Lonely Attack on the Different World

Chapter 324

Day 77 Morning, the Capital

And its been a non-stop sermon since returning to the guest room yesterday I got super scolded?

It seems there was some sort of an issue with selling the scenario for the play? Is it about maidens in bikinis? But its super profitable? Its a still performing play that definitely was a great hit and great success, which makes loads of money everyday.

This world had no bras, in other words, they werent ready for the impact of bikinis! I got to freely rip them off!

I mean, dramas in this world are pretty meh. They simply follow the script dispassionately, loudly delivering their lines.

In short, its boring.

Its a far cry even from the level of the classic theater, forget modern theater standards. The scripts have no mentions of movements, being limited to a mere list of lines, without any dynamic to it.

After all, at that time in the Capital, I had the latest information about the war, and could even write a script for a play, so the scenario sold immediately and I got a large share of profit. Yup, I made good money from that.

So it sells?

A heroic epic about victory is bound to sell when people are starved for entertainment and information, and are also anxious about the war.

Citizens of the Capital are very familiar with heroic epics, and its better to use something well known. The Frontier is very popular here, Royal Girl is pretty liked too, and unexpectedly, even Playking has a positive image.

This settles the question of the main heroes, and if it was your typical theater play of this world this would be it. Thats why theaters here are boring.

With nobles and foreign states as enemies the choice of villains is obvious, but a play where heroes and villains have no connection cannot be interesting, and simply defeating the villains would make for a pretty stale story.

But there is the middle-aged Royal Prince as a foolish ruler who can fill the role of a character that does have a connection and can enliven the story. Meaning, the opposite version of King Lear.

A tale of a foolish ruler who kept stupidly struggling in the shadow of the heroes, ultimately being the one who makes the victory possible.

It subverts expectations, and unexpected twists are the most effective for livening up a story, which means, it also needs a jester, and I also would like some sex appeal to be present?

Yeah, there is nothing fun about King Lear without a jester, and as a highschool boy I cant tolerate the lack of sex appeal.

I also wouldve liked some wardrobe accidents, but the ladies playing the maidens were pretty shocked even by bikinis alone, so any further exposure was out of the question So no happy accidents.

Well, if the girls learned of this I wouldve gotten scolded, reprimanded, admonished, and maybe even killed, so I put up with it. Even though I want to see it.

But I got super scolded, is it because of Frontier bikinis?

No, the people arent familiar with the disposition of those characters, so its important to make things clear, and sex appeal is also necessary for attracting customers and an absolutely indispensable condition from a highschool boys point of view.

But whats more important, the souvenir store profited from that! And how! After all, with Frontier goods being used as props and the real maidens working at the store, it ended up constantly flooded with customers for those several days!

This is a heroic epic about familiar heroes. And then, there is the recovery of Playking from the illness that worried citizens of the Capital. There is no way it wouldnt sell with the combination of previously unseen comedy elements, plot twists, and even sex appeal.

In fact, most of the audience are repeat customers, who keep coming to see it again and again. Watching it allows one to actually feel peace and happiness, and if they come to watch it over and over, and it also fills my pockets?

There are Meripapa-san, Royal Girl, and all others who became heroes, then the King recovers, and the people of the Kingdom shed tears and rejoice to that. Which makes me even richer!

Art, especially theater, was used for manipulating the masses since the ancient times, and was effective enough at it to warrant patronage from royalty and aristocracy.

The play shouldve created an overwhelming difference in support for the heroes that saved the country and the nobles that did nothing. Now, if Playkings condemns nobles that colluded with the Church or the Confederation, and the Kingdom will come together as one.

The most easy-to-understand and popular tales of old are heroic tales of rewarding good and punishing evil.

The corrupt nobles are already chained up in the dungeons of the Capital, while the fence sitters are about to lose their estates and be removed from important posts. In the worst case, they might even lose titles and have their property confiscated, so they will drop dead one way or another.

It appears that sufficiently young children of the nobles will be looked after by the Royal Family and will be given a chance, but there hardly will be any families able to revive. It was all over for them at the point where they could look down at the Slums and think nothing of the situation there.

Then, the sermon abruptly ended. What a surprise, there was a breakfast planned! Thats right, they havent brought anything aside from evening dresses for the night In other words, its side job time again!

Since we unexpectedly stayed for the night, we are going to be invited for breakfast too! In the end, after that, afternoon dresses for everyone were made in a big hurry, and for some reason they also ordered matching underwear and stockings.

So naturally it goes without saying that we ended up with a frenzied squirming mess of 25 girls writhing and collapsing, making for a very clamorous late night side work, which however came with a special pay for urgency, so I made a lot of money from it too, with 50 lovely bare legs of fainted girls twitching in the room.

Good grief, while I was able to cut off the sound with Spatial Magic, but to be making such lewd voices without any restraint in the room right next to the one where children are sleeping is very unhealthy for their education?

And it also gets to me in highschool boy terms, so they really need correction?

Which led to lots of unexpected miscellaneous chores. Dressing up unconscious girls, carrying them to their rooms, and while I was at it I had to repeatedly get busy with Armored Pres-san and Dancing Girl-san in a highschool boys sort of way, so I didnt even a wink of sleep.

Although I slept a lot in highschool boys sort of way, I didnt get any rest.

And with the morning sun shining brightly, the girls have gathered in their new dresses. In a striking difference from their yesterdays unbecoming and lewd appearances, today, they look like refined young ladies.

They also have washed and cleaned their faces, leaving not a sign of yesterdays drooling and crying mess to be seen.

Speaking of which, what did Omui-sama want?

He asked for a plan for the Kingdom, so I gave him one?

When I came to the Royal Palace to restock earlier I found a hidden room with tons of books, and after carrying off all of them they turned out to be a mountain of secret documents containing accounting books and secret accounting books, official documents and real documents?

Yeah, I skimmed through all of them in case there might be something fun, but there wasnt even a single folk tale among those.

So I saw all of those with Rajingan, and Wisdommemorized it. So I can write one immediately? Magic Handsfinished in less than three minutes, you know?

I mean, its just about getting rid of what isnt needed and making things normal, so its pretty simple. In short, they simply were obfuscating things, trying to make them as seemingly complex as possible, to prevent nobles and officials from fixing the issues.

But knowing all of the tricks, one only has to make things right again. Now I will be able to install 100 paid massage chains in the Royal Palace, so its great business.

Papers on fictional construction works where nothing aside from funneling money was done, newly developed but hidden mines, profits from which the nobles split among themselves, everything was thoroughly investigated and hidden.

In other words, there was some highly capable official. While corrupted, they were doing their job commendably. And thats why the accounting was perfectly disguised, so the Royal Family received coherent and consistent reports.

It is because they made this effort to investigate and comprehend everything to falsify the data that they were able to slip through all of the audits. This has to be the compilation of the long generations of the corrupt governance that was happening in the Kingdom.

And thats why simply seeing those documents was enough to understand the solution. They were rotten to the core, but their work on reports was admirable, after all, they only lacked good intentions.

And thats why I was stuck with side jobbing all this time.

Everyone, preparations for breakfast are complete. I will guide you to the venue.

Its another geezer, even though I was hoping for a maid.

We headed to the hall with the girls , who unlike yesterday, appeared lively and gleeful in their new dresses with simple color palette, the orphans, as happy to go out in nice clothes as before, and disgruntled boys, for whom I ended up having to make morning coats The girls (tyrants) instantly rejected the boys idea of going back and eating at the souvenir store since its nearby, and desperately did their best to soothe and suppress the orphans opinion of the souvenir stores food being more delicious.

Hello there, Haruka-kun. Im sorry for making you to go with the clean-up yesterday.

Wha-, Haruka-kun! What is that massage throne? I want that in the Frontier too? In the audience room!

Haruka-dono, I dont know how to thank you for yesterdays recovery mushrooms, but please come to my house next time

Aaah, swarmed by middle-aged men since morning again

The girls are chatting with noble ladies, even the Geeks and Idiots get to talk with a muscular female commander of the First Division, but only middle-aged men gather around me. However, it seems this world has no noble ladies with drill hair, so once hair iron is complete it might sell quite well.

Three little princes seem to be present too, but I couldnt care less about them or the middle-aged men attending. Even the broke noble middle-aged men that I gifted with free clothes at the Souvenir Store have gathered up! Alright, I guess its about time to destroy this middle-aged men palace?!

Your Majesty. All of the attendees have gathered and awaiting words of Your Majesty.

We finally got to the breakfast part, but it seems Playking has a thing or two to say before that, although Meripapa-san doesnt seem interested in listening. He is blatantly ignoring Playking, shouting about wanting a massage throne, or rather, a massage count seat.

Then, Playking began his speech from a platform.

First, lets drink to this auspicious day, lets party, yaaay!

He really was a playking!

Oh my, was it not a greeting from your country?

Haruka-kun, what are you teaching to the King?!

Playking is saying something, while Im running around from the angry girls, trying to get to the ladies, but blocked by the hell of middle-aged men, all while being tackled by the orphans, as usual. I wish I could enjoy a more peaceful morning. Like, going for the 22th round since the sunrise.

Everyone is going to get busy with rebuilding the Kingdom after this lively breakfast ends, so for a while, they wont have much time for partying. Well, they have to completely rebuild the administration while being short on people, so that will be tough.

But with the 70% that were undermining, twisting, and hindering the country gone, the country is naturally going to come alive. As long as proper forms of administration are established and instructions are issued it might not take that long for it to recover.

Now, its finally back to being a state, so the rest can be handled by the country.

Now, lets go back. Return to the souvenir store, prepare for departure, and this time return to the Frontier. The inn fees to keep the rooms are such a waste.

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