King Of Chaos

Chapter 255 Ch 255: Helpless Warriors

Chapter 255 Ch 255: Helpless Warriors

The colossal Heavenly Demon was like a towering behemoth, advancing with deliberate and earth-shattering steps one after another.

With each massive stride, the very ground quivered and groaned beneath the weight of its giant Heavenly Demon.

"Thump!" "Thump!"

The resounding "Thump" that echoed through the air was like the pounding of a colossal drum, sending ripples of terror across the battlefield.

As the giant demon moved, its sheer presence seemed to command the dark energy that seemed to swivel. The earth trembled beneath its feet, as if it struggled to bear the burden of this unstoppable force. Above, the already dark sky churned and rumbled, mirroring the turmoil below.

This Heavenly Demon was unlike any adversary they had ever faced. Its strength was of such magnitude that even Lin Hao, wielding the mighty God Slaying Sword, found himself powerless to inflict even the slightest scratch upon its formidable hide.

Yes, Lin Hao was still attacking this Heavenly Demon. He has been doing so for who knows how many days now. But he was unable to inflict any sort of damage on this damn demon.

In fact, Lin Hao even has the feeling that as long as this Heavenly Demon attacks him, he will die without being able to retaliate. However, strangely enough, this Heavenly Demon has not attacked Lin Hao even though Lin Hao has been hovering around him like an annoying fly for several days now.

There seemed to be a place this demon wanted to go, and it seemed to be in so much hurry that even killing a fly was like wasting time.

In fact, it was not only Lin Hao alone, but several Great Saints and even Heavenly Saints who were chasing after this demon, trying to attack and kill him.

Everyone launched attack after attack, their strikes infused with the essence of their most potent techniques. Yet, it was as if their efforts were nothing more than a futile breeze against a towering mountain. They were just as helpless as Lin Hao.

In this dire moment, as they battled against an implacable foe, the Heavenly Demon arrived at another place where an intense battle was being fought.

Everyone's attention was attracted to this colossal Heavenly Demon, and the battle paused for a short period of time.

All the Heavenly Demons and Worms seemed happy to see this Heavenly Demon here, whereas, worry shrouded the hearts of brave warriors, Ling Wei Long, and Hu Wuxun.

"This Heavenly Demon... His aura is too strong!"

Ling Wei Long felt as if he was standing in the middle of a storm where even standing straight was too difficult. This Heavenly Demon's aura was simply too strong, far surpassing the limit of Chaos Spirit Saint Realm.

"Is it..."

Hu Wuxun did not complete his sentence, but Ling Wei Long seemed to understand what he was trying to say.

Ling Wei Long and Hu Wuxun looked at each other and immediately made the decision to join the fray. They hoped their combined strength would be enough to turn the tide.

"Thunderstorm Slash!"

"Tornado Axe Whirl."

With determination etched upon their faces, they unleashed their most devastating attacks upon the giant Heavenly Demon.

However, even their might proved insufficient. Their strikes, while powerful and precise, seemed to dissipate against the demon's unyielding form like raindrops against a boulder. The giant demon's resilience was unfathomable, its hide impervious to harm.


The continuous strikes of these warriors seemed to have finally made the Heavenly Demon lose his patience.

With a deafening roar that shook the sky, the Heavenly Demon unleashed its own devastating counterattack. The force of its bellow was like a physical blow, a shockwave that sent every warrior on the battlefield hurtling through the air. Many of them died immediately while those who were alive were injured badly. Their bodies tumbled and twisted, helpless against the overwhelming power of the demon's fury.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Amidst the chaos, all the warriors crashed to the ground, their bodies battered and bruised. The ground itself seemed to tremble in sympathy with their plight. The skies that were once filled with the clash of weapons and the shouts of battle now held an eerie silence, broken only by the distant rumble of thunder.

It was a moment of grim realization. They had faced formidable foes in the past, but this giant Heavenly Demon was unlike anything they had ever encountered. Its strength was beyond comprehension, and its resistance to their attacks bordered on the supernatural.

As they struggled to rise from the earth, the warriors exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of worry and fear. They knew that the battle was far from over and the danger they faced was as prominent as ever. But they were the warriors of the Land of Morning Stars, no matter what, they had to continue fighting until their last breath.

"Damn it!"

Ling Wei Long stood while cursing and shouted loudly, "Warriors, stand up. Only by standing in the face of true terror could you continue providing hope and protection to the people of this Land, to your people, to your loved ones."

"I know our enemies are powerful, mainly this one. However, if we don't stand up now, we will all die and our Land will perish."

"Think about the homes you've left behind, the families you fight to protect. Think about the children who look up to you with hope in their eyes, believing that you are their shield against the darkness. We are their last line of defense, the guardians of their dreams and aspirations."

"Make your blood boil, transform every single drop of your blood into strength, use every strand of energy to fight. Swing your weapon to behead the enemy, and take every step with the determination to push back this darkness. Remember why you came to this battlefield, why you came to fight, why you came to kill. It is not the size of the foe that matters, but the size of your heart and your will to prevail. Today, we fight not just for victory, but for survival, and for the hope that we can offer our Land."

"I'll say once again —As we charge into battle, know that we do so not as individuals, but as a formidable force bound by loyalty and love for our Land. Let the thunder of our determination drown out the roars of our adversaries. Let the strength of our unity shatter the invincibility they claim. Warriors, today we may face what seems insurmountable, but it is in the face of such trials that heroes are born. Onward, my brothers, for us, for our children, for our wives and parents, for our home, and for the Land of Morning Stars!"

Ling Wei Long's impassioned speech had a profound effect on the warriors once again. His words were like a spark that ignited a blazing fire within their hearts. They had been on the brink of despair, facing an enemy they believed to be invincible, but now, a renewed sense of determination coursed through their veins.

Even Lin Hao was affected by this.

As Ling Wei Long spoke, his voice carried a resonance that stirred something deep within each warrior. It was as if he had tapped into an invisible spirit, a wellspring of courage and defiance that had lain dormant within them. The warriors felt a surge of energy, a burning desire to protect their homeland and loved ones at any cost.

They rose to their feet slowly but with firm resolve. The transformation was palpable, their once-drooping shoulders now squared with resolve. Their eyes, once filled with doubt, now shone with unwavering spirit.


And then, as if in response to Ling Wei Long's call to arms, they raised their voices in a thunderous roar that echoed across the battlefield. Their shouts were filled with a mix of anger, defiance, and camaraderie. It was a collective battle cry, a declaration of their unity and their refusal to back down in the face of overwhelming odds.

"Let's go, brothers!"

All the warriors cried out, their voices carrying a sense of brotherhood that transcended mere words.

"Kill these demon bastards!"

The air seemed to vibrate with their fervor, and the ground beneath their feet trembled in response.

With their spirits ablaze, the warriors charged forward with weapons in hand. They moved as one to confront the insurmountable enemy before them.

"Bang!" "Bang!"




However, despite their unwavering resolve, the warriors found themselves in a deeply troubling situation. They had thrown everything they had at the giant Heavenly Demon, and yet, it stood resolute, its immense form radiating an air of invincibility.

No extra Heavenly Demons or Worms present at the scene stepped foot to fight. They all kept looking at these "ants" attacking their Leader with mocking smiles on their faces. It was as if they were simply watching a show.

No matter how powerful Ling Wei Long, Hu Wuxun, other Heavenly Saints, and even Lin Hao with his God Slaying Sword were, they were unable to even scratch their enemy.

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