Major League System

Chapter 166: Consequences (2)

The tone in which Tsukasa said these things made it seem like he was having a regular conversation, however his expression said otherwise.

Manabu looked at the tattooed man and could guess that he had done even worse than the crimes he listed. Unfortunately, even if that were the case, pointing that out would do him more harm than good.


"I-I don't know what to say." Kohei blurted out, feeling uneasy from the intimidating gazes sent his way.


Tsukasa let out a sigh and was about to continue, however Tetsu interrupted.

"You went after my daughter and her friend. All because of yer obsession with her, you were willin' to ruin their lives. What kinda sick twisted boy are you?

His accent was thick, barely hiding the rage behind the words as he finally said something towards the perpetrator.

Keiho paled, unconsciously sinking into the couch to create some distance between himself and the scary man. He looked at his father like a drowning man asking to be thrown a lifeline.

"Keiho. Tell them what you told me earlier." He said firmly.

The boy paused, his eyes silently questioning if it was the correct thing to do. However, he finally decided to trust his father and worked up the courage to speak.

"I… I love Ai." He said.

Tetsu felt his body stiffen as he tried to suppress the urge to commit violence.

Unaware of just how close he was to being pummeled, Keiho stared at his feet while he continued to speak.

"I met her in middle school at first. She was like a pure fairy, so gentle and beautiful in everything she did."

He paused for a moment, as if finding the right words to say.

"She was kind and thoughtful and her smile could light up a room. It was then that she began to get attention from all the guys at school, yet every guy who wanted to confess to her was gently declined."

"Ai never humiliated them, it was beneath her to do so."

A small smile began to creep onto his face as Kohei explained all this. Yet instead of being endearing, both Tsukasa and Tetsu felt disgusted, but they did not interrupt.

"I was happy when she came to Yokohama High. I intended to just watch her from afar until I noticed she had changed a bit."

"While she was still like a fairy, she joined the baseball club and started following after the tall guy. I saw her watching him and felt like he was corrupting her, so I went to talk to her about it."

Kohei's face turned up in a mixture of sadness and annoyance after mentioning this, his fists unconsciously tightening until his knuckles turned white.

"That's when I approached her to let her know about the dangers of that person. But she didn't even let me speak, mistaking my actions for a confession. She said that she already had someone she liked and wanted to spare me the embarrassment of asking."

"I saw them getting even closer over the next few months and knew that I had to do something. I had to save Ai from that boy, even if it meant using some unconventional means."

The boy was so caught up in his explanation that he seemed to have forgotten that the father of the fairy in his story was actually only a couple of meters in front of him.

If it weren't for the promise of restraining his anger for his daughters sake, Tetsu would have already flown off the handle.

"I paid someone to get close to Ken and snapped some pictures in hopes of discouraging Ai to continue hanging out with him. But I was afraid that it might not be enough to break the spell that she was under…"

He paused, as if he was feeling guilt over his next actions.

"So I edited some photos and forced her to stay away from him under the threat of releasing them…"

There was a bout of silence that followed, thickening the tension in the atmosphere.

"I-It was the only way to save her and preserve her purity." Kohei said, as if trying to convince everyone, including himself.


It was then that the sound of tearing fabric entered the ears of everyone present, a prelude to the danger that awaited them.


Tetsu leapt up from the couch that he'd just torn, lunging towards the insane teen across from him and intending to beat some sense into him.


The sound of flesh colliding rang out, yet there was no cry of pain, just a small grunt.

Kohei cowered with his eyes closed, expecting the pain to come, yet even after a few moments he felt nothing. He slowly and carefully opened his eyes, seeing his fathers face staring back at him.


His father had jumped in front of the blow, taking a direct shot to the kidney. He had moved out of instinct, awakening something that every father should be equipped with.

Tetsu was a little surprised at first, but he still connected once before standing over the two. With his gigantic arms, he grabbed Manabu's shoulders and tossed him aside as easily as taking out the trash.

Before the rotund man could react once more, he reached down and grabbed the kid by the front of the shirt, bringing his face closer to his.

Kohei felt as if he was staring at a beast, causing him to shrink backwards as much as he could. Yet the more he shrunk backwards, the more strength the man put into his arms. If he had any urine left in his bladder, he surely would have emptied its contents once again.

"What makes ya think you've got the right to decide what's good fer my daughter?" Tetsu said, his eyes blazing in anger.

"I-I…" Kohei felt his stomach seize with fear.

Staring at the murderous eyes of the gangster was like staring at death itself.

"Ya better get rid of all those photos you have of Ai and Ken. That includes the ones you made with you and her together."

For a moment, Kohei was so afraid that he couldn't even move, let alone utter any words.

"DID YA HEAR ME!?" Tetsu shouted, pulling the teen closer to his face until they were only a few inches away from each other.

"Y-Yes sir!" He squeaked, nodding like a pecking chicken.

"And if I ever see ya within 500 meters of my lil' girl again, they'll be searchin' for yer body in the Katabira river."

After saying these words, Tetsu let go of the boy and dusted off his hands as if to remove the dirt and grime he felt from touching such a person.

He then walked out of the house without turning back. Having to reign in his temper in front of the person who hurt his daughter had proved too much in the end.

Tsukasa eye's moved from the lump of flesh on the ground and the one on the couch and let out a small sigh, running his hand through his balding hair.

"I suggest you remove your son from Yokohama High and leave the prefecture if you want to avoid any needless violence."

With that he got up off the couch and walked towards the door before turning back once more.

"Ah, and don't think he's kidding either. I've got more than one way to make a body disappear after all."

After saying his piece, he was about to walk out the door, but then he suddenly remembered something.

"Tell Grandma that the tea was delicious."

With that he walked out the door, leaving the father and son duo in the lounge amid silence.

A few moments later, Grandma Gomi entered the room with a confused expression.

"Where did our guests go?"

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