Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 57 Distraction

Vincent's senses were jolted by Denise's scream. Suddenly, the black liquid surrounding Celeste began to move , enveloping her body until she emerged whole and healed.

"Awoooooooooo " he roared in frustration. His instinctual response was to attack, not waiting for her to stabilize. But she was no longer the same as before.

His claw lashed out, but it simply passed through her as if she were made of blood.

"That's not the real one, idiot!" Denise shouted in mockery.

"Darling, embrace me " she whispered.

But as Celeste reached out to touch him, he felt the cold embrace of death. His body moved without thinking, leaping backward to dodge her hands.

And With a soft clench of her fist, she unleashed a devastating attack. The ground where Vincent had been standing moments before was pierced by multiple razor-sharp blades made of black blood.

"You're too mean, darling.Did you forget our passionate time together?" Her voice dripped with honeyed words, as if trying to charm Vincent into submission.

But he simply responded with a low growl, his anger boiling over as he searched for a way to end her once and for all.

"Don't worry, I'll make you mine again once it's all over." Celeste was undeterred, her smile widening into a wicked grin.

"Rrrrrrrr" Vincent bared his teeth, his eyes blazing with fury. He would not let her get the best of him again. He would fight with all his strength, and he would not stop until she was defeated.

Behind them.

Denise remained ominously silent, her expression twisted into a malicious smile.

"I can use that idiot as a distraction," she thought to herself. She knew she needed this breathing room to gather energy for her strongest skill.

The negative energy around her began to condensed, swirling in a vortex of power that centered at her stomach. With each passing second, the energy grew stronger, feeding on the darkness within her soul and her surroundings.

Celeste on the other hand was too focused on Vincent to notice Denise's preparations, and she intended to take full advantage of her distraction.

She would unleash her most devastating attack and burry Celeste forever.

"Awoooooooooooo" Vincent let out a ferocious howl, signaling the start of the battle. His muscles bulged as he prepared for the fight. With a burst of energy, he took off running, his four legs carrying him at a blinding speed of 125 miles per hour.

Compared to a car, 125 miles per hour may not have seemed like a remarkable feat, but for someone as small and agile as him, it was an incredible display of power.

With each step, his speed grew, his body moving faster than the eye could follow. He was a blur of motion, a force to be reckoned with. The ground shook beneath him as he accelerated, leaving a trail of destroyed floors every time he took a step.

By the time he hit 80 miles per hour in just a second, his momentum was unstoppable. Vincent was a true predator, a creature of raw power and unbridled fury, and he would stop at nothing to emerge victorious.

But Celeste was no fool; she knew that Vincent's speed was his greatest weapon. With a flick of her wrist, she created a multitude of copies of herself, each one identical to the next. The duplicates darted around the battlefield, their movements fluid and unpredictable.

Vincent's eyes darted back and forth, trying to keep track of which Celeste was the real one. He moved with lightning-fast reflexes, dodging and weaving as he attempted to get closer to his target.

But the copies were too many, and they moved too quickly for him to keep up. He growled in frustration, his body tense with anticipation as he waited for his opportunity to strike.

Suddenly, one of the copies made a misstep, its movements stuttering for just a fraction of a second. It was all the opening Vincent needed.

With a burst of speed, he closed the gap between himself and his prey. His claws sliced through the air, striking the real Celeste with deadly accuracy.

But a smirk played at the corners of Celeste's lips as his claws sank into her flesh. As he pulled his hand back, he realized that he had been tricked.

The figure he had attacked was nothing more than a pile of blood, and the real Celeste was nowhere to be found. Vincent snarled in frustration, his eyes scanning the battlefield for any sign of his elusive foe.

Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through his side as Celeste's sharp black vines ripped into his flesh. He let out a howl of pain, his body writhing as he tried to break free.

But Celeste held him fast, multiple black vines bound him .

He struggled against the black vines that coiled around his body, but to no avail. He was trapped, a prisoner of Celeste's dark magic.

"Behave, my darling," Celeste spoke, sauntering closer to him as the black tentacles ensnared him.

She lightly tapped his hairy chest, the thought of making love to him in his werewolf form sending shivers down her spine.

"I'll come back for you when you're more... manageable." She licked her lips.

She then turned away from Vincent and faced Denise, but she clicked her tongue as she took in the sight before her.

Black tattoos covered Denise's entire body, and her hands held a swirling vortex of wind that seemed to devour everything in its path. Celeste couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement at the sheer power emanating from Denise.

"What a cunning woman" Celeste spoke , her eyes glinting with malicious intent.

Denise's ability was a deadly combination of wind magic and curse magic, a potent and destructive spell that could bury Celeste in this very basement. And as for Vincent, well, he was inconsequential in Denise's eyes - he could die alongside Celeste for all she cared about .

"You can die now, bitch!" Denise let out a sadistic smile as she unleashed her deadliest attack.

But Celeste was no pushover. With a flick of her wrist, she conjured a tsunami of black blood, meeting Denise's attack head-on. The two forces collided with a thunderous boom, sending shockwaves throughout the basement. Celeste's black blood surged forward, threatening to overwhelm Denise's vortex.

The force of the collision sent shockwaves rippling throughout the room, cracking the walls and shattering nearby objects.

"You think you can kill me? " Celeste sneered in contempt.

The air was thick with dark energy as the two spells continued to fight for dominance. Denise's curse magic and wind spell seemed to be holding up well against Celeste's dark blood powers, but it was clear that neither side was going to give up easily.

Vincent watched as the two powerful women battled it out, their magic raging like a tempest in the confined space. He had never seen anything like it before and was exhilarated by the display of raw power.

But as the clash continued, it was clear that the outcome of the battle was uncertain. It could go either way, and the consequences would be catastrophic if Celeste emerged victorious.

Vincent knew that he had to do something to help, but he was still trapped in the black vines. He struggled to break free, but it seemed to be getting stronger by the second.

"Rggggggr " he growled in determination as he focused all his energy on breaking free. He could feel the pressure tightening around him, but he refused to give up.

With a sudden burst of power, his muscles bulged and his fur stood on end as he summoned all his strength. His eyes glowed with a fierce intensity as he let out a deafening roar .

The black vines trembled and writhed under his raw power, but still they refused to let him go. He gritted his teeth and growled in frustration, his body shaking with the force of his efforts.

But the black vines remained strong.

However, just when he thought he was about to give up, a surge of adrenaline coursed through his veins.

"I can do this " he muttered to himself.

With a mighty burst of strength, he broke free from the tentacles that bound him and launched himself forward.

His claws gleamed in the dim light as he lunged at Celeste, his entire body focused on the attack.

Celeste found herself backed into a corner, trapped between two powerful enemies. She could see the deadly determination in Vincent's eyes, and the fierce wind vortex that Denise had conjured threatened to consume her.

Desperately, she tried to reason with him, pleading for him to stop and listen to her. But he was lost in a sea of rage and fury, driven by his werewolf instincts and the desire for revenge against her.

"No stop don't do this to me" she begged for him but it was too late . Vincent's momentum was unstoppable and overwhelming.

For a moment, time seemed to slow down as she saw Vincent's fang slowly inching towards her head.

"I don't want to die "

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