Local Netizen Elf’s Life In Another World

Case 223: Arrested…?

Case 223: Arrested…?

''So... Um...''

'''' ... ''''


Even without opening my eyes, I can already feel their gazes on me. Oh, come on... Why can't I find a reliable source?!

There is a reason why I'm panicking like this.

A while ago, after finishing breakfast, we were about to plan our trip to the castle when my two daughters stopped us. Apparently, they still craved that 'delicious' milk no matter what.

Now, the problem was, I didn't and still don't know what the fuck that's supposed to be.

So, naturally, I went onto the internet to search, and that led to this moment when the three, including Emy, are staring intensely at me while I'm surfing the web.


Is this thing sold on the deep web or something? Why can't I find anything...?

No good. I don't have enough information.

''Hey, you two...''

As I open my vision, three pairs of sparkling eyes greet me immediately. They, including Emy, seem to be eagerly waiting for good news from me with expressions akin to that of starved baby birds.

Why are you on that side, Emy...?

''Ahem... Can you remind me where I usually get that milk from? A bottle, perhaps?''

At this, Elysia and Stella turn to each other for a moment before unanimously pointing toward my proud milkers, much to my fear.


Shit. So it's really my milk, then...?

No, no, no. Let's believe in myself for a moment. Surely, I won't spoil my daughters so much as to breastfeed them even when they're eleven, right?

''So I let you two suck them...?''

''Mama used to.'' Elysia nods. ''But not now.''

''That's right! Were grown-ups now, and grown-ups don't suck their mama's tits!''

Hey, language. Who the fuck did these two learn from? 

In any case, now I know that this milk comes from my breast, so it's possible that it is the natural milk I can produce after becoming a god. With a body specifically tuned for sex and being a mother, it won't be far-fetched to assume that it will be super addicting.

Well, I guess I have to try.

As my body cannot produce milk naturally right now, I turn to making fake milk once again. Turning back from the three, I quickly pull out a few cups before filling them with several concoctions.

One is the 'milk' I used to feed my fiancés during the fetish discovery. Two is just that but fancier, as I have put more mana into the mix, making it more decadent and possibly more delicious. 

As for the last one... I just throw in a bit of divine power. I have a feeling this is it.

''Alright. Try them all.''

With much enthusiasm, the three absolute baby elves take turns gulping down the milk I have just produced. I'm quite amazed at how shameless Emy can be, competing with her own daughters for milk...

Nevertheless, the results are predictable.

''This one...'' Elysia holds the cup with divine power in it. ''It's not like the one we usually drink, but still delicious.''

On the side, Emy and Stella nod like baby chickens, indicating their support for this claim. Inadvertently, I let out a sigh of relief. Although it's quite expensive to feed them divine power-infused milk every day... I suppose they deserve it.

It's my daughters, after all. I can give them the world.

After finally finishing the milky ordeal, we pack things up and begin our journey to the center of the city. As soon as we come out of the hotel, a scene straight up from a fantasy movie greets me.

Perhaps because busy hours have arrived, the city is much livelier than usual. In the sky, numerous marine citizens can be seen cruising around; some swim in the air, and some use their vehicles, which are all quite strange.

Below, the streets are also crowded with an almost incredible number of people.

Hand in hand, our family of four heads to our destination in our new disguise. Because the missing notices only include one kid, not a twin, we actually need to hide one of our daughters. Elysia has already volunteered for this, so it's all settled.

Elysia seems quite introverted, which I have some worries about, but Stella does seem to know and is actively helping her sister. It's quite a symbiotic relationship.

In any case... I need some new clothes for my daughters.

''Emy, Emy.''


''Wanna shop real quick?''


Just like that, we randomly choose a decent-looking store on the streets and go right in. Here, outfits of all kinds can be seen hanging around in an orderly manner.

Apparently, octopuses and sharks also care about dignity because there are underwear sections for these people as well. Here and there, I also notice a few starfish, a few horsefish, and a sparkling clam as well. How do clams move...?

Shaking off the weird thoughts, I diligently begin to scan new outfits for my lovely daughters. Because they are Emy and I's children, there won't lack clothes that suit them.

''Sit here for a bit. Mama will buy pretty clothes for you two, alright?'' I say reassuringly as I pat their heads. ''Emy, can you stay here as well?''


With close to thirty years of reading fiction pieces, I can confidently say that leaving children or the likes alone will only cause trouble. They will either be kidnapped or get lost, believe me.


''What's wrong, Stella?''

''I'm bored. Lend me your phone.''

''Ah, okay—''

Wait. My phone, at this point, is practically full of sex tapes and such. It'll ruin her innocence! 

''A-Ahem. My phone has something no one should show to children. I'm sorry, but please endure for a bit.''

''Mu... Alright.''

Crap, she's pouting.

''Really, I'm sorry. I'll get you something delicious later, yeah?''

As I gently console her, I also plant a kiss on her forehead, and apparently, that is enough to dispel the poutiness. So cute.

Well, let's be quick.

When I decide that, it is as if a force is pushing me to complete the task for my daughters, making me go through the items with ease. Only around a dozen minutes later, and I'm ready for payment.

''How much are these—hm?''

Wait, is the cashier a human?

When I realize it, standing behind the counter is a lady who appears to be completely human. She wears a kind smile and looks quite friendly.

''Is there something wrong, dear customer?''

''Nothing. It's quite rare to see a human here, and that's all.''

As she starts to calculate the payment, we engage in some small talk. This woman is allegedly an immigrant who moved in quite some time ago, and she has settled somewhere around this area. Good for her, I suppose.

''Your total cost is three hundred Als, dear customer. Please give me your ID.''

Okay, and now I have to hypnotize her to pay. Fuck me and my cum-stained brain. I should've made the IDs before buying... Whatever. It's not like I'm not paying her. No matter how meticulous the ID system is, it can't monitor everything, so a few purchases like this should be fine.

As it is, I gently snap my finger before the cashier's face, releasing a daze aura to the immediate surroundings. Predictably, her eyes temporarily lose their luster, and she falls into a trance.

Then, using an illusion to prevent any peeking, I toss the clothes into my space bag and put six hundred Als on the counter. Well, off we go~

''Alright, let's go and receive our IDs!''

Only thirty minutes after proclaiming that to my wife and daughters—

''You all are getting arrested.''


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