Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 179- A Second Meeting

Chapter 179- A Second Meeting

[Keeno POV]

After a surprisingly little time Ama and I managed to find an outfit perfect for the occasion. We chose a kimono-like dress similar to what Ama usually wears, though instead of her deep black and purple preference, I went with rusty, brownish-red color.  It exposed my shoulders and cleavage but didn’t slip or fall due to the enchantments made into it and there was a nice gap at the hips so I could move easier at the expense of having my thighs slightly more visible. There was another enchantment placed on it where nobody but Ama would be able to see anything more than shadows, similar to my cloak’s hood.  To add to the appeal I made small blue wisps of fox fire float around me.


{Very nice, Keeno.  You look absolutely stunning.  And the way it flows with the fiery effect of the blue parts of you hair, ears, and tails makes it even better. I wish you’d wear stuff like this more often.}


“I though you liked me in a suit?”


{Don’t get me wrong, I love that look too, but changing it up every now and then is also nice.}


“Says the goddess whose entire wardrobe is the same thing. I’ve only ever seen you wear that, fancy underwear, or nothing at all.”




“Heh.  Well anyway, thanks for the compliment. Now it’s time to go taunt some nobles so Margaret doesn’t have a good reason to stop me purging them today!”


{Knock em dead, love!}


“That’s too simple…unless there is a pit. Then it should be fun.”


{You’re a dragon fox, not a cat.}


“Pram must be rubbing off on me.”






Leaving the room I nearly ran into Margaret as she had a fist raised, prime position for a door knock.


“…” (Margaret)


I smirked.


“Any complaints?” (Keeno)


“*Sigh*No.  Let’s go, if we keep them waiting any longer the more annoying they’ll be.” (Margaret)


We walked through the halls of the compound for a bit before arriving at a large room that held various wagons and carriages. We walked to a carriage made of pitch black wood and extremely dark windows. Zofia and Maria stood outside the door, waiting for us.


“Margaret, you forgot the mantle.” (Zofia)


“You know I hate wearing that stuffy thing. It’s so unnecessary and uncomfortable.” (Margaret)


“I completely understand, but we have an image to uphold for the time being. You don’t start changing things up when your enemies don’t expect your betrayal, only after.” (Zofia)


“And besides, it makes you look super cool!” (Maria)


“Hehe.” (Keeno)


“Lady Okami, you look wonderful, though I do question why you decided to do so.  Forgive my forwardness, but aren’t you trying to avoid catching their attention?” (Zofia)


“Though it wasn’t my particular field of study, I know my ancient history, and if there is anything that can ruin a country quickly, it’s a beautiful woman. Especially a woman no one can have.  I play my cards right, and I may even be able to wipe out most of the nobles and claim self defense of to protect my honor. If not, a few teasing glances and whispered words and they will be at their throats.” (Keeno)


“…” (Zofia)


“…” (Margaret)


“Interesting.” (Maria)


“Relax, I’m not trying to destroy the ENTIRE country, just the mongrels enslaving my people.  What kind of Death God would I be if I didn’t do some purging?” (Keeno)


“Right…you don’t work in mortal logic…that makes sense.” (Zofia)


“Margaret, your aunt is smart, you should promote her.” (Keeno)


“She’s already second in command and lead trainer.  I can’t do any more aside from giving up my position, and she has made it blatantly clear that she doesn’t want it.” (Margaret)


“This is fun and all, but won’t you two be late at this rate?” (Maria)


“Yes, we have to go.  Please, Lady Keeno, allow me to assist you.” (Margaret)


Standing to the side of the carriage; Margaret offered her hand to me. I took and and she helped me into the carriage.  After I was seated she got in and Zofia climbed into the horseman’s seat.


“Off we go then.” (Zofia)


Maria waved us off outside the window as we departed. Once we left the coach house I got my first glimpse of the capital of Lokir.


“The compound we are staying in for the moment is the one in the noble district since we have business here. Once all of that is finished. We’ll move to our normal one.” (Margaret)


I nodded my head as I looked at the smooth white stone that made up the buildings and the small canals of water that flowed down from the roof of the buildings to smaller canals on the ground. It seemed like a waste to me considering the environment, but then I realized that it wasn’t all that hot. Sure, it was hotter compared to what most would consider comfortable, but no to the extent that someone could get used to it and stop noticing. Every so often we would pass by another carriage that was much more open compared to ours. Other times we would pass by some people walking down the sidewalk. They always wore pompous expressions and were dressed gaudily.  We reached a small square and began passing through it when the carriage started to speed up a bit.


“Aunt Zofia, what are you doing?” (Margaret)


“Avoiding a fight.” (Zofia)


I saw nothing on my side of the carriage and was about to look out of Margaret’s side but whatever it was that made Zofia nervous was already out of my sight.


“Was it kitsune?” (Keeno)


“No, just a rival order that try to antagonize us any time they see us.” (Zofia)


“Ah.” (Keeno)


After about five more minutes we arrived at a large building decorated with vibrant blue and red stones mixed with the white of all the other buildings.  It also gave me the feeling all other Dead Zone cores did.


“So the Core is here.” (Keeno)


“Is it?” (Margaret)


“It feels like it…but I still need more information, so I won’t go for it for now.” (Keeno)


“Ok.” (Margaret)


{How patient of you, Keeno.}


“…Is that?” (Margaret)


“Yes, that’s Ama. I’m surprised you didn’t say anything earlier considering she had some input.” (Keeno)


“It wasn’t the time for me to react then.” (Margaret)


I nodded as the carriage began moving again. We passed through a giant metal gate and shortly after that through a massive stone doorway.


“Lady Keeno, before we enter the meeting, know that most all present will be an enemy. One person can become an ally as long as we keep composure.” (Margaret)


“What’s their name?” (Keeno)


“Sif. She is a kitsune woman like you and the only kitsune on the Council. She is the one who owns all the brothels in the city.” (Margaret)


“Alright.” (Keeno)


[Sif POV]

Sitting in the stuffy room full of overinflated egos and barely concealed schemes was stifling. Even sitting in my small booth on the second story of the meeting hall wasn’t enough to escape it.  We were called in to attend an emergency meeting due to the arrival of the Commander of the Eclipse Knights when she should have still been in Odeen.  Though strangely enough there was also an impromptu ball to be held tonight as well, which is strange considering those in charge of hosting those took months to prepare them normally.  That fact aside, I could only wait.


“Lady Sif.”


“Yes, my lovely attendant?” (Sif)


“We received a small missive from that poor girl who was the envoy.”


My foxy attendant handed me a small slip of paper and gave me a light peck on the cheek before stepping into the shadows behind me.


“You little tease.” (Sif)


Unfolding the paper in my hands I quickly read over the message.  The words held on the paper made my eyes go wide and I read it several more times just to make sure I wasn’t somehow misreading it.


“Lady Sif?”


My cute bodyguard grew concerned and she as well as my attendant stepped up to me.


“I’m fine, my lovelies.  But…is this true?” (Sif)


The two looked over my shoulders, making sure their breasts pressed into my back as much as they could, and read the note.


“A kitsune with more than one tail?” (Attendant)


“I’d only heard stories from my grandmother of our ancient ancestors being able to grow more tails.” (Bodyguard)


“Hush for now, they’ve arrived.” (Sif)


Looking down from my private booth, I saw the herald walk to the center of the room.


“Announcing Commander Margaret Nearl, Commander of the Eclipse Knight Order as well as her guest from afar!”


The herald moved away from the ‘main stage’ as fast as he could and as soon as he was gone, the double doors opened. The first one to enter the room was the young Nearl girl. Her polished black armor reflected the dim lighting of the room, combined with her equally black mantle making her look like a shadow that had come to life. I immediately noticed the different air about her, almost as if she was a completely different being than the last time I had seen her.  Just her appearance made someone more observant nobles start whispering amongst their neighbors or the not so discreet passing of messages between booths on the second floor. But all of that stopped as the second pair of steps was heard.


The room became completely, utterly silent, as if all sound had been forcibly killed and a strange, almost overwhelming presence began to suffocate the room. It also became noticeably warmer and I could have sworn that some shadows began to move. Each step echoed around the room until, finally, she emerged.


Wearing a beautiful rust colored foreign looking dress a tall Kitsune woman stopped next to Lady Margaret.  She had beautiful, long white hair done up but still ending by her knees. Her four fluffy tails as well as her ears and hair ended in striking blue that seemed to move like flames. She had proportions that even I was envious of, as if her body was sculpted to be the most beautiful, seductive thing in the world with a warm blue light shining in her chest. Her face was just as beautiful, free of blemishes, with fierce eyes whose corners had black makeup in the style of our people. Every so often small wisps of blue flame would burst to life only to fade around her. But her eyes…her eyes were her most striking feature, even above her four tails. They were seas of the purest black I’d ever seen dotted with small islands of glowing blue and sliced in twain by pupils as sharp as knives. 


Her gaze swept around the room and I could tell she was quite skilled in making her thoughts and emotions.  When her gaze met mine I broke out into a cold sweat. It was like I could hide nothing from those eyes, like my Soul was removed from my body and was being judged by a higher being. This oppressive feeling only eased when she moved her gaze off of me.


“…” (Sif)


I let out a breath I didn’t even realize I was holding in and looked at my sides. My attendant and bodyguard were equally as stunned as I was and still hadn’t recovered from the shock. Observing the other nobles I could see some had been just as mesmerized as I was.  Others couldn’t conceal their lust and greed while a few showed clear discomfort.


“I’m attending tonight’s ball.” (Sif)


“Are you going to add another sister?” (Attendant)


“No, I doubt even I could handle her. But I do want to make a connection with her. She may be able to help in saving our people.” (Sif)


“We shall assist in any was possible, Mistress.” (Bodyguard)


“Just give us and our sisters the word and we’ll do all in our power.” (Assistant)


“Thank you, my lovelies. I’ll rely on all of you.” (Sif)


Chaos Realm:

Luna: That’s a first.


Luna: Might just be me, but I don’t know how to feel about that.

I say as long as she keeps it under a certain number and can satisfy them all equally, then good for her.

Luna: Hmm.

*A portal opens*

Fu: Payto!

Moco: We found something!

And that something is?

Fu: Two weird books. They fell on Moco’s head the other day out of nowhere. They had a strange power on them too, so after we read them we thought to bring them here.

Moco: It really hurt. But it also gave the two of us ideas.

I can take the books from you. I think I know where they go. *takes books and looks at titles before very quickly tossing them away into Celeste’s place*

Luna: Weird reaction detected.


Luna: Ah.  Understandable.

Moco: We have a request.

…Is it what I’m thinking it is?

Fu: Dunno. We can’t read your mind.

You two want to become goddesses of monsters and make the ones from those books.

Both: YEP!  It’ll be funny what happens!

Luna: The sync is strong with these two.


Moco: Plus it could be a fun idea to see what happens when twin goddesses share a single Authority.

Fu: It does seem special enough to be a single god Authority.

…I’ll allow it. But you need to get Amaterasu and Hresvelgr to help.

Both: YAY! What do we need to do?

Since it’s a special case, I’ll give it to you two. *pats their heads* And done.

Fu: Ehehe.

Moco: Hehehe.


*Headpats Luna with a tail*

Luna: Fufufu..

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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