Kidnapped Dragons (KR Web Novel)

Chapter 272: Those who meet must part (7)


“…What’s going on?”

The viewers of the live stream watched with frowns on their faces. White suddenly started doing something strange – he started picking his nose while the camera was facing him and his comrades.

“Ah? What is he…?”


White, thanks to his handsome appearance and his gestures that touched the hearts of women, he had often been called the ideal boyfriend. Since he was suddenly picking his nose, it was difficult to both understand or accept what he was doing and his fans were confused as to where to look.

In fact, he had been strange for a while already.

He suddenly made a straight face and glared at his comrades, before immediately smiling brightly at the camera. His fans felt relieved after seeing the same bright smile but now he was picking his nose with a straight face which was completely incomprehensible.

[White Lover: ???]

[Whiting: ?]

[ホワイトさん大好き: Eh?]

[100k a Month: What’s the guy in the middle doin???]

But that was just the beginning of his bizarre acts.

Usually, nothing went down the wrong pipe for superhumans. So when the water he was drinking went down the wrong pipe, the swordsmanship genius of the Yong household was put in a very bad mood.

It was when he pulled his injured body to visit a hospital straight after a mission. While waiting for the appointment time, he saw a post made by Team Coin that slandered Team Lair. He happened to be drinking water when he saw the news and he was so surprised and mad that the water managed to enter his airway.

That’s why something similar was happening now.

White opened the lid of his water bottle before placing the hole next to his nose. He then started drinking water through his nose, which would never work out in the first place. He soon started coughing out all the water through both his nose and his mouth.

“Cough! Cough!”

[Hwang Jorong: ???? Seriously what is wrong bro?]

[Ted: Huh? What’s wrong with Mister White?]

[Loookie: ??????]

The chat was being filled with question marks as White’s comrades tried to resolve the situation with awkward smiles. Even then, White continued his mysterious acts.

The short female superhuman of China’s Erfan still wasn’t very satisfied with the situation. She was the type of person who considered violence to be an essential part of a true revenge. Like how she struck Yeorum on the nose and made her bleed, and like how she bit her ears in the past, she wanted to pick up a sword and cut one of White’s wrists off.

That’s why the following happened.


A thunderous sound echoed across as White suddenly slapped his own face with his palm. It once again shocked all the viewers but this time, it was followed by a nice ad-lib comment of a fast-thinking member of Team White.

“R, right dude! White! Slap yourself and wake up!”

“Huhh? Right right! You were drinking water with your nose and, you’re a bit weird toda…”

It all became meaningless when White started to nosebleed. How strong was the slap for him to bleed like that?

[Slap: ???]

[WoB: But why in the world?]

[ibzell: ???]

[cais: ?]

Once again, the chat section was being filled with question marks.

Confused, the filming team was pondering whether they should continue this broadcast or not. One of the staff hurriedly suggested to the PD that they end the live stream at least but the PD shook his head with tears in his eyes.

It was because White told him to never stop the live stream no matter the cost.

Meanwhile, someone asked the son of the world’s number 1 ranker, telling him to say something too. Shaking his head, he said, ‘I’m fine,’ but others kept pestering him so he threw a random word.


“Chirpy. Let’s do that.”


“You know, that thing. That…!”


The young superhumans threw glances at both Kaeul and Chirpy. They appeared to have seen ‘that thing’ a few times already, and had expectant lights in their eyes.

Kaeul didn’t know how to read the baby chicken’s expression so she missed it but the chicken replied he didn’t want to just then. When Kaeul persistently tried to make him do it, Chirpy started explaining himself.

Chirp chirp…! (‘Tis very humiliating though…)

But Kaeul still couldn’t understand his words.

“Uung Uung. That thing. It’s that!”

Chipp! (What, I don’t want to)

In the past, he was very courteous and always referred to Kaeul as his guardian deity but they appeared to have gotten a lot closer during the time they were away. The baby chicken protested.

On the other hand, Kaeul thought the baby chicken wasn’t understanding her words so she showed an example. She started dancing while twisting her hips and her waist.

“This thing. This thing! You know it right?”

Chipp (Damn it)

“Ahh, hurry up. Otherwise, no food okay?”

Chirp…! (How could you say such a thing…!)

In the blink of an eye, the baby chicken was picked up by her hands and was placed on the table of the office.

He really didn’t want to, but now that all the eyes were on him, there was no choice but to do it. Left with no other choice, Chirpy began swinging his yellow, chubby and furry hips left and right.



Yong Taeha and Ling Ling gasped for breath, laughing. On the screen behind where the baby chicken was dancing, White had gone up the table, doing a strange dance.

That was Tyr Brzenk’s command.


On the other hand, the filming site was in a complete mess of an atmosphere. Unable to sit still and do nothing, his comrades tried to pull White down but White shouted at them to leave him alone. They, who were already quite pissed from his usually tyrannical personality, screamed back at him.

“Have you really gone mad?! Come down you idiot!”

“Let go! Let go of me right now! You don’t know why I’m doing this, do you? You lowly useless bastards!”

“You! Watch your words!”

“I always thought so but you guys are absolutely useless! You know that–?!”

The abnormal balancing ability of a superhuman was working well. He appeared to be about to fall but constantly made it back up.

But White seemed to have lost it and started swearing at the viewers.

“What are you looking at!? Why are there so many here! Please just fuck off! Go away from the channel!”

There were so many comments that it was simply impossible to read any of them.

The PD felt the world turning in front of his eyes. Unable to tell whether he was in a dream or not, he looked for his assistant.

“Hey. This is a dream right?

“Hnn? Should we just stop the show…?”

No-one replied. Turning around, he discovered that his feeble-hearted assistant had already fainted.

In an instant, the PD felt as if the heavens were crushing down on him and simply imagining what the Tower of Mages would say to him after this made him sick. Although it wasn’t his fault, they would probably make him accountable for not stopping the stream.

Meanwhile, the broadcasting companies watched the situation unfold with interest. This was even more exciting to them than the first half of the live session. The renowned and popular ‘White McDonald’ has a mental illness!? They were typing out things that could be put on the front page of their newspaper.

The chaos was transmitted into the viewers as well. White’s eccentric behaviour spread to every corner of the global communities and thus came the internet warriors who loved fighting each other. Because of that, the chat was mixed with laughing and sobbing ones who swore at each other saying, ‘I knew he was like that from the start’, and ‘Just go away’… It was a mess.

But in any case, the overall perception of the public was that of negative.

That was when White suddenly dashed off somewhere. It was better off for him to do that in fact – his team mates bellowed to the PD to stop the live broadcast on one end, while trying to give an explanation to the viewers on the other end.

After distancing himself from the site, White asked towards the mic of his in-ear headphone.

“Hello? H, how long do I have to do this for!?”

– Almost done.

“You mean there’s still more? You, why are you doing this to me! Huh? W, why are you doing this to me… What did I ever do wrong…”

He heard several high-tuned voices laughing from the other side. It seemed that the opponent wasn’t an individual but a group.

– Do you think I’m doing this out of hatred?


– If I really wanted to bury you under the dirt, I wouldn’t have even done this. I told you did I not? That I won’t make it public if you do as you’re told.

White was the one who knew better than anyone what would happen if they publicised it and make a big deal out of it.

He started sobbing out loud. The most important part of his career which he had built up with great efforts was crumbling towards a bottomless pit. It was beyond repair at this point.

– Go back.

However, there was nothing he could do. Although White still felt like killing himself, he returned to his seat with a calmer look on his face. Fortunately, the live show still hadn’t ended.

– Say exactly what I tell you to say.

White copied his words word-for-word.

“I am sorry for causing a lot of trouble…”

The faces of the ones near him turned dark, wondering what he was going to say now.

“Before anything, let me tell you everything… about… what we have done wrong…”

The other members of Team White were shocked.

“We are in a close relationship with several broadcasting companies and… Team Coin… Using that we have indirectly criticised…”

White started to weep throughout his sentence.

“…Other teams. We would like to apologise to Team Mochi, Team Lair, Team Gluon, Team Huasan… and everyone who was impacted by our false criticisms and slandering… Once again, I’m sorry… Sorry…”

The faces of his teammates were tainted in darkness. All the eccentric acts till now were disastrous but this was on a whole different league. What was this crazy son of a bitch blabbering about?

“Oi! Don’t let this fucker talk!”

Unable to hold themselves back, the members ran up, trying to block White’s mouth. That was when a line of command was given to his ears, saying ‘Do not be caught’.

Although the group of young men tried to grab him, White pushed them away with his spells. Kwanng–! His teammates were pushed to the sides and some of the nearby cameras either cracked or fell.

As silence befell the filming site, White reopened his mouth. There was no longer rage or any sort of emotion on his face. He said with a soulless expression.

“From today onwards, I, White… will stop any sort of societal communication including SNS and streaming…

“I will start again from… scratch… enter operations as a normal superhuman and try my best in every operation…”

White heaved out a deep sigh.

“Once again, to everyone that had a bad experience because of me… Team Mochi, Team Lair, Team Gluon and Team Huasan… and everyone else, I give my sincerest apologies…”


This time, his sigh was even longer.

Some of the ones that ‘loved White no matter what’ thought he was putting on a show while confessing out of his guilt, thus the sigh.

The truth was far from it. White was heaving a sigh of relief because he realised that this hellish time was finally coming to an end.

A myriad of thoughts appeared in his mind.

What should I do now. What will the Tower of Mages say. What should I do after closing SNS. What will my parents say. What would be the best way to cut ties with Team Coin.

And which detestable son of a bitch was it that betrayed me…

That was when a voice put an end to his thoughts.

– Don’t bother trying to backtrack. Unless you wanna die.


– And where is your closing performance.


– I thought you were showcasing your magic swordsmanship.

White looked around and found a plastic knife placed next to the celebratory cake of the live stream. Despite the chaos that had befell the site, a few of the cameras were still facing him. The staff were all busily running around when White opened his mouth.

“Lastly, let me show you the magic swordsmanship I mentioned at the start.”

He raised the plastic knife.

The sharp aura of wind sharpened the blade of the sword.

Using that, White slashed the camera in half and destroyed it.


That was the end of the live stream, and it was almost a festival back in Team Lair.

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