Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 36 [Bonus ]CH: 36

Debbie's mind screamed at her to resist, but Vincent's overpowering presence made her body betray her. As he pinned her against the wall, she felt both trapped and exhilarated, his massive hands restraining her own like a prisoner.

She wanted to scream for help but the scent of his pheromones filled her senses, overwhelming her with desire even as her rational mind protested.

She knew she should hate being treated like this, but the primal part of her that Vincent's charmed had awakened was impossible to ignore.

"Vincent, please stop," she gasped, her voice barely above a whisper.

Her heart pounded as she stared at his massive manhood. It was like staring down the barrel of a loaded gun. She knew she couldn't handle it, not with his extraordinary strength added to the mix. The sheer power of him was a dangerous cocktail that threatened to destroy her completely.

However, before the tension between them could escalate any further, a sudden golden light started to emanate from Vincent's chest, interrupting the moment. The light crackled and shone brightly, causing Vincent to unconsciously release his grip on her and grasp at his chest in pain.

To Debbie's amazement, as she watched the scene unfold, her medallion slowly formed and engraved itself onto Vincent's chest, as if it was always meant to be there.

"What's happening to him?" Her voice trembled with concern as she spoke, the haze of lust finally lifting from her mind. Something was now blocking his irresistible charm.

"What should I do ?" She knew she had to help him, but his current state made him a danger to anyone who got too close.

She hesitated, unsure of how to proceed. Vincent's once-uncontrollable strength now seemed to be leaving him, but she couldn't risk approaching him just yet. She had to find a way to help him without putting herself in harm's way.

But as his body convulsed, the golden light dissipated, leaving him gasping for air. Debbie watched in amazement as his form underwent another transformation. His muscles became less exaggerated, his body shifting into a more refined shape. But it was his face that left her stunned. His chiseled jawline became even more defined, his features taking on a new level of refinement.

Vincent lay unconscious on the ground, his breathing even and steady. It was clear he wouldn't be waking up anytime soon,

Debbie on the other hand could not help but wonder what had happened to him. Was it her medallion that had caused this transformation? She knew one thing for certain – Vincent was no longer the same man he had been just moments before.

As she gazed upon his tranquil sleeping face, conflicting emotions roiled within her. Relief coursed through her veins, but there was a tinge of disappointment. She couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to succumb to his dominance in that form.




As the first rays of sunlight pierced through the window, Vincent slowly opened his eyes. A newfound sense of vitality coursed through his veins, invigorating every cell in his body. He stretched his limbs and felt a rush of energy flow through him like an electric current.

Taking sight of his surroundings, he noticed Debbie sleeping on the sofa. He remembered what happened last night and felt guilty for putting her in that situation.

As he rose from the bed, a sense of unfamiliarity washed over him. He couldn't quite place it, but there was something different about his appearance. His hand brushed against his face and he felt a refined jawline and sharper features.

He dashed to the nearest mirror and gazed upon his reflection in awe. It was still his face, but somehow...different. More refined. More chiseled. More...handsome.

He couldn't quite believe what he was seeing.

"Wait! How did I get here so fast ?" Vincent's mind raced as he took in the changes to his face and body. The newfound strength was one thing, but the enhanced speed was something else entirely. He couldn't fathom how he had moved so quickly to the mirror.

He made a quick calculation in his mind and realized that his speed had doubled, if not more.

As he examined himself further, he noticed other subtle changes: his muscles were more defined, his skin was smoother, and his eyes seemed to sparkle with an inner light.

"Good morning,!" Debbie finally woke up , her eyes settling on Vincent as he gazed into the mirror. She already saw his refined face last night so she was no longer surprised.

Vincent turned to her, his expression suddenly serious.

"Debbie, I need to test something," he said.

But before she could answer ,he bolted towards her. In a flash, he was behind her without making a sound, his movements so swift and graceful that it was almost as if he was gliding on air.

Debbie's gasp was followed by a look of incredulity as she witnessed Vincent's incredible speed.

"How are you doing this without transforming?" she asked in awe, her curiosity piqued. She knew that werewolves could only unleash their full speed when fully transformed.

This level of speed was normally only achievable by vampires. But Vincent was clearly a werewolf, so how could he move with such lightning-fast speed with his normal body?

A sudden thought about her medallion crossed Debbie's mind. She didn't know the full story behind it, but her grandmother had told her that it once belonged to a very powerful vampire - an "Original" vampire. The vampire's name had long been forgotten, but her power and reputation had lived on in supernatural folklore for centuries.

She wondered if the medallion had something to do with Vincent's sudden transformation and newfound strength. She couldn't deny the possibility, especially given the mysterious events of the previous night.

She decided that she needed to find out more about the medallion's history and powers, and how it had ended up in her family's possession.

" Is this normal for a werewolf?" he asked with a puzzled look.

Vincent's question made Debbie shake her head.

"You're everything but normal," she replied, amazed at his abilities.

His strength and speed surpassed anything she had ever seen in a werewolf, let alone one who had just undergone the change.

Even the Alpha werewolf she had encountered before paled in comparison. There was no doubt in her mind that Vincent was stronger than him in their base human form.


Thank you for the golden tickets, powerstones and gifts.

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