King Of Chaos

Chapter 472 Ch 472: Ling Xiaolong's Calculations (1)

Chapter 472 Ch 472: Ling Xiaolong's Calculations (1)

"Darkness of the Abyss, Total Destruction!"

The Abyss Emperor roared, causing the void to tear and distort. Abyssal Energy swarmed toward the Abyss Emperor from every direction, entering his body. With each passing second, the Abyss Emperor grew in size. In a matter of minutes, he transformed into a giant shrouded in Abyssal Energy.

His figure could no longer be clearly discerned; only his outline was visible.

Ling Xiaolong witnessed the Abyss Emperor raising his hand and making a slashing motion. Though slow, the void seemed to shatter into pieces in that instant. The Abyss trembled, and thousands of various-sized fractures appeared everywhere.

As if in response to the Abyss Emperor's call, thousands of thick, dark, and long roots emerged from these fractures, wrapping around the abyss and tightly constricting it.


Along with the void, Ling Xiaolong found himself trapped in the encirclement of those roots, unable to escape. As the roots constricted, the abyss itself seemed to explode. Along with the destruction of Abyss, Ling Xiaolong was also annihilated.

As the Abyss disappeared entirely, leaving behind absolute emptiness, the residual power from the collapsing of the Abyss still wreaked havoc in the void, turning an unknown length of the vast emptiness into a forbidden zone.

As far as the eye could see, darkness prevailed, with no sign of life or even ripples of spatial turbulence.

Everything was dark and deadly silent.

On the other hand, the Abyss Emperor somehow survived. It was not that he came out of all of these unscathed. No, he was also terribly injured due to the destruction of an entire Cosmic Field.

Nevertheless, even under such horrifying circumstances, he emerged alive.

"Humph, finally dealt with you!"

The Abyss Emperor snorted coldly as he took out a dark bowl filled with blood-red wine, drinking the wine of victory and rejoicing.

At that moment, ripples appeared in the infinite darkness, and the roots once again pierced out from every direction, dancing around the giant Abyss Emperor.

"I know!"

It was as if the Abyss Emperor knew what these roots were doing or trying to tell him, he muttered silently and then raised his hand.

However, at that exact moment, he noticed something. He saw, although distorted, a faint reflection slowly manifesting in the darkness above his head.


The Abyss Emperor frowns. In order to get rid of the Reflection of Chaos, he did not hesitate to destroy the entire Abyss. In fact, he was even supported by the Tree of Abyss for his last action.

However, he did not expect to still see the traces of that reflection.

Shaking his head, the Abyss Emperor felt that he was thinking too much. He had seen with his own eyes how Ling Xiaolong's entire being was annihilated previously. There is no way Ling Xiaolong's death was an illusion and he somehow managed to escape.

Then again, he recalled Ling Xiaolong's control of those bizarre rules that clearly stood a level higher than the Rules of Chaos. He also recalled the skills and cards Ling Xiaolong used during the battle with him.

This made him hesitate.

To be sure, he directly contacted the Mother Goddess of Abyssals. The response he received was exactly what he had seen earlier with his own eyes. Ling Xiaolong was truly annihilated completely. There is no way he could still be alive.

Now that he was sure, the Abyss Emperor sighed in relief and then completed his action, waving his hand and a large amount of invisible but with traces of dark, ripples spread everywhere with him as the center.

In that instant, as if some sort of absolute rule was triggered, the already dark expanse of infinite space was drowned in a sea of Abyssal Energy. Surprisingly, the destroyed Abyss once again started to appear. It was manifesting crazily while engulfed in the Abyssal Energy.

What the Abyss Emperor was doing was not as simple as reverting time; he was actually creating an Abyss from absolutely nothing. All he needed was an infinite amount of Abyssal Energy.

As a creature with the cultivation base of a King of Abyss, he already possessed enough Abyssal Energy to recreate the Abyss.

What he used just now was not the Abyssal Rule of Time; it was the Abyssal Rule of Creation.

However, in the end, creating an entire Cosmic Field is not that easy, it takes time. Even with the help of the Tree of Abyss, he was afraid it would take at least a hundred years to recreate the Abyss perfectly.

Abyssals are creatures of the Abyss. Although the Abyss was currently destroyed, the Tree of Abyss was still there.

Before destroying the Abyss with its own roots, it had already sent trillions of powerful Abyssals to invade the Chaos.

Its purpose was obvious, it wanted to help the Abyss Emperor devour the Source of Chaos and break through the limit once more.

Since the Abyss Emperor is also a creature of the Abyss and closely connected to the Tree of Abyss, the Tree of Abyss might also obtain some benefit during the process of the Abyss Emperor's further breakthrough.

After all, the Abyss Emperor had never broken its connection with the Abyss.

In every Cosmic Field, there exists an unwritten rule: no creature of that Cosmic Field can cultivate beyond its predetermined limit.

However, the Abyss Emperor shattered this rule long ago.

Since he never chose to sever his connection and consistently maintained his bond with the Tree of Abyss, it is evident that the Tree of Abyss itself aided the Abyss Emperor in transcending its own limitations.

Over the years, the Tree of Abyss likely derived numerous benefits from this symbiotic relationship, thereby enhancing its own strength.

Perhaps, its ultimate objective is to ascend beyond the status of an Ethereal Guardian.

Just as the Abyss was constantly being created, the faint reflection above the Abyss Emperor's head suddenly shone brightly, brightening the dark void.


It was not just the Abyss Emperor, even the Tree of Abyss was startled. None of them knew exactly what was happening.

Before they could understand the sudden progress of the situation, they sensed something.

The Abyss Emperor turned back hurriedly, only to see Ling Xiaolong standing a few miles away from him, a mocking smile playing on his lips.

It was at that moment that the Abyss Emperor realized his previous assumptions were not wrong. Not only had he and the Tree of Chaos failed to annihilate Ling Xiaolong's existence completely, but it appeared they hadn't even injured him.

"How? How did you do it? You were clearly killed right before my eyes. How can you still be alive?" The Abyss Emperor asked, utterly puzzled by the sudden turn of events.

Ling Xiaolong pointed raised his hand and pointed above.

The Abyss Emperor followed Ling Xiaolong's gesture and looked at the Reflection of Chaos.

Finally, Ling Xiaolong explained, "You tried to destroy the Reflection of my Chaos, thinking that with its destruction, I cannot utilize the power of Rules to turn the table every time. Along with that, you also destroyed the entire Abyss so that I don't take out another bizarre trump card and escape somehow. And... I think those roots must belong to the Tree of Abyss, right?"

"In order to kill me, both you and the Tree of Abyss spared no effort, even to the extent of obliterating the Abyss itself. Evidently, my existence holds significant value to both of you, as you deemed the destruction of Chaos nearly impossible with me in the picture. Sacrificing the Abyss to ensure my demise might seem a small price to pay for someone like you, capable of recreating the Abyss from scratch. I suspect only you possess this ability, not the Tree of Chaos, and it might be due to the fact that you are a creature born in the Abyss, have comprehended the Rules of the Abyss, and share the very connection of existence with the Abyss."

"While the Abyss was birthed from the Tree of Abyss, it was akin to a child to it. While the Tree may be able to recreate the Abyss, the recreated Abyss would not be the same; rather, it would become akin to a second child. Unlike the Abyss Emperor, the Tree of Abyss is not a creature of the Abyss but its progenitor. Therefore, it lacks the profound existential connection to the Abyss shared by the Abyss Emperor."

"If you recreate the Abyss, everything will be the same. Moreover, I believe before destroying the Abyss, you or the Tree of Abyss must have kept its source secure, not letting it get destroyed."

As Ling Xiaolong spoke all of this, the Abyss Emperor revealed a shocked expression. Obviously, he did not expect Ling Xiaolong to guess everything correctly.

In fact, Ling Xiaolong might have sounded very confident while speaking, but he was not sure in his heart whether his guess was true or not.

Now, looking at the Abyss Emperor's shocked expression, he was sure that his guess was at least 90% correct.

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