Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 153: Infinite Cosmos Cultivation Realm First Stage Part 3

Chapter 153: Infinite Cosmos Cultivation Realm First Stage Part 3


In the early morning

At the resident of a disciple

Everyone woke up in the morning. Each room had four students living and consists of four-bed, two at each side.

After finishing their daily routine, they walked into the cafeteria of disciples. It was big, able to adjust thousands of students at once.

But currently, there were only thirty students. All of them were wearing typical grey pants and blue-white striped shirts. 

During the morning, they found their clothes and their monthly needs. It was a dark crystal of course. There were thousand low-level dark crystals distributed to fifteen normal disciples, five thousand low-level dark crystals distributed to ten unique disciples, and ten thousand low-level dark crystals distributed to five best disciples.

And five best disciples got their own respective rooms, while unique disciples shared a room between two. The foods materialized in the cafeteria come from the Sect Management System installed by Supreme Sword Sect.

And it was Angela's job to manage it. So basically, everything works here technically. Every disciple began to devour their food. Everyone was eating different kinds of food, but one food was rather common on every plate or bowl.

It was the meat of course. Everyone had a portion of meat in their meal. Soon, they left the cafeteria after eating. Finally, they move towards the Main Hall.

While they were on their way, they couldn't help but gaze upon the giant sword above them. This sword is too big and eye-catching but later they found, except the people from the sect, nobody can see it unless the sect master uses it.

Inside the giant sword, Johnny was currently cultivating inside the Primal Chaos Bead.

In the dark space, there was a giant black at one end while a giant sun at another end. Near the sun, there was a small planet stagnant at a single position.

It was rapidly growing, due to the time manipulation, thousands of years had already passed. The mass of the mercury had reached half of its true size.

At the same time, this planet was covered in ice and fire. Half of it was molten lava while another half was the frozen world.

Johnny was gradually absorbing the Primordial Origin Ice and Primordial Origin Fire into his body. Slowly they move to every corner of his body.

First, it was an alluring sensation, the power of ice and fire was making his body fill with an intense amount of pressure as well. This pressure was very mysterious, not the suppression but a force that was merging these two powers with his body.

The Primordial Origin Ice and Fire were blue, one was crystal while another was flame. Soon, while they began to merge, the power ice suddenly froze his body.

For a moment, his heartbeat, his brain cells, everything was frozen. This was the power of Primordial Origin Ice, even though he was frozen, he didn't die.

But the next second, the Primordial Origin Fire spread throughout his body, the frozen body began to melt and the temperature began to increase.

Suddenly, his body began to heat up and his whole body began to burn. It was scorching heat with burning pain. These blue flames were a hundred times hotter than the fire mana that he possesses.

But soon, his body froze once again even the blue flames were frozen into the blue crystals. Soon, both flames and ice were craved to his blood.

The phenomenon didn't stop and continued within his blood. And this was exactly what he needed. When this phenomenon focuses on his blood alone, he felt relieved, at the same time the spiritual armament was released.

This sudden occurrence surprised him and also made him anxious. It's not that he doesn't trust his spiritual armament. He just doesn't want many unknown variables.

After all, the thing he was currently doing was a life-changing moment. If he makes a single mistake, he won't be able to reverse it.

And this matter was more important than anything else. So he doesn't plan to make more variables at this moment. But when he saw the power of flames and ice getting tamed by the spiritual armament, he got shocked.

'Fuck! What the hell is happening? Previously it was the power of space-time and now the power of Primordial Origins, how does this spiritual armament tame these?'

'It should be impossible. What exactly is going on? Wait, if this thing can really tame supreme powers, it shouldn't be called Spiritual Armament.'

'No, this name is not enough to show one-third of its true potential. Just with my current strength, it can tame the power of space and time and Primordial Origin, if I increase my strength?'

'Damn, this discovery is too hot. I need to think carefully, try to think of the best name for this. What kind of name?'

'Dominate, no it doesn't dominate. In domination, others follow without the concern of willingness or not. But this power makes others follow it willingly.'

'Then, conqueror, yes this name sounds good. Conquer the world, conquer everything, let others follow you willingly. So, the best name for this power shall be 'Conqueror Armament'.'

"Alright, Conqueror Armament, yes it is." 

Suddenly his mood turned low, as he sighed 'Still I can not control this power properly.'

Fortunately, Conqueror Armament was formed out of his Will and spirit, so all long as he keeps having a desire, he can motivate this power based on his Will.

When Primordial Origin Fire and Primordial Origin Ice merged with his body, he found his blood was rapidly transformed due to intense heat and cold.

Two different temperatures constantly inspiring his blood energy from his blood cells and temper his entire body. This was strengthening his bones, muscles, and skins. 

Currently, he was in the Iron Body Stage, and with the help of blood energy, his body kept improving. 

Toughen the skin as tough as the iron, using the blood energy, condenses the body strong as iron. He had already tempered his body to a certain extent but currently, it was the best moment to complete the Iron Body Realm. 

Due to the overwhelming amount of blood energy, he had already surpassed the first condition, now all he needs is to condense the body of iron. But casting the body of the iron not only requires blood energy, but also insane condition.

These conditions could be either insane cold, hot, or thunder strikes. As long as it can damage his body, it could be used to fulfill the second condition. Fortunately, he got both fire and ice. With the help of fire and ice, he could easily condense the body of the iron.

When the power of fire and ice kept freezing and burning his blood and kept producing more blood energy. The blood energy depends upon the durability of the blood. The more durable the blood, the more blood energy it can produce.

Blood energy isn't very common for many cultivators, but for the body cultivator, it is rather common since they tend to destroy their body and cultivate. This would be really risky, if a cultivator doesn't have something to heal his body soon, it won't work.

For most body cultivators, healing medicine is the best way to heal the body fast a common cultivator. Some tend to cultivate healing arts and some even develop powerful healing attributes in their body as a body cultivator.

For Johnny, he uses Undead Bloodline to heal his wound rapidly. After all, getting the blood burnt and frozen, it would be hard to cultivate further if he doesn't heal himself in time. Fortunately, his body has the golden blood that can heal his body super-fast.

Awakening his undead bloodline for the first time, the golden blood was produced. This golden blood has a powerful healing ability, it can heal all kinds of wounds under re-growing the body part. Since it is his first awakening, it can't do such healing.

Of course, he was able to heal his body due to the undead phoenix fire that Yin Hao'er possessed. According to her, that fire can even help him rise from the ashes. But according to her words, his undead blood can be many times powerful than undead phoenix fire.

But his current bloodline level is very low. With his blood healed every time after getting burnt and frozen, it kept producing blood energy. Although Johnny had already reached the Iron Body Realm, the only remaining was his blood energy.

As for his body, it had already reset to the normal cultivation. In short, he needed to go through bones tempering, skin tempering, and muscles hardening again. Well, he exactly didn't finish it so he will only repeat some parts.

The blood energy was rushing in and out of each cell in his body. It keeps his body constantly burning but not with fire rather excitement. Once he had formed the blood energy, he doesn't need to destroy his body to cultivate, all he needs to do is nourish his body with newly formed blood energy.

Because the newly formed blood energy contains a special essence known as 'Fiend Blood'. Fiend Blood was the name burrowed from Fiend God who was known for its strongest body. This Fiend Blood has a powerful effect to immensely strengthen the body. But the Fiend Blood remains only for half an hour after the creation of one particle of blood energy.

Covering his bones with Fiend Blood, he began to sprint into the Iron Body Realm. These things he didn't know previously. It was only because of his growing knowledge from 'Infinite Cosmos Universal Cultivation Art' and 'Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Body Art', he was able to understand it properly.

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