Lord Of The World: I Become The Lord Of The Desert From The Start

Chapter 354 290: Restricted Flying In The Sky Arena-The Defeat Of Qingqiu

For most players, it was worth writing about killing a level 15 boss. They were so excited they couldn't sleep.

However, Richard couldn't be excited about a level 15 boss with B-rank potential.

In the last dungeon, he used a landslide to destroy hundreds of thousands of players.

He had personally witnessed the plane collapsed. And he had seen the big shot take out the plane stone from the collapsed plane.

He was used to all kinds of big scenes, so a level 15 boss almost inconquerable in the eyes of other players was nothing to him.

He wouldn't even bother to take a second look if it weren't for the generous reward.

However, 5-stars psion gemstones were good treasures. Richard's trip to the arena wouldn't be in vain if he could earn a few more.

Those players had better keep their eyes open and not get in the way of him fighting the boss in the next arena.

He only earned 5,000 points when he killed a player. He was not interested in such a small reward.

He didn't know how long he had slept.

The system notification woke Richard up.

[Ding~ This round of deathmatch has ended. The next will begin in 3 minutes.]

[Ding~ You have the most viewers in this round's Livestream of the death arena fighting ring. You have obtained a reward of 1,000,000 points.]

Richard sat up in surprise. He read the message to ensure he didn't mishear it. And a big smile appeared on his face.

"One million points?

"Hahaha, this is too comfortable!"

He immediately opened his attribute panel and glanced.

Before he entered the death arena fighting ring, his points had just reached one million.

In the arena, killing 15 players had earned him 75,000. Killing a level 15 boss had earned him 50,000, and now, another 1 million.

In just a few hours, his points had soared to 2.125 million.

It was much more comfortable than going from one monster stronghold to another in the instance dungeon.

After he received the reward.

The players suddenly saw a familiar ID appear at the top of the ranking board.


Jealousy struck red their eyes.

At first, some were envious. But it was quick for the players to find the root of the problem.

These one million points seemed a gift to Qingqiu.

Qingqiu quickly obtained a million points when they watched him in the live broadcast!

It caused the players to feel as if they had received 10,000 damage.

Why did they have to be so despicable...

[Everyone here is responsible for this pervert Qingqiu being so rich!]

[No, we cannot allow Qingqiu to be so comfortable. Everyone, stop looking at Qingqiu! Go and look at the other players. We cannot let Qingqiu earn this 1 million points!]

[That's right. Everyone, let's get moving. We're helping the enemy…]

These players realized what their jealousy caused them.

Even though they were satisfied, this freak Qingqiu had obtained 1 million points for nothing... He would earn more.

Now, they were in the same instance dungeon, and everyone was a competitor. Wasn't this the same as helping the enemy?

They felt enormously depressed when they thought about how Qing Qiu earned the points because of them.

They immediately called for everyone to stop watching Qing Qiu's live broadcast.

If one could not help it, one could go to Qingqiu's live broadcasting channel to watch other people's live streams.

After several posts began to state the pros and cons, the players jealous of the 1 million points immediately responded to the call and watched other live streams.

Richard's live broadcasting room had a peak of six billion viewers, but under the call of countless people, the audience retreated like a tide.

Less than 500 million left not long after. Although it was still enormous, it was incomparable to before.

Richard unconsciously lost his first place to a bunch of greedy players.

At this moment, he was still in a good mood.

After the three-minute countdown reached zero...

Richard and the soldiers around him felt their vision blur as they entered the second death arena.

After he returned to his senses, he immediately turned his head and scanned his surroundings.

The area was a circular square.

It neatly embedded milky-white bricks in the ground perfectly. It gave an obsessive-compulsive disorder an extremely comfortable experience.

One-meter-high solid guardrails surrounded the square. It had a diameter of about 500 meters.

North, south, east, and west. A 50 meters gap in diameter in each direction.

What surprised Richard wasn't the square, but... It floated in the air!

In the floating square.

Outside the square, the blue sky was clear without any impurities.

At a glance, one could see the end of the sky.

Soft, white cotton clouds moved slowly at the bottom of the square.

It was as if someone had piled up fluffy cotton under the sky.

The scene was quite attractive.

When he looked at the distance, he could see similar squares that floated hundreds of meters away.

The fight was in the air this time.

It stirred Richard's interest. And he was about to continue his investigation.

The system notification rang quietly.

[Ding~ The system has formally opened the sky arena. The current number of people in the dungeon: 100.

[The system forbids all life from flying in the sky arena.]

[A notable boss will appear in the gladiator arena in the central area. You can get a special reward after killing it.]

[The sky arena will automatically collide with another every 20 minutes.]

[A lord can control the sky arena toward the central area.]

[Every hour, the system will test the arena. It will eliminate the lord that is the furthest from the central area.]

In the Livestream, the players also saw the system prompt.

They were curious about the sky arena's fight setting. They discovered a fatal setting–flying was not allowed.

The audience immediately became excited.

[Hahaha, Qingqiu is finally going to call me daddy! No flying! It's so cool!]

[In the previous battle, Qingqiu relied on the troops' flying ability to attack the other players. Let's see his arrogance now that the game rule restricted his most soul-strapping ability!]

[It finally restricted this pervert!]

[Let's go! We must destroy Qingqiu this time!]

The anti-Qingqui members confidently rejoiced…

In the eyes of most players, Richard's previous achievements were due to the advantage of his aerial units.

If they were all ground troops, he wouldn't win so cleanly.

His overly mighty strength is restricted now. It soared the other players' chances of winning.

They didn't expect any player to kill this monster directly.

But in a battle of attrition, QingQiu, who had lost its mobility, might not hold on.

Soon, the news of Richard's flight restriction in the sky arena spread.

A group of players that gloated immediately poured into the live broadcasting room.

They were so happy the corners of their mouth were about to stretch to the back of their heads after they confirmed that the news was genuine.

It was unusual to see QingQiu in trouble.

However, the lively live broadcasting room became quiet again after others vigorously promoted that watching Qingqiu would give him points.

Anyway, there were hundreds of people in the sky arena. It did not matter who watched. There was no need to give Qingqiu free points.

Richard didn't expect that the sky arena would not allow flying.

He immediately readjusted his battle strategy after a quick moment of shock.

There wasn't the slightest bit of regret on his face, nor was there any scene of him that cursed the system for being unfair.

It disappointed the players who waited to watch a good show.

[This guy was too calm, wasn't he?]

But when he returned to his senses, he was filled with even more malice.

[Let's see what you can do when you can't fly!]

"Dark gargoyles, form a troop formation to protect the Axe of the Dead and create enough space for the tomahawk to attack.

"Alves, lead the skeleton blood dragon to the front line and attract hatred.

"Gunter, you're in charge of fire support, but you must maintain a certain amount of magic power.

"Xina, while you ensure safety, directly kill the enemy commander."

The orderly arrangement allowed the troop to form a new formation.

The dark gargoyles protected the Axe of the Dead while the skeleton blood dragon was on the front line.

The Twilight City troops were not extreme as the players thought.

They would lose their flexibility if they couldn't fly. Under the same conditions, it wouldn't have much of an impact on the troop battle power.

The skeleton blood dragon's powerful body had a natural advantage in hand-to-hand battles.

Moreover, it could not reduce the destructive power of the Dragon Breath.

The dark gargoyles were close-battle units. Richard had only transformed them into mounts.

They were still strong in close battle without flying.

There was no need to mention the Axe of the Dead. It was a ground force, but he had arranged for them to sit on the dark gargoyle.

A complete formation appeared after he reorganized the troop.

The undead soldiers were as quiet as statues. They waited for Richard to give his next order.

Richard suddenly noticed the square that floated on the west side began to move.

He quickly approached the square where he was.

He immediately perked up and looked at the square that floated over.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Prepare for battle... There's a fat sheep at the door."

On the west side of the floating square, The 300 heavy cavalrymen in heavy armor on the west side of the floating square currently stared at the front under the leadership of a human player.

The warhorse continuously stomped on the ground, and two streams of white mist came out of its nose.

It seemed they were ready to charge at any moment.

A human player on the warhorse had a bright smile on his face.

It forbade flying, and it was a floating square without any obstacles!

It was a battle environment that the cavalry dreamed of!

It looked like victory was going to be his again.

The human player shouted.

"My friends, don't be in a hurry to leave. The battle is about to begin."

"The terrain is to our advantage this time. No one can withstand our heavy cavalry on open and flat ground!"

"Last time, we were first in the instance dungeon. This time, we will be first still..."

"Soldiers, let's get a wave of 666 first. This time, let's see how my armored cavalry will crush the players on the other side!"

Although they couldn't see the other players 'comments, they maintained a certain number of viewers by interacting with the other players in the arena.

In the end, he killed his way to 10th place and obtained a reward of hundreds of thousands of points.

The most important thing about a Livestream is to make the interaction interesting and attractive.

His job was to do live streaming before he entered the "Shining Era," so he is overly familiar with it now.

He looked at the human player's confident appearance.

At this moment, the 1 billion viewers in the live broadcast room were all overjoyed.

[Hahaha, I just saw a floating square that flew over in Qingqiu's live broadcast room... Let me look for the victim. Is this the person who will first face Qingqiu?]

[God knows how loud I laughed. This poor guy still doesn't know what he'll face…]

[Even though Qingqiu's flying ability is restricted, and the other players have a chance of winning, but... That was after the enemy had lost several soldiers of their troops. Now, this guy was the first to go up against Qingqiu... I can only say that this luck is unparalleled.]

[How many victims has this been? My cavalry will crush them… Haha, my stomach hurts. It's so funny…]

[If he knew that Qingqiu was on the floating square, I wonder if he would be so scared that he would pee his pants…]

The human players on the warhorses are still full of confidence at this moment.

"No one can stop our iron hooves!"

"We will ultimately win!"

"We will ultimately win!!!

The heavy cavalry behind him shouted in unison, their morale high.

Under the gazes of tens of thousands of people, the two floating squares... He got closer.

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