
Chapter 424: Let's Examine the Seafloor

Chapter 424: Let's Examine the Seafloor

Kazanemaru, set saaail!

Together with Kazane's shout, the crystal shipKazanemarudeparted from Auriol Town's port. As they planned the day before, they were heading to the Island Turtle Jinrai went to.

The ship Kazane and the others were riding was a small galley Kazane made with Golem Maker and Crystallized.

The movement power came from oars operated by the inorganic corps of Rokuten-kun; Tatsuyoshi-kun Dragoon; Tatsuyoshi-kun Normal; Mass-produced Tatsuyoshi-kuns A and B; Hippomaru-kun; Hippo-kuns High, Clear, and Crys; one of Kazane's Living Armors; and 8 other Golems. Since they were modeled after horses, the sight of the Hippomaru-kuns rowing oars was quite strange, but since they weren't actual horses, such movements were possible.

Onee-sama, look, there are so many fish!

After departure, Yui was merrily moving around on the ship. Since it was made of crystal, they had a good view into the sea from the deck.

The butler Benha was also on board, but rather than feeling delight at the wonderful view, he seemed to be more surprised by the very existence of this rapidly built ship.

Crystallization really is too useful.

While propping herself up on the ship's railing with her elbows, Yumika said that. The sight in front of her was certainly wonderful. However, Yumika once again felt that Kazane's Skills were excessively valuable; her ability to easily create things with Crystallization was especially so.

(Well, it's a good thing she gained Yuuko-nee and Naga-sama's backing before that was discovered by the world.)

If it weren't for that, Yumika thought it was possible some strange people might have had their eyes on her. Even in the original world, Kazane had close relationships with odd friends like Tatsuyoshi-kun and his Pleasant Friends as well as a corps of grandfathers from the Nishibatomiya Gateball Team. Also, she had a revolting younger brother.

Since she had spent time with such groups, in a certain sense, it could be said that Kazane was used to it, but from Yumika's perspective, Kazane in the original world was a very dangerous existence.

Making something like this out of crystal was impossible in our original world. And even making one out of glass would be too expensive.

Next to Yumika, Naoki said that after removing crystal sunglasses made by Kazane. With his natural pose and killer shiny white teeth, he gave off the aura of a handsome man, but looking at him only made Yumika sigh.

What is it?

It's nothing...

Naoki was a superb cool-type handsome man. His body wasn't covered with muscles, but he was slender and toned, with well-balanced proportions. His weak point was his slight silliness, but if anything, that kept him from having an unapproachable atmosphere, and it could be called a charm point.

He had a good face, was athletic, and had high communication ability, so she understood that on the surface, he seemed like an extremely excellent property. However, he didn't make Yumika's heart throb even slightly anymore.

I just thought my former feelings are over.

?... I don't understand what you're talking about.

Naoki tilted his head, but Yumika just laughed a little. At this point, Naoki was like a younger brother to Yumika. If it weren't for his sister complex... she always thought, but an incurable disease couldn't be cured. It was a sad story, but it was too late for that. She couldn't physiologically tolerate him.

Thinking so, Yumika sighed again.

I want a good man

... Haah. Then how about Lyle?

A good person and a good man are different.

After hearing Yumika's words, Naoki tilted his head even further.

As a matter of fact, in this continent's excellent property rankings, Lyle had shot up to the top ranks. Although the matter wasn't very well known, his tanned skin and silver hair had increased his handsomeness. And when it was swept back, that effect was doubled. Since he was near to herself, she hadn't noticed, but Lyle was now standing at the gate to being a handsome man. Yumika failed to notice. It was a tragedy caused by her serious lack of femininity.

Keep it steady.

And without particularly paying attention to the surroundings, Kazane was turning the ship's wheel. In addition, she was giving movement instructions to the inorganic corps with Information Link, so the helm was just a decoration. Kazane was a woman who started with looks. For some reason or another, the clattering sound the helm made felt good.

Oooh, round and round!


Tatsuo and Yuuko-nee were watching it with sparkling eyes. They liked watching things in motion.

Like that, each person respectively enjoyed the ship's movements until a little while later, when Lyle raised his voice.

Ah? What is this?

At that voice, Kazane and the others looked at Lyle.

What is it?

Er, look down. Look, over here.

So saying, Lyle pointed at something that could be seen beyond the ship's transparent crystal bottom. Kazane saidWhat is it?as everyone, including her, approached to check.

Something can be seen on the seafloor. Mm, Rokuten-kun, stop for a moment.

After Kazane's words, the ship slowly stopped moving.

Oh my, there really is something. Are those buildings?

Louise looked down in the swimsuit that left her practically naked. Her thick bottom, which was only covered by the cloth, or rather, string (if it could be called even that, as it covered less area than a mosaic, only narrowly covering the important parts) raised up; Lyle, Naoki, and the butler Benha unconsciously tried to look, but they sensed each other's movements and stiffened. Furthermore, they noticed the gazes from the surrounding people, and their facial expressions froze.

Ah, it's true. I can see buildings.

Ooh, seriously. Hahaha, what is that?

Let's see here...

The men's gazes overexaggeratedly passed by her butt to look down through the bottom of the ship, but with the high female ratio of the ship, cold gazes continued piercing their backs. In particular, being pierced by Yui's cold gaze made Benha extremely anxious about whether he would still have a job tomorrow.

Your ass looks good, Louise.

It's wonderful. You have the finest backside.

Oh my, thank you.

Next to them, Mefirus and subsequently Gieve's Spear praised her nice backside without holding back. Louise smiled and replied with words of gratitude. By the way, because the will of Gieve's Spear was connected with Lyle, the wordsThe finest backsidewere an uncontained leakage of Lyle's true thoughts.

So then, there's something below, but what is this?

Anyhow, Naoki said that to change the topic. As far as he could see, it looked like a city, with many buildings lined up in rows. There was an undersea city in that place.

That's probably the Tour Undersea Ruins.

The butler Benha said.

Tour Undersea Ruins?

Kazane tilted her head, and Benha repliedIndeed.

In the past, it was a city that connected Auriol Beach with the adjoining land. It was used as a naval port before the era of Hero King Tatsuyoshi, but I heard it was sunk by the subordinate of Gilberia Empire's Dragon Emperor Gaiel.

A name that Kazane, Yumika, and Naoki recognized was mixed in with those words, making them succumb to mixed feelings.


It seemed Naoki idolized Tatsuyoshi. Naoki respected Tatsuyoshi as an adult who could control himself, since even though there were times when he could have seen cherry fruits merely by looking to the side, he paid no attention to that and concentrated on the game screen.

Hmm. Since it was a naval port, I wonder if there are various items remaining?

Unlike dungeons like Rock Hold Cave and Gordo Golden Ruins that operated by some strange power, this was a natural dungeon. Expectations were rising in Kazane's heart.

Well, 600 years have passed, so adventurers have dived here many times, but since an entire city sank, it's possible there's something or other remaining.

Benha said.

I see.

While nodding after Benha's words, Kazane peered into the ruins.

It's in the sea, right? Are there any means we can use, Aneki?

Kazane's expression was already brimming with her desire to dive, so Naoki asked that.

Yesterday, Tatsuo told me he could dive in the sea, so I asked Ao-san by email. He replied that Blue Dragons, like my Dragonized self, have Water's Divine Protection, so we can dive quite far. That's the same with Tatsuo.

In that case, could I also go if I use Complete Dragon Transformation with Kazane or Tatsuo's Dragon Spirit?

After Kazane spoke, Yumika raised her hand and said that.

I can also more or less dive by borrowing Wirral's power. Well, I won't be able to do anything significant, though.

Louise also raised her hand and answered. Wirral was the Water Spirit Louise used. It wasn't used for combat, so it didn't show up very often, but it seemed that in various ways, it was a useful spirit for Louise.

After that...

When Kazane's gaze turned to her, Tiara apologetically shook her head.

My summons all have the Fire attribute, so they can't dive.

Onee-sama, my Water Knight can go.

Next to Tiara, who had a disappointed expression, Yui vigorously raised her hand and replied.

Oh my, Yui, you've already learned that?

After Onee-sama left, my father told me it was for self defense and didn't just have me study it, but had me put it into practice as well.

As expected from Shelkin-san.

Kazane nodded happily. Yui made a slightly bitter expression. Since Yui was in her rebellious period, it seemed she didn't like her father being praised.

Amazing, Yuuko-nee. This elasticity, the way it can be gripped. Amazing. It's exactly the same.

Oh my, truly. He has magnificent flesh. Aah, I feel at ease.

As Yui remembered when things like that were said by Kazane and Minshiana's Queen as they repeatedly grabbed her confused father's stomach, she sighed.

The two looked truly happy as they pinched that mass of fat. Why did they look so happy, nostalgic, and a little sad as they grabbed his stomach? The likes of Minshiana's Queen Yuuko had been blushing and enthusiastically pinching. With that vigor, it seemed like Shelkin would have been taken home by her if he weren't already married. Yui didn't understand why her father's stomach was so fascinating to Kazane and Yuuko-nee.

In any case, the Island Turtle was good, and searching was also good. They hadn't made any particular promise to join Jinrai, so Kazane and the others decided to explore the ruins for now.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Dragon and Beast Ruling Tenma Monarch (Apprentice)

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King, Liberator, Guardian

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor (True), Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, White Magic Accumulator (Revised) 2, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring, Angel Bracelet

Level : 40

Health: 156+20

Magic Power: 378+520

Strength: 81+45

Agility: 83+39

Endurance: 45+20

Wisdom : 75

Dexterity : 53

Spell : FlyTorchFireHealFirestormHealer RayHigh HealGolden DuskDragon ExclusiveMirror ShieldRabbit SpeedFlare Mirage

Skill : Apprenticeship CancellationNil PrincipleSkill Hand ()HaloEvolution Hand ()Kick DevilKick Decapitation WaveWarrior's Memory: Lv2Night VisionCrushing BlowDog's Sense of Smell: Lv2Golem Maker: Lv4Aegis ShieldFire Principle: Third ChapterHealing Principle: Fourth ChapterAir Jump: Lv2Killing Leg: Lv3Fear VoiceInvisibleTiger EyeWall WalkingIntuition: Lv2Cheat DeathNimbleChargeMaterial Shield: Lv2Information Link: Lv2Optical CamouflageHigh DashBloodsucking BladeDragonization: Lv3DragonRegenerateSoul Breaking BladeStealthy Hand PlacementThunder Chariot: Lv2Sturdier Teeth: Lv2DragonCrystallization: Lv2DragonDevil King's IntimidationStone Minotaur: Lv2Mega Beam: Lv2Space ExpansionPseudo-Silver CreationPoison ClawFireballDragonCuticleDragonArms Creation: Black FlameIngredient Connoisseur: Lv3Dragon PheromoneDragonBoostMonkey's Strong ArmTwo-sword StyleBoobies PlusLiving ArmorAlarmSix-sword StyleMental Attack Complete ProtectionSpider WebWire CutterFlexibleMagic Power AbsorptionRed Body TransformationFriendship Tag-team

Yumika: Will something good turn up?

Kazane: It's the turn of Dowsing with the Infinite Key for the first time in a while.

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