Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Chapter 49: Kun Leather Drum

"The winner is Zhao Tiehe of Sanshan City!"

The referee's announcement finally fell to the ground, and almost at the same time, Zhao Tiehe's figure, who had fiercely thrown a punch, fell to the ground.

In fact, his injuries were much more severe than Lin Zhengli's, and his physical strength had long reached its limit. In the end, he relied entirely on his willpower to throw the punch.

At this moment, he collapsed, lying on his back on the ground.

Next to him, Lin Zhengli had almost been smashed into a pit by his fist and had already fainted.

The scene was a mess, with broken stones, broken vines, big pits, splashes of water, bloodstains... it was a sight of devastation.

And the applause outside the arena only began at this moment.

At first, it was sparse because the two combatants were not from their hometown, but soon it exploded.

This battle was too exciting and made everyone realize the tenacity of the Sanshan City cultivators.

They were born in barren lands, in the mountains where ferocious beasts roamed, but they were not barbarians. They had their own loves and hates, their own pursuits, their own... honor.

"It's not easy." Linghe applauded until his hands turned red. Perhaps he was the only one who had never called the Sanshan City cultivators barbarians.

Because he understood the feeling of being looked down upon, he never looked down on others.

But Zhao Rucheng only cared about one thing, "With these two beaten up like this, Third Brother will win without fighting!"

Huang Azhan had already calculated, "Winning one match earns ten points of Dao merit, and winning both matches means winning double the Dao merit reward for the first place in the Three Cities Dao Meeting. Added together... it's fifty points of Dao merit. Half an Open Meridian Pill! We must treat everyone!"

If it weren't for the fact that Jiang An'an was present, the Three Fragrance Tower would have already said it out loud.

"What is Dao merit? Is it worth a lot of money?" Jiang An'an asked curiously.

"Yes." Zhao Rucheng already knew about Jiang An'an's story of earning money to pay off debts and teased her, "One point of Dao merit is worth more than the treasure chest of wealth you earned!"

Jiang An'an counted on her fingers seriously for a while, then spread her hands wide and drew a big circle, "Wow, that's really a lot!"


After the first round of the rotation battle ended, there was only a short recovery time. It was not very fair for Zhao Tiehe, who had just experienced a hard-fought battle, but that was the rule.

After repeatedly asking, Zhao Tiehe still stood unsteadily. He still had to fight.

Jiang Wang stood opposite him, his hand resting on his sword, his gaze deep.

"Come down." Sun Xiaoman said.

She looked like a little girl, and her voice was like a little girl's, but what she said could not be ignored by Zhao Tiehe.

He turned his head and looked at Sun Xiaoman, "I still have one life to fight for."

His attitude was not fierce, but rather calm, because he was describing the fact.Jiang Wang was not weak. He had defeated Yang Xingyong head-on and was now in a state of full readiness.

At this moment, he had nothing left to fight with except for his life.

"Your life is very important. San Shan City needs you," Sun Xiaoman said seriously. "We allowed you to fight before because you still had a chance. Now we don't allow it because there is no chance left. You have accumulated a lot of resources, and your life cannot be wasted."

It was unclear which sentence convinced him. Zhao Tiehe turned around and stumbled off the stage.

Jiang Wang couldn't understand why the San Shan City cultivators were so obsessed with winning and losing.

He had done his best, so why was he sad that he couldn't fight to the death?

With this question in mind, Jiang Wang faced the third round of the competition. Lin Zhengli had not even regained consciousness yet, and Lin Zhengren once again conceded on his behalf.

Jiang Wang became the top freshman of this year's Three City Debate in this way. It didn't seem very convincing because both opponents were injured, but...

"Who cares! We've earned Dao Xun," Zhao Rucheng said.

At this point, Jiang Wang had already retreated to the sidelines and become a spectator with Ling He and others.

The people of Fenglin City were still very tolerant of the cultivators who had brought them glory, and they even cleared a spot for Jiang Wang to rest.

Jiang Anan and the arrogant little girl were sitting in the front row, and Jiang Wang and the others were sitting behind them chatting idly.

The only thing that surprised Jiang Wang was that the cloud blanket on the ground was not Zhao Rucheng's handiwork, but was brought by the old man who had escorted the little girl Qingzhi.

This cloud blanket was extremely light and soft, and it was a luxury that ordinary people could not enjoy. But Qingzhi's family had brought such a large piece to use as a cushion.

Jiang Wang could only sigh that the world of the rich was truly one mountain higher than the other.

When he was young, his family had land and a shop, and he never had to worry about food and drink. But since he met Zhao Rucheng, he often felt like a beggar.

The hunchbacked old man looked Jiang Wang up and down and suddenly said, "I didn't expect you guys to return the treasure box. Jiang Xiaoyou's sister taught you well."

The old man's voice was very kind, but his lewd appearance was not convincing.

Jiang Wang was not a person who judged others by their appearance, so he replied politely, "It's only natural. It was just a child's joke. How could we take it seriously?"

"Confucius said, 'Wealth and status gained through unjust means are like fleeting clouds to me.' Jiang Xiaoyou's words are quite Confucian," the hunchbacked old man said.

Discussing Confucianism with a disciple of the Dao in Zhuangguo, this old man must have lost his mind from reading too many books.

Jiang Wang casually laughed and said, "The competition has started."

...There are three levels in the San Cheng Lun Dao competition: one-year level, three-year level, and five-year level, but the rules are generally the same.

Li Jianqiu and Wang Changxiang appeared at the same time, and the three competitions were held simultaneously.

Jiang Wang was fully focused and watched the whole situation.

Li Jianqiu's opponent came from San Shan City. The duel was still very exciting, and both sides showed extremely exquisite manipulation of Taoism. After a long battle, Li Jianqiu finally defeated his opponent with the fire Taoism.

The battle between Wang Changxiang and the cultivator from Wangjiang City was relatively simple. After the battle began, he first summoned mist with Taoism to cover his opponent's vision. Then he calmly used a hand gesture to blow a breath of dragon tornado, which swept his opponent up into the sky.

Taoisms like the breath of dragon tornado are almost unbeatable at this level of combat. Jiang Wang remembered that in Xiaolin Town, one breath of dragon tornado could suck Wang Changxiang dry, and he wondered if he had given up the rest of the battle.

But after the battle, Wang Changxiang immediately took out a Dao Yuan stone to absorb it...

It can be seen that the Wang family has spared no effort this time and is determined to win the position of the three-year champion.

However, what the people of Fenglin City are most concerned about is the match of the mysterious black-clothed man from San Shan City.

When the black robe was opened, a extremely funny little fat man appeared, and the people of Fenglin City sighed with regret.

In their imagination, there should have been a big demon king with scars all over his face in the black robe. At least he should have looked fierce. But it shouldn't have been a soft and fat man who looked easy to bully.

But what didn't disappoint them was that this little fat man was very strong!

At the beginning of the duel, the three-year cultivator from Wangjiang City showed all his strength, perhaps because his teammates had lost one after another.

He used five water cones as the first move, and also set up a wind blade ambush between the water cones.

Then came the earth spike, and finally he prepared the raging waves with a hand gesture.

The combination of wind, water, and earth Taoism was dazzling.

But the little fat man from San Shan City only did one thing from beginning to end - he rushed forward.

He rushed forward recklessly, almost facing the overwhelming Taoism.

He rushed to his opponent.

Then he raised his fist and hit hard.

The battle was over.

The clothes on the little fat man's body were torn with holes, but his exposed fat was still white and red.

And his opponent had already fallen down.

Everyone was shocked.

"His physical defense is too strong!" Ling He exclaimed.

"Is he just a pure warrior?"

"No, the last punch was the overturned stone fist. He used Taoism."

"But there was no sign of stone skin technique or anything like that. Why is his defense so strong?"

These people are still young and have limited knowledge. They discussed for a long time but still couldn't figure it out.

"It's the Kun Leather Drum, a Taoism that permanently solidifies." Suddenly, the hunchbacked old man who had been listening nearby murmured.But he refused to say anything more about the specific information regarding this Daoist art.

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