Lord of the Truth

Chapter 759 Seed

759  Seed

Poison Rock Planet--

*whoosh* *whoosh* *whoosh*

The Planet spirit, Rocky, circled a few times around Pythor's head while crossing her hands over her chest. From her speed and expression, it seemed that she was upset, "Hey, hey, hey, why aren't you still on your knees and nose? It's been more than an hour since she left!!" "The Overlord will return to inform me of his orders. I must remain ready to receive him." Pythor didn't even move his eyeballs to respond, with his knees, palms, and nose touching the ground for nearly an hour, he seemed to be stuck in place.

"Ooph!!" Rocky stood on the throne and hit it several times with her small feet. The thing she hates the most since Pythor began refining it is that she knows that he is a follower of a woman from the middle planetary belt, and not a follower in the sense that he is a disciple, for example, or a close ally, but rather a follower in the sense that he puts his nose in the ground when mentioning her name!

No slave wants his owner to be a slave for someone else.

*Swoosh* At this moment, an oppressive aura reappeared in the room, and a dark red glow forced Pythor to hold his breath.

"The goddess of gentleness and beauty has returned~" Rocky folded her hands again and looked at the dark shadow from top to bottom.

"Get lost." The black soul fragment didn't even look at Rocky

"Hey, you don't talk to one of your followers." Rocky put her hand on her small waist, "I am a planet spirit and I have an owner, I can eliminate this soul Shard in an instant!"

"An owner?" The Dark Soul Shard muttered in a low voice and turned its gaze towards Pythor, "Why don't you order her to destroy my Soul Shard, Mr. Owner?"

"Rocky, get lost now!!" Pythor shouted forcefully

Rocky looked between her owner who had his nose in the ground and towards the dark soul shard several times, before hitting her foot on the ground several times, "Ooph!!!" Then she disappeared

"I apologize for this, Your Honor." Pythor shivered slightly, he had heard a lot about the power of this overlord when he himself once went to the middle planetary belt, destroying a shard of the Overlord's soul would not affect him but would only make him angry.

...Making him angry? Pythor does not dare to imagine the consequences of this. Even though Rocky told him that this Overlord is a woman, he still speaks to her in the masculine form because he is afraid that if he changes his tone he might anger her!!

Her next words made Planet Emperor Pythor's scales twitch, "I'm angry, Pythor."

"Keeh!! W-- Why is that, my supreme overlord?" Pythor muttered, still not daring to lift his nose from the ground

"Planet Nihari, it is as you told me and more." The shadow started to walk around Pythor, "Just seeing it makes me angry that I can't have it.."

"Is it really that special, Overlord? You must have seen many like it in the Middle Planetary Belt." Pythor asked nervously, Nihari is indeed something big in his eyes, but a planet in the young belt shouldn't enter the eye of someone like the Overlord! "Oh, it is special indeed. Listen, Pythor, perhaps you will benefit something from this talk... Planets are created in the center of the universe, or what is known as primordial chaos, and the planet remains there next to the center of the universe for hundreds of millions or even billions of years until life appears on it and creatures multiply and know what energy cultivation is, only when one of the inhabitants of the planet learns to use the first stage of any heavenly law does the planet break free from the center of the universe and swim away to enter what is known as the young planetary belt, then it keeps moving away until it gets into the middle planetary belt, and so on..."

"During all those years that a planet spends near the center of the universe, it acquires unique characteristics of its own. Each planet, no matter how ordinary its appearance, has something in it that calls for fighting over it. Some planets acquire high percentages of certain minerals and are fit to be affiliated with an empire specialized in industry and wars. Some of them contain certain gases and different environments, so it is ideal and can accommodate a large number of races without problems, this one would be ideal for the powers based on the slave trade. There is also a small handful of planets that are too large in size and are used as neutral planets for trade and interaction purposes. Of course, there is one type of planet that all large powers prefer and want, which are the planets that are filled with energy pearls because energy pearls can buy everything and activate everything."

Then she stopped and looked at Pythor, "As for the planet Nihari, it contains everything I mentioned and more... It is undoubtedly fit to be a Galactic Seed."

Pythor's sweat started to drip a little, even though he didn't know what the term galactic seed meant, it seemed like a big deal.

Then the shadow moved again, "Nihari is one of those rare planets that form once every few million years by chance. When it appears in the middle planetary belt, wars will be fought over it for tens of thousands of years, and hundreds of planets in the young and middle belts will be destroyed during the war until the winner is determined, and often the winner will be a superpower that does not have a Galactic Seed yet and is willing to sacrifice everything to get the planet... I am angry because I do not have enough power to compete for a Galactic Seed yet, but there is no shame in that."

The sweat on Pythor's forehead and head became like a waterfall... Destroying hundreds of planets?! For some reason, he feels unqualified to hear things like this!! n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

The Dark Soul Shard stopped behind Pythor and then moved towards him until she was standing next to his head, "I'm telling you all this so you know what you're dealing with. We may not have a chance when Nihari appears in the Middle Planetary Belt, but we still have 70,000 years to milk it and then destroy it before it gets into the wrong hands... I want that planet, Pythor, It doesn't matter what you do to get it."

"YES!!" Pythor shouted quickly before he could even understand the words, but then he caught what the soul shard was saying and murmured hesitantly, "B-- But..."

"Just send a number of your men to the Destruction Pit planet. I will prepare you a number of epic equipment and a few toys that will help you in your mission." The dark soul shard turned and took a few steps away from Pythor, "Also, the Fourth Truth Chosen, Jabba son of Thandor, is on our side now. You can communicate and coordinate with him, but with some caution of course"

"Excellent! Thank you, Overlord!!" Pythor raised his nose off the ground and then lowered it again several times in thanks, with a few words the Overlord turned the mission from a difficult level into a normal conquest like any other.

In addition to gaining a Truth chosen on their side, this was the first time he had received anything directly from the Overlord since he received the blood-changing device from her ten thousand years ago. Anything else he obtained after that was through kissing the asses and feet of her followers and taking anything broken that they did not need! As expected of the Overlord, everything is resolved when she appears.

"Oh, one more thing..."

 After Pythor breathed a sigh of relief, he heard a voice that sent shivers down his spine again, "Order me, Overlord."

"...The Third Truth Chosen, Robin Burton, must die. I gave the same mission to Jabba, but I don't know if he has the ability, so you will help him!" The Dark Soul Shard's eyes flashed red, "It doesn't matter if he's on Nihari or any other planet, you must find him, and you must eradicate him."

"Yes, if he is not on Planet Nihari, then he is definitely on one of the other three planets we got their coordinates. Please leave with the certainty that he is dead."

"I see... I hope he won't disappoint me, Pythor, I can't be disappointed in this one."


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