am gonna do well.”

So the only grumble that left her mouth was just her nitpicking on his words.


Following Yu Jitae’s suggestion, Yeorum and Kaeul put on sunglasses before leaving the car.

The Korean branch of the Association was crowded by countless superhumans and civilians. The moment they entered the building, they immediately gathered a lot of gazes due to their eye-catching hair colour and cadet clothes, as well as stories about Yu Jitae that some of the crowd had heard about.


Kaeul dropped her head low in a fluster but Yeorum, who was walking next to her, tapped her on her back.

“Be more confident. Are you a criminal or what.”

“The embarassment is killing me…! They’re all looking at me aren’t they…?”

“Bullshit. You’re just being delusional.”

Yu Jitae completed their cadet-to-superhuman application with ease as the ‘Newborn Superhuman’ licences were given to the two of them. Newborn Superhuman was a status given to reserve superhumans.

“Here. Take these.”

He handed the cards over to them. These cards to the kids appeared like an entry ticket to a new world.

After bringing the kids back to the car, Yu Jitae started explaining the future plans to them.

“Listen carefully. Soon, they will start the Newborn Superhuman Competition.”



“People that either just finished their studies or are in the middle of their studies like you, will be the first competitors for your rankings.”

Renowned competitors had already finished their registrations, because they needed the fame of being a superhuman.

“Look here. These two teams are the ones that are currently being viewed as the top tier.”

Yu Jitae showed the kids the document.


[Team White]

★White McDonald (971)

Alianne Gray (5421)

Bang Won (7871)

Gu Joongun (8897)


“The star is probably the team leader… What are the numbers next to their names?”

“Their ranks.”

“What? Didn’t you say these guys were newborn superhumans? Why do they have ranks already?”

“Right. Three of them are Lair graduates and they used a bit of an expedient strategy. They postponed their application a little so that it sits in two separate newborn superhuman test periods.”

“Can they do that?”

Yu Jitae gave a nod. It was a common thing to do.

“Team White in this case is a team dedicated for the team leader, White. Others are also rankers, but they all funnel for the overwhelming Rank 971 of their team.”

In short, it was a one-man team.

“That sounds like a f*cking dogshit team comp though? Do the other teammates even have a sense of pride?”

“As long as the team leader is skilled, it is quite effective. Since they can control the team however they want.”

“Tch tch.”

That was when Kaeul asked with a worried voice.

“B, but… Rank 971, isn’t this too much…?”

White McDonald.

Despite being a newborn superhuman, he was in 3 digits.

The gap between Rank 900 and Rank 2000 was immensely large. And the gap between Rank 2000 to Rank 5000 was also extremely big. One or two months of hard work would never be enough to shorten that gap.

It was because the superhuman world ranks in reality were things superhumans dedicated their whole life to.

“Ah, that’s because he’s a mage that was sent from the Tower of Mages and not Lair. He’s a superhuman grown with extreme care by the Tower. His education was a bit longer and so he’s also quite old.”

“His rank is too high… this is unfair…”

He placed his hand on top of the sullen child.

“This is not a sport, Kaeul. How many things are there in a war that is fair? Besides in that case, isn’t it already unfair that you are competing against humans as a dragon?”

“T, that’s true…”

“Don’t worry about it. Rankings are given to individuals anyway. Regardless of the procedure or method, in whatever way you want to, just prove your worth and beat other people.”

Kaeul worriedly gave a nod before turning her gaze towards the document again. This time, she saw some familiar names.


[Team Lair]

★Tyr Brzenk (4881)

Yong Taeha

Ling Ling


“What’s up with these bunch of fools? Why are these guys together?”

The three training institutions – Yong household, Noblesse School and Erfan Guild. The 10th year’s enrolment of Lair had been a mix of all these institutions.

And the strongest of each institution had formed a team together.

In the past, Zhou Luxun was the strongest of China’s Erfan Guild, but Ling Ling’s recent growth had been in an entirely different league, thus earning her spot in Team Lair.

“Wow, these guys just have no freaking eyes for people.”

Yeorum scoffed.

“Why wouldn’t they contact me?”

“Of course they wouldn’t,” replied Yu Jitae.

“Ehng? Why?”

“While Team White is a one-man team, this team is composed of similar-level cadets so that they can stay together for the long run. Unless you are willing to be more submissive, everyone knows how your personality is like.”

“Hmm… You’re right but it still feels like sh*t.”

Just like that, they went through the list of teams that will be their competitors. Next, it was time to choose which team they would enter.

“From now, you guys must form a team of your own.”



“I’ll send you the list. There are people there that you can form groups with, so contact them and form a basic party of four. After that, I will have a look at your teams.”

But Yu Jitae’s attitude was somewhat strange. He simply sent a document to their watch without doing anything else.

“Nn? Wait, you didn’t prepare them for us?”

“What do you mean. Why would I prepare them for you.”

“But you should, right? You’ve been doing it for us…” grumbled Yeorum while Kaeul also said, “This is my first time though. I don’t know how to do this…”

Yu Jitae pondered on how to explain this to them while touching the back of his neck.

“Guys. I’m not your guardian anymore.”



Yeorum and Kaeul had a dumb look on their faces as if they were smacked on the back of their heads.

“Of course I will be at the house when you return and I will lend a ear to all your worries. But I’m not going to do everything for you like what I’ve been doing at Lair.”


“Uh, uhh…”

“Think properly. The place you will now be living in is the field. You were thrown out into the battlefield from your warm houses and you need to make decisions for yourself.”

No matter how precious their child was, no guardian would go to their child’s workplace and raise their voice in their stead.

The two were now in the field.

They were now soldiers.

Although Yeorum and Kaeul were slightly saddened by his seemingly cold attitude,



They obediently accepted it.


But now that he thought about it, maybe he should have helped them with forming their teams. It was because the next day, what Yeorum brought to Yu Jitae calling them her teammates was none other than the exact members of Team Mochi.

“Hello, sir!”


Sophia, Kim Ji-in, Soujiro, Yu Yeorum. It was a familiar combination.

Yu Jitae was lost for words for a bit.


These guys, did they even have grades good enough to apply for the self-regulated semester? After looking through it, it seemed that they did barely make it through.

“Oi. Yu Yeorum. Come here.”

“Huh? Uh, why?”

Grabbing her by the arm, he took her to an alleyway devoid of people and asked.

“Are you really going to do it with them?”



“What do you mean why? You told me I have to do that to manipulate the team however I want to right? Team White was like that.”


He did tell her something, but that was on the pros and cons of a one-man team.

“Didn’t you condemn it for being a bad thing to do?”

“Ah, not when I’m the one doing it.”

Yeorum said with a giggle.

“You need to think this carefully,” he said.


“They might not be the best suited team for you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Aren’t you close to them? A group with a big difference in skill doesn’t tend to last long. The newborn superhuman competition lasts for a whole year and so will your group.”

“Ahh, don’t worry. I know they are retards but I didn’t bring them because of empathy or anything.”

“Then what.”

“We have fairly decent teamwork and those guys are all desperate too.”

Seeing that Yu Jitae was still in doubt, Yeorum said with a frown.

“Sophia that b*tch. She apparently failed the transcendent cadet test and didn’t make it into Team Lair either. You see the bruise on her eye right? After getting rejected by Team Lair, she apparently tried to kill herself with a knife and got smacked by her guardian.

“Kim Ji-in and Soujiro are, as you know, freaking retards. But their grades still went up by a lot. In the first year they were in 4000s but, they’re now both in 300s you know?

“And, honestly I really don’t want to admit it but… I’m also a freaking retard for a dragon right? We have something in common. Because retards have their unique desperate mindset.”

Despite her long attempt at persuading him, Yu Jitae didn’t say anything back. He was silently thinking to himself whether that party would be able to operate decently but seemingly misunderstanding his silence as a no, Yeorum repeatedly stamped her feet.

“Ahh, whyyyy~ Can’t I?”


“Don’t stay with them? For real?”


“But, ah… then why did you tell me to make the team by myself? I already told them the whole thing and they applied for the self-regulated semester for this… How am I going to sort this out now…”

From his lifelong data, it was rare for sardines to get along well with sharks. If the world they’re living in and their abilities were vastly different, it was natural for their thoughts and convictions to also differ.

That was what he was worried about.

However, Yu Jitae admitted that they had fairly decent teamwork and could also remember their desperate struggles.

“Alright. You can do it.”

“Huh? Really?”

He wasn’t that pleased by it but decided to let it be. Just like that, [Team Mochi] was registered in the Superhuman Association as a new newborn superhuman combat team.

Next up was Kaeul.

Receiving a call that she had found a team, Yu Jitae headed to the academy district of Lair. And after entering the waiting room that Kaeul talked about, he came across something surprising.



Young cadets quickly rose to their feet and bowed their heads to Yu Jitae.

“Hello sir! It is an honour to see you.”

There was a black-haired boy looking at him with sparkling eyes – he was Yong Taeha of the Yong household. He constantly talked about how he respected him, and it seemed that the fact that Yu Jitae had knocked Sillardo Leo down in one strike wasn’t even a secret anymore.

“H, hello… great to see you again…”

And the girl that slowly walked towards him after a flinch was a very small girl with red hair. She was Ling Ling of Erfan Guild.

Looking at Yu Jitae, she seemed slightly afraid but that was understandable considering how he made the face of the Chinese guardian, Lyun, into a rice cake.

“Nice to meet you sir. I have heard many things. I am the team leader of Team Lair, Tyr Brzenk.”

Lastly, a male cadet with a slightly gloomy look on his face greeted him with respect. He was a spitting image of his Rank 1 father.

Yu Jitae quietly nodded and greeted them back but was inwardly slightly dumbfounded so he turned towards Kaeul.

Kaeul had joined Team Lair.



“Let’s have a chat for a bit.”

Taking her out onto the corridor, he asked her about the current situation.

“What’s with them. Are you going to join their team?”

“Yes yes.”


“Uumm… because they’re strong…? If I’m next to other strong people, wouldn’t I learn something?”

“Is that the decision you made yourself? Not them inviting you in?”

“Yes. Hehe… Is it bad…?”

There was nothing bad about it.

It was in fact extremely good for her.

Rankings were given to individuals but being in a good team meant it was easier to have good results, which would then lead to good ranks.

One concern was that for some reason, the composition of Yeorum and Kaeul’s team fell all too perfectly into the picture.

On one side there was a team without talents that had to be desperate.

While on the other hand was a gathering of geniuses.

At this rate, Yeorum would be made to be more conscious of her position whether she wanted to or not.

“It’s fine. Can you do it well?”

“Yes yes.”

“Alright… For now, that’s good.”

“Ah, so…”


“Did I do a good job…?”

Yu Jitae nodded back. As a matter of fact, Kaeul had made the best possible decision.

“You did a great job.”

Only then was Kaeul relieved.

Just like that, the roster of [Team Lair] was updated and re-registered at the Association. And like what he expected, this caused a great ripple in the newborn superhuman industry.

The next day,

There was a flood of articles talking about Yeorum and Kaeul.

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