Land Sword Immortal: Eighty Years as the Guardian of the Sword Pavilion

Chapter 47 – A gentleman’s revenge is not too late, even after ten years!

Chapter 47 – A gentleman’s revenge is not too late, even after ten years!

Meng Fan currently needed such a flashy technique to enhance his control over True Qi.

He studied the Sword Driving Art with great diligence.

As Elder Lin taught Meng Fan the Sword Driving Art, he said, "Once you can control ten long swords simultaneously without any fancy movements, just keeping them suspended in the air, it will prove your True Qi control is adequate, and you can break through to the True Martial Realm at any time!"

Meng Fan nodded and began to focus on practicing the Sword Driving Art.

He had a knack for sword arts, usually mastering them upon first attempt.

Initially, Meng Fan could only control one long sword with the Sword Driving Art.

By evening, he was able to control two.

The next day, he started controlling three.

However, as the number of swords he controlled increased, so did the difficulty.

After a day and a night, Meng Fan could control three swords.

Two days passed, and he could handle four.

After five days, he managed five.

It took a whole month for Meng Fan to meet Elder Lin's requirement of controlling ten swords simultaneously.

But he could only make the ten swords float in front of him; thinking of making them attack was wishful thinking, as they had no real offensive power.

But that was enough!

Having met Elder Lin's requirement, and with his approval, Meng Fan began his breakthrough to the True Martial Realm that very night.

It was a smooth transition; Meng Fan successfully advanced to the True Martial Realm!

After the breakthrough, Meng Fan was incredibly exhilarated.

In truth, this speed of advancement wasn't particularly fast, at least not for Meng Fan!

But with Elder Lin's assistance, Meng Fan had reached the True Martial Realm without tapping into the vast Essence of the Sword he had obtained from the Demon Locking Sword.

Instead, it was the Thunder Essence from the Purple Thunder Pig that fueled his progress!

Thus, Meng Fan still had a substantial amount of the Essence of the Sword stored within him. If all went well, this should be enough to push his cultivation level to the third or even fourth level of the True Martial Realm.

"Congratulations, Master, on your breakthrough to the True Martial Realm!" In Meng Fan's room, the spectral image of Hong Qi emerged from the Hong Qi Sword, her face brimming with joy, seemingly even happier than Meng Fan himself.

Indeed, that was the case!

Within the Shu Mountain Sword Sect, she was the first to recognize Meng Fan's monstrous enlightenment.

She had bet on him early on, and it turned out she had bet correctly!

With Meng Fan's talent and performance, avenging her would be no difficult task.

"It's just the True Martial Realm; there's still a long road ahead," Meng Fan said with a smile. Although he was excited, he maintained a calm demeanor without any hint of arrogance.

But to be honest, for someone with a Mixed Spiritual Root to advance from a blank slate to the True Martial Realm in such a short time was indeed for the history books!

"Don't worry, I remember my promise to avenge you. But who exactly is your enemy, and what is their current realm?" Meng Fan asked Hong Qi.

Previously, Meng Fan hadn't asked this question, feeling it was a distant matter.

Moreover, as someone in the Qi Cultivation Realm, asking seemed unconvincing and could easily make him the butt of a joke.

Now that Meng Fan had reached the True Martial Realm, and having shown his "monstrous" side to Hong Qi, asking this question no longer seemed ridiculous and carried some weight.

Hong Qi fell silent for a moment, visibly trembling at the memory of her enemy, even after more than thirty years.

Clearly, the shadow that person cast over her was terrifying.

After a long pause, Hong Qi broke the silence, "My enemy is in the Sword Worship Villa. Many years ago, he was already the master of the villa. As for his cultivation level, I only know that more than twenty years ago, he was already in the Condensation Pill Realm!"

Qi Refining, True Martial, Heavenly Origin, Condensing Elixir...

In Meng Fan's view, the Condensing Elixir Realm wasn't particularly strong; it was a height he could reach.

But that was over twenty years ago!

In the intervening years, this enemy's realm could have advanced significantly.

Perhaps he had even achieved the Soul Formation, becoming a major power.

"I don't think I've heard of this Sword Worship Villa," Meng Fan said, frowning slightly.

Hong Qi nodded, "The Sword Worship Villa is actually a sword forging villa, with most residents being swordsmiths, some of whom also practice swordsmanship.

In the grand scheme of things, Sword Worship Villa is not considered a top-tier power, especially when compared to the Shu Mountain Sword Sect."

Meng Fan nodded, committing the name Sword Worship Villa to memory.

He didn't take it lightly, knowing that many powerful individuals did not come from famous sects.

There were countless masters who rose from obscurity!

"What's his name?" Meng Fan continued to inquire.

"Ye Qingxuan," Hong Qi said through gritted teeth.

"My father's own brother, my dear uncle," she added with a bitter laugh.

Meng Fan fell silent upon hearing this.

He had not heard Hong Qi mention these details before.

Truthfully, he could never have imagined that Hong Qi's enemy would be her own uncle.

What kind of person would be so heartless as to use their own niece for a Sword Sacrifice?

Perhaps such a being could no longer be called human, but a devil.

Meng Fan felt a surge of sympathy for Hong Qi.

After all, it's one thing to be harmed by a stranger, quite another by one's own family.

"Years ago, Ye Qingxuan wanted to forge a Spiritual Sword. After many failed attempts, he became obsessed and thought of blood refinement.

Blood refinement requires one's own blood as a catalyst and the heart's blood of a relative to succeed.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't bear to use his own children's heart's blood, so he thought of using mine.

Although I was only his niece, our blood relation was still deep.

In the end, he succeeded!

I even suspect that if he had failed, he might have used his own daughter's heart's blood for another attempt, as he had completely turned into a devil."

Hearing Hong Qi's story, Meng Fan was silent.

Hell is empty, and all the devils are here!

This Ye Qingxuan truly no longer deserved to be called human.

After a moment, Meng Fan, touching the Hong Qi Sword, said earnestly, "Sword Worship Villa's Ye Qingxuan, I'll remember that name. Within ten years, he will undoubtedly die!"

Since Meng Fan didn't know Ye Qingxuan's exact realm, he refrained from making too grand a promise.

But ten years was enough time.

A gentleman's revenge is not too late, even after ten years!

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