Lord of the Truth

Chapter 783: Blunt

Chapter 783: Blunt

"Your Excellency, Holak refuses to provide any support from the north!"

"..." In the face of Shadow Sword's outburst, Robin did not respond.

But he felt his body cooling down, his excited eyes dimmed, and even his muscles, which were so ready to enter the battlefield, relaxed again.

*Foo* The spear disappeared from Robin's hand back into the space ring, and then he put his hand behind his back while muttering in a low voice, "...You want to play, huh? At a time like this? Okay then, let's play."

"Yo-- Your Excellency?" The Shadow Sword muttered, not knowing what to do, he was waiting for His Excellency to yell or even hit him for this bad news!

As for Robin, he replied in a cold voice, "You may leave."

"..." Shadow Sword bowed again and left with worry on his face. He knew that the day would end very badly but he couldn't tell anyone!!

As for Robin, he returned to calmly watch the main battle atop the Great Heaven Seal Array as if nothing had happened...

In addition to the three Warlords who stop the marshals, and the two Warlords who are responsible for defending the city sky, there are currently 35 free Warlords who can do whatever they want, or it should be said that there are 35 flying fortresses in the sky, and around this fortress fly the 250 Emperors of The Treu Beginning Empire.

The Flying Fortress plan is excellent in defense situations. Even after about half an hour had passed since the battle began, they were still standing and no one was killed, and it seemed that as long as the warlords remained steadfast, this situation would continue for a long time. The Three Tree Fathers also attacked with their gigantic bodies. Each of them was around 60-100 meters tall engulfed with pure strength. They could engage the entire battlefield at once with their physique, but unfortunately, their limited strength at level 48 made them at best comparable to another 3 Warlords, they also detained a large number of Martial Emperors with them and their presence was a huge threat and continues distraction.

The whole problem was the Demon's battle... These people do not know the meaning of defensive combat, so far they have killed and eaten 20 half-humans, and in return 23 of them were killed!

Their appearance as they ate their victims in the middle of the air and their auras that became stronger after each meal struck terror and disgust in the hearts of their enemies and made them disoriented in front of them, but it also made them more crazy and tough to fight, as none among them wish for this to happen to him! So the death toll in that battle is very high compared to the rest of the battlefields...

Robin followed the battle silently, hundreds of possibilities and scenarios jumping before him, until he heard a voice in his head, "Brooo~ According to my estimation, you have already received my rejection, why didn't you contact me? I was waiting for you here!"

"There's nothing to talk about, you're following the agreement, right?" Robin responded coldly, of course, he immediately knew that the caller was Holak.

"Haha, exactly, bro. I have to stay where I am and guard the north and not allow them to take a single stone. This is what I agreed to, why would you change it now? Don't blame me if I don't come immediately after listening to the orders, I am not your subordinate, you know?" Holak laughed

"You are correct." Robin didn't seem to care, his eyes hadn't moved away from the battlefield yet.

After a few more minutes, Holak's voice came again, "...The situation seems bad over there. you might use some help."

"No, not at all, everything is fine, this is how it is, sometimes everything goes well and sometimes it just not~" Robin replied mentally, "I see you are monitoring the situation well, huh? I did not give you the Live Observation Array, where do you watch from? Oh.. you must be within the planet spirit domain."

"Exactly, bro. You have good information about the planet spirit domains, but your knowledge about wars is so bad that your ass is currently being beaten black and bleu."

"You're right." Robin nodded, then raised a voice and called, "Zara, send your three beasts to attack that point over there."

"Yes!" Zara let out a long exhale and then gave the command to the three beasts, and in moments, two massive gathering points merged, giving the Treu Beginning soldiers much more space.

After a few minutes, Holak's voice came again, "...Improving the situation down there won't do you much good, bro, It can even be said that it's hopeless. You should focus on fighting the Martial Emperors above the sealing array. Things are not looking good over there. It seems to me that you need strong help, and as soon as possible if you ask me."

"Why don't you cut the crab and speak already?" A small smile appeared on Robin's face, "None of us is stupid here. You are not so brain-dead that you do not know what the consequences of today's battle will be. If I am defeated or have to withdraw and return to my planet, the biggest loser will be you and no one else."

"Oh, but you can't withdraw, can you? Even if you somehow withdraw your Emperors, all your ground forces will be extinguished, and all the arrangements you made for this war will collapse, and those nice enemies of yours will steal the planet's pearls, and you will have lost whatever it is you are trying to protect... You will stand and fight until your last breath, won't you?"

"Maybe..." Robin maintained his smile, "What do you suggest?"

Holak spoke quickly, "What do you think about simple amendments to the agreement? I want the Soul Strengthening Technique now, and I also want to know how to make Warlords of my own, and the way to make Space Portals, and I don't mean the cheap instant ones, but the big ass ones, and I want the Major Space Heavenly Law Technique up to the third stage at least -I know you have it- Oh, and I want the green flame technique that your son used. Of course, we will keep part of the original conditions, which is that you will take your company and leave Nihari forever as soon as we win."

"Oh... So you want a way to speed up your control over the planet's spirit, a way to create warlords, a way to travel across planets, a Technique for the priceless laws of space, and Life Fire. And of course, we should not forget all those techniques and methods for making weapons and talismans that I left behind with the locals previously." Robin's smile increased, "Whoever hears your demands might think that you intend to create your own planetary empire."

"Haha, you're overthinking, bro. They're just ways to protect myself from monsters like you. Secondly, what I become will neither benefit nor harm you after you leave the planet, right? Or is it that... you didn't intend to keep your promise in the first place?" Holak laughed, and then his tone became colder

Robin raised his left hand behind his back to scratch his head, "So to sum up your offer, you want me to continue fighting *in defense of your homeland*, and you will be so kind as to come and help *in defense of your homeland*, only if I give you techniques and information that can make you an arch enemy of mine in the future, and even after all of this, I will not stay to take some spoils after what I suffered *in defense of your homeland*. Rather, I will take whoever left of my men and leave directly, did I get that right?"

Moments later he responded, "...That was actually a very good summary."

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