Land Sword Immortal: Eighty Years as the Guardian of the Sword Pavilion

Chapter 82 – Do bull demons also have kidney stones?

Chapter 82 – Do bull demons also have kidney stones?

Meng Fan did not go after the demon cores immediately; instead, he began to absorb the Spiritual Essence from the bull demons' bodies to enhance his Supreme Dominance Body.

The first he absorbed from was naturally the minotaur.

He estimated that one minotaur could be worth ten regular bull demons.

It took Meng Fan a little over three minutes to completely absorb the Spiritual Essence from the minotaur.

Then, he moved on to the regular bull demons.

The combined Spiritual Essence of the fourteen regular bull demons was no less than that of the minotaur.

"What is he doing?" Wang Jiuyuan had recovered from his initial shock and confusion. He approached Li Xuerou and Liu Yanping, asking curiously.

After killing these bull demons, not taking the demon cores but instead fumbling around their corpses—what kind of odd habit was this?

Li Xuerou and Liu Yanping glanced at Wang Jiuyuan but didn't bother to answer, too lazy to engage.

They didn't care to lie, as they could simply ignore him without needing to explain.

"Senior Sister Li, who is this Senior Brother? He must be a Core Disciple, right? How come I've never seen him before?" Wang Jiuyuan asked with immense curiosity.

He knew Li Xuerou because she used to be an Inner Sect Disciple and a notable figure among them.

Especially with many admirers!

But Senior Sister Li looked down on everyone, breaking who knows how many earnest young men's hearts.

Now Wang Jiuyuan understood why Senior Sister Li looked down on everyone.

With such a powerful and incredibly handsome Senior Brother hidden in the shadows, those guys had lost before they even started.

No, they didn't even qualify to compete!

Faced with Wang Jiuyuan's second question, Li Xuerou still chose to ignore him, not bothering to acknowledge him.

Wang Jiuyuan felt extremely awkward, then could only use a smile to mask his embarrassment.

Liu Yanping, kind-hearted as she was, replied to Wang Jiuyuan, "It's quite normal for Senior Brother Wang to have not seen Meng Fan. He is not a Core Disciple, nor an Inner Sect Disciple. He is a disciple of the Sword Pavilion!"

Meng Fan?

Wang Jiuyuan silently noted the name, feeling it might become even more renowned than He Fangyuan in the future.

A disciple of the Sword Pavilion!

This identity startled Wang Jiuyuan even more. It was well-known that the Sword Pavilion and the Scripture Pavilion were two very special places within the Shu Mountain Sword Sect.

Places like the Alchemy Hall and the Artifact Forging Hall were full of disciples and quite ordinary, lacking any mystery.

The Sword Pavilion and the Scripture Pavilion, however, were shrouded in mystery within the Shu Mountain Sword Sect!

So hearing that Meng Fan was a disciple of the Sword Pavilion, he immediately held him in high regard.

But in reality, this was just a psychological effect.

In fact, this mentality had nothing to do with whether Meng Fan was a disciple of the Sword Pavilion or not; it was mainly because Meng Fan's strength had shocked him.

What's the big deal about being a disciple of the Sword Pavilion?

Even a Menial Disciple could be sent to the Sword Pavilion to meet their demise.


After about ten minutes, Meng Fan had absorbed all the Spiritual Essence from the bull demons.

Then he drew his sword and extracted the demon core from the minotaur.

This demon core was the size of a bottle cap.

Much larger than the previous ones, it was clearly a valuable item, so he unceremoniously took it for himself.

He had given the smaller demon cores to Li Xuerou and Liu Yanping simply because he wasn't interested in them.

This one, which seemed decent, he decided to keep for his own research.

Liu Yanping, with a hint of envy, said, "Meng Fan, didn't you say you'd give me the next high-level demon core we found?"

Meng Fan put the demon core into his storage ring, unabashedly replying, "Did I? Oh, I meant the fox demon's core."

Liu Yanping rolled her eyes helplessly, too embarrassed to say more, especially since Meng Fan had single-handedly slain the minotaur!

Still, she felt a slight annoyance. Why did Li Xuerou get one and not her?

Did having a sister really make one forget their friends?

"The rest of the demon cores, you two can divide them," Meng Fan said to Liu Yanping and Li Xuerou.

This time, Wang Jiuyuan didn't even have a chance to act, so naturally, Meng Fan wouldn't share with him.

Wang Jiuyuan naturally had no complaints; in truth, he felt somewhat embarrassed since he was the one who had led the bull demons here.

But it wasn't intentional; he had panicked and inadvertently ran to this place while being chased by the herd of bull demons.

"Senior Brother Meng Fan, I didn't mean to lead the bull demons here, I only..."

Meng Fan waved his hand, cutting off Wang Jiuyuan's words.

"No need to explain, because this is not an issue for us!"

Indeed, it wasn't an issue. It was resolved in ten breaths' time, effortlessly and casually.

"Senior Brother Meng Fan, I didn't expect our Shu Mountain Sword Sect team to have such a hidden expert like you. I feel that your sword strike just now could totally match Senior Brother He," Wang Jiuyuan said excitedly to Meng Fan.

Suddenly encountering such an expert, he couldn't help but feel like an excited "little fanboy."

Meng Fan smiled, patted Wang Jiuyuan on the shoulder, and said, "Be more confident, remove the 'I feel' part."

He Fangyuan, as the leader of this Shu Mountain Sword Sect expedition, was undoubtedly powerful.

But if it really came down to a fight, he definitely wouldn't be a match for Meng Fan.

Of course, that was within the Demon Realm.

Outside the Demon Realm, Meng Fan wouldn't be the opponent.

However, if he really went all out, recklessly using the Seven Absolute Demon Swords, the Eternal Night Demon Sword, once Meng Fan succumbed to the demonic influence, even those in the Heavenly Origin Realm would be as easy to cut down as vegetables.

But that would be a pyrrhic victory!

"Meng Fan, what do you think this is?" While digging out demon cores, Liu Yanping suddenly spoke to Meng Fan.

Meng Fan walked over and saw Liu Yanping holding a jade-like object she had extracted from the belly of one of the bull demons.

She had encountered this strange stone while digging for the demon core inside this bull demon.

The object had a pleasing color and seemed to be out of the ordinary.

Meng Fan stared at the jade stone, honestly a bit puzzled.

Liu Yanping asked him what it was, but how would he know?

A gallstone from inside a bull demon?


"It's probably a special kind of Spirit Stone that this bull demon accidentally ingested and couldn't digest," Meng Fan casually conjectured.

Although it was a wild guess, he felt it was highly probable, perhaps even the truth.

But that wasn't important. What mattered was what this object actually was?

Meng Fan picked it up and examined it closely.

The object wasn't dirty at all, spotless, even though it had been extracted from the belly of a bull demon, it was untainted.

This alone made it extraordinary.

"I'll have Elder Lin take a look when we get back," Meng Fan said, putting the jade stone into his storage ring.

Liu Yanping's eyes widened in dissatisfaction, "Meng Fan, I found that."

Meng Fan casually replied, "But I killed this bull demon!"

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