Leveling with the Gods

Chapter 615

[Level Up with the Gods Side Story Episode 91]

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Ananta’s cries resonated throughout Tartarus.

He shook his head, denying the fear that so many creatures felt for him.


Rather, he gave off even greater momentum as if he had been attacked first.

-It doesn’t matter who you are!



Numerous dragon heads held breath in their mouths.

The breath possessed by all dragons.

It was known to be superior to any other skill in terms of destructive power, and Ananta prepared hundreds of shots at a time.

-I’m going to eat you soon anyway.

“You asked and I got angry and what should I do?”

Yoo-won asks as if he is dumbfounded.

Ananta’s breath burst towards Yuwon.



A huge breath of electricity struck Yuwon’s body as it tore through the sea of Tartarus.

At that moment, a darkness thicker than the darkness of Tartarus blocked Yuwon’s eyes.

[‘Foolish chaos’ opposes ‘Breath’.]

Breath and chaos collided and made a roar.

Yuwon, who was standing in the same position as before, extended the hand that was not holding the sword forward.

“You were confident in your destructive power, right?”

Twisting the corner of his mouth, Yuwon continued speaking as if he was mocking Ananta’s breath.

“It’s meaningless in front of this.”

That moment.

Wow wow-.

The breath released by hundreds of dragons disappeared along with the darkness that collided in front of Yuwon.


Ananta’s eyes widened.

The speculation that had been generating momentum just a moment ago had suddenly disappeared.

What happened before my eyes was just as shocking.

-What did you do… Are you afraid?

It was something I didn’t understand enough to ask my enemy during a fight.

It would have been understandable if they clashed and were offset.

On the contrary, if I had been pushed out, I would have been shocked but would have accepted it.

But extinction.

This wasn’t a matter of winning or losing.

“That’s an unpleasant name.”


Yuwon muttered as he felt the name engraved on the tip of his finger.

“I hated that bastard the most out of all of them.”

Nyala Totep.

Among his colleagues, he was better known as ‘Foolish Chaos’.

However, that name was not the true name, but just one of the names that the outer Nyala Totep had.

‘Chaos’s name is special.’

Azathoth had a special regard for Nyala Thotep.

Although he also cherished Shub Niguras, who had traveled with him for a long time, he nevertheless gave the greatest name to Foolish Chaos.

Thanks to this, Nyala Totep, who was a skinny kid, was able to become a being with power second only to Yog-Sothoth and Shub Nigurath.

‘If the power of amorphous chaos is to eat everything, then the power of foolish chaos will disappear.’


I felt an unpleasant name under my fingertips.

As unpleasant as it was, I knew the power this power had.

so that.

“It’s okay to lose a few heads.”

Just enough not to die.

Yuwon stretched out his hand with the intention of erasing Ananta’s head.



A foolish confusion came over Ananta’s head.

The head that was in a daze was consumed by chaos and disappeared without a trace.

It’s as if it wasn’t there to begin with.


Ananta’s head flew towards Yuwon.

It seems that he decided that fighting at a distance would be at a disadvantage to him.



Yuwon was also quite confident in hand-to-hand combat.

[‘Flames of death and decay’ dwell in Cheonmaryeong.]

[‘Dancers dancing with flames’ dwell in Cheonmaryeong.]


And the flame of death and decay, the flame that handles it, and even the name of the dancer who dances with it.

When one skill and two names were combined, a huge flame giant appeared behind Yuwon.


[The power of a giant resides in the ‘Heavenly Demon Spirit.’]

Even the power of a true giant resides in that giant’s body.

“Let’s clash.”


The huge dragon and the flame giant collided.

With a sound like a solid rock colliding, the flying dragon stops in place.

And just like that.


The giant who grabbed the dragon’s head threw Ananta with all his might.


The body of a dragon flying through the magical power of Tartarus.

Ananta spread his wings wide and stopped, looking at the giant who appeared behind Yuwon.


The force felt from the flame giant was unusual.

I could feel the skills and names mixed in there.

The two names are Giant Flower, Heavenly Demon Spirit, and Flame.

And then.

Chiji chijiji-!

[‘Heart of Uranus’ creates ‘Thunderbolt’.]

Numerous spears of thunderbolt were created around Yuwon.

Countless spears created through rings.

Ananta’s eyes opened wide when he saw this.

-Is Urban a technology of Zeus?


Many heads opened their mouths.

If Yuwon fired a thunderbolt, he also planned to counter it with an attack of the same nature.

And the next moment.


With a dazzling light, the thunderbolts created around Yuwon began to rain down on Ananta.



Lightning and breath struck one after another.

The battle between the constantly firing breath and the ceaseless new thunderbolts continued tensely, but gradually tilted to one side.

-It seems like you are overconfident in your own abilities.

Breath slowly approaches Yuwon.

For the first time since the fight began, Yuwon began to be pushed back.

No matter how many abilities Yuwon possessed, he could not overpower Ananta with his lightning attribute skills.


-If you widen the distance like this, I would be grateful…


As he continued speaking, Ananta felt something different through the thunderbolts.

Between the collision of two lightnings that hit each other and turned white.

There is a faint black color mixed in.


Soon, the black light quickly grew in size and engulfed the pure white light.

A black spear being started in Yuwon’s hand.

Ananta, who saw this, muttered as if he was astonished.

-Was it bait?

The lightning was the bait.

No, it was just a means to buy time.

As it took a long time to start, the horsepower coming out of the window was unusual.

If you get hit directly by that, it will be a big problem.

It was definitely a known fact.

But knowing it didn’t mean I could avoid it or prevent it.

That’s it -.

Yuwon has already completed all preparations.


With a sound like something exploding, the spear in Yuwon’s hand flew towards Ananta.


As it takes a long time to start up and as the user’s skills are excellent.

After startup was completed, Nir displayed greater power.


Ananta’s pierced body emitted light for a moment and then his body shrunk.

Ananta turned into a bronze-skinned man and vomited blood on the floor.


There was a small hole in his stomach.

I changed into human form to try to lessen the pain I suffered from Nir.

Even so, the piercing of the body was a fatal wound.

Ananta, who had been coughing up blood for a long time, glared at Yuwon from afar, who had recovered the spear with his hand.

Just one shot.

However, that one shot was more powerful than any technique Ananta had ever hit.

‘It is more than Zeus’ technology.’

Astrape was Zeus’ strongest skill.

When Ananta first encountered it, he felt a sense of crisis for the first time in his life.

Although Zeus possessed the same magical power, there was a time when I thought that I might be defeated by the great power I felt.

‘If I get hit one more time, it will be dangerous.’

The power of the spear this time was even greater than that.

In addition to actually penetrating the body, the wounds suffered were not easily healed even with one’s own recovery ability.

‘What should I do?’

He fell into the same trouble as Son Goku, who fought Yuwon earlier.

At close range, giants of fire, including giants, appear.

If you widen the distance, a powerful spear will fly out.

Both near and far.

Yuwon had the best means.


Even the name that has the power to surpass everything else.


A crying sound came from behind.

Only then did Ananta come to his senses, took his eyes off Yuwon and looked around.

Mountain goats large and small surrounded themselves, gulping down their mouths as they looked at Ananta, their eyes shining.


Unlike howling shyly like an herbivore, there was a monster inside that small body.

Ananta, who already knew this, was not fooled by the goats’ appearance.


Grinding his teeth, Ananta stretched out both hands.


The electricity that erupted from his fingertips swept away the goats.

Some of the smaller ones flew away, but about half of them still remained.

Meeee- !

The goats opened their mouths and rushed towards Ananta.

There was nothing they could do if they were not pushed away.


only way was to push them away.


Ananta’s fist hit the goat’s chin.


The goat’s head exploded. Blood burst out in all directions.

Ananta, covered in purple blood, flashed his golden eyes and rushed into the herd of mountain goats. Two-thump-thud!



They fought with both fists filled with electricity

. The dog’s eyes rolled quickly, looking at the mountain goats rushing from all directions.


[‘Unnamed greatness’ dwells in the ‘Goat of the Black Forest’.]


One mountain goat began to grow in size. .

In an instant, the mountain goat became so huge that other goats looked as small as ants, and looked down at Ananta with red eyes. It was

huge, reminiscent of Shub Nigguras.


Ananta caught the goat’s foot with both hands and gnashed his teeth. I bit down hard.

‘What are you doing?’

Ananta was wary of what Yuwon, hidden by the goats, was doing.

‘Are they wasting time again?’

I didn’t know what his intentions were.

Even with the abilities he had shown so far, it was hard to deal with him.

Still, for some reason, I had a feeling that it wasn’t the end yet.


Raising the goat’s foot upward, Ananta headed in the direction where Yuwon was. I started to clear the path.

If Yuwon restarted the window from before.

At that time, it was best to avoid it rather than block it.



Just moments ago, the sight of the amusement park beyond the mountain goats had disappeared.

There was not a single geographical feature.

It was impossible to hide in Tartarus.

‘Where did you go?’

Several dragon heads emerged behind his back like wings.

Ananta’s eyes quickly scanned the surroundings, but there was nothing to be seen.

As if he had sunk beneath the ground.


No way.

At the same time as that thought, Ananta looked down.

And below

[‘Amorphous ■Money’ exposes its teeth.]

Something indescribable grabbed Ananta. I was opening my mouth to swallow.

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