Lord of the Truth

Chapter 774 Power

774  Power

At this moment--



"What the hell is going on?!"

All the Great Serpent Martial Emperors and even the soldiers inside the ships opened their eyes and mouths wide.

Even they do not know whether they were shocked by the sight of His Eminence, the High Minister, a friend of the Emperor, and the second most powerful entity in the entire Empire being kicked in such a humiliating manner... Or by the luminous giant that appeared out of nowhere!!

Only a few of the Martial Emperors in Celebus' guards went to check on their commander after their ship was hit and breached, but the rest remained with their eyes fixed on the Warlord, raising their guard to the utmost.

The 16 generals all came out and stood in a battling stance, while the other two marshals who were standing next to Celebus quickly moved back and took out their weapons, everyone ready to pounce and destroy the enemy whoever it was... But their curiosity was stronger.

Julian stood in his place and let the gazes of his opponents examine him from top to bottom without moving a hair or appearing annoyed. In the end, wasting time is his mission. Rather, he raised his arms and laughed loudly, "Look carefully, peasants, this is what strength looks like! Fill your eyes with His Excellency's creation! You can have your little ships, while we have POWER, HAHAHA! n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

Twenty meters tall and human-built, with a golden glow that radiates power and an oppressive aura equal to at least the 48th Emperor, this thing will be the center of attention wherever it sets foot, and not only that...

A few drops of sweat fell from the foreheads of Marshals Xanox and Serpal after they noticed a certain thing

"This armor... and the sword too? How can this be...?!" One of the generals muttered, taking another step back without noticing it

*Gulp* The rest of the generals gulped audibly, immediately after which, the rest of the Martial Emperors began to notice one by one.

A strong golden glow was visible in the face and other tiny places that were exposed, other than that, Warlord Julian's body was completely covered by a Black and Gold Armor, and he was holding a long black halberd...

"Epic? ...An epic set can be this big?!" A few Emperors automatically floated back, the word epic had a great meaning to them, only marshals and then the generals could carry these weapons.

While testing the Warlord tattoo array for the first time, Robin sat down with Zara and they started making two special designs together, the first was for the Terra Beasts, and the second was this... A complete armor and weapon set for the Warlords.

...Recently, a few hundred epic pieces of equipment came from the Overlord, and all the Marshals' Special Forces were armed, although they were not complete sets and were made in different colors and materials, The soldiers of the Great Serpent Empire still felt that they had become invincible! But seeing that huge thing...

"Don't panic, the Marshals went to the High Realms and battle invincible enemies, they must have seen those giants there. No, they must have brought down worse creatures than them! As long as they are with us, we are unstoppable!!" One of the generals raised his weapon, trying to restore enthusiasm to his fleet, and to himself first.

"Ahooo!" "Ahooo!" "Ahooo!"

"..." Marshal Serpal clenched his fangs, *Those fools, what do they think I am?! I never saw such a terrifying thing in my life! Even if I saw something like this in the middle planetary belt, would I stand up and fight him in the first place?!*

He automatically sent a glance at his crooked Epic Sword that had accompanied him for 500 years, and the leg and forearm armor that he had enriched in a mid-range battle when he had worked for a few years as a mercenary in the Overlord's army... Suddenly he felt that his Epic Equipment had lost its splendor a little.


The space around the First Marshal's ship began to turbulent, and a shadow emerged from it like a meteor, holding a sword shrouded in a purple mist, "You're dead!!"

It was the first marshal himself, he had no injuries, but whoever saw his raging eyes now would think that the warlord killed his mother!

Everyone's morale soared again, they finally got to see the First Marshal, the symbol of the Empire's power, in action!!

That kick was not enough to cause him any serious injury, but it undoubtedly shook his dignity to the core!!

"Hmph!" Julian spat out a handful of golden liquid energy to the side and then swung his halberd encased in white flame towards the marshal with both hands.

The set of armor that he wears is not for display. Each piece of that set is designed to increase the chances of survival of the thousands of sages and saints inside the Warlord, so it is extremely solid. As for the runes engraved on it, they are intended to disperse incoming attacks or prevent the Warlord's energy from leaking, a few runes collect energy from the surroundings and automatically pump it in, and several other runes all work to maintain the form of the Warlord for as long as possible, and of course the black halberd is very good at cutting down stuff.

Each set is given to the person bearing the Array Heart tattoo, in this case, Julian carries the set in his ring at all times and takes it out for the Warlord to wear immediately after it is formed...

This epic armor set, combined with the fact that Martial Emperor Julian could now freely use the fourth stage of the Perfect Heavenly Law of Fire, unlike the first experience, has no doubt gave the Warlord additional one or two more levels of strength!



A massive explosion occurred with a purple and white blocking everyone's view and shook their conscience, the few buildings that were still leading in the city collapsed, while the ships of the 16 fleets were pushed back slightly from the shockwaves.

"How powerful, this is our Marshal!! Is it over?!"

"Haha of course, who can stand in front of the marshal when he is angry?"


After the smoke and energy suspended in the air cleared, a strange scene appeared before everyone

Warlord Julian and the First Marshal were standing at a safe distance from each other, neither of them looking hurt or intending to issue another reckless attack, just looking at each other with anticipation and respect for their opponent's strength.

"Is that... A draw?!"

*Swoosh* *Swoosh*

Xanox and Serpal moved quickly and stood next to Celebus, "Sorry, Your Eminence, we realize it's your private fight, but we have to hurry and finish off that thing in order to save our men below. Allow us to help you."

The rest of the Martial Emperors and even the Great Serpent Generals glanced at each other and all thought the same thing, *Three marshals are going to fight together against the giant?!*

They had just arrived but their morale had taken a huge hit.

Celebus almost refused outright. He was well aware of what such a move would do to the morale of his soldiers, but he glanced down, at the bizarre massacre the humans had started, and then looked back at the Warlord. "Alright, let's finish him off quickly."

*Bzzzzt* *Bzzzzt* *Bzzzzt*

The space next to the Julian Master was dented, and 14 more instant space portals opened.

The mouths that had been finally closed opened again as they saw 14 new Warlords lining up behind Julian, and behind them the 250 Martial Emperors lined up.

Meanwhile, the Great Heaven Seal Array behind them had already healed.

Maybe... Just maybe...

It will take more than a day to control this planet?

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