Legendary Hero is an Academy Honors Student

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

In the heart of Lumeln Academy stood the grand and magnificent Heroes Tower, a place of prestige reserved for the school's faculty members, not its students.

Its towering height cast a shadow over the campus, a symbol of authority and power.

At the pinnacle of the Heroes Tower, amidst the stillness and solitude, was the office of the principal.

As the afternoon sun streamed through the window, illuminating the room, Kalrian sat at his desk, his eyes closed in peaceful contemplation.

Suddenly, his thoughts were disrupted by a rustling sound, causing him to turn his gaze toward the window.


A woman with blazing red hair suddenly appeared before Principal Kalrian.

"Welcome, Felia,"

Kalrian said, his expression changing to one of warmth as he greeted the fiery visitor with a smile.

"Did the intruder make a move?"

Kalrian asked, his tone serious as memories of the break-in incident that took place five years prior flooded his mind.

Although no casualties were reported, the intruder was never caught and the incident was kept secret to avoid widespread panic.

But Lumeln was more than just an academy; it was also home to one of the Hero Records. The thought of someone penetrating its security and causing an incident within its walls was unfathomable.

So, Kalrian had requested the assistance of the Lund family, whose phantom beast, Phoenix, was unmatched when it came to monitoring the vast academy.

"That's not the case, but I have good news,"

Felia said, a hint of excitement in her voice.

"Good news?"

Kalrian asked in surprise.

"A new contract holder of Phoenix has been born among Lumeln's students,"

Felia announced, causing Kalrian's eyebrows to rise in surprise.

"Did a student sign a contract with you? Or with another Phoenix?" Kalrian asked, intrigued.

"He made a contract with my newborn child," Felia replied, her smile growing.

Kalrian was taken aback.

"If it were your child, weren't you planning to make it sign a contract with the successor of the Lund family?"

"The original plan was, but things didn't go as expected," Felia explained with a shrug.

"Since the Phoenix was young, the student must have been able to sign a contract. But still, as a student, signing a contract! Were there any other talented individuals in the 5th year besides Ulta?" Kalrian asked, his mind racing.

"He's not a 5th year," Felia said with a shake of her head. Kalrian's expression changed again.

"Is it a 4th-year student? Still, the current 4th-year phantom summoning chief is somewhat talented."

"He's not a 4th-year student either," Felia replied.

Kalrian was shocked.

"Is he a 3rd-year?"

Felia simply laughed, not answering.

"Is he a 2nd-year?" Kalrian asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

When Felia continued to laugh without answering, Kalrian burst into laughter.

"Are you saying a 1st year has become a contract holder?" Kalrian asked, still chuckling.

"Indeed," Felia said with a nod.


Kalrian asked, his laughter subsiding.

"Leo Flove," Felia replied.

Kalrian stroked his beard, a look of surprise on his face.

"Heh heh heh. Is it Leo Flove?

This was the student that Alby, who was renowned for being picky, recommended having a great potential of becoming a Hero.

As a result, despite the objections of many other professors, this student, who was chosen as the freshmen representative, unexpectedly became a Phoenix contractor.

Didn't that student belong to the Knight department?

Principal Kalrian stroked his beard in surprise.

'It looks like I have to pay him a visit.'

"Thank you for your efforts, everyone!"

At the end of the summoning class, the freshmen greeted each other vigorously before leaving the training ground.

Before they knew it, it was already late in the evening.

The students who took the taming test were crying out loudly for food due to their growling stomachs.

The first-year students quickly headed to the student cafeteria with no other options.

Young master Leo. Would you like to have dinner together with me?"


Just when Leo and Xia were about to leave the classroom.

Student Leo.


The professor is looking for you.

Carlo came over and said.

"It looks like we cant have dinner together today."

"There's nothing we can do about it. Then I'll see you in the next class. Young master Leo."

Xia left the classroom first.

Then, Leo followed Carlo to the professor's office.

Carlo, who arrived at the professor's office, knocked, and soon a short word "come in" was heard from inside.

After greeting Carlo, Leo entered the room.

Contrary to her free-spirited personality, Professor Yura's office was neatly organized.

Professor Yura, who was sitting at her desk, offered a seat opposite to her.

"Take your seat."

As Leo sat, Professor Yura opened her mouth without waiting.

Ill be straight, student Leo.


Is the phantom beast that you made a contract with a Phoenix?

'As I thought, she knew it.'


Professor Yura was shaken by Leo's answer.

Although she had suspected it, she was still surprised to hear the confirmation from Leo.

Can you show me?

Looking at Professor Yura asking in a trembling voice, Leo put his hand into the inner pocket of his school uniform and took out a chick.

Felia said she would be coming to pick Fiora up tonight, so up until then she will be with Leo.

Leo slowly placed Fiora on the desk.

"I never thought I would be able to see a young phoenix in my life!"

It was hard enough to see an adult Phoenix, let alone a baby Phoenix, which was even harder to see.

Hence, Professor Yura couldn't contain her excitement.

Ha~! Its such a dignified figure!

Leo doubted his ears as he heard the words she uttered looking at Fiora, who appeared to be dozing off like a sick chick.

'Are her eyes gone bad?'

What is the name of the Phoenix?


"How did you discover it? Even I didn't know that there was a Phoenix in the phantom beast forest."

Anyone of professor status in Lumeln can never be underestimated.

All of them were talented experts in their respective fields and some of them were even with significant authority.

Even for such professors, Felia's existence was a secret.

After hearing about this from Felia, Leo had already prepared an excuse.

While wandering through the forest, I found an egg. I couldn't figure out why it was there, and it turned out to be a phoenix egg.

This answer was a bold lie.

However, there was no other way to explain the contract with Phoenix other than coincidence.

Besides, there was no way to confirm Leo's words.

"Anyway, it wouldn't have been easy to tell it was a Phoenix egg, would it?"

Phoenix is a fantasy beast known for being almost unknown despite its fame.

Any information related to such phantom beasts was being traded for an expensive price.

My mothers family is related to the phoenix, so I have read about phoenix in an old book.

Which family is your mother from?


Professor Yura was surprised.

'Well If hes from Gerdinger, then its understandable. Because the source of their Aura originated from the power of the phoenix.'

If there was such a person with summoning talent, then they would be the most perfect candidate to form a contract with Phoenix.

'But still, for a 15-year-old kid to sign a contract with the Phoenix.'

Professor Yura's eyes lit up.

There are still unanswered questions, but what matters now was Leo's talent, the one who signed a contract with Phoenix just a day after entering school.

"I see. Thank you for your time. You can go now."

Professor Yura saw Leo off to the entrance of the professor's office.

And before opening the door, she said seriously.

Student Leo.


"You'd better keep the fact that you signed a contract with Phoenix a secret for the time being. There's going to be an uproar if it's known.


"Okay. Then enjoy your dinner and Ill see you in the next class."


Professor Yura tapped on Leos shoulder, before closing the door.

Then she went to her seat and thought about it.

'How on earth am I supposed to teach that gemstone?'

Professor Yura swelled up in her thoughts.

He was the most talented student she had ever met in the summoning department.

She wanted to raise him into the best summoner no matter what.

"Should I have to give him a private lesson? It's getting hard to even teach a talented student!

Yura fell into happy agony, thinking of her disciple who would make a name for himself as a great summoner in the distant future.

Yura was willing to give private lessons as long as Leo wanted.

Professor Yura had no doubt that Leo would choose summoning as his main major.

Isn't it obvious? Does it make sense to go to another department with that much talent?

'Hahaha, the best major for the next 5 years will be our Summoning Department!'

Professor Yura did not know, the fact that Leo has no such thing as a major.

The next morning.

Leo headed to the magic department with Karl to attend the magic class.

"Oh! Chloe!"

Karl waved his hand when he found Chloe walking in front of them with a magic book on her side.

Hi Leo, Karl. Haaah.

Why are you yawning early in the morning?

"I read a magic book late last night."

"Really? Then how about this?"

Karl grinned and pulled out a small bottle from his pocket.

"Karl company's Fatigue recovery potion! It'll be just five shillings."

"It's not something weird, is it?"

The added ingredients and certification mark are all attached to the label here.


After checking the label, Chloe nodded and bought a fatigue recovery potion.

After drinking it, she glanced at Leo.

Are you really going to take the magic classes?

I told you Id attend.

This guy even took the summoning class yesterday.

At Karl's words, Chloe looked at Leo curiously.

What class did you take yesterday?

"I had no class yesterday because I wanted to be a pure mage. So I studied in the library."

"Wow, youre really the textbook definition of a student."

The three arrived at the magic department building while chatting.

Today's lecture hall was a large circular lecture hall that could accommodate up to 500 people.

Karl grinned when he saw the classroom.

"There are still some seats left on the back bench, the best spot, right? What are you guys doing? Lets go!"

What are you talking about, the best seats are at the front.

It seems like you and I are on different paths. Our journey ends here, Chloe.

Karl tried to break free from Chloe without any hesitation.

But Chloe was quicker to react and pulled Karl by his ear.

Ouch Ouch?!

"You're trying to fall asleep in the back, aren't you? If you want to be a mage, you should take classes diligently."

"Hey! Let's talk about this. Hey!"

Chloe put Karl in the front seat of the classroom.

If I fall asleep and get caught by the professor, I will be punished!

Chloe laughed at the struggling Karl.

On the contrary, if you study hard, the professor will have a good opinion of you.

Karl looked at her with resentful eyes, but Chloe didn't care about it and just opened her book.

Leo, who was seated next to him, suppressed a laugh.

Just then, a man came up to the podium in the lecture hall.

Thud- thud- thud-

Wearing a neat suit and a well-groomed hairstyle, he was a man who was suited for the word handsome.

He walked to the center of the stage with a charming smile, amidst some female students making excited sounds.

"Nice to meet you, 1st years. My name is Ren Horus. I am the professor who is going to teach you magic theory course for a year.

Applause poured in at Ren's self-introduction.

Do any students have any questions before the class begins?

A barrage of questions from female students poured in.

"Professor! Do you have a girlfriend?

"How old are you?"

What is your ideal type?

There were a lot of useless questions that had nothing to do with the class.

Nevertheless, Professor Ren smiled kindly and answered them all.

"Just because he is a handsome professor, it seems like the female students will die of adoration. By the way, Who is Ren Horus? I've never heard of that name. Do you happen to know who it is, Chloe?"

Chloe shook her head while Karl raised the pen over his upper lip and said, while pinching the back of his head.

Neither have I.

After a series of private questions, Professor Ren spoke.

Today, we are going to talk about the introduction of magic theory. Before that!"


Professor Ren snapped his fingers.


Papers started flying all over the classroom.

The clump of papers arrived exactly in front of the students.

"Before we start the class, I will conduct a simple test on magic theory."

"Te Test?"

A test on the first day~ Professor, you're too much.

Complaints poured in from everywhere.

There were also female students whining cutely.

For reference, students who do not meet the criteria wont be allowed to take magic classes in the future."


The light atmosphere became chilly in an instant.

Meanwhile, a student raised his hand cautiously.

"Professor. What if a student in the Magic Department fails the test?"

Of course...

Professor Ren replied lightly, as if he were answering an easy question.


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