Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Chapter 830

Episode 830

Lee Han responded bluntly to Perkuntra’s remark, which was more unpleasant than swearing.

Perkuntra asked back in confusion.

Are you saying that the letter wasn’t sent by Lord Pride?

“Why does the devil send letters?”

Don’t say something you don’t know. It may be a low-level devil, but a devil of the level of arrogance does not attack without saying anything. Especially if it’s an enemy you recognize.

“Oh… If I don’t receive the letter, won’t the raids continue?”

Perkuntra looked at Lee Han as if he was pitiful.

The students were taken aback when the thunder suddenly subsided and only dark clouds hovered over the ceiling.

‘what? Did Wardanaz tell you something sad?’

‘Didn’t he say he was taking the entire school? If I were a spirit, I would cry out of pity.’

If Mr. Arrogant found out that you were plotting something like this, the look on his face would be quite something to see.

The wizard who recognized him as his opponent asked, ‘If I don’t continue to receive letters, will I be able to stop fighting in the future?’ Are you asking the same question?

If Prince Pride found out, he might shudder at the wizard’s obscenity.

“No. Isn’t it strange that I am receiving an offer in the first place when the other person is a demon peacock and I am just a magician? I also accept an offer when I am a magic peacock and the other person is a low-level devil.”

Of course, from Lee Han’s perspective, it was absurd.

It was really none of my business to recognize him as an enemy whom Prince Pride wanted to exact revenge on.

If you’re a demon duke, you should argue with another demon duke, or at least an imperial duke. Why argue with an Einrogard student?

‘Then you think it would be dishonorable to refuse. He is shameless and shameless, like a devil.’

…You don’t even know the old stories? A wizard who wins a battle against a demon always receives precious treasures and powers in return… You’re not listening.

“I’m listening.”

Your eyes don’t look like they’re moving at all.

It was obvious that the wizard, who had bright eyes shining brightly in other matters, was listening indifferently.

Perkuntra did not understand.

Becoming the nemesis of a strong demon was an opportunity and honor for a wizard.

Of course, he didn’t know what kind of trouble he would face if he lost, but a person who makes such calculations shouldn’t be a wizard in the first place.

Of course, shouldn’t we appreciate this plan and calculate that we will gain new powers after winning the next battle?

The boy in front of Perkuntra is not weak…

That’s enough. If the letter didn’t arrive, it probably didn’t arrive. Then what brought you here?

“I would like you to introduce me to the spirit.”

The dark clouds that were looming over the ceiling became even darker, and drizzle began to fall.

The White Tiger Tower students were convinced that Lee Han had definitely mentioned taking classes at all schools.

Or maybe he even said that he was acting as a babysitter for fellow top bastards.

Lagesa also asked from behind if she was curious.

“What on earth are you talking about that makes the spirit feel so sorry for you?”

Isn’t it time to give up?

The fact that lower-level spirits run away whenever they see you is not a problem that can be solved with force. Wouldn’t it be better to force them to submit and capture them? There may be bad rumors going around among the spirits…

“…not that spirit.”

Lee Han glared and explained.

I’m trying to make a new wand, and I’m planning to use black magnets. Wood is a good material to withstand these black magnets, but this wood…

“Ah. Can you solve the problem yourself, Perkuntra?”

I am a craftsman who uses thunder and thunder and controls fear, not a craftsman who makes wands.


I didn’t expect as much as Yukveltire explained, but it was true that I was disappointed when I heard it in person.

Why did I meet the Thunder King instead of the Forest King or the God Tree King?

If it were a tree type spirit king, it would have been much easier to resolve the spirit that resides here.

There is no set level of spirit power. Just as I wield the power of destruction that connects heaven and earth, but the tree spirits cannot wield this power…

“I see.”


There was an awkward silence. Lee Han quickly changed the topic.

“So, can you introduce me?”

hmm. It’s a spirit that wields the power of trees… Cedar and Cypress comes to mind. He was indeed the owner of a beautiful forest.


First of all, it was said to be at the duke level.

Lee Han asked with a voice full of anticipation. Even if he is not a king, this is something.

“What kind of person are you?”

This is the guy who attacked me before and lost badly. I ran underground to prevent the lightning from attacking me.

“… What about other spirits?”

There is General Jangsaeng. This guy was a spirit god who treated the mountains, rivers and plants like servants.

“Did you ever fight with that person?”

How did know?


Lee Han slowly began to regret it.

Perkuntra had no idea that the spirit relationship would not be this smooth.

‘I never thought it would be like this. I’d rather be more friendly with demons.’

It seemed like he was closer to Pride than the other Great Spirits.

As if he had read the contractor’s profane mind, Perkuntra began to gather memories and abilities.

Just wait a moment.

The quiet hallway became loud again. As the students were frightened by the thunder and thunder, Lagesa shouted.

“Stay still, you stupid kids! You can’t tell the difference between magic that is trying to attack you and magic that is not. Look! When will you see something like this!”


At those words, the students raised their heads and stared at the situation in front of them.

‘It’s a spirit!’

Cracks connected to the spirit world appeared and disappeared throughout the air. Several bolts of lightning struck into the crack. It was a message from Perkuntra.

Students who had made a contract with the spirit and had a deep intimacy with it were able to hear an explanation of what was happening.

“Wardanaz is now looking for a dimension he can visit using the power of the spirits!”

“Uh, is it usually this intense?”

A student from the Summoning Magic School asked in an embarrassed voice.

Originally, finding and preparing to enter a new dimension wasn’t this complicated.

If you calmly detect the dimension according to the maps and records you have, use various magic to connect to enter the detected dimension, and visit quietly…

But there was something strange about the cracks that were now forming in the air.

As several bolts of lightning burst into the crack and disappeared, a wooden spear jumped out from within the crack and attacked Perkuntra.

Perkuntra swore.

Such arrogant bastards! If you don’t want to answer, I’ll just ignore it. Do you answer like this?


Lee Han was about to say, ‘I think someone would be angry if I delivered a letter by throwing a lightning bolt into someone else’s territory.’

First of all, Ferkuntra was doing her best for Lee Han right now.

“…Wardanaz. It’s not that I don’t trust your magic or that it’s interfering with it, but is it really okay?”

Giselle asked thoughtfully.

I didn’t want to be a jerk who distracted others by talking while they were casting magic, but something about this was strange.

Why fight so fiercely when you’re trying to find a dimension to visit using the power of spirits?

It was as if I was not looking for a dimension to visit, but rather a dimension to conquer.

“It’s because it’s the spirit of lightning. Normally, the spirit of lightning is this fierce even when sending simple letters.”


Lagesa looked at Lee Han as if asking what kind of bullshit he was talking about.

“What the heck is that…”

“Oh, sorry! I told you to concentrate!

Lee Han pretended to be called by Perkuntra and quickly avoided Lagesa’s gaze.


A ray of lightning entered the crack, and this time the butterfly came back. .

Perkuntra seemed happy and answered.

The answer came back!

“Is that really true?!”

Yes, congratulations. The other person is… uh…

Perkuntra, who always shouts loudly in a loud voice. When Tra hesitated, Lee Han was taken aback.

“Are you arrogant?”

…You said you were communicating with spirits! What kind of arrogant idiot are you?

‘I only asked because you said it yourself.’

Lee Han grumbled inwardly.

Why is this guy… Uhm… Eh. I’ll just tell you. Of all the high-ranking tree spirits I know, the one who answered was King Gwangmok.

“Kwangmok (cotton cloth)?”

Made of cotton. The King of Heaven. It was a spirit that seemed warm and cozy for some reason.

No… it was the King of Gwangmok (狂木King).


Lee Han was trembled at the title of King of Crazy Trees.

Even Perkuntra was one of the contractees. Perhaps because he was nervous, he hastily explained.

I’m not saying you have to go. I also don’t really like King Gwangmok. He’s such an eccentric and strange guy. However, he’s the only one who invited me to visit. I’ll keep the crack open for the next week. He asks me to visit him if I want.

“If I visit, won’t I get ambushed, attacked, or assassinated?”

In the worst case scenario, he could be captured and forced to become a disciple. Lee Han gave a very wary look in his eyes.

No. He invited me. That can’t be the case anymore. Visitors are protected by the rules of hospitality.


Lee Han thought it was a good thing.

As long as he was protected, it would be easy to complete Professor Ingaldel’s assignments, and if he was lucky, he would be able to obtain the materials for the wand…

“If I am protected by the rules, isn’t it absolutely advantageous for me? Is there any reason not to go?”

Because, as I said, he is such an eccentric and strange guy.

“…How can he be so eccentric and strange?”

Perkuntra expressed his unusual disapproval.

I can’t tell you any more about the guy’s identity. Me and him. They made a pact to protect each other’s true names, and

some high-ranking spirits made a pact with each other to prevent their information from being leaked to beings from other dimensions.

Ironically, it is the same spirits who know the best about the spirits.

That is, one day, they themselves If a wizard who knew suspiciously well about something appeared,

there was a high probability that he would have searched through old books to find records or met a spirit who knew about him well and heard the information

. “…I will discuss it with my friends for a moment.”

Do whatever you want. I won’t force it either.

“Is there really no other answer?”

Lee Han felt a little sorry when he felt that Perkuntra, who was always energetic, was becoming sullen.

It was as bad as asking a person who normally doesn’t have friends if they have any friends. Isn’t there something rude?

Just like Lee Han himself gets angry when he asks, ‘Wardanaz, why do the spirits run away from you?’…

“It’s okay. How could it be that I received an invitation like this from a spirit king-level being? I am thankful enough for that alone.

You wizards have grown quite a bit, too.

After appeasing Perkutra, Lee Han quickly gathered his friends. Although Lagesa was not called, she listened with interest.

“Everyone. I have good news and bad news.”


“First, I was invited to the Spirit King’s realm.”

A short scream erupted from the students.

Lagesa was also impressed.

It was an invitation, not a contract, but that was quite a feat. There are many wizards who die of old age without ever meeting a king-level spirit.

When high-ranking spirits come into contact with high-ranking spirits, Einrogard upper-grade students do so by sacrificing ancient relics or something equivalent to them, but this boy succeeded in contacting them using only his own power.

“What do I have bad news?!’”

“Is this bad news?”



Everyone present was confused.

Giselle asked as calmly as possible.

“What’s the good news?”

“It means you can’t go in.”


Seeing her friend speak calmly, Giselle felt a cold sensation on her back, as if a frost giant’s spear had touched her.

‘If Wardanaz is like that, I won’t just be happy…’

“What nonsense are you talking about? Isn’t just visiting the Spirit King’s realm a good thing in itself?”

“Make that idiot shut up.”

Giselle gave orders firmly.

The White Tiger Tower friends quickly covered Angago’s mouth.


“I’m sorry. Angago.”

“You’re not wrong. Usually, being invited is an opportunity in itself.”

When Lagesa spoke with a sly smile, Giselle responded as if she was dumbfounded.

“If that Wodanaz is like that, I don’t think we can just call it a chance, right?”

“That kid is naturally cautious… Anyway, I’m disappointed.”


“I thought she would be equally brave because she is Ziklin’s younger sister. Well, I guess this daughter of Torgerd misunderstood the person.”

“…Do you know who can’t get in? Get out of the way, Wardanaz!”

“Moradi. Why are you doing this too?”

Lee Han was unusually embarrassed and stopped Giselle.

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