Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 3: : Take turns appearing with red face and white face

Chapter 3: : Take turns appearing with red face and white face

On the other side, the knotweed put the body of the beast at ease, then came to Lei Xiao and saluted, "Report to the lord, the camp is one kilometer around, and the investigation has been completed.

No traces of demon beasts' nests or other forces were found. "

After a pause, he added: "Oh yes, I encountered these two little reptiles blocking the road, so I cleaned it up."

Looking at the "little reptile" in the mouth of the knotweed, Lei Xiao suddenly showed a look of dumbfounding.

What I saw lying on the ground was a huge black hexagonal bull the size of a baby elephant, and a blue giant python that was thicker than a hundred-year-old tree!

Especially the blue giant python, although it lost its life breath, the shiny thick scales and the sharp fangs that are more than half a meter long in its mouth all show that this beast was definitely not a good kind during its lifetime!

"Lord Lord, do you have any other orders?"

Immediately afterwards, the knotweed asked again.

Looking at the other party, it was as if he was going for a walk. He didn't even take a breath, and Lei Xiao didn't hesitate, and responded directly, "Let's expand the scope of the investigation a little more, and get a clear picture of the surrounding situation."

"As ordered!" Hu Zhang clasped his fists, turned and turned into a phantom, galloping away.

After the other party left, Lei Xiao rolled up his sleeves and took out the wooden box from the cabin.

This box is the lord's exclusive storage box.

Only Lei Xiao himself and those authorized by him can use it.

To put it bluntly, it is the storage space, which is unique.

Although there are only 100 grids at present, all similar items can be stacked.

And, this box also comes with another function.

That is, the selected items can be automatically decomposed perfectly in an instant.

Of course, it also includes the corpses of these two monsters.

After the transportation was completed, Lei Xiao's mind moved, and the corpse in front of him turned into a white light and automatically entered the storage space.

"break down!"

Without hesitation, Lei Xiao immediately started the operation.

[You decompose the first-order five-star monster hexagonal ground cow, and get beef x1400, beef tendon x50, cowhide x20, and horn x6!

[You decomposed the first-order eight-star monster bluestone mysterious python, and obtained snake meat x1600, snakeskin x30, and poisonous fangs (rare) x2!

Sensing that so many things appeared in the storage space in an instant, Lei Xiao couldn't help showing a satisfied smile.

This is the first harvest in this world!

Except for the 3,000 pieces of processed meat, the rest of the items are important materials for making equipment, and they will be used to the best of their ability in the future.

Especially those two rare poisonous fangs, it is even more possible to create superb weapons!

In addition, after trying, Lei Xiao found out.

His golden fingers can't react to food and materials.

"It seems that only functional items can use this talent...

Thinking of it this way, then weapons and equipment should also be fine, right? Don't know what the reaction will be then? "

While pondering, Lei Xiao opened the function interface again. This time, instead of entering the chat channel, he entered the trading center.

Through this function, no matter how far away, all lords can conduct real-time transactions in exchange for the items they need.

At present, there are already a considerable number of lords, all of which have their own needs.

Without exception, they all use basic resources such as wood, stone, and thatch in exchange for food.

Even the occasional wild fruits, wild vegetables and wild mushrooms are popular.

As soon as it was put on the shelves, it was immediately dropped by someone.

And meat, no one has ever put it on.

Noticing this, combined with the content of the previous chat, Lei Xiao showed a thoughtful look.

Undoubtedly, due to the low combat power.

At this stage, most of the people are trapped in the safe zone, and it is difficult to get enough food supplies.

"Does this mean that I can use the food that is not lacking at all in exchange for other people's resources?"

Following this line of thought, Lei Xiao continued to think.

He has 3,000 servings of meat, and each serving weighs about a pound.

Moreover, the knotweed can be dispatched at any time to replenish.

"Food is a consumable, but resources can build and upgrade the lord's mansion.

In this way, as long as there is enough food, doesn't it mean that everyone in the early stage is working for me alone? "

After making up his mind, Lei Xiao's mouth couldn't help showing a hint of an old capitalist's smile.

When browsing the chat channel before, he has roughly summed up the efficiency of most people in collecting resources.

With all the tools available, a summoned tier-one peasant can collect an average of 5 units of stone, 10 units of wood, or 20 units of thatch per hour.

Based on this data, Lei Xiaoluo pondered, and first put 1,000 copies of snake meat in the storage space to the trading center in an anonymous way.

What he has to do is not just as simple as directly changing resources!

[Trader: Anonymous]

[Trading item: 1,000 copies of snake meat (1 for each exchange, 0.5kg each)]

[Required Item 1: Stone (50 Units)]

[Required 2: Wood (100 Units)]

[Required Item 3: Thatch (200 Units)]

Since many lords are in the trading center, they are squatting to grab food.

Therefore, as soon as this information was released, various chat channels were detonated almost instantly.

"1000 servings of snake meat?! I'm not dazzled, right? Anonymous boss 666!"

"But this big guy is very powerful, and the price is a bit outrageous, right? There are not enough resources to replace it!"

"That's right! My peasants can only mine 5 units of stone in an hour. This guy actually wants 50 units for 1 piece. It's too dark!"

"Is there any other big guy! It takes 10 hours to change a pound of meat, and I won't change it if I die of starvation!"

"Upstairs, if you work for 5 hours for a pound, I can accept it!"

"Please let the other bosses take us to fly! Let this black-hearted big dog's wishful thinking fail!"

Looking at the content in the chat channel, Lei Xiao showed satisfaction.

This is exactly the result he wanted.

First, sing the red face anonymously, raise the price to a very outrageous position, and lower everyone's psychological expectations.

Then he will appear on the stage and sing his own face. In this way, with the comparison, you can undoubtedly maximize the price within a reasonable range.

It can also make others feel grateful to you, which can be said to be both fame and fortune, the best of both worlds.

It is conceivable that this kind of food-for-resource method cannot last for too long, and it has to pave the way for the next development.

In the eyes of other lords, establishing a good image is obviously a good start.

Furthermore, there is no doubt that among the billion lords, there are bound to be hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

Set up a more powerful anonymous imaginary enemy for these people, and they can naturally spread out and focus on their own ~, which has the effect of disturbing everyone's sight.

After a while, when I saw the chat channel, there was already a lot of indignation.

Lei Xiao smiled slightly, and then reopened the trading interface, ready to test the water first.

Next, of course, it was time for the white-faced tycoon who had been waiting for a long time to appear.

Trader: Lei Xiao

[Trading: 100 copies of beef (1 for each exchange, 0.5kg each)]

Required Item 1: Stone (20 Units)

Required 2: Wood (40 Units)

[Required Item 3: Thatch (80 Units)]

As soon as the new transaction information came out, all the chat channels boiled to the extreme again!

"Brother Meng, good news! The much-anticipated new boss has appeared! The price of meat is super conscientious, and the trading center is quick to grab it!"

"Thank you, boss! I got a pound! Now the starving farmers can work, hehe!"

"Hahaha, me too! The peasants whose loyalty has dropped to 30 finally don't have to look at me with contempt! The big guy is mighty!"

"It's cool! There's meat to eat! The big guy competes for high!!"

"Big brother, no, giant! Please accept my knee!"

"Everyone, leave me a copy! It's only 1 unit of wood to get it... Damn it, no?"

"Boss Lei Xiao, a book written in the blood of ten thousand people! Lead us to defeat that black-hearted anonymous dog owner!"

Just as Lei Xiao had expected, in just a few seconds, 100 servings of beef were sold out.

And he also successfully obtained 2,000 units of wood, 1,600 units of thatch, and 600 units of stone.

The resources required for the first upgrade of the lord's mansion are so easy to obtain!

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