Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 209: Burial God's Sanctum Part 10

Chapter 209: Burial God's Sanctum Part 10

"Rose, your decision is yours. Whatever you chose, I'll always support you." Suddenly, a voice rang on the cave while a youth appeared out of the blue orb. He appeared beside the Rose and spoke while looking at her eyes.

"Johnny!" But when he appeared, Rose seems to have forgotten her condition pounced into his embrace. She didn't cry but she didn't leave his embrace either. Holding it tight, she felt she shouldn't let go of him.

"Johnny!" Suddenly, Natasha's eyes turned red as she pounced at his embrace. They might not be lovers, they might be blood-related but they are still cousins. When Johnny died, she might not be the first one to cry but she was crying till the end.

Why? She is not Rose who can turn herself ruthless and shed no tears? She is not like Mira or Klink having faith in Johnny. In fact, she has faith in him. This is why she chose to be his sect's vice sect-master in the first place.

Otherwise, why would she choose the undeveloped sect and ruin her future? And most importantly, Johnny is her cousin. Although Johnny hasn't met her, this doesn't mean she hasn't seen him. After all, they stayed at the Fenton family for a year.

Only after that, they left the Fenton family and settled in Blue Dragon City. She is weak, she is someone who is always true to her feelings. She knows it hurts when your family member dies. And this is why she can cry. She is not just crying because she was weak. She was crying because Johnny was her cousin, that's it.

Johnny was also startled when Natasha pounced into his embrace but when he saw her tearful face. His heart shook. He felt a burning pain in his heart. He leaned his head on her head and said "Cousin, sorry for making you worry!"

"Bam" "Cough"

Suddenly, he got punched on his stomach and coughed blood. This startled Natasha and Rose. For a moment, Natasha could feel killing intent from Rose, but Johnny shook his hand said "Cousin, can you spare me?"

"I am very weak at this moment."

These words weren't false. He was truly weak compared to his past. At this moment, his strength was only around Warrior Peak while she was on Warrior Grandmaster Realm.

"Sorry, I didn't notice but....." Because of the previous killing intent from Rose, Natasha was stuck on whether to scold him or not. At this moment, Rose was supporting from his left arm. He raised his right arm and fondles her hair saying "You are not just anyone. You are my family. You can scold me all you want."

"Tap" "Tap" "Huhu" "Huhu" "Bam" "Bam" "Bam" "Bam"

"Do you know how much I cried? Do you know what will happen if aunt and uncle know about it? Do you know how Jessica will feel if something really bad happens to you? How can you become so careless? Why do you have to pick a fight with them?"

"Can't you think about your family? Can't you think about your friends? Everyone was worried about you. You aren't alone. You are the sect master."

Although she didn't use her full strength, she didn't stop slamming her hand on his chest. But the only thing he could was to pull her into his embrace. At this moment, he knows his decision wasn't wrong. He must change, he mustn't get manipulated.

Otherwise, he wouldn't just make his fate miserable but also bring countless people's fate with him. This would be the most devastating future for him. Because she was right. He wasn't alone now. He has the family who took care of him, he has the sect that he decided to take responsibility for, and he has relatives that share some connections with him.

Not everyone might be true to their feelings but people like Natasha would be really sad if anything happens to him. And she is not strong like Rose. He can understand how much sad she is?

"Sorry," Johnny apologized and looked down. But when he looked down, his face twitched. He found Natasha falling asleep in his embrace.

"She must be very tired." Xiao Zhen spoke from afar. Even he can understand how much she has suffered.

"Yeah, she has a lot of things going on her mind." Originally, Rose felt jealous seeing her sleeping in his embrace. But after hearing Xiao Zhen's words, her jealousy cooled down. After all, even though she was the sect master, she only made the decisions.

Everything was maintained by Natasha and knowing how sad she has become after his death. She deserves such sleep. While holding Natasha in his embrace, Johnny looked at Xiao Zhen with sharp eyes. Suddenly, he bowed his head and shouted "Uncle Xiao!"

Hearing uncle, Xiao Zhen's face twitched. Although he was technically his uncle, it still feels weird when he felt he was too handsome to be called uncle.

"Ahem," But he cleared his throat and spoke, "This is our first meeting, right?"

"Yep, although I have heard about you. I haven't seen you." Johnny nodded his head.

"Emm!" Xiao Zhen felt a little embarrassed and glanced at his wife. He didn't know how to walk about this awkwardness, so he could only hope his wife would do something for him. Wan'er understood his intention and suddenly three swords appeared on her hand.

These swords were the sword condensed by her. They are as powerful as Xiao Zhen's stronger attacks. She put a smile on her face and walked near him and said "Little guy, do you know me?"

"Of course, I know you, elder sister. Elder brother told me about your relationship with Uncle Xiao." Johnny tactfully handles this situation where he has to call her elder sister instead of calling her aunt. Why? Unlike males, females are much more vigilant about their looks.

And calling her aunt would make her feel old, which would decrease her favors. So he called her aunt and then bowed a little. Wan'er heard him calling her elder sister which made her happy. She didn't give him those swords instantly instead asked "Do you know why did you die?"

"Because I was weak." There was no point in denying it. He was really weak.

"Yes, but why didn't those defensive mechanisms activated when you were about to die?" Wan'er shook her head but agreed. Then, her eyes narrowed giving him a serious look as she asked.

Only then, he understood her point. Yeah, she was right. There were lots of defensive mechanisms in his body laid out by his father, brother, and even sister-in-law. But none of them were activated, why? Because someone made a restriction over those defensive mechanisms.

But who? Who was the last time with him before that fight? It was his mother. But why would your own mother do something like this? Why would she try to kill her own son through such a method? He tried to think. That time he didn't ask Sulfur.

Finally, he realized it was because he got manipulated. He understood his mother wouldn't do something like that if she doesn't have any purpose. And just the moment after his death, the black dragon sword comes to the front to protect his soul.

Why didn't come before his death? Because he must die to learn. Only death could make him realize his mistakes. Of course, if there was any kind of other restriction, he might have really died. But he didn't understand one thing.

His cultivation improved before he died whether that was a coincident or planned. So, when Wan'er asked him, he nodded his head and replied "I understand something but there was one point that I don't understand. My breakthrough before the battle? Was it a coincidence or planned?"

"It was pure coincidence and it was also the reason for the failure of her plans. Do you know she wanted you to die before reaching that state so that you won't have any kind of relationship with him? Why? It was a simple reason."

"A single relationship with him will only bring you into his plan. Now, he is not in this world, not in this universe and that was the only reason she could act so freely. Otherwise, you'd have completely fallen into his plan."

"Of course, his plan is not something vicious like taking your life as a sacrifice. But he would just take what originally belongs to him. This is only the speculation from the proof we have gathered. But your father has changed. He is neither good nor evil. He just wants to achieve his dream and he doesn't want anyone to be the obstacle in his path."

"In fact, if he hadn't cultivated Dao of Ruthlessness, the happiness and joy that our Asura Dragon Legion holds wouldn't be here. Your mother doesn't want you to suffer and become another's chess piece which is why she planned your death."

At this moment, Johnny had blankness in his eyes. Not because he was pushed to death by his mother or because he was a chess piece to his father's plan. He was sad because everything happened due to his ingenious mind.

'Change, so this is what you wanted mom. You wanted me to realize my ingenious mind by planning my death. I really don't know whether to hate or love you. If only I hadn't met an elder brother, nothing would've happened, right?'

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