Low Dimensional Game

Chapter 317 - God of Dragon

Chapter 317: God of Dragon

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Lu Zhiyu’s floating city had been reconstructed several times. By now, its diameter had reached 10 kilometers and it was nearly 100 square kilometers. As such, it floated in the astral like a dazzling star.

Its whole body was made of extraordinary metal cells that were connected to Eva’s awareness. In a sense, this floating city was Eva’s Divine Kingdom. However, it was not bound by any rules of the world.

At the moment, Lu Zhiyu was thinking about those who would reach level eight. If they preferred the divine system, they could have the astral Divine Kingdom that was formed of extraordinary metal cells, then acquire the level eight divine life form template (divine personality) and manage the kingdom according to the bitwall rules.

If they preferred the wizard system, they could build a divine floating city (a level eight floating castle of an alchemical lifeform) and acquire the level eight divine life form template. Both of them would be extremely powerful and be equally matched in strength!

All of the gods except for Kelly, Verthandi, and Delmedi relied on Lu Zhiyu’s power. Without Lu Zhiyu’s support, only Kelly would be able to maintain level seven, while the other gods would fall from the divine throne in an instant.

But, in the wizard system, it was much more difficult to reach level eight. An example of this difficulty was Edward, who was the strongest wizard, as he was only at level five currently! At this current level, Edward was clearly was far from being able to ignite the divine fire and ascend the throne, not to mention being able to create his own floating city!

After all, a level eight mythical alchemy floating city required a tremendous amount of resources and knowledge, as well as strong mind power. This made creating one far more difficult than those within the divine system that Lu Zhiyu had built for Maria’s World.

To provide some perspective, it had taken two hundred years for Lu Zhiyu to build this floating city! This was not surprising, as the whole floating city was a huge alchemical lifeform. As such, it had the rule and power of a level eight mythical template, as well as a great power source and a floating ring. It even had dozens of plasma cannons and laser guns.

There was no limit to the power that a laser beam could carry. In principle, if one could stably control enough powerful energy, he or she could integrate the energy of the entire solar system into a very powerful laser beam. In fact, a gamma laser beam was probably the most powerful force in the universe after the Big Bang!

However, the laser cannons that were dismantled by Lu Zhiyu from the Hope of the Atlantis Civilization were not powerful enough, as they used a reactor to produce countless X-rays, then concentrated them into a single beam. However, if multiple cannons of this type were shot at the same time, they could still manage to make a continent sink.

Although Lu Zhiyu’s floating city had the power to destroy a continent, it was still a long way from being able to destroy a star.In fact, star destroying power was something that Lu Zhiyu had desired for a long time.

As for the power of their scientific and technological civilization, it was unimaginable! Its destructive power far exceeded the mythical creatures’. However, even though the system of mythical life could fully accommodate scientific and technological civilization, this system, which was based on level promotion, kind of restrained science and technology, too.

After watching the war between the Atlantis Civilization and the Dark Mother Tree, Lu Zhiyu found that the scientific and technological civilization had no resistance to the high-level mythical creature. Maybe this was because the Atlantis Civilization hadn’t reached the advanced level of the scientific and technological civilization.

Or, maybe there would soon be a divine scientific and technological civilization, which could use causal law weapons, modify cosmic constants, create a genuine perpetual machine to grasp infinite energy and travel freely in time and space! Perhaps then it could fully transfer virtual reality into actual reality and manipulate dimensional power at will!

Lu Zhiyu thought about the pros and cons of the two civilizations, as well as what might be in their futures. In the end, he couldn’t tell which one was better.

At this point, there is no tangible difference between the two choices. Aren’t mythical creatures themselves part of the civilization? Maybe it should be called the mythical creature civilization?

In his floating city, besides Lu Zhiyu and Eva, there were fairies and the intelligent Fairy Trees. At the moment, Lu Zhiyu lay in the witchcraft garden, while the fountain beside him rushed water to the sky. This was a witchcraft garden, after all!

Eva picked some sweet fruits that had been planted by the fairies and sat down beside Lu Zhiyu. She looked at him with her chin in her hand and suddenly asked, “Master, what is the name of our floating city?”

Lu Zhiyu was stunned. “Isn’t it just called ‘The floating city of Lu Zhiyu?’”

Eva looked at Lu Zhiyu and said nothing. Lu Zhiyu smiled back, then said, “Call it the ‘Capital of God.’ After all, that painting by the painter named Lars is very good. I like it!”

At this time, a ray of light fell in the middle of the floating city, which was now officially called the Capital of God. Then, a goddess in a long white dress walked through the hall towards the witchcraft garden.

Not many were granted access to the floating city, which was now in the astral. Only Kelly, Delmedi, and Verthandi could enter through the dimensional door.

This walking goddess was the goddess of the sun, Verthandi, who had just walked up through numerous gardens and jungles. She knew that Lu Zhiyu would be here.

This witchcraft garden had been rebuilt according to the same design and resources of the botanical garden. As such, it had always been the paradise the her and Delmedi escaped to in the days of their childhood. Naturally, she was very familiar with everything here.

When Verthandi came in, she looked at Lu Zhiyu, who was lying on a bench. Delmedi had developed this same relaxed habit of Lu Zhiyu’s completely, while Verthandi always stood or sat straight up, just like a female knight.

“You’re back!” Lu Zhiyu called out to Verthandi.

“Well, yes!” Verthandi replied.

When Verthandi sat down, she said to Lu Zhiyu, “Dragon Island has been found. Upon it, were crowds of giant dragons, a large number of adult dragons, and even very young baby dragons. For the world, this poses a very real and unstable threat. What do you think should be done about this mess you left behind, Daddy?”

Lu Zhiyu picked up some fruit from the dish and replied, “I could arrange a dragon god to restrain them.”

Verthandi thought for a moment, then asked, “Who would you choose for this position?”

Lu Zhiyu whistled. At that moment, a huge creature with jewel-like scales landed in the witchcraft garden! It was the Titan Dragon Adolphus that had been transformed by Lu Zhiyu and Eva!

“Adolphus, the Dragon of Time!” Verthandi was surprised.

“So, what do you think?” Lu Zhiyu noticed the surprised look on her face.

Verthandi frowned. “But, how could it be Adolphus?”

Seeing Verthandi’s scowling face, the cheerful Adolphus, which was originally shouting happily, immediately curled up into a feeble ball-like position.

When Verthandi and Delmedi were young, they had kept it as a pet. As kids will be kids, they weren’t above teasing it and chasing it around the garden, leaving it some terrible memories! Now, even though they had all grown up, Adolphus still was afraid of them!

Lu Zhiyu nodded. “Yes, it is. Moreover, it’s the candidate! As such, you will take it back to Maria’s World. As for how to arrange its ascension to the throne, you can discuss that with the others. After all, you are the gods of Maria’s World!”

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