Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 1216: The end of the fierce battle and before the end

Outside the Tower of Dawn, covered in blood and darkness, a mysterious being with a ferocious face was attacking the four of us unscrupulously.

The extremely sharp black scythe chopped up the space, leaving gaps in the void space one after another in mid-air, just like the fatal attack of a powerful space expert.

Although these gaps were quickly refilled and repaired by energy particles in the air, it also further illustrates the fierceness of the mysterious existence's attack.


After working together to withstand a sharp blow from the mysterious being, Hui Lao and Yoniel finally couldn't hold on any longer. Both energy barriers were shattered by the blow and flew backwards for hundreds of meters. Both looked extremely embarrassed. appearance.

On the other side, Bing Lao's body was extremely unreal and looked shaky.

As Bingshi City's energy became increasingly depleted, Bing Lao was already on the verge of collapse after withstanding several attacks from mysterious beings on his own.

Logically speaking, this is no longer enough to continue to support Bing Lao's materialization, but this former demigod-level powerhouse is still gritting his teeth and supporting it, even at the expense of his already extremely bleak life source to defend Lei Xiao's last line of defense.

Not far away from Bing Lao, Xiao Jie was also covered in bruises and was panting heavily.

Under the influence of the anti-magic power of the mysterious existence, although she has recovered to the sixth level of strength, she is still almost useless like Yonier. She can only grit her teeth and try her best to resist the opponent's attack, which is even more fatal. What's more, the energy in her body has also bottomed out.

Seeing the mysterious existence repelling Hui Lao and Yoniel, Xiaojie supported her body and just tried her best to release a confining barrier again.

But it was instantly shattered to pieces by a wave of the unscrupulous mysterious existence.

"No one can stop me. Since you want to die in front of those despicable ants, I will help you!"

Looking at the gray old man and Yoniel, whose auras had reached the extreme level of sluggishness, the mysterious being's face was distorted and he laughed wildly: "Then let's start with you two stupid old things."

After saying that, the mysterious existence immediately turned into a black light and carried a giant war sickle to attack the two old presidents.

"Is that the end?"

Facing the fatal murderous intention that was pressing down on them like a huge mountain, the bruised old Gray and Yoniel stood up supporting each other, with a look of awe on their scarred old faces.

As the leaders of one of the three neutral organizations that protect the human world, even if they die, they must stand on this land instead of being stepped on by their opponents. This is their last dignity.

In the blink of an eye, the mysterious being was already approaching, waving the giant scythe in his hand with a grin. At such an extreme speed, Bing Lao and Xiao Jie, who were on the other side with weak breaths, had no time to catch up.

"Go to **** for me!"

Just when black energy surged around the mysterious being and the blade was about to come into contact with the two old presidents, a sword-wielding figure with a dazzling purple light arrived first.


Hearing an earth-shaking loud noise, he swung his sword to block the opponent's attack.

Needless to say, it was Lei Xiao who had just arrived.

"Your Highness the Prince!"

Seeing Lei Xiao's tall and tall back, Hui Lao and Yoniel's originally despairing faces were filled with excitement.

, blurted out.

On the other side, Bing Lao and Xiao Jie, who were crumbling, looked over with excitement.

Now that Lei Xiao's figure appears again, it undoubtedly means that this young man from another world has found the dawn of victory!

"Two old presidents have worked hard. Leave the rest to me."

The Rolandel in Lei Xiao's hand was shining brightly, and he nodded to Hui Lao and Yoniel.

"Despicable aliens, stop making such nonsense. It's really ridiculous."

The mysterious being felt the countless energy flows pouring into his body, and said with enjoyment on his distorted face: "Now the entire human world is being absorbed by me. The more they wail, the happier I am."

"The soldiers in the city will soon be reduced to rubbish, and then it will be the turn of more ants. I am already unrivaled in the human world. What can you do now?"

Listening to the mysterious being's unscrupulous words, whether it was the two old presidents behind Lei Xiao, or Bing Lao and Xiao Jie on the other side, their originally excited expressions became a little stiffer.

Just like what the opponents said, in such a desperate situation, even they can't see any hope of breaking the situation, and Lei Xiao is just an alien lord who has just arrived, and time is so tight, can he really be found? The way to end everything?

Just when everyone was doubtful, this time, before the mysterious being could take action, Lei Xiao launched the attack first. The sharp sword light tore through the black mist and slashed straight towards the opponent.

"Ant, since you took the initiative to come to die, I will help you

! "

Seeing Lei Xiao taking the initiative to attack regardless of life and death, the mysterious being's expression darkened, and he sneered and came forward.

The majestic monstrous energy mixed with the thick black mist rose into the sky, and the dark blade of the war scythe exuded a soul-stirring murderous intent.

Under the mysterious existence's fierce and devastating counterattack, Lei Xiao, who had been able to barely get through a few moves with the former before, quickly retreated and was completely unable to fight back, making the entire scene full of danger.

This undoubtedly means that the opponent's strength has obviously increased a lot.

After seeing this scene, everyone's faces began to stiffen, but the mysterious existence became more and more unscrupulous. The arrogant and sinister laughter echoed wantonly in the dark space, shocking everyone's heart.

"You're a tiny ant from another world, let's see how long you can hold on!"

Accompanied by the roar of a series of energy collisions, the mysterious existence raised a giant war scythe and was about to deliver a fatal blow to Lei Xiao, who had not completely stabilized his body not far away.

Without any warning, a change occurred.

The countless black energy flows that were still converging towards the mysterious existence actually began to change color, and soon turned from black to gray, and finally turned into pure white, making the originally extremely dark hall actually look a little brighter. brilliance.

Because this scene happened so suddenly, by the time everyone reacted, shrill screams suddenly sounded.

I saw that the mysterious existence that was smiling crazily just now fell to the ground with pain on its face and kept wailing.

"Has it finally started? Although it's coming slower than I expected."

Lei Xiao wiped away the blood seeping from the corner of his mouth

Blood stains, almost collapse.

The reason why Lei Xiao took the initiative to attack just now was naturally to attract the opponent's attention and make him focus on himself instead of the quietly changing taboo tree.

"You bastard, what did you do?!"

While wailing, the mysterious being's cloudy eyes were still full of murderous intent. He condensed the magic circle several times to stop the influx of pure white energy, but there was no way.

It's no wonder that when it builds itself into a fruit and begins to absorb energy, it is actually closely connected to the Forbidden Tree. Unless the Forbidden Tree is destroyed, the absorption will not stop.

And just as Lei Xiao and Fei'er expected, with this massive influx of unconverted energy, it is not surprising that such magical backlash occurs in mysterious beings that cannot adapt at all.

"It's nothing, just treating others in their own way."

Lei Xiao leaned on Rolandel and said expressionlessly: "Since you want to destroy the entire human world, then just bear the anger from the human world."

"They are by no means as fragile as you imagine, nor are they the objects of your wanton ravage."

After that, Lei Xiao opened his mouth and started to read, and ordered to his subordinates anywhere in the world: "Everyone, you have worked hard to persevere all the way. Now the time to counterattack has arrived. Since the other party is drawing energy, then satisfy the other party and send you all Actively inject the energy into the dark red roots and drown the opponent in a dream of destruction!"

"As you command, Lord Lord!"

After hearing Lei Xiao's order, a uniform response immediately sounded.

No matter on our side inside or outside Glow City,

The generals and strong men are still in the Cold Flame Kingdom and even Ariel and others in various human countries, as well as the subordinates and surrendered races in the territory.

Although they were all still entangled by countless dark red roots, each subordinate took action immediately without hesitation, doing their best to inject energy into the roots wrapped around themselves, and began to call on others around them.

Affected by thousands of subordinates, more of our strong men and soldiers around them also made the same action. Since it is the order of His Highness who always brings hope and dawn, then there are What's there to hesitate about?

For a moment, the flow of pure white energy that continued to gather from all directions suddenly surged, and the increasingly dazzling brilliance made the entire dim hall look like daylight.

"You bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

Under the injection of this increasingly powerful pure white energy, I saw the bloodshot eyeballs of the mysterious being protruding. He tried to stand up again with the scythe, but as soon as he made a move, a mouthful of black blood full of stench was vomited all over the floor. , struggled and fell down again, and began to twitch continuously.

"This is returned to you for the soldiers and subordinates who died on the battlefield, as well as the dead captive lords and the countless disappeared residents."

Lei Xiao looked at the mysterious existence twisting and squirming on the ground expressionlessly, with no trace of pity in his dark eyes.

"Your wailing will become their comfort and epitaph. They once looked forward to the dawn and fought for the dawn. But now that the dawn has arrived, the human world will no longer be shrouded in dark clouds."

As Lei Xiao's sonorous and powerful words fell, Pure White

As if echoing the former, the energy flow began to intensify, pouring crazily into the body of the mysterious existence like a stormy sea.

Lei Xiao, on the other hand, clenched Rolandal in his hand, and a fierce giant sword light fell from the sky, slashing straight towards the mysterious existence.


Wherever the dazzling sword light struck, there was a heavy muffled sound, and the mysterious being's increasingly swollen and twisted body immediately fell apart. Black viscous liquid surged all over the sky, and was soon washed away by the subsequent flow of pure white energy. Clean and tidy.

"Young man, the other party's aura has completely dissipated, and not even a single trace of his life source has been left behind!"

Fei'er's excited voice then sounded, and she said to Lei Xiao with great joy: "Congratulations, you did it!"

"Thanks to your assistance."

Lei Xiao's tense body finally relaxed and he slumped on the ground. He smiled and said: "As expected of the guardian of the human world, Her Royal Highness Princess Pelican has made great contributions."

"I was just the guardian of the human race in the past, and you are the guardian of the human race in this era."

There was some sincere admiration in Mayfair's voice, and she responded: "I am honored to be able to fight alongside you."

"It's just the beginning."

Lei Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled slightly.

When the surging pure white energy flow gradually subsided, Xiaojie, Bing Lao, Yoniel and Hui Lao quickly rushed over.

Although everyone was covered in bruises and breathless, their faces were filled with uncontrollable excitement.

"As expected of your lord, my subordinates will always be proud of you!"

Xiaojie was the first to bear the brunt, and her slender body was almost thrown into the thunder.

Xiao's arms.

Bing Lao nodded with a smile on his face and sighed: "There will always be light in the darkest night, and it will eventually be so dazzling that it will cover the entire earth."

It has to be said that this young man from another world always makes this former demigod-level expert look at him with admiration.

"Your Highness, it is precisely because of your unyielding will and extraordinary courage that the entire human world has been saved!"

Hui Lao took a step forward and even used honorifics unconsciously.

"That's right, the arrival of His Highness the Prince is truly a blessing to the human race!"

Yoniel also followed, nodded heavily to Lei Xiao and said: "His Royal Highness is a well-deserved hero of the human race, and will forever be a glorious chapter in history and legend!"

"Two old presidents, please be polite. This is not something I can do alone, and I am not a hero, because none of the heroes have returned."

Lei Xiao waved his hand, nodded slightly and said: "At best, I am just the guide to victory. The ones who truly bring victory to the human world are everyone present, the soldiers fighting inside and outside Glow City, and the soldiers who stick to various places. The strong, and the countless people who still believe in hope.”

"Civilization will be wiped out in dust, but courage will never be. It is precisely because of the efforts of each of you that we can gather sand to form a tower, and finally carry the fire of hope to the top of the tower, illuminate the entire land, and finally pour into the opponent's body. The flow of pure white energy is the best expression.”

When he said this, Lei Xiao's expression became serious again, and he nodded to everyone and said: "Although the source of darkness has been destroyed, the forbidden tree still exists, and it is far from time to relax."

After that, Lei Xiao regained his energy and started taking action with everyone again.

However, as the storm sweeping across the entire human world is about to come to an end, in some unknown places, there are still pairs of arrogant eyes with a bit of surprise, looking at this land.

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