Magic Industry Empire

Volume 7 98

Volume 7 Chapter 98

The flames of war were lit across the entire Sines Continent.

In the beginning of June, the Candra Empire’s army entered the Rudson Kingdom.

Then following that, the Marlow Empire and Falk Kingdom invaded the Drake Duchy, fighting the combined armies of the Drake Duchy and the Lampuri Kingdom at the border.

At the same time, the Sack Kingdom assembled their armies to attack the Lampuri Kingdom’s northern army.

Linking these three together, they would find that the three armies were aimed at the same place, which was the Stantine Duchy on the southwest corner of the continent.

Or accurately speaking, it was aimed at the Frestech Chamber of Commerce.

Moreover, these flames of war wasn’t limited to just the southwest corner. When these flames of war were lit, the forty seven countries that had listed the Frestech Chamber of Commerce as an enemy started pressuring the surrounding countries. They requested these countries to expel the Frestech Chamber of Commerce from their borders, or they would be accused of supporting the Frestech Chamber of Commerce and would also be listed as enemies.

With this pressure and the benefits that might come from it, many countries that hadn’t stated their stance banned the Frestech Chamber of Commerce. They completely sealed up the production bases, factories, and stores of the Frestech Chamber of Commerce in their borders.

Of course, there were some countries that ignored this warning and continued to cooperate with the Frestech Chamber of Commerce.

These countries were sixteen countries that were close to the Frestech Chamber of Commerce, which included the Nozdormu Business Union Kingdom and the Wales Duchy.

So after the flames of war were lit in the southwest corner, these sixteen countries were also attacked by their surrounding countries.

The preferred target of these attacks were the Frestech Chamber of Commerce’s bases.

Since the war between the Candra Empire and the Marlow Empire forty years ago, this could be the biggest war that involved the most countries on the continent in the past few decades.

The cause of this wasn't a country, but rather a company. This was definitely the most unusual war on the Sines Continent.

For most people, even if the Frestech Chamber of Commerce was strong and even if they had the powerful military magic machines, it was impossible for them to fight a large empire like the Candra Empire.

Not to mention that this was the first time that the Candra Empire was working with the Marlow Empire, as well as adding in the Mana Magic Kingdom, the Drow Race Kingdom, the Falk Kingdom, and many other countries. It could be considered a gathering of most of the power on the Sines Continent.

Even if the Frestech Chamber of Commerce had the support of the Lampuri Kingdom, the Rudson Kingdom, the Drake Duchy, and the other countries, how could they face such a terrifying force?

So most people thought that the Frestech Chamber of Commerce, this company that led the magic machine industry wave on the continent would be ending soon.

However, when the flames of war were lit, everything that happened caused the continent to lose their voice.

The first one to light the flames of war were the Candra Empire.

But the Candra Empire’s vanguard, the Shining Regiment which was one of their ten elite regiments had fought for only half a day with the Rudson Kingdom army before getting close to being annihilated. The regiment’s commander Count Antsol had even died on the battlefield.

Then the Marlow Empire and Falk Kingdom’s allied empire of sixty thousand had been stopped at the border between the Drake Duchy and the Falk Kingdom by the Drake Duchy and the Lampuri Kingdom’s army of twenty thousand.

The two sides had fought for two days and the Marlow Empire and Falk Kingdom’s logistics department had been bombed by the Frestech Chamber of Commerce’s Magic Ariships, causing them to lose their supplies and their Magic Cannons.

After losing most of the Magic Cannons that would support them, they were forced out of the Drake Duchy, but they also met the Frestech Chamber of Commerce’s Magic Airships bombing them as they retreated.

Although the army had two Great Magicians and several High Grade Magicians, the two Great Magicians had been killed on the scene and twenty six out of the thirty seven High Grade Magicians had also been killed, leaving only eleven who could barely escape.

Finally after the bombing from the Frestech Chamber of Commerce’s Magic Airships, their army were attacked by the Lampuri Kingdom and Drake Duchy army, suffering heavy casualties. In the end, only twenty thousand soldiers were able to return to the Falk Kingdom, which could be considered a disastrous defeat.

However, compared to the Sack Kingdom’s losses, the Candra Empire and Marlow Empire’s losses couldn’t be considered anything.

To coordinate with the Candra Empire and the Marlow Empire’s attack, the Sack Kingdom that was deeply cooperative with them agreed to attacking the Lampuri Kingdom’s northern army at the same time, to divert the Lampuri Kingdom’s army.

However, of the six brigades sent out in the sneak attack, for a total of thirty thousand people from the Hungry Wolf Regiment, they had all been counter attacked by the Lampuri Kingdom’s northern guards. There were only less than four thousand people who returned from the thirty thousand who went out.

The most important thing was that the Lampuri Kingdom’s northern guards had then attacked the Sack Kingdom.

If one was to talk about military magic machines, other than the Frestech Chamber of Commerce’s guards, the most well equipped army on the Sines Continent was the Lampuri Kingdom’s northern guards.

Since twenty years ago, the Lampuri Kingdom had been building up their northern guards with their good relations with the Frestech Chamber of Commerce.

After twenty years of building them up, the Lampuri Kingdom’s northern guards had become an army that was completely armed with military magic machines.

The northern guards already had fifteen fully equipped Magic Airships and it was hard to estimate all the other military magic machines that they had.

This army with fifty thousand troops, it was hard to estimate their battle power.

Even if the Sack Kingdom had been working hard to develop military magic machines, it was impossible for them to compare to the military magic machines from the Frestech Chamber of Commerce that the Lampuri Kingdom’s northern army had.

So in a single battle, the Sack Kingdom had been defeated again and again.

In just half a month, the Lampuri Kingdom’s northern guards had already routed all of the Sack Kingdom’s defenses and broke through to the Sack Kingdom’s capital of Nordham City.

The Sack Kingdom’s king and his ministers had fled the city before it was broken into and the Sack Kingdom’s capital fell into enemy hands.

At the same time, the Lampuri Kingdom and Drake Duchy’s army after defeating the Marlow Empire and Falk Kingdom army didn’t slow down. They invaded the Falk Kingdom and were unstoppable the entire way, even repelling the three regiments of the Falk Kingdom and the reinforcement army from the Marlow Empire, finally reaching the Falk Kingdom’s capital. However, they chose to retreat and rebuild their fortifications on the Drake Duchy border.

Through this fight, the Falk Kingdom had lost most of their army and had been severely damaged, so they couldn’t participate in the war with the Drake Duchy any longer.

And the Marlow Empire never expected them to be defeated this quickly and this badly. Their reinforcement army was still being organized, so they couldn’t launch another attack in a short period of time.

So the Drake Duchy’s northern border had reached a temporary peace.

But……in the southern Rudson Kingdom, it wasn’t peaceful at all.

After the Shining Regiment was destroyed and even the commander Count Antsol was killed, the Candra Empire had been enraged and sent a large army into the Rudson Kingdom.

Although the Rudson Kingdom had the support of some military magic machines, the Candra Empire was prepared. They sent an army of one hundred and eighty thousand soldiers to invade from many different directions.

During this time, they showed the large influence of integrating the Norton Duchy into the Candra Empire.

To enter the Rudson Kingdom from the Candra Empire, there was only the east and northeast route that could be taken. However, after integrating the Norton Duchy, the Rudson Kingdom’s north was open to invasion for the Candra Empire. The Candra Empire had divided their army of one hundred and eighty thousand troops to six different routes that invaded at the same time.

The Rudson Kingdom’s entire army had less than fifty thousand troops, so to resist the invasion of one hundred and eighty thousand troops was just a pipe dream.

However, at this time, the Frestech Chamber of Commerce made an announcement. This was their first time denying the Candra Empire and Marlow Empire’s accusations towards them and even refuted them.

In this announcement, the Frestech Chamber of Commerce stated that the Frestech Chamber of Commerce always wanted to cooperate with the two empires, with the goal of developing the magic machine industries in these two empires. They wanted to improve the lives of their citizens and develop with the two empires.

But these two empires had turned black to white and slandered the Frestech Chamber of Commerce, sealing up the Frestech Chamber of Commerce’s businesses in the two empires without any reasoning or basis. Not only did this cause large economic loss for the Frestech Chamber of Commerce, it even caused quite serious personnel casualties.

The Frestech Chamber of Commerce couldn’t accept this and seriously condemned them.

Of course, this wasn’t the main point.

The main point was that in the latter half, the Frestech Chamber of Commerce stated that the Drake Duchy and the Rudson Kingdom had been long term partners of the Frestech Chamber of Commerce, so now that the two empires had started invading them with armies, the Frestech Chamber of Commerce wouldn’t stand by. They would act according to their strategic cooperations and support these two countries, helping them fight back the invasion of the two empires.

The Frestech Chamber of Commerce stated that they wouldn’t only offer support with commodities, but they would also provide direct military support.

This meant that the Frestech Chamber of Commerce’s guards were officially going to war.

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