
Chapter 437: Let's Choose a Pose

Chapter 437: Let's Choose a Pose

Torda Hot Spring Town, Rocky Area Nearby, Early Morning

In a rocky area near Torda Hot Spring Town, voices were resounding as usual.

The voices of the White Party training.

Among them, Tatsuo was crying out more enthusiastically than usual today. And when Tatsuo's cry of Kuwaa resounded, a crystal lens appeared in mid-air. While looking at it, Tatsuo's eyes brightened.

Mega Beam!!

The beam Tatsuo's eyes emitted after he shouted was absorbed by the crystal lens, but the light was bent in the wrong direction and shot up into the sky immediately after.

Mmm. It's useless, isn't it.

Seeing that, Kazane spoke.

This is difficult. Mother.

Well, since the mental image is crucial. The only thing to do is special training.

While stroking the despondent Tatsuo's head, Kazane showed Tatsuo the crystal lens she was holding in her hand. It had a shape similar to the crystal lens that Tatsuo had just put out in mid-air.

It was a converging lens Kazane created with Golem Maker and Crystallization. If that object itself was irradiated with a Mega Beam, it would immediately reach its durability limit and be destroyed, but since Tatsuo's new SkillCrystal Shieldcreated pseudo-matter with magical power, it wouldn't break so quickly.

The purpose of this special training was to generate this converging lens with Crystal Shield and focus Mega Beam to enhance its power.

Look carefully at this and make the same thing without the slightest bit of difference, Tatsuo. Properly review the information.

Yes, I'll do my best, Mother.

It was difficult for Tatsuo, who was only flesh and blood, to make an accurate lens like the Window's System.

However, Kazane had prepared an actual crystal converging lens, had her Window open to show the blueprints to Tatsuo when she gave him lectures, and was furthermore using Information Link to share her sensory perceptions of things, such as the lens' deformations in numerical form. She was giving him a high level gifted education.

In addition to that, Golem Maker could visually simulate things like the reflection angles of lenses, and if the numerical values of those simulations were drilled into him as well, creating a Crystal Field for a reflecting attack using even a normal Mega Beam would become possible.

Unlike Kazane's Mega Beam, Tatsuo's was a low-power Mega Beam that consumed less magical power. However, that was only compared to the one Kazane could use; its power was still quite high, and Kazane was promoting Tatsuo's growth in the direction of completely mastering it. As a result, Tatsuo was in the process of acquiring a level of fighting power unprecedented for a dragon as young as him.

In a different place from them, Yumika seemed to be struggling hard with manifesting her own new power.

Its attribute has changed.

The Pilot Light of the Gods had come out of its lantern and started dwelling in the Blade-body KatanaMasamunethat was inside Yumika, changing it into Blade-body KatanaHi no Kagutsuchi.

Perhaps thatMasamunekatana was made with a fire lit by this pilot light. Maybe you were registered as its owner because it was drawn to that and not just because you're a Metamorphosis Miko.

After Louise's words, Yumika's only impression wasIs that so?A katana clad in white flame had come out of her body and was shining like an electric light. Her inhumanity rank had risen, and at the same time, it seemed like she had become in charge of lighting. It was assured that their dungeon exploration would make good progress.

Well, I think it's not causing any particular harm, so you should be happy that it has powered up, right?

My weapon is a spear, though.

Other than for emergency evasion by taking it out of her body, it was difficult to use. Rather, it made Yumika wonder if it was okay for her to possess it, as she couldn't use a katana, but in any case, since it had become attached to her, she couldn't bequeath it to anyone.

Also, in a place separated from Yumika and Louise, Naoki and the others were having a mock battle against the now stand-alone Black Muscle Minos, Rokuten-kun, and Tiara's Flame Griffon Knights. In particular, Mefirus, who had become a Flame Griffon Knight Leader, was in too high spirits, so Naoki's group were on the verge of death.

As for the others, Jinrai seemed to be completely concentrated on training coordinated attacks with Shippuu, while Yuuko-nee and the Berserk Ogre seem to be engaged in a mock battle that was almost a serious battle. Since both were summoned beings, there was no danger of dying, so there was no mercy. Also, after Kazane's Superiorization, the Berserk Ogre's loyalty to Kazane seemed to have risen even further from when she was nominated as a Devil King, so it seemed that in a good sense, he had become controllable.



However, the aerial battle between Yuuko-nee, who had transformed into a golden Crystal Dragon, and the Berserk Ogre, whose wings were spread wide as he swung his giant club, was going too far.

Hold on, that's a neighborhood nuisance, isn't it!?

It goes without saying that when Kazane saw that, she became flustered and stopped them. A dragon and Ogre were fighting fiercely in the sky. At this distance, that should have been fully visible from Torda Hot Spring Town.

Torda Hot Spring Town, Louise Hotel

It seems a dragon and a black Ogre with wings were fighting each other. I heard that huge monsters recently appeared near the Dark Forest; it's become a dangerous world, hasn't it.

After the employee's words, Louise's temples twitched as her gaze turned to Kazane.

Kazane, immediately turn yourself in at the Adventurers Guild and explain.

Ro, roger.

Summoners were fundamentally responsible for the mistakes of their summons. Above all, as it was, since they were the highest ranking party in the city, the White Party would likely receive a subjugation request for the golden dragon and the black winged Ogre.

And when Kazane hurriedly went to the Adventurer's Guild Office, they were working feverishly. It had already become a rumor among the city's inhabitants. There was no way the guild could let themselves stay uninformed.

Rather than scolded, I was clung to in tears.

Kazane, who returned to Louise Hotel after about an hour, reported that to Louise. In front of the dejected Kazane, Yuuko-nee had aFunyaexpression and was sprawled out with her forelegs extended forward. It seemed her intention was to do a dogeza as directly transmitted from Jinrai. It seemed the Berserk Ogre was restraining himself by not coming out of the armor. It was also possible that he was just staying silent because it was troublesome. What was the meaning of him becoming controllable in a good sense?

You weren't scolded?


It seemed that even in the Adventurers Guild, there was no one brave enough to jeer at the White Party and the Ogre Killing Princess who controlled two kaiju and was a major force in the Brutuza subjugation. Because of that, she was immensely petitioned. With persuasion by tears.

Haa, it will be severe if we don't train in a place a little further away from the city, won't it.

As expected, our members have grown too much and become conspicuous. Even the Flame Griffon Knights look flashy.

Exactly as Louise said, Kazane and the others' fighting strength was becoming exceedingly grand. And they were extremely conspicuous.

Having said that, we can't use the training grounds in cities, right?

Simply bringing everyone out would be difficult there.

Big cities had training grounds for adventurers. However, Kazane and the others' abilities couldn't really be shown openly. Concretely speaking, it would look like monsters had invaded the city and were rampaging.

In Kazane's case, why don't you try having them fight in the Berserk Ogre's barrier? If they're inside that, they won't be visible from the outside.

Ah, that might be good. Shall we try that tomorrow?

After Louise's proposal, Kazane nodded. There would still be some impact on the outside, but the most important part was keeping them unseen.

Well, anyway, I'm worn out, so I'm going to take a bath.

Immediately after they returned, she ran to the guild. Kazane was drenched in sweat and felt gross. Then, while being seen off by Louise, Kazane headed for the hot springs.

Torda Hot Spring Town, Louise Hotel Bathhouse


After jumping into the bath, a stark naked Kazane looked around.

Is it reserved?

There was no one around. This time, Tatsuo also wasn't around. In other words, she was able to swim, and even if she danced by herself, there was no problem. It was also okay to moan seductively and take sexy poses. She could look at the mirror and measure her own sexiness as she wiggled her hips, bit her thumb, and sent gazes like a leopardess at the mirror.

Onee-san, why don't we do something nice?


Kazane hummed approvingly and nodded. Seeing her own sexy but cute gestures in the mirror, Kazane was satisfied. She was convinced she was sexy. Her nearness to being an adult woman scared herself.

(Seeing this, there's no way the guys would leave me alone)

She nodded to herself. As for the objective degree of that sexiness, it slightly surpassed the level of an elementary school student frolicking in a public bath.

Sexy beam!

She spread both arms, then took a pose with them bent into V-shapes.


It seemed to be dangerous. Here, Kazane was king. There was no one to stop her. And there was an even more terrifying fact. The fact that there would be no one there to stop Kazane's actions from now on either. Without change, Kazane advanced down the sexy road by herself. She seemed strangely excited.

And that continued until Kazane felt dizzy and collapsed.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Dragon and Beast Ruling Tenma Monarch (Apprentice)

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King, Liberator, Guardian

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor (True), Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, White Magic Accumulator (Revised) 2, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring, Angel Bracelet

Level : 40

Health: 156+20

Magic Power: 378+520

Strength: 81+45

Agility: 83+39

Endurance: 45+20

Wisdom : 75

Dexterity : 53

Spell : FlyTorchFireHealFirestormHealer RayHigh HealGolden DuskDragon ExclusiveMirror ShieldRabbit SpeedFlare Mirage

Skill : Apprenticeship CancellationNil PrincipleSkill Hand ()HaloEvolution Hand ()Kick DevilKick Decapitation WaveWarrior's Memory: Lv2Night VisionCrushing BlowDog's Sense of Smell: Lv2Golem Maker: Lv4Aegis ShieldFire Principle: Third ChapterHealing Principle: Fourth ChapterAir Jump: Lv2Killing Leg: Lv3Fear VoiceInvisibleTiger EyeWall WalkingIntuition: Lv2Cheat DeathNimbleChargeMaterial Shield: Lv2Information Link: Lv2Optical CamouflageHigh DashBloodsucking BladeDragonization: Lv3DragonRegenerateSoul Breaking BladeStealthy Hand PlacementThunder Chariot: Lv2Sturdier Teeth: Lv2DragonCrystallization: Lv2DragonDevil King's IntimidationStone Minotaur: Lv2Mega Beam: Lv2Space ExpansionPseudo-Silver CreationPoison ClawFireballDragonCuticleDragonArms Creation: Black FlameIngredient Connoisseur: Lv3Dragon PheromoneDragonBoostMonkey's Strong ArmTwo-sword StyleBoobies PlusLiving ArmorAlarmSix-sword StyleMental Attack Complete ProtectionSpider WebWire CutterFlexibleMagic Power AbsorptionRed Body TransformationFriendship Tag-teamBattleship Tonfa Summoning

Naoki: I heard Aneki collapsed, but is she okay?

Yumika: Ah, yeah. I'm taking care of her right now. Really, why did she collapse in a pose like this?

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