Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Chapter 76: The mountains and rivers are easy to change, but it is difficult to change people's hearts

When Dou Yuemei pressed her hands on the ground, the raging tide of fierce beasts stopped abruptly, as if the waves had rolled back to the cliff.

All the flying fierce beasts, including the group of howling Yin-Yang Double-Headed Eagles, were flying around like headless flies, or simply fleeing in panic.

All the non-flying fierce beasts were crawling on the ground, trembling in fear.

This was the most instinctive fear of life, which even the fierce beasts without spiritual intelligence could not resist.

Because...the earth was shaking!

The entire Jade Balance Peak, towering into the clouds, although not the most majestic mountain in the world, was still enormous.

And at this moment, the mountain began to shake from the position where Dou Yuemei's hands touched the mountain.

Rocks were falling, and fierce beasts were howling.


Dou Yuemei's eyebrows furrowed, and her powerful Dao Yuan burst out.

Crack, crack! Boom!

She slowly stood up from her half-crouching position and split the Jade Balance Peak in half from the position of the half-mountain.

Compared to the Jade Balance Peak, she was even smaller than an ant.

But a weak woman, lifting a mighty mountain, was like a god.

This shocking scene would surely become eternal in the hearts of many people!



Suddenly, an old sigh sounded, and it seemed to sigh into everyone's hearts.

"Stop here."

The voice said so.


Dou Yuemei's hands were released, and the ground shook violently as the mountain closed back together!

She looked at the top of the Jade Balance Peak in horror, where the voice had come from.

On the top of the peak, towering into the clouds, where fierce beasts were lurking, there was actually a person!

And such a deep and terrifying powerhouse!

"I didn't expect you to do this on your own."

The voice repeated, "But that's enough."

This was undoubtedly a terrifying powerhouse, who had prevented Dou Yuemei from moving the mountain before even appearing, which showed that he was invincible.


"Who are you to talk such nonsense when you're here!" Dou Yuemei recovered from her initial shock, her fists clenched, and the fifth mansion's seed of divine power madly revolved, "Who the f*ck do you think you are? Let us go if you want us to go, let us stop if you want us to stop?"

Sun Xiaoman held the mountain-shaking hammer and walked behind Dou Yuemei.

Li Jianqiu carried a peach branch and walked behind Dou Yuemei.

Zhao Tiehe limped and walked behind Dou Yuemei.

Yang Xingyong, Shen Nanqi, Huang Azhan, the disciples of the San Mountain City Taoist Academy, the San Mountain City Guards, and even the cultivators who were attracted by the bounty...

Those who were still alive and had combat power silently gathered behind Dou Yuemei.

Even though the mysterious person on the top of the Jade Balance Peak was so powerful and invincible at the moment.

This was a silent...attitude!


The old voice sighed again, "Some people spend their whole lives without even touching the fur of divine power."

He sighed, "You had a premonition of your seed of divine power when you were only halfway through your body's transformation. You have more potential than Sun Heng. What a pity..."

In his words, although there were many cultivators on the Jade Balance Peak, only Dou Yuemei caught his eye.

No one could see him, nor did they know what he had done. But the seed of divine power in Dou Yuemei's fifth mansion was silently still.Dou Yuemei used all her strength to resist the invisible pressure: "You, who hide on the mountaintop and consort with ferocious beasts, watch them bring disaster to the land and even shelter them, what do you understand? You don't understand his power at all! Even if you are strong, I still see you as weak. You...old man!"

The mountain wind blew and dispersed the echoes in the distance.

The voice was silent for a moment before speaking again.

"There are things you don't understand, and I don't blame you. Leave now, there's no use in entangling."

"I don't want to entangle!" Dou Yuemei angrily shouted, "But what about the countless cultivators who died in battle and the countless people who were devoured in San Shan City...they don't agree!"

"It concerns secrets that you are not qualified to know at the moment."

"I'm not qualified?" Dou Yuemei laughed angrily, "I am the master of San Shan City! The jade book personally signed by the lord, the imperial seal made by the court, the owner of all the people in San Shan City! Are you telling me that there are secrets in San Shan City that I'm not qualified to know?"

"The Zhuang Kingdom has three major counties, and Qinghe County has thirteen cities. You are just a temporary steward of one of the thirteen cities, not a head of household, let alone an owner! The three thousand miles of mountains and rivers in the Zhuang Kingdom have only one owner, and that is the king! You just have to follow orders!"

This speech revealed too much information. The most important point was that the existence of the ferocious beasts on the Jade Heng Peak was approved by the Zhuang Kingdom's king.

Or maybe it was more than just approval.


Dou Yuemei laughed out loud, laughing until tears flowed from her eyes.

"My husband died here, my brother died here. My disciples, my friends, the people I love and who love me, all died here. My daughter is only fifteen years old, and my son is only thirteen years old. They all went to the battlefield to fight for San Shan City! And now you tell me that San Shan City doesn't belong to me, but belongs to a damn king who doesn't care about the life and death here, who hides in the deep palace and doesn't know what he's doing?"

"How dare you!" The owner of the old voice seemed to be really angry, and a terrifying pressure enveloped the mountaintop, causing dozens of ferocious beasts to bleed and die on the spot.

He restrained himself, and the pressure stopped in front of Dou Yuemei.

But the entire Jade Heng Peak fell into extreme silence with this angry rebuke.

In this frightening silence, Dou Yuemei's voice was particularly desolate: "Since the day my husband died, I no longer have the right to be cowardly."

There was a time when she was a timid and weak woman.

She was afraid when she encountered a strong enemy, and she retreated when she encountered difficulties. Sometimes she even screamed and hid in her husband's arms when she saw a mouse.

But after that man died in battle, she couldn't be like that anymore.

She had to take care of her two children and carry the entire San Shan City on her shoulders.

Did she want to stand on the front line and swing her fists? Did she want her voice to become hoarse and her waist to become thick?

Who wouldn't want a peaceful life, to tend flowers and grass?

But could she have it?

Dou Yuemei clenched her fists, gritted her teeth, and continuously attacked her own restrained power. She never stopped.

This time, the old voice was silent for a long time before saying, "Come up."

Under the gaze of the surviving cultivators, Dou Yuemei walked alone towards the mountaintop.

Under the suppression of a certain power, the ferocious beasts silently opened a path for her, and she walked all the way.

The heavy clouds in the sky were parted, revealing a crescent moon. But soon, it was covered again.Nighttime is always dark.

Time seems to be particularly slow while waiting.

When Dou Yue Mei's figure appeared in their line of sight, all eyes were on her.

People were looking forward to it, hoping for it, but also fearful and uneasy.

It wasn't until she reached halfway up the mountain, where she had previously uprooted the mountain, that Dou Yue Mei seemed to notice the crowd waiting for an answer.

She looked up at everyone and then walked straight down the mountain.

"Disperse," she said.

Sun Xiaoman suddenly wanted to cry because she suddenly realized that her beautiful and vivacious mother, who seemed like she would never age, seemed to have truly aged this time.

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