Level Up Legacy

Chapter 111 - Protection Jade

As the gears shifted and turned in the Iron Dome a few moments after the Ender disappeared in the fissure, Arthur knew he had failed. Despite being the only one to inflict an attack on the Ender, he still felt that he hadn't done enough to stop him.

"Where are you going?" Ivy asked when he was about to make his way toward the fissure. Space was twisted and anyone who got near it can get lost forever, but Arthur hoped he can be lucky enough to pass to the other side.

"I need to stop him,"

"No, you don't. You don't have such responsibilities. Besides, you should know about fissures." Ivy grabbed his wrist as she said in an unrebukable manner. Arthur gritted his teeth and tried to untangle his arm, but she was stronger than he was.

"I know," Arthur said through gritted teeth as he clenched his fist until they turned a shade of yellow. The investigations showed that there was a fissure as well the day his father disappeared, although no dungeon appeared. The similarity to the current situation made him question the real culprits behind his father's disappearance.

A thought, crazy and nonsensical, made its way into his mind. Maybe he would end up in the same place as his father if he entered this fissure?

However, he knew that was impossible. This was his desperation, of a reunited family and a broad shoulder to rely on so he could rest, talking these ideas.

"However," Arthur tried to explain that this was something he had to do. This was a part of his legacy quest; how can he sit ideally?

"Just because we couldn't prevent it, it doesn't mean we can't stop it. However, jumping into a crack in space and time is not the answer. We'll work this out on the outside, we have others." Ivy placed her hand on her shoulder and Arthur gazed into her serene dark eyes and nodded.

The grandmaster, now his expression grave, took out another runic card and transported them back toward the flying coliseum. They appeared in a hall different than the one that contestants were at.

"Young man," The grandmaster looked at him and everyone else turned to look at him. Their eyes held confusion, admiration, and slight fear. "Your words were right." His voice was sincere. "Yet we disregarded you as you tried to warn us," The grandmaster slightly bowed his head. "For that, I apologize."

The hall turned noisy as everyone murmured among themselves. Arthur wanted to say it was okay, but the grandmaster already turned and started addressing the staff.

"Show us footage of the Iron Dome, immediately." The grandmaster's amiable demeanor was gone and a strict aura took over. The staff scurried to carry out his orders. Soon, a screen showed the Iron Dome.

It would be wrong to call it an Iron Dome now, as it started morphing into something else. Metallic pillars appeared from different sides of the dome until it resembled a spider. To the crowd's horrors, the dome started to move.

"Heavens show mercy…" A man standing close to Arthur started praying. However, Arthur knew that the heavens wouldn't do anything for them. They were the ones responsible for stopping it.

[Stop the Enders from achieving their goal.]

His legacy quest was updated after he learned of the Enders' goal, and that was to attack Yalen. However, what for? Even with the weapon activating, the kingdom should be able to stop it. Did he need to intervene? There was also relief in Arthur's mind when he realized he still had a chance to stop the attack.

The Iron Dome was beneath the flying coliseum and the screen showed that it stopped. Then, from its round surface, many gates opened and Arthur realized they were the rooms they started at.

Mana gathered in the rooms and then fire, ice, air, lightning, and other elements were generated as they rained on the coliseum from below. As if several dams were opened and rivers of magic flooded, the coliseum walls began to collapse under the unceasing spells.

"Evacuate everyone, now! Call the association and give words to every nation out there! We need to stop this thing!"

Several orders were issued from the grandmaster and the hall turned chaotic. A broadcast was issued as the audience was rushed to the teleportation circle before the coliseum defenses could collapse completely.

Forests turned to wastelands and rivers dried under the attacks of the Iron Dome. All life ceased as it walked as the crowd felt despair. The nobility and politicians then started shoving each other as they tried running toward the teleportation circles that would send them back to their cities.

"We need to go back," Reece walked over to Arthur and the latter nodded. He knew they couldn't do anything in their current state. As he tried walking with the others toward the teleportation circle, the grandmaster stopped him.

"Young man, please stay here for a while. She can stay as well."

Arthur looked bewildered and sought Ivy, who nodded back at him. In the end, the evacuation was completed and only the grandmaster, the association's masters and staff, and Arthur and Ivy remained.

The place was still being bombarded by the Iron Dome, but the rest entered a teleportation hall that was reinforced by runes. Arthur felt quite regretful that such a magical place was being ruined, but he knew greater things were at risk.

"Young man, you've tried to warn us at the cost of endangering yourself. How would you handle the aftermaths of your actions?" The grandmaster asked after he came over.

His words were true. Although he had spoken the truth, he would still be in danger since he revealed his identity. First was the royal family, who might not think Alfred betrayed them and would try to shift the blame to him. The second was the seven families realizing he was the one who broke the trial.

However, Arthur was helpless this time. He tried to act cautiously but his Legacy Quest has forced him to reveal himself now, even if he came out as the hero. For the Yalen royal family, Arthur wasn't that afraid of them. After all, most nations have now witnessed his honesty, even if they were doubtful of the source of his information.

As for the Seven Families and the trial, he can do nothing but stay low and have an escape plan for him and his family. He was sure that Si would help him escape if pushes came to shoves, and there was also Yuran.

"I have no choice but to fend for myself," Arthur answered with determination. He could always hide in the mountains with the goblins until he grew stronger.

"That's true, but it doesn't need to be this way." The grandmaster nodded with a smile. "You've shown your capabilities in runes, and that's all the association cares about. Sadly, we'll have to delay the last region for now, but I believe you would emerge victoriously."

Everything the grandmaster said sounded sincere and Arthur nodded thankfully. Now that he looked at him, the grandmaster somehow reminded him of Mr. Tate with his thin hair and wrinkles under his eyes, making Arthur trust him instinctively.

"That's why, please keep this." The grandmaster took out a jade badge from his robes and handed it over. The association's emblem was craved on it and it radiated the power of runes. "If you don't know what this is, it's a Protection Jade. We give it to runes master who can be endangered."

"This... Thank you." Arthur mumbled a few incoherent words but the grandmaster shook his head.

"You've earned it," The grandmaster said with a smile. "Activating it will teleport you and anyone you choose to the Runes City, Runera, where you'll be safe. If anyone asks about its origin, tell them it was Grandmaster Kiren."

"I feel nothing but honor and gratitude, Grandmaster Kiren." Arthur held the badge with gratitude as he bowed slightly. "It's a bit late, but my name is Arthur Silvera." He felt that he needed to introduce himself.

"Haha, I already know that, young man. Take care of yourself until we meet again." The grandmaster said and guided him and Ivy toward one of the teleportation circles that would send them back to Yalen.

"Another thing is…" Grandmaster Kiren hesitated. "The Iron Dome is heading toward Yalen, as you have expected. Can you tell me how did you learn of that?"

"Oh," Arthur blanked for a second. "I simply overheard that conversation walking through Yalenia." The grandmaster looked at him meaningfully and then asked something else.

"As for your actions in the first region…" The grandmaster asked and Arthur nodded his head.

"It's a shame, but Tyrin, the person you've tried stopping, has disappeared amid the chaos. Please be careful. I'll send word to the branch in Yalen to arrest him if they see him."

The teleportation then activated and the hall glowed bright light-pink. Arthur looked at Reece the moment before they were teleported, but the man who Reece controlled was holding his head and looking around confused.

"Goodbye, Arthur Silvera. If we ever meet again, let's work together on some projects." Grandmaster Kiren smiled before Arthur and Ivy got teleported back to Yalen.

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