Land Sword Immortal: Eighty Years as the Guardian of the Sword Pavilion

Chapter 93 – Sword Comes, Annihilation of All Directions!

Chapter 93 – Sword Comes, Annihilation of All Directions!


Of course, I'm impatient.

I'm dying to kill you!

And by kill, I mean literally kill you, not just "kill."

The demoness extended a jade-like hand, pulling Meng Fan towards the bed.

Just as she pushed Meng Fan onto the bed, the ten breaths' time agreed upon with Hong Qi had arrived.

In an instant, Meng Fan felt much lighter.

He flicked his thumb against the guard of the Hong Qi Sword, and the blade unsheathed.

"Filthy beast, you dare defile me? I'll kill you!" Meng Fan roared angrily, slashing horizontally with the Hong Qi Sword in his hand.

Being pushed onto the bed, he could only manage to execute such a horizontal slash.

In haste, only a burst of Demon-Slaying Sword Intent erupted.

However, this strike was meant to force the demoness back, not to kill her outright.

Although the power of this sword wasn't supreme, the suddenness of the attack startled the demoness and successfully repelled her!

Meng Fan got up, not daring to dawdle, and immediately launched another attack.

He feared that any moment of hesitation would allow the demoness to regain control over him.

So, the instant he repelled the demoness, Meng Fan struck again!

"Sword Comes!!!"

He let out a fierce shout.

In the Demon Realm, Meng Fan's cultivation was sealed, leaving him powerless to control another's sword.

And even if he had the ability, the only thing nearby was Nie Bing's corpse.

As for the battlefield to the south, it was too far away; even if Meng Fan had his cultivation, he couldn't affect that area.

The technique "Sword Comes" was essentially similar to the Sword Driving Art taught by Elder Lin, or rather, a higher form of the Sword Flight Art.

After integrating countless sword techniques, Meng Fan's "Sword Comes" could now command various sword techniques, sword moves, and sword weapons.

It seemed there was no room for Meng Fan to display his skills in this grand hall!

But in reality, that wasn't the case...

As Meng Fan's command "Sword Comes" fell.

In the grand hall, strands of Sword Qi began to condense out of thin air.

Emerald Sea Tide Rises Sword Qi!

Thunderclap Sword Qi!

Flying Feather Sword Qi!

Demon-Slaying Sword Qi!

Mountain Splitting Sword Qi!

Supreme Forgetting Love Sword Qi!

Vast Universe Sword Qi!

Heavenly Star Sword Qi!


Over a thousand strands of Sword Qi gathered in the hall, their formidable presence chilling to the bone.

Each sword technique, when cultivated to perfection, could generate its own Sword Qi without relying on True Qi, solely through the mastery of the sword technique itself.

This was something Meng Fan had known for a long time.

Therefore, when he originally created the technique "Sword Comes," he had thought of "borrowing swords from the void."

Because not every situation provides many real sword weapons for you to "borrow"!

Having invested so much effort into researching "Sword Comes," how could this move be merely a simple Sword Driving Art or Sword Flight Art?

This was the first technique of his unique "Myriad Swords Returning to One," created after studying the Primordial Great Way of the Sword and integrating countless sword arts!

The power of this sword surpassed all other sword techniques.

At least, it surpassed all the sword techniques Meng Fan had seen in the Scripture Pavilion!

The demoness watched, dumbfounded and incredulous, her mouth agape wide enough to fit two eggs.

What was this situation?

Aren't humans supposed to be sealed in their cultivation upon entering the Demon Realm, unable to use their cultivation?

Could this scene be achieved without using cultivation?


But in fact, it was true.

Meng Fan didn't use his cultivation; he simply executed a sword technique.

It was only with the enhancement of the Primordial Great Way of the Sword that Meng Fan was able to develop such an extremely terrifying sword technique.

Of course, he couldn't do without the supreme talent of Sword Dao Transcendence.

"Who exactly are you?" the demoness roared in terror, no longer as composed and mocking as before.

Meng Fan couldn't care less about the demoness's question, angrily retorting, "Didn't you want to feel good? Today, I'll make sure you get your fill!!!"

Thousands of Sword Qi thrust towards her, piercing her at least a thousand times...

Tell me, do you still feel good?

Even so, Meng Fan didn't let his guard down.

He remembered clearly that he only had one chance; if he failed, he would be the one to suffer.

Therefore, after executing "Sword Comes," Meng Fan didn't stop there but immediately followed up with the second technique of "Myriad Swords Returning to One."

"Annihilation of All Directions."

Having decided to go all out, he truly put forth all his strength.

Without holding anything back!

Otherwise, he would only be creating trouble for himself.

Indeed, Meng Fan's choice proved correct, as although countless Sword Qi surged towards the demoness, they didn't inflict substantial harm on her.

Even though she was just a fox demon and not as tough-skinned as bull demons, this fox demon's realm was too high.

Just one step away from becoming a Demon King!

Even suppressed within the Demon Realm, she remained incredibly formidable.

Meng Fan was certain that none of the cultivators from the three great sword sects who entered the Demon Realm could match this demoness.

Except for himself!

At this moment, the demoness's complexion changed to one of fear and panic.

She felt her life was threatened.

How could a human, not even at the Condensation Pill Realm and with cultivation suppressed, pose a threat of death to her?

What kind of logic was that?

Regardless of the logic, she was now cowering, begging for mercy in terror.

"Stop, don't kill me!"

"I can acknowledge you as my master, as long as you stop, I can offer my soul to you, my life and death in your hands, I'll do whatever you ask!"

"I can be your slave, I can kneel and lick your feet, just don't kill me, I'll do anything!!!"


The demoness's desperate pleas sounded tempting.

Unfortunately, Meng Fan remained unmoved.

Such a demoness could only provide a sense of security in death.

Keeping such a thing by his side, was he looking for trouble or excitement?

Neither, it was courting death!

As the technique "Annihilation of All Directions" erupted, a myriad of Sword Qi converged around the demoness, then detonated in a cataclysmic explosion.

The force was comparable to the self-destruction of a cultivator at the Heavenly Origin Realm!

Even within the Demon Realm, even without using any cultivation...

The two strikes of "Myriad Swords Returning to One" still displayed their unparalleled and terrifying sharpness, truly invincible!

This was the depth of Meng Fan's Sword Dao.

This was the dominance of the Primordial Great Way of the Sword.

Moments later, the dust settled.

With the conclusion of "Annihilation of All Directions," not only did the myriad Sword Qi vanish, but the demoness perished as well.

Annihilation of All Directions lived up to its name!

On the grand hall floor, scattered blood and fragments of flesh and bone lay about; the demoness was left without even a partial corpse.

Amidst the gore, Meng Fan spotted a bright red elixir.

This demon pill was invaluable.

For it belonged to a demon tribe member close to the level of a Demon King, not something ordinary people could obtain.

Meng Fan, undeterred by the filth, collected the demon pill!

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