Lord of the Truth

Chapter 793: No room for mistakes

Chapter 793: No room for mistakes


Flora, as one of the Emperors participating in the pursuit, suddenly raised her eyebrows when she received the message and then sent back, "A deal with me? How can I help you, Your Excellency?"

She was really surprised, since she met Robin for the first time on the Orphan Blood planet he only uses orders with her, even when he offered her to join him, it was a choice between this and death. This was the first time he offered her an *agreement* that would benefit both of them!

"Relax little girl, It's just an idea I thought of and want to hear you opinion on, so it's like this." Robin was still focused on watching the pursuit, "As you know, my forces gathered nearly a million prisoners and were deported to the southern region, 100 Martial Emperors were captured as well. Don't you think it would be a waste to feed the prisoners for free? Did they come to destroy the planet after all? I think you can help me solve this dilemma..."

"...Aha?" Flora responded with a frown, already beginning to guess Robin's next request "As I remember, you have a site on the planet Orphan's Blood that is used for making sacrifices. You used that thing in the war against the Demons, where you sacrificed your sons and daughters just to make a few dozen Martial Emperors. Isn't it time to use that site for something useful? Like using it on war prisoners, for example..."

Flora sighed as she was now sure of her guess, "Your Excellency, you know that this is not my decision alone. Let us forget Aru and those with him who will definitely not agree to use the Step Sacrifice Pyramid for a moment. Even the heads of families who have sworn allegiance to you may not agree."

"It's called the Step Sacrifice Pyramid, huh..." Robin furrowed his eyebrows slightly, "Flora, this is something I have to do. I don't think any of you have much choice here, and as for Aru and company, I've given them too much time to know their worth."

Flora quickly responded, "I realize that Your Excellency can just break into the Orphan Blood Planet and do whatever you want. As for me, I can guarantee that the Red Flame Dragon Tribe with not intervene, but I don't think you want to offend most of the tribes there and create a rift between them and the Empire forever, right? In the end, the Step Sacrifice Pyramid is our greatest monument and an integral part of our culture..." Her heart began to beat loudly as she thought, 'Things were going well, why did the Orphan Blood come to the fore again?!'

"I know it's important to you, that's why I told you it would be a deal." Robin smiled but maintained his stern tone, "I will allocate 20% of the captives to the Orphan Blood precedence, what do you think? The tribes that have not yet sworn allegiance to me will have a chance to share in these sacrifices too if they change their minds now and kneel before me. Flora, we have 100 captive Martial Emperors, and the million users of Laws are all saints and sages, you must know what this means..."

"This...?!" Flora's pace slowed down a bit

Currently, the Orphan Blood Planet is the weakest of all the planets that Robin has set foot on. They have a little more than a hundred Martial Emperors and all of them came from the sacrifices of the Law Users in their planet, so they almost no longer have a main army. Perhaps this will be cured in just twenty years thanks to the True Beginning Empire's techniques that were distributed among the tribes.

But the number of Martial Emperors will always be something that holds back the Orphan Blood Planet, even if geniuses appear among their new generation and become Emperors eventually, won't those appear in the rest of the planets too? They will always be the weakest! Even now, their only available forces, their 100 Martial Emperors, received great damage during the last battle and 30 of them were killed!!

If they were given 20 Martial Emperors and 200,000 Saints and Sages to sacrifice, this would undoubtedly increase their number by hundreds of Emperors, bringing the total number to 300-400 at least. This means that they would become stronger and more important than Greenland, and close to Jura and Nihari!!

After a short silence, Flora replied, "...I will see what I can do. Most likely everyone will agree, but I ask your Excellency to wait a little. I will prepare a delegation to the Orphan Blood planet to convince Aru and the rest before we begin transporting the prisoners there."

Robin let out a long exhale, "Alright then, but hurry, don't test my patience like many fools do these days..." If he hadn't appreciated Aru's talent and personality, he would have destroyed those rebels long ago already.

"Yes!" Flora responded firmly and then turned away.

*Swoosh* *Swoosh* *Swoosh*

After a while, spaceships of the Great Serpent Empire carrying 800,000 law users began passing one by one. Then behind them came Caesar, Alexander, and a number of Dark Emperors, accompanied by a number of Orphan Blood Emperors. Then after them came 400 Martial Emperors, moving at high speed above the Sky Sealing Grand Array...

An hour after those 400 Martial Emperors had passed, the Great Heaven Seal Array began to close behind them until it disappeared from sight, but he still stood there...

And then, 5 long hours later, 1,000 Great Serpent Martial Emperors appeared, accelerating like meteors. A thousand Emperors advanced at a high speed all at once, causing a wave of destruction that burned everything beneath them!

...Robin smiled and moved away from the tree he was leaning on a little... at this moment, Zara was repairing the six warlords who were damaged and replacing the dead saints and sages with others.

Within a few hours, the Emperors of Jura and Greenland would be able to swallow the Fourth Stage Use Medicine again, and the 40 Warlords would return to their optimal condition, even if another battle began midway, Robin would find a way out.

If the Great Serpent Forces knew what awaited them, that there were 600 Giant Emperors and Beasts Emperors waiting for them, they would definitely stop, they would try to do anything to avoid reaching the North... But the massive battle in the central region suggested to them that they had encountered everything the locals could spare.

When they reach the North, they will be put between a rock and a hard place. They will have no choice but to die.

'Everything is going well... Everything is going well...' Robin told himself, as he split the space and moved again towards the north to continue watching the pursuit himself.

This time no error in the plan would be allowed, six days from now all of the Great Serpent's forces shall be annihilated!

And if they had another trump card, he could just delay the war until the sacrifice is done and gains several hundred more Martial Emperors in his army, then who would stop him?

This battle has ended since he implemented his plan and put his hands on all those prisoners. There is no room for mistakes this time, only victory.

Planet Jura-- The convicted city of Jura

*crack* *crack* *Paa* *Paa*

Richard cut a lengthwise board from one of the logs lying on the ground using a broken ax with bloodstains on it, then he passed his right hand over his forehead to wipe away the sweat and threw it on the ground *Shh* Then he gently placed the board on top of a large pile of wood, and returned to chopping.

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